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Chapter 42 I have something to do with him

"Where is Rodriguez?" Tang Ji stepped on a man wearing a caregiver's clothes and asked: "I don't want to hear these three words "I don't know" from your mouth. Every time you say it, I will cut it off from you.

Order something."

The male nurse called Aba Aba several times, but he didn't know what to answer. He really didn't know where Rodriguez was. He had only been in the job for a few weeks and only had three or four lives on his hands.

"I know he lives in the central area. He once said that Corinning Company took care of it!" The male caregiver racked his brains and finally remembered something valuable, and quickly answered loudly.

At least he said something useful, so Tang Ji kindly shot him and gave him a happy ending.

"Believe me, you will soon envy him for walking so neatly." Tang Ji glanced at the other two prisoners. He would have wanted to capture more prisoners if possible, but he didn't stop.

If there really is a hell in this world, this is its incarnation on earth.

Seven or eight mutilated human bodies were soaked in the nutrient tank. They were victims whose artificial organs or prosthetic limbs had been dug away. The only reason they were still alive was because Rodriguez took advantage of some of their native organs.

That scumbag Rodriguez likes to perform surgeries and control the life and death of his kind, so sometimes he even deliberately adjusts the dose of anesthetic to keep the recipient awake.

He liked the fear and despair in those people's eyes.

Rodriguez didn't deserve a happy death, and neither did his accomplices, so Tanguy decided to share his limited mercy with those who were willing to cooperate.

"It's your turn, bastard." Tang Ji turned around and walked up to a middle-aged man in a white coat, pulled his face left and right with the muzzle of his gun, and suddenly laughed: "Dennis Monte? Do you still remember me?"

This doctor was one of the accomplices who was arrested with Rodriguez last time. Of course Tanguy still remembers this face. He was released on bail with Rodriguez and then disappeared.

"Of course I remember you!" Dennis Monte's face was a little pale, but his will was still strong. He knew that there was no chance of him surviving in Tang Ji's hands, and he had no intention of cooperating.

"We are old acquaintances. I'll give you a chance. Tell me where Rodriguez is and I'll give you a good time." Tang Ji squatted in front of Dennis: "I swear, this is the most important thing you should grasp in your life."


"Bah!" Dennis wanted to be a tough guy.

Tang Ji pulled a chair over from the side, pushed Dennis to the ground, released his hand and stepped on it with his foot, and gently pressed the chair leg on his little finger: "I'll ask again, Rodri

Where is Goz?"

"If I don't get the answer I want, I will crush your fingers, one by one if necessary." Tangji took out a bottle of spray from his arms and placed it in front of Dennis:

"Did you see it? This is a hemostatic agent produced by Lazarus. I have tried it and it has excellent results."

"You want to scare me, huh? You want to scare me?" Dennis struggled hard, but was stepped on by Tang Ji: "Who do you think you are? The Law Enforcement Bureau is just a wretch working for people now! You know us

Who are all the customers? You can’t mess with...ah!!!”

Tang Ji sat on the chair and tilted his center of gravity forward little by little: "Did you know? The key point of this process is to bear the force evenly and be patient. It cannot be done overnight."

The whole process lasted for more than ten seconds, and Dennis's voice was hoarse. Tang Ji finally moved the chair leg to his ring finger with satisfaction: "Where is Rodriguez?"

Before Dennis could answer, Tanguy exerted force again, handled his finger, and then continued to repeat the process, placing the chair on his middle finger.

"I heard that current technology cannot make finger prostheses sensitive enough to replace doctors' fingers?" Tang Ji treated the wound with a hemostatic spray apologetically: "I'm so sorry, did I reimburse you for your career?


Dennis screamed feebly a few times, sweat soaking through his clothes: "What do you want to know?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough? Or are you too forgetful?" Tang Ji pressed down again: "Maybe pain stimulation can help you recall my problem?"

Dennis let out a horrifying scream again, his whole body twitching as if he had been electrocuted: "I don't know where Rodriguez is! I really don't know! Ah!!!"

Tang Ji placed the chair on his index finger again: "I misjudged you before, Dennis, you are a tough guy, we should really get to know each other earlier."

"Wait! Wait! I say!" Dennis Monte looked at Tang Ji with bloodshot eyes: "I can tell you who our main buyer and protective umbrella is! Let me go!"

Tang Ji sat lightly on the chair. This action made Dennis immediately incontinent: "You'd better say something that can surprise me, otherwise our little game will be upgraded."

"Congressman Cornish! Rodriguez once mentioned when he was picking up the goods that the kidney can restore Congressman Cornish's youth!" Dennis Monterum was granted amnesty and happily confessed: "Everyone knows that Cornish

The councilman is Mayor Luther’s man!”

Tang Ji whistled, feeling that he had dug out another big melon today. He felt excited and pressed a finger to add to the fun: "I'm sorry, I was so excited, but you won't blame me, right?"

Dennis wailed weakly: "Let me go! I promise I will never appear in front of you again!"

"You are so funny. Do you think you can survive just by saying this?" Tang Ji pressed Dennis on the head with the prelude: "Look around, think about those people who died in your hands, and then... say I'm sorry."

Tang Ji didn't give the other person a chance to speak, and shot him in the head: "Forget it, you don't deserve it."

Then Tang Ji turned his attention to the last prisoner. He was dressed like a Valentino Gang gunman, with a low-waist belt and a cowhide vest full of religious symbols. However, he was so frightened that his eyes were blank.

, not worthy of this outfit.

"It's your turn." Tang Ji sat across from the gunman with a chair, looked into his eyes and asked, "Where is Rodriguez?"

"I... know!" the gunman said impatiently as if he had just regained his consciousness.

Tang Ji had already started loading bullets, but when he heard these words, he raised his head and looked at the other person again, and smiled: "If you lied to me, the scene just now can only be regarded as an appetizer."

"I swear, I know!" the gunman said loudly: "In the San Andreas bar! That is our largest stronghold in this area. A team of people who were supposed to support us were temporarily transferred to San Andreas just now.

It’s a bar! Rodriguez must be hiding there!”

"I believe you." Tang Ji nodded, raised his hand and shot the other person happily: "You're welcome."

This chapter has been completed!
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