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Chapter 423: The Value of the Registration Act

Chapter 427 The Value of the Registration Act

Tang Ji suddenly left the country twice in a row, and his leisurely and elegant manner caused the "Superhuman Registration Act" to be commented by some media as being on the list of Auschwitz. All superhumans who are not registered will face assassination by the FBAS Bureau.

The most direct result is that within three days, the number of people registered in the "Superhuman Registration Plan" exceeded 120,000. Although there is still a huge gap compared to the total number of potential superhumans in the federation, the number of unregistered superhumans is still large.

Some of them are weak superhumans.

Most of their abilities are so weak that they can be ignored, or they may not even realize that they are superhumans. These people are naturally hidden and difficult to find.

Wu Qianying currently has two solutions on hand to solve the screening problem. The first is Lindsay Leglis. Her ability is naturally convenient. It can not only quickly find superhumans, but also perform pre-classification.

But correspondingly, unless the blood of greed is used to copy her abilities, it will take at least three years for her alone to completely solve the federation's superhuman problem.

This is obviously an unrealistic time for such seconded personnel.

Another option is to establish a biometric information database for all employees. Every once in a while, those who enter the database need to actively update their biometric data, so that the government can keep track of the latest changes in their biometric information.

The latter is undoubtedly the ultimate solution to control superhuman beings, but given the current status of the Federation, the progress of this work may be far away.

In the end, what the FBAS Bureau adopted was still the current set of guns that hit the mark.

Whenever an unregistered superhuman commits a serious crime, the FBAS Bureau has the right to kill them on the spot, thus posing a threat to the unregistered superhuman.

It has been nearly three hundred years since the founding of the Federation. Officials have always regarded freedom as orthodoxy. Although this word has been used as a footcloth by many politicians, which is smelly and dirty, its appearance is still bright and beautiful.

Even during the two corporate wars, companies openly fought against the federal government under the banner of freedom.

The result is self-evident. The capital entity gets the freedom of taxation and import and export trade it wants, while the federal bastards get the freedom of death.

This is vividly reflected in Night City. The people of Night City survived two consecutive nuclear attacks and never allowed the city hall to pass stricter management bills.

In the end, the citizens felt that they had won the right to freedom, but in fact the companies firmly held their ground and refused to allow the city hall to interfere with the underground order they had maintained for decades.

After Tang Ji's net-cleaning operation achieved initial results, Wu Qianying ordered him not to continue to show his cruelty. At this time, all the superhuman bloggers with more than 10,000 followers in the puppy videos completed it happily.

Personal information registration.

Although there is a lot of obvious false information mixed in, Wu Qianying has many ways to expose the true appearance of these people's abilities one by one in the subsequent review.

Tang Ji's work is already piling up, but before more news about the Trail Blazers is available, this item will undoubtedly be at the top of the list.

Dr. Wu Qianying and her lackeys at the Lost Mountain Base have worked almost non-stop in the past forty-eight hours to select a list of three thousand people from 120,000 registration information. They will be selected in the next three to five years.

day for review.

These superhuman abilities either look very promising, or they look like they might be of great benefit to a project that's stuck in a bottleneck.

It has been almost three years since superhumans appeared in the public eye, and the scientific community has recognized the qualitative changes this group has brought to human civilization.

They are both the source of chaos and the star of hope. How to turn this special group into the driving force for human civilization to move forward is a top priority.

A good friend of human civilization, the information previously revealed by Karcalf is still the most valuable thing from that world to researchers such as Wu Qianying.

He revealed a key possibility, that is, the player world needs conditions to capture other worlds, and this condition is most likely the development curve of local civilization.

A civilization that is on the rise as a whole is difficult to be captured by its opponent, while a civilization that has been in a period of stagnation for a long time and has lost its upward development momentum will become a target of hunting.

Although all this is just speculation by scientific researchers, this is the best way to explain the existence of both parties so far.

If Mikkelsen's Gray Fields project is the ultimate failure, Wu Qianying and others hope to survive in death and light a beacon in the darkness.

No one knows where the future of mankind will go, not even the prophet, because in the timeline she has seen, mankind has already fallen into a bitter battle with the Seven Deadly Sins during this period, and she has never seen a Seven Deadly Sins super.

Human beings are being killed.

The second round of audit work held by the FBAS Bureau arranged the audit locations in seven cities according to the branches of the invited persons. The first stop was naturally Night City.

All invitees living in Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona must arrive at the designated location in Night City within the specified date for review.

And this designated location is Tang Ji's home base, the Central District Prison.

After this period of hard work, the size of the central prison has expanded to six blocks. The Druid version of Mikkelsen uses green plants as the base material and the original city buildings as the frame to weave a three-dimensional

The jungle hell.

In comparison, what Brandon Manson played in Central Park before was just a little denser and taller based on the original forest.

In the central prison, Mikkelsen is like a spider spirit building a nest, extending the concept of the jungle from two dimensions to three dimensions.

In the core area, Mikkelsen relies on four high-rise buildings with an average height of more than 500 meters at the intersection, and uses plants to connect them two by two to form a curtain and enclose a huge jungle shaft.

Inside the shaft, green plants are intertwined and intertwined with each other, and there is a diagonally connected passage every few meters. The root system of the plants is currently just a bunch of clinging to the internal and external surfaces of the building, but it has begun to take shape.

Over time, the roots of these plants will slowly penetrate into these reinforced concrete monsters and integrate with them.

Moreover, under Mikkelsen's precise control, this penetration and spread will not cause damage to the building's supporting structure, but will further enhance the strength of this 'symbiotic' structure.

Use steel bars as bones, rolled concrete as flesh, and green plants as skin and tendons.

This more than 500-meter-high jungle patio is just Mikkelsen's initial idea. In subsequent plans, he will continue to expand these high-rise buildings layer by layer and connect them layer by layer to form a complex three-dimensional jungle system.


When human wisdom is added to the plant reproduction process, the first thing to be solved is light.

The light that once limited the growth and reproduction of plants is meaningless in the face of the principle of refraction. Mikkelsen can cultivate plants that absorb electric heat, and he can cultivate plants that can clean the glass by themselves.

Charlie Mosley was one of the first invitees to arrive in Night City. A girl who was only twenty-two years old, she was one of the first superhumans to register their personal information online, even before the last federal registration law.

By that time, she was already on the register.

Her ability is [Light Control]. The girl can bend the path of light out of thin air. In terms of the strength of her ability, her ability is almost negligible, because she can currently condense no more than fifty lumens of brightness.

But in a physical sense, the existence of Charlie Mosley is just like Chrissy Cunningham. Their existence subverts the traditional laws of physics.

Before we understand why Chris can create ice from the void, the laws of thermodynamics are a joke, and the wonderful thing about Charlie Mosley's ability is that she does not affect the path of light by distorting the medium.

To describe Charlie Mosley's ability in a way that is simple enough for Tang Ji to understand, that is, if she one day advances to a powerful enough level, she can theoretically distort the light beam emitted by the sun, allowing it to bypass the earth and illuminate other areas.


Of course, just like Tang Ji, who debuted for two and a half years and almost three years, he was only at LV2. Greedy only barely advanced to LV3 after hanging around for hundreds of years. Charlie Mosley may not be able to make it in his lifetime.

Turn off a city's 'light'.

But her existence has caused another round of panic in the scientific community.

At this time, Charlie Mosley was wandering in the three-dimensional jungle created by Mikkelsen. He used this area as a reception center. On the one hand, it was a kind of deterrent. On the other hand, if any conflict occurred, these plant barriers

The aftermath can be controlled within a controllable range.

To Mikkelsen, superhumans like Charlie Mosley are worthless. In terms of potential, they all have the potential to destroy the world, but in fact, because of the threat from players, they don't have that kind of growth time at all.


He just took the opportunity to secretly plant a seed in these bodies that can continuously emit weak signals. If one of these people unfortunately becomes the player's body in the future, Mikkelsen can quickly find the target.

"Ms. Charlie Mosley, please go this way." A small drone flew in front, like a butterfly, integrating closely with the surrounding environment.

These bionic drones are all controlled by Ethan, and this is also Mikkelsen's experimental project.

If one day in the future, he has to take the Gray Field Project to the final step and drop thermonuclear bombs around the world, then the central area of ​​Night City will undoubtedly become the core area of ​​post-war reconstruction.

The green plants controlled by Mikkelsen have safely adapted to the radiation in the central area. Even if there is another nuclear attack, they will only temporarily fall silent, and will soon change their hair with the first ray of sunlight after nuclear winter.

Second spring.

Countless plant barriers and underground root systems will alleviate the impact of this man-made destruction and protect the underground warehouses well.

Of course, no one except Mikkelsen knew about this plan, not even Tanguy, who had already started a post-war reconstruction plan.

Similarly, out of sight of Tang Ji, Wu Qianying and others, Mikkelsen's Gray Field Project has entered the preparation stage.

He did not regard the Blazers' temporary retreat as the dawn of victory. On the contrary, in Mikkelsen's eyes, the Blazers were making great strides forward.

At the beginning, they would give up their plans to succeed for the safety of a few pioneers, or even a dozen players, but now, they can throw fifty pioneers on the battlefield as bargaining chips without blinking an eye.


Then, after the plan failed, thousands of players were easily left in the city and Tang Ji disposed of them at will. For Mikkelsen, such players became even more dangerous.

"Look at them, they have no idea of ​​the power they have." Mikkelsen and Tangji stood together, pointing to the invitees who were deliberately scattered in the three-dimensional jungle: "I will think about it sometimes,

Even if these players don't appear, how long can our world survive in the face of such a group of superhuman beings?"

"Take jealousy as an example. If he is not so stupid, where is his limit?" Mikkelsen asked Tanguy: "The Seven Deadly Sins alone will be enough to cause chaos in the world until the next century. When the new generation grows up,


"Have you been to school recently?" Mikkelsen continued without waiting for Tanguy's answer: "Did you know that in the past two years, the overall education level of the federation has dropped by 17%? Because most students have

Look forward to when you will wake up instead of continuing your studies."

"It comes too easily, like handing a loaded pistol to a three-year-old child, and there is no cost." Mikkelsen shook his head: "I know you have always opposed the Gray Field Project, but it

This is really our last chance."

"What do you want to say?" Tang Ji asked after smoking half a cigarette.

"Do you know why I chose to establish the FBAS Bureau at this time and work with you on the registration bill?" Mikkelsen's eyes stayed on those superhumans: "In addition to the destruction that the wave brings to us, these people

They are also opportunities. We just need to eliminate some bad parts. They are natural accelerators of civilization."

"According to what standard? When will it be your turn to set this standard?" Tang Ji roughly understood what Mikkelsen meant, and he kept trying to pull himself into the more secretive and cruel plan.

"No matter what you think, we will eventually get there." Mikkelsen removed his hand and waved away the smoke ring that Tang Ji blew out. After gradually accommodating the son of nature, he expressed his feelings towards this kind of burning tree of life.

The residual smell has already created a revulsion.

This huge difference made Mikkelsen faintly realize that if he wanted to continue to maintain the entire system, a natural child would be the limit.

The two of them just looked at the invitees below and said nothing.

For Wu Qianying, this is a feast of collecting data and recruiting volunteers, and for Mikkelsen, this is also a feast.

He has many ways to get the people he likes to accept his invitation. Although the cost is high, it is obvious that time is not waiting for me.

PS: Falling asleep.

(End of chapter)

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