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Chapter 44 Where is the damn Rodriguez?

 Tang Ji didn't want to fight, he just turned around and went into the alley, climbed over the walls and quickly returned to the main road, and grabbed a new car.

Now there are Valentino gang gunmen everywhere looking for him, and it couldn't be easier to steal a car.

"Who is chasing me? He's very skilled." Tang Ji opened the gunman's communicator and interrupted, and the originally chaotic channel immediately became quiet.

"Both each other, I am Gusvota, and I am here to kill you." Gusvota replied angrily while sitting in his subordinate's car.

He could hear the ease and comfort in the other party's tone, as if the other party hadn't used all his strength yet.

"Where is Rodriguez?" Tang Ji glanced left and right, making sure there was no tail behind him and asked again: "I'm only looking for him today, my time is very tight."

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can be an enemy of the Valentino Gang?" Gusvota became angry. He is a proud man. Among the thousands of people in the entire gang, his marksmanship is the best.

He is the most famous among the new generation, and even the machete favors him.

He couldn't stand someone provoking him like this.

"I'll wait for you at the San Andreas bar, if you come quickly enough." Tang Ji threw the communicator out of the window and left the car window open. The wild wind blew Tang Ji's hair away, and he suddenly

He turned to the empty co-pilot and said: "You know, I have thought about this day a long time ago. When I finish, I will come home and eat the pie you made, right in our small kitchen.


Tang Ji suddenly became furious, slapped the steering wheel hard and honked the horn until he screamed: "Why are these scum still alive? Why are you? Why!"

The number on the speedometer gradually increased from 100 to 120, then 140, 160. The crazed driver continued to increase the speed on the road full of traffic, making the car make a terrifying roar.

The commandos of the Valentino Gang chased after them, but they could only watch helplessly as their prey got further and further away. The driver also stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but his face turned pale. When the first car crashed, everyone

They all slowed down in unison.

The patrol car of the Law Enforcement Bureau turned on its siren and fell far behind to prove that it had been here before. The helicopter belonging to the media was in the air and was covering the entire highway racing incident.

"This car has narrowly avoided crashing and killing people five times! I have to say that the driver is a professional!" The professional driver who was temporarily pulled over on the TV station explained bravely:

"This is different from when we drive on a track. Not only does he have to accurately control his own route, he also has to predict the route of the obstacle cars along the way!"

"Everyone on this station, if any of you or your relatives are on Schönbrunn Street, please pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible and stop your car! Our crazy driver obviously does not have the good habit of giving way to pedestrians and vehicles!"

In the San Andreas bar, Rodriguez was also watching TV. He was just watching the live broadcast with his straw hanging, and he didn't even know that the small umbrella on the Moscow mule fell to the ground.

"You will protect me, right?" Rodriguez looked at the bar owner: "Is there a secret room or something?"

"You really pissed someone off this time." The bar owner clapped his hands in admiration: "But you can rest assured that Scimitar's order is my mission. No one can kill you before I die."

Rodriguez looked at the other party's weight, which was at least 300 kilograms, and was not at all reassured by this guarantee.

He looked around, and there were nearly forty Valentino Gang gunmen gathered here, all here to protect him. There were also a few in suits, and those few were Rodriguez's source of confidence.

Scimitar's direct subordinate, part of the commando organization.

"He has already rushed into Sofia Street, and he is coming straight towards us without slowing down!" The bar owner took out a tactician shotgun from under the bar and loaded it directly: "Show him the courage of the Valentino gang!


Dozens of gunmen became excited, raised their glasses and took a swig, then began to pick out their dicks.

"Follow me." Two men in suits pulled Rodriguez up to the second floor and pushed him into the innermost room: "This is a safe house, an all-metal structure. It can't be blown up with a bomb without a password.

Unless you open the door from the inside yourself, but you’re not that stupid, are you?”

"Thank God, why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have had breakfast here!" Rodriguez walked in without hesitation, waited for the two men in suits to close the door, and carefully inspected the inside of the room before he breathed a sigh of relief.



Tanguy could already see the sign of the San Andreas Bar, which was one of the spiritual symbols of the Valentino Gang. It is said that the first generation of Mexican immigrants established the original Valentino Gang here.

Of course, this place is no longer the core industry of the Valentino Gang. In order to maintain tradition, this bar is completely a bar and cannot attract young people at all.

On the contrary, the old man occasionally gets tired of his young body and feels nostalgic.

The main entrance of the San Andreas Bar has been standing for almost seventy years, and it still looks like it did back then. The simple brick wall is covered with a layer of patterned wood veneers, symbolizing the ancient home.

Tang Ji's speed did not slow down, he kept calculating the route in his mind, and rushed through the intersection at a speed of 160 miles. The front wheels pressed heavily over the slope of the green belt and flew into the air.

"Hell! No!" Scimitar, who was watching the live broadcast, covered his eyes and couldn't bear to watch what happened next.

"What the hell!" The bar owner also stared at the live broadcast. When he saw the car flying past, he immediately felt something bad. He ignored the warning and squatted down behind the bar.


The car weighing several tons smashed into the front door of the bar, rolled in the air, and caused a wave of blood in the crowd. It continued to hit the back wall of the bar, almost flattening the passenger seat, and then stopped there.


The bar was in a mess, with broken arms everywhere, and almost all of the gunmen who were ready for a fight fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Only the bar owner staggered out from behind the bar with a gun in hand. He didn't think anyone could survive such a collision.

However, the severely damaged vehicle suddenly shook, and the next second the door was violently thrown out from the inside, and a large pool of light green colloid flowed from the door onto the floor.


The bar owner's stomach felt like a balloon that had been popped, adding another layer of plasma to the place.

Tang Ji squeezed out of the car door with difficulty, lowered his head and spit out a big mouthful of green gel. He felt that Lazarus should give him a salary because he had developed a new use for quick-response gel.




"Are you lining up to welcome me?" Tang Ji happily opened fire and harvested heads, and asked loudly: "Now, tell me, where is the damn Rodriguez!"

This chapter has been completed!
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