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Chapter 412 Arasakas Choice

"They completed a large-scale arrival in the demonstration city." Tang Ji received bad news from Mikkelsen as soon as he returned.

"How big is it?" Tang Ji shook off the ice shards on his body and took his personal pda, where the scene of the demonstration city was playing.

"A conservative estimate is that there are more than 3,000 people." Mikkelsen looked at the same scene: "With Envy helping them get the superhumans, they can come as many times as they want."

"What are your plans?" Tang Ji's face looked similar to the frost on the ground, and he began to look at 'Jealousy' with admiration.

"Wait." Mikkelsen shook his head: "The initiative has always been in their hands. Jealousy has become their advantage card. I need to reorganize various plans."

In the picture, Tang Ji couldn't tell which people were players and which people were ordinary people. They were mixed together without distinguishing between you and me.

"My people are going all out to find traces of jealousy. As long as he lives in this world, he will definitely not be able to escape." Mikkelsen's words were resounding. Being hinted by jealousy led to a wrong move. This incident had a profound impact on Mikkel.

For Sen, it is definitely the biggest shame in life.

"Then send me to the demonstration city." Tang Ji checked the prelude and replenished his bullets.

"What are you going for? Kill those players?" Mikkelsen asked: "Those people are not the bodies you killed before. Yesterday they were other people's wives, husbands, parents, and children. They had complete social lives.


"I don't care." Tang Ji turned his back to Mikkelsen and played the prelude over and over again.

"But we care, the FBA cares, the entire federation cares. If you go, by this time tomorrow, the hatred against superhumans caused by jealousy will be transferred to you." Mikkelsen shook his head: "And

, jealousy is in their hands, they can always do it again in other areas if they want.”

"So you plan to start executing the Gray Field Project now?" Tang Ji asked angrily: "Are you so eager to destroy the world?"

"If it will eventually be destroyed, I would rather it be destroyed in my hands." Mikkelsen admitted frankly: "Wu Qianying helped me calculate it, and this is our best choice."

"I have done too many things that you said are the most cost-effective, the best, and the most suitable. Now I have to follow my intuition." Tang Ji waved his hand and walked away.

Tangji will definitely go to Demonstration City, just to say hello to those players.

But this does not mean that Tang Ji has given up on tracing the whereabouts of jealousy and greed. His potential allies in the dream are also trying their best to find the location of jealousy.

The Seven Deadly Sins are so mysterious that even the prophets who know the Seven Deadly Sins best have never seen each other manipulate each other and one party completely controls the other.

In the future seen by the prophet, the growth path of the Seven Deadly Sins is almost impossible to replicate. They are all special products of a special era.

But now, everything is in chaos.

Of course, it's not all bad news. The Ark organization sent back some good news.

After witnessing what happened in Sudan, the European Union's bureaucracy finally responded positively. They approved all the authorizations and procedures that the Ark organization originally needed for three to five months to approve within four hours.


In other words, Wang Zhengdao can now launch nuclear bombs as he likes, and the Ark Organization has this authority.

This good news only lasted for an hour and a half. It was the same group of officials. When they finally determined that Jealousy was now on the side of the Trail Blazers, Mr. Kelman, the then president of the European Union, directly announced his resignation.

Along with him, thirty-seven senior officials from different departments, large and small, announced their resignation. What these officials have in common is that they all come from big families. After several generations of accumulation, their wealth is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is just a statement. The Ark Organization believes that by this time tomorrow, at least one-third of the seats in the European Union Parliament will be vacant.

Yes, these people are going to run away.

Although the eternal ark promised by Phoenix Orbital Construction Group - 'Phoenix City' is still under construction, it already has a habitable living area that can accommodate between 750 and 1,000 people.

In addition, Phoenix Orbital Construction Group also owns nine orbital space farms of varying sizes. Although the living environment is limited, the place is at least safe.

In other words, at least it is still safe at this stage. There is no news yet showing that superhuman beings can pose a threat to outer space by relying on their own abilities.

What happened on the plains of Sudan was like a wake-up call to the rich, waking up a large number of people.

The intelligence obtained by Mikkelsen showed that the latest space shuttle launch would take off in seven hours, and the first batch of passengers included nine of the top 50 richest people.

Rumor has it that the head of the Arasaka Group, Saburo Arasaka, has also prepared a large-scale spaceship that will send the family's bloodline and the bloodline of some retainers to the 'Crystal Palace' in three days.

It was the Arasaka Group's century project, a large-scale space station with an unprecedented design scale. In the initial design stage of Phoenix Orbital Construction Group's Phoenix City, the only goal was to surpass the Crystal Palace in all aspects.

It's just that the former has already taken its prototype. It is already one of the largest human-made artifacts in outer space, and building the Crystal Palace is only one of the goals of the Arasaka Group.

In the complete design plan, Arasaka Group also plans to build a space elevator near the equator that will connect the surface and the Crystal Palace.

Of course, this ambitious plan died due to the failure of the Arasaka Group's intention to invade the Federation during the Second Corporate War and its inability to continue to maintain its maritime hegemony in the Pacific region.

But the Crystal Palace, which has begun to take shape, is still the most powerful evidence for the Arasaka Group to prove its strength. It is not only the symbol and glory of the Arasaka Group, but also brings great convenience to the Arasaka Group in many aspects.

Why did Saburo Arasaka dare to try to contact the pioneers? He naturally knew that he was seeking skin from a tiger, but he sat in the Crystal Palace and uploaded a backup of his consciousness to the supercomputer of the Crystal Palace, and compared the data differences every three days

, to prevent yourself from being controlled by others without knowing it.

As the founder of the Arasaka Empire, Saburo Arasaka was like a Caesar in business, conquering everything he saw.

The small defeat in the second corporate war was just a pastime for Arasaka Saburo and could be ignored. His real enemy was time and death.…

In this regard, pioneers are undoubtedly the best partners to cooperate with.

Through various channels, Saburo Arasaka has become convinced that the civilizations to which the self-proclaimed pioneers and players belong defeated death a long time ago.

Saburo Arasaka was very interested in this.

"Father, you are playing with fire. We and this country will fall into the abyss together." Arasaka Yorinobu sat opposite Arasaka Saburo and looked at this old man, but his eyes were full of light.

In his lifetime, Yori Xuan almost never saw his father back down. He had always been arbitrary and proved his absolute authority in crisis after crisis.

He heard from Miwako that beside the man named Tangji, there was a magical superhuman called Mr. Good Luck. His luck allowed him to dominate the gambling table and make danger avoid him.

In Arasaka Yorinobu's view, his father's story sounds far more spectacular than that of Mr. Lucky Man.

Mr. Good Luck only used his abilities on a small scale, while Saburo Arasaka established an unprecedented capital entity.

"If I were no longer around, Arasaka Group, and even Neon as a whole, would have no need to exist." Saburo Arasaka leaned on crutches, watched his son pour tea politely, and said the extremely cold words in his mouth. Arrogant words.

"Father, we are humans, not gods in this world, and humans are mortal. Death is both our liberation and our destination." Arasaka Yorinobu advised his father: "Since you must conquer death, you can also choose to continue. Promote the development of prosthetics and analyze the secrets of superhuman beings, instead of cooperating with those devils from other lands."

"But I am too old. This new journey will take a long time to prepare and reap the rewards. I must seize every minute and every second and take the fastest path." Saburo Arasaka's face looked blank. No expressions are shown, as if they are just describing the facts.

In fact, this is indeed the case. For the Arasaka Group, Saburo Arasaka's words are oracles. As long as he speaks, millions of Arasaka employees will work hard to fulfill them.

And now the emperor of the Arasaka Empire will meet with one of the pioneers in an hour, and Arasaka Yorinobu is making final dissuasion.

"Father, if you are stubborn, I can only take necessary measures for the sake of the whole world and the future of mankind." Arasaka Yorinobu sighed and clapped his hands.

However, what suddenly made the atmosphere awkward was that nothing happened.

"Yori Nobu, do you know why I must pursue eternal life?" Saburo Arasaka also sighed and asked seriously.

Arasaka Yorinobu didn't show any panic, he just frowned. This calmness actually made Arasaka Saburo smile.

"Because I think you are not qualified to inherit my empire, you are too weak." Saburo Arasaka tasted the tea served by Arasaka Yorinobu, shook his head, and spit the tea on the ground: "What is your trump card?

Adam Hammer, the Tin Man? Or Sanda Yingfu? I'm very disappointed."

"Adam Hammer is a very unique toy, but it's just a toy. Even you wouldn't use it as a trump card." Saburo Arasaka shook his head: "Although Sanda Yio is a brave and resourceful person,

Both you and he know that no one can use Arasaka’s power to fight against me, so neither can he.”…

"That's it! Father!" Arasaka Yorinobu's expression suddenly became ferocious, his eyes instantly glowed, and a red ray of light shot out towards Saburo Arasaka's chest!

However, the blue protective film blocked the light a few centimeters in front of Saburo Arasaka.

"That's all you have, Yori Nobu, I'm so disappointed." Saburo Arasaka shook his head, a little excited, and couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or angry: "There is nothing beyond my expectations, this is you

The thing you want to use to kill me? The Greedy Blood Potion? You wasted too much of my time. I postponed the meeting with the pioneers, dismissed the guards, and turned off the security system, just to see what progress you have made.


"Yorinobu, you are only suitable for playing house in the cage I built for you. Just like when you were a child, you never grew up." Kise Saburo clasped his hands behind his back and turned to leave. He didn't even want to play in the cage.

He looked back at his son.

As for Arasaka Yorinobu, who was slumped on the ground, he seemed to have made up his mind. He pressed a button hidden under the table with a ferocious expression.

The next second, a hurricane blew past, and Saburo Arasaka, who had already walked to the corridor and was about to re-enter the protection of the security system, was thrown back.

"Mr. Saburo, it's an honor to meet you. You have always been the idol of our generation." Mikkelsen, who was wearing a kimono and with slutty blond hair, was sitting in the seat in front of Saburo Arasaka, looking down at the bed.

Emperor Arasaka, who was on the ground, had a bright smile on his face.

Miwako bowed slightly to Saburo Arasaka and slowly closed the opened door.

Only then did Saburo Arasaka have time to see a large number of new outsiders appear in the room - Martin Sanye, Yin Sen, Miwako, Soult, Wang Zhengdao, and the smiling Mikkelsen.

Except for Wang Zhengdao, Saburo Arasaka didn't know any of these people, but he could easily tell who was the person in charge here.

"You have made a group of very powerful friends." Saburo Arasaka stood up slowly. Although he had just been thrown hard by a superhuman of Surte's level, his skills were still strong and he obviously left it to himself to conquer.

The time of death is rich.

"Have we met?" Saburo Arasaka's eyes shifted from Wang Zhengdao to Mikkelsen. Of course he knew Wang Zhengdao. He and Tang Ji had been regarded as monstrous beasts by people of their level for a long time.


Because this group of pampered nobles suddenly discovered that if this group wanted to kill them, they had no room to resist. The late former federal commander Mr. Hunter is the best example.

However, they had been staring at the pioneers and were not interested in the others, but now Wang Zhengdao was standing next to them, looking at the porcelain on the ancient shelf with great interest.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't leave a deep enough impression on you at that time." Mikkelsen picked a new cup from the tea eucalyptus: "In 1994, we took a photo together for the federal army's new generation weapons plan."

"I remembered, 6.8mm, rm-277? Very avant-garde design." Saburo Arasaka looked at Mikkelson's face and fell into memories: "You haven't aged at all."

"Yeah, I'm already one step ahead of you in this regard." Mikkelsen's smile was even brighter: "So, can we have a good talk? It's not a wise decision to cooperate with the Trail Blazers. Maybe your legend today

It’s about to come to an end.”

This chapter has been completed!
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