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Chapter 444 Storm

The Trail Blazers have used actual actions to prove that they are completely negative at this stage, but even Markarian is difficult to determine whether these people have simply been defeated, or are being organized and premeditated to create peace and harmony.

A head-on battle broke out in Tangji.

But the fact is that in two operations, the Pioneers lost a total of thirty-four veteran bodies that were extremely capable of fighting, making the high-end bodies that were not already wealthy even more constrained.

Cathy Walter is now a behavioral analysis expert hired by Mikkelsen, who specializes in analyzing the pioneers' intentions. Currently, she only has one person under her command, Dan Turan.

If Cathy Walter is a chess piece abandoned by the tribe and is confused because of it, then Dan Turan is a poor guy who is even more confused and can't find a place to belong.

He is a player, but for some reason, after he was captured, in another world, the people in the company did not drag him out, but left Dan Turan in his current captive state.

In addition, Dan Turan only has one week of memory of his home world due to the sale of memory sectors, so as time goes by, the sense of identity he has gained in the new world is transforming him into a very special existence -

—A spiritual immigrant.

Cathy Walter prefers that the Trail Blazers deliberately mess up and actively reduce their own strength to avoid risks. She understands Paulina Kubera.

As the most outstanding member of the door team, she is a qualified logistician, but perhaps due to the instinct of a logistician, she considers risks more than results in her actions.

Cathy plans to set a trap for Paulina from this angle.

"Paulina, it's me." Cathy Walter said concisely: "Don't hang up the phone, and don't ask my name. I know you can tell that I'm here to give you a gift."

"You know we shouldn't be communicating now." Xie Paulina Kubera, who was drafting a summary of the operation, subconsciously looked around to make sure no one could hear her before continuing: "We already know who you are working for now.


"Haha, Paulina, you are really cute and silly. This has been no secret from the beginning." Cathy Walter smiled: "Otherwise, what else can I do?"

"What do you want from me?" Paulina knew Cathy Walter, and for a long time she didn't believe that the woman was really dead like that.

Paulina has become accustomed to obeying Cathy's orders. She has been under Cathy's command since the day she became a pioneer, and now Cathy Walter has transformed into a miserable aborigine, and she is also fighting with Tang Jina.

The gang got together.

This left Paulina confused, not knowing how to face her former superior.

"It's not that I want to get anything from you, but I intend to give you a credit." Cathy Walter turned her head and glanced at the TV, where the previous attack in the central prison was being broadcast.

The pioneers made a lot of noise, and the media in Night City, which has experienced several large-scale terrorist attacks, is extremely sensitive to what happens in the central area, and the slightest disturbance will attract the attention of countless people.

Therefore, their embarrassing action was broadcast live by several media outlets.

The dimensional gate that appeared out of thin air, as well as multiple superhuman commandos, caused the Night City media to immediately name it the Losas organization.

How Losas, an organization that was once regarded as a guiding light by the superhuman group, reduced itself step by step to the point where everyone screamed for beatings, is inseparable from the powerful propaganda capabilities of the Night City media.

Since Tang Ji became the director of the FBA bureau and Mayor Luther transformed himself into the commander-in-chief of the federation, more than twenty highly rated programs have lined up a special episode dedicated to dissing the Losas organization.

The effect is immediate. At least within the Federation, few people dare to raise the banner of the Gene-Shattering Sword anymore. No one knows whether agents from the FBA will appear immediately.

The Central Prison has also become a shackles in the hearts of many superhumans. So far, all superhuman criminals who have committed serious crimes and one-third of misdemeanor criminals in the federation have been transferred to the Central Prison.

These people are like being sent to hell, with no visiting days and no parole. The only news that comes out is that so-and-so has been extended his sentence for violating the central prison management regulations.

Many people say that there is no prison there at all. Behind the tree wall is Tangji and his private shooting range. All prisoners sent in will be targeted the next day. This rumor has even reduced the crime rate of superhuman groups to a certain extent.


The pioneers' failed attack made everyone see the horror of the central prison.

Nearly ten million viewers around the world intuitively saw through the screen that the prison seemed to be alive. Plants and vines tens of meters long swept across the commandos organized by Losas, throwing those superhumans into the sky as toys.

Then it swept away and disappeared.

Paulina Kubera was under tremendous pressure as a result, and many players who had entered this world before but had been in hiding began to resist the constraints of the pioneers.

Cathy Walter knew that Paulina had never been a qualified leader. She could only be regarded as a qualified executor at best, so she continued to exert pressure: "Think about it, what is the fate of the loser, last time it was

Aslan, maybe next time it will be you."

This sentence became the straw that broke the camel's back. Paulina would never wake up from this scene in her dreams.

"I'm willing to listen to your terms first." Paulina replied in a pretentious tone.

But all she got in response was Cathy Walter's contemptuous chuckle, which made her feel like she was back in the 'good old days' when she only had to follow orders.

"You want to get a batch of bodies from the Central Prison to make up for your shortfall during this time, don't you?" Cathy Walter spun around on the swivel chair: "I can help you get a batch of bodies, high quality

Very high.”

"How much?" Paulina took the bait immediately. Cathy hit her vitals. She really needed these things.

"Maybe thirty, maybe fifty, of course, maybe none, it depends on the friendship between us." A smile appeared on Cathy Walter's lips: "I need some rewards to be more motivated.


"What do you want in return?" Paulina didn't know why Cathy came to her. In her opinion, she was just a mascot placed in the front to calm people's hearts.

"How about we come out for a drink when you have time? Just like old friends." Cathy Walter said playfully, as if she had already seen Paulina's face full of doubts.

She was so stupid that she didn't even know what shape of pit she was going to dig. Only after changing camps did Cathy realize what kind of idiots she had brought with her to conquer another world.

If they are not players and cannot be resurrected infinitely... they are nothing.


"Kreps, is there the demon we are looking for nearby?" Tang Ji rode a motorcycle that came in, wearing a sun-shade cloak that came with the car. This was the third day they were tracking the player.

Wang Zhengdao has left temporarily. He has an important meeting that must be attended in person, which is related to the future development of the ECS Bureau.

The European Union has seen how much control the FBA has over the superhuman group after it was transformed into a powerful department, so the decentralization of powers that has been stuck has been loosened.

They hope that the ECS Bureau can assume more responsibilities and serve as a powerful cross-regional organization to restrain superhumans throughout the European Union.

After all, in the eyes of many European Union officials, the FBA Bureau was established after them. At the beginning of its establishment, some people were seconded from the ECS Bureau for the initial superhuman identification work.

If they did it themselves, it would definitely be smoother.

Wang Zhengdao went back for the meeting this time, hoping that those idiots could see the current situation clearly and establish a joint law enforcement mechanism with the FBA Bureau.

If they can't see clearly that the entire authority of the FBA is based on Tang Ji's personal prestige, then Wang Zhengdao can only pray that the greedy bastard is willing to visit some of these idiot congressmen and give in to his appetite for a change.

"There are still about 20 kilometers left, he can't walk fast." Creps Mohu sensed the target he was targeting. He is a rare person with qualified abilities, and he has shown at least two fields in the lv1 stage.


Kreps' body can transform into a lycanthropic form. In this form, his physical fitness is greatly enhanced, and his claws are extremely sharp.

In addition, he also possesses the hunting instinct of a wild beast, and can use lake perception to lock onto his chosen target and track it over long distances.

Tang Ji soon discovered that Kreps was a very good 'communicator' person. He had grown up in the tribe since he was a child, and all cultural knowledge was taught by the elder.

After growing up, the only way to make a living for a long time was to serve as a soldier. Kreps served as a soldier in the Durban Spear organization and also spent time in the hostile guerrillas. His stance was often decided by

It's about whether military pay can be paid out on time.

In this regard, Tang Ji is undoubtedly a good boss.

At this time, only he and Kreps were left in the team. Twenty hours ago, they relied on Kreps to track down another team of Chaos Demon type players.

It was a rare three-person team. In that battle, Kreps' tribesmen suffered heavy losses. A player who could spread toxins through body fluids evaporated all his blood before he died, contaminating everything within a radius of 500 meters.


Except for a few lucky tribe warriors who made it far enough, everyone else died painfully.

After that, Kreps dismissed his people. After just one battle, he realized that this was a hunt that ordinary people could not participate in.

The two motorcycles continued to drive on the semi-desert land formed by floods. Not far away, a storm was taking shape, and dark red lightning flashed across the dim sky.

Tangji pulled down the tactical eyepiece, and the wind and sand crackled on it, which seemed to indicate the tragedy that happened on this land.

They had just passed through a village where corpses were piled up. It was obvious that death came very suddenly, and most of them did not even have time to make the decision to escape.

The few cars that managed to escape were eventually caught up one by one, and then turned into moving graves.

Tang Ji carefully examined the corpses on the roadside and determined that the target he was tracking had at least some kind of cutting ability.

The corpses in the villages and towns were as if they had been thrown into a meat grinder. A large number of wounds only one finger deep and ten centimeters long were all over the corpses. Dense marks of blows were also left on the surfaces of some less solid buildings.

Moreover, what's more important is that the player has been moving in the direction of the storm, and the damage caused along the way is increasing with the wind.

Kreps said that this kind of storm occurs several times every year, but this time it is particularly large and may last for several hours.

"The devil has entered the storm area, and no mortal can survive there." Kreps slowed down and walked alongside Tangji, shouting: "But we are not tracking mortals, right?"

"Do you have the courage to go in with me?" Kreps raised the front wheel provocatively and accelerated away instantly.

Courage? Tang Ji doesn't think it takes any courage to move forward. As he has been angry for longer and longer, there are fewer and fewer natural environments in this world that can threaten him.

For him, it was better to visit the natural wonders up close, so Tang Ji happily went to the appointment.

Tang Ji guessed that the damn player had mastered some kind of ability to use the wind, which would make him more lethal in this environment, so he chased the wind.

But so what? He had already been hit by a stronger thunderstorm in Africa, and he didn't believe that there was a more powerful micromanipulator here than Greed.

As the motorcycles rushed into the edge of the storm area, the stronger wind and sand blew against their protective glasses, and the visibility was extremely reduced.

Every time the orange-red lightning flashed, it seemed to be too close, making the whole world dim and bright again. The whistling sound in the ears gradually became harsh, and the motorcycle seemed to be pushing forward against the wall.

Kreps parked the car in a hurry, sensing the traces of prey in this extreme natural environment, and then made a gesture to Tangji and pointed in the direction.

The next second, Kreps, who was covered in iron, was struck by a bolt of lightning. He fell to the ground like a wooden stake, and wisps of white smoke emerged from the skin covered by the metal object, which was blown away instantly.

Fortunately, he struggled to get up in the next second. Unfortunately, the motorcycle was completely scrapped, and Tang Ji also abandoned his car. In this environment, they could walk faster.

Kreps took off his helmet angrily, looked at the burnt-black embossed patterns on the helmet's surface with a distressed expression, and shouted angrily toward the sky, as if he was condemning the storm.

As Kreps howled, his entire face transformed into the face of a feline like a lion, and his brown mane danced wildly in the hurricane.

Kreps' figure grew bigger, turned his head to look at Tangji, and then got down on all fours and started running wildly in one direction.

This time, there was no need for Kreps to find prey, Tang Ji also saw the target he was pursuing.

He's just floating in the storm...

This chapter has been completed!
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