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Chapter 405 Greedy Seasoning

"Does your plan include these?" Wang Zhengdao looked at the lightning in the sky, shaking the entire area as if it were in heaven and on earth. He turned to Mikkelsen and asked: "If you have any plans, it's best to do it now.


"Yes, if those pioneers don't stop me, I can blow a nuclear bomb on Greedy's head in three minutes." Mikkelsen looked at Greedy's carefree and unrestrained manner, and looked at it with more urgency.

In the direction of Tang Ji.

If Tang Ji also advances to the LV3 stage, maybe their chances of winning are not so low.

About a second later, Mikkelsen suddenly looked at Wang Zhengdao with a strange expression: "Wu Qianying asked you to go to her office. She can solve Tang Ji's dilemma, but her temper is not very good now, you'd better be careful.


Wang Zhengdao disappeared without saying a word, and he appeared in the Lost Mountain base on the other side of the ocean. Every time he saw him doing this, Mikkelsen felt the urge to occupy the other person's body.

Ten seconds later, Wang Zhengdao came back with the same expression and a metal pole in his hand.

Facts have proved that when Dr. Wu uses her brain, which is too smart to have any friends, to output full power in the direction of trolling people, even Mikkelsen, who has more than 4,000 fruiting bodies, cannot handle it.

"Are you all pig-brained? More than 4,000 heads stacked together can't fit into a fifty-liter bucket. People use lightning rods when struck by lightning. Do you need someone to teach you such a simple truth?" Wu Qianying's voice seems to be still there.

The same thing echoed in Wang Zhengdao's ears: "I am counting on you people to save the world? Is the world crazy, or am I crazy?"

He assembled the metal lightning rod of unknown material as quickly as possible. He glanced at Mikkelsen with some embarrassment, only to find that the other person turned away with the same embarrassed expression.

Wang Zhengdao took a few steps back and threw the lightning rod violently like a javelin, striking it about thirty meters away from Tang Ji, instantly changing the target of the lightning.

"Well done, Wolfgang." Tang Ji lay on the ground for more than ten seconds, as if he was reorganizing his rationality.

Two minutes and more than 130 electric shocks did not cause permanent damage to him. In other words, it is very difficult for anything to cause permanent damage to him now.

But the continuous lightning strikes successfully prevented him from trying to break free every time.

Reinforcement's ability is now like his instinct, and will be activated again when the duration of an item ends, replenishing the effect.

It is precisely because of this that Tang Ji avoided the consequences again.

The dragon scale armor, which seemed a bit fragile compared to the flesh, was heated to reddish red by the continuous lightning strikes. As the lightning was moved, the cold rain splashed a large amount of white mist on its surface, wrapping Tang Ji.

in it.

The next second, rage rose into the sky, chasing Greed at an unprecedented speed.

Wolfgang was undoubtedly humiliating him just now. This was a serious provocation. Tang Ji's eyes were red, and his ears were filled with the whistling sound of tearing the air. Greedy was still flying unhurriedly ahead, as if he was just

I just did a trivial thing.


"In the timeline I saw before, Fury was an uncontrollable factor most of the time. He had conflicts with almost all the known Seven Deadly Sins and other regional lords." In the Lost Mountain base, he had been in

The prophet who was recuperating sat next to Wu Qianying and introduced the story in a story-telling tone: "Because their scope is too wide, they often cause fluctuations in the climate and environment. Even if it is difficult to use satellites to spy on the full picture of their battles, the only certainty is that the rage is almost

This type of conflict has never been lost."

"The result will either end with the death of the other party in the conflict, or the other party chooses to retreat." The prophet looked at the two high-energy objects approaching rapidly in the satellite image with emotion: "In the later stages of development, they will basically glare at each other.

It is some kind of natural disaster, because it has no clear purpose, it just passes by and destroys everything on the way."

Wu Qianying had no opinion on this. She couldn't imagine Tang Ji in that state. Among the people she could come into contact with, Tang Ji was definitely one of the last people with a sense of responsibility. He still had something very different from his outward appearance.

Although his chivalrous spirit is very weak, it is undoubtedly the core component of his inner character.

Although she and the Prophet have discussed Fury's status in other timelines many times, an old Riddler like the Prophet can always easily arouse her anger, and the two of them always break up on bad terms.

So this time, Wu Qianying simply said nothing and only acted as a listener.

"As far as Tang Ji's current state is concerned, the power he has shown is far lower than his average performance in other timelines during the same period." The prophet didn't know whether he should regret or be grateful: "His awakening time is the shortest.

, but his power has always been the strongest among the Seven Deadly Sins. I have seen the battle between him and greed three times in two timelines."

"What's the result?" Wu Qianying finally couldn't help but ask.

"Tang Ji won, and in one of them, he almost completely solved greed." The prophet seemed to shudder because he was caught in the memory of the scene: "Also on the territory of jealousy, this battle involved three seven people.

The war of original sin finally caused the Su Yinshi Canal to disappear. After the battle, it became the Strait of Silence, and more than 20 million people died in that war."

"Is there something more specific, old woman?" Wu Qianying interrupted the old man's recollection of the past impatiently: "Any details will do! The ability of greed, the possible trump card of jealousy, and Tang Ji,

What are the chances that his anger has scorched his brain?"

"I don't know, and no one knows. At that time, we didn't even have a few usable satellites. Greedy had a superhuman named Tianyan who liked to burn satellites when he had nothing to do." The prophet glanced at Wu Qianying, who was going crazy:

"You can't expect a weak woman to understand this kind of thing in depth."

"I only know that the purest rage can cover its own flames for more than ten kilometers, and no one can use its abilities normally in his domain." The prophet looked at the repeated scenes on the screen. In the screen, Tang Jizheng was

Being held by the giant stone hand: "Moreover, compared to the rage I know, Tang Ji has mastered several abilities that I have never seen before."

"I'm pretty sure he didn't have this kind of flying ability before." The prophet pointed at Tang Ji, who was rising from the ground, and looked at Wu Qianying intently: "You know why, right?"

With a hint of a winner's smile on her lips, Wu Qianying turned into the Riddler: "Guess!"


Greed looked at Tang Ji who was approaching quickly from behind, and repeated his old tricks, hurricane control, lightning damage, and instantly enveloped Tang Ji.

But this time, Tang Ji used phase transition in advance and instantly appeared in another location, continuing to get closer to Greed.

The gray-black flames of hatred spread out behind him and spread for tens of meters like wings. As the wings flapped, the surrounding supernatural factors that affected the wind direction and the geomagnetic field were quickly eliminated.

"Are you really going to break up with me now because you are jealous of such a rotten person?" Greedy's voice was amplified countless times, blasting on the empty plain: "Or do you think I believe you really

Care about those puppets? Those Africans you don’t know?”

"I thought we knew each other well when we last met, Wolfgang." Tang Ji responded, and the next second he appeared less than fifty meters away from Greed, and the flames of hatred shot toward him instantly.

The other party enveloped him and left!

He doesn't want to use [Death Fight Invitation] on the opponent. He doesn't know if he can really kill the opponent. Being greedy, he has too many cards. If there are one or two countermeasures, the two of them will be killed.

Being locked up with each other, they can't go anywhere, and the pioneers can be laughed to death by them.

The greedy devil's wings were not a decoration. They only waved once to close the distance again. He looked at Tang Ji with a look that was both regretful and contemptuous: "You are so hypocritical and furious."

"But today, no one can stop me." Greedy gave Tang Ji a slight salute, like a gentleman taking a final call: "The game is over, Tang Ji."

The next second, greed disappeared out of thin air.

Yes, how could he not have space abilities? As a greedy person, he is far more advantageous than Tang Ji and even players in this regard. Whatever abilities he wants, he just needs to eat them!

"Take me to Envy!" Tang Ji said to Wang Zhengdao through the communicator: "Hurry!"

However, at this time, greed had appeared near jealousy. He looked down at jealousy's little plane, as if looking at a child who had no ability to protect himself: "You can't even fly."

As if he had had enough fun, he was jealous of the poor little plane, which suddenly jolted, being played with by the greed at high altitude on his fingertips.

Greed is like conducting a symphony, drawing violent curves in the air with his fingers, testing the crystallization of human technology.

Sometimes it soars to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, and sometimes, like the recent stock price, it plummets down 3,000 feet.

The pilot in the plane was not a puppet. He was envied as a professional and technical talent and retained a sense of freedom. However, this fragile free will passed out when the aircraft performed the fourth Yinmaman maneuver.

Although Jealousy in the cabin was not distinguished by his physical strength, he still remained calm. He just looked at the pilot with an ugly face as he swung his limbs in the chair with the flying movements.

The power of greed was beyond his comprehension. Before today, jealousy, which controlled millions of puppets, once felt that this was the limit of power and the end of the Seven Deadly Sins.

But reality gave him a solid slap in the face, leaving him unable to fight back.

Jealousy tore off the seat belt, relied on his own strength to resist the inertia caused by the disorderly flight, and kicked open the cabin safety door.

The sudden loss of pressure made the aircraft's flight trajectory even more elusive, and Envy jumped out without hesitation.

At this time, he was 6,500 meters away from the ground, and it was certain that Jealousy, like Tang Ji before him, had no flying ability, and it was absolutely impossible to suddenly master a flying ability.

The parachute on his back was jealousy's life-saving straw. He prayed that his target was small enough and that greed could not control him like an aircraft from such a distance.

It was just as if his little plan was heard by Greed. The moment Jealousy opened the parachute, an evil wind suddenly appeared and flipped the parachute from bottom to top. Jealousy instantly resumed the free fall action.

Finally, at the moment before landing, Jealousy threw out his last chance, a quick-response gel that he didn't know if it was still within its validity period.

Fortunately, the light green gel quickly expanded to catch the jealousy falling from the sky, and then dissolved in the air.

"Fear is the most intense of all emotions. It can appear suddenly, be solid and long-lasting. It is salt, the base flavor of all food, and my favorite seasoning." A greedy voice appeared behind him.

Just like what he said, fear suddenly appeared in jealousy and then quickly reached its climax.

"In comparison, anger is the second best, but its flavor is rich and has an explosive taste, just like chili peppers." Envy suddenly turned around and saw Greed slowly falling from the sky. At this time, Envy felt as if he was being beaten.

Greed leads the same way, from fear to anger.

Of course he is angry!

Both are members of the Seven Deadly Sins, how could he be so contemptuous of himself!

At the critical moment, a force belonging to jealousy intervened on the battlefield in time, separating him from greed.

It is an armed force composed of pure superhuman puppets, but just like the army of jealousy, which is not afraid of death, it is difficult to carry out precise operations. These superhuman beings directly controlled by jealousy can use their own supernatural powers.

Ability, but not flexible enough to use his powers like a true superhuman.

Superhumans with long-range attack capabilities such as fire, frost, and even lasers have launched their own abilities in an attempt to use their own strength as a chariot, but Greed, like God, has suppressed this jealous puppet army with similar abilities.

A scaly superhuman emerged from under Envy's feet, turned around numbly and jumped down into the cave with Envy and burrowed into the ground.

That is a heterogeneous superhuman. He has the ability of a pangolin and can quickly drill holes in materials with a density lower than 7.86g/cubic centimeter.

But this little trick was meaningless in the face of greed. With a wave of his hand, he tore the large piece of rock and soil from the ground and floated in mid-air.

When the pangolin and Envy accidentally burst out of the hole, they fell straight down.

The pangolin fell directly to the ground, while jealousy was fixed in the air by greed.

Chao Greed, who was pale with jealousy, used his own ability, which was also his only ability. He tried to mentally control Greed and turn the other person into his own puppet.

It's just that this behavior failed without any surprise. He had tried it before. If he had the chance, greed would have been a dog under his feet. Just now it was just biting like a mad dog.

As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, jealousy has yet to find its own path, and his current growth in strength is just a matter of course...


"I have no choice but to accept my fate. This is the bitter taste. There is a hint of sweetness in the bitterness. This is the final outcome of the ingredients that can give back to my taste buds." Greedy slowly approached Envy and asked him: "Tell me now, do you accept it?"


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