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Chapter 448 Another Road

There is still a question as to when Dr. Sean Westan will be able to put this kind of 'time-sensitive hormone' into practical use. This can be seen from the fact that they carefully fixed each subject in a special soft material mold.

Surt has already shown them the ultimate form of this ability. When activating the ability, Surt's entire body is equivalent to entering some kind of time bubble, which is isolated from the existing time flow and is not at the same flow rate.

Even so, Surte can still lift objects weighing one ton. His physical fitness is the strongest in the entire team except Tang Ji.

Of course, now Martin may also be able to compete with Soult for who is the man with the strongest physical strength under Tanguy.

Under continuous scientific feeding, Martin has been sublimated from the inside out. The most direct evidence is that he now doesn't eat much carbon steel and eats various rare metals instead.

Soult, who had had a lot of blood drawn, was sitting in the rest area of ​​the gym, with a towel on his shoulders and a large glass of energy drink in his hand, watching Martin and Tony competing in iron lifts nearby.

As the only unawakened man in the team besides Anthony, Tony has always been under great pressure. After experiencing so much, he doesn't want to just quit the team.

But as the enemy continues to upgrade, as a mortal, even if he is equipped with a pair of mechanical legs, he still cannot keep up with the speed of the team.

At the beginning of the team's establishment, Tony was the main assaulter in the team. His main task was to quickly enter the bunker or room occupied by the enemy under the cover of his teammates.

Being selected by Lazarus and put on the roster, Tony was undoubtedly a top player in the mercenary industry. His ultimate record was to complete a 50-meter advance in 25 seconds and clear the target area of ​​enemy shooters.

But now, within the team, the passing time for this kind of mission has been compressed to less than twelve seconds, otherwise it will be out of touch with the entire team, and the target will either be covered by the fireman Martin, or snatched away by the sniper Shadow.

This doesn't count out-of-standard superhumans like Tangji and Surte, and the newcomer who just joined the team seems to be a ruthless character, which undoubtedly puts more pressure on Tony.

At this time, Martin is continuing to increase weight. To be fair, his bench press weight and Tony's are leveraged. Martin's weight is three times heavier than Tony's.

"Nine hundred kilograms!" Martin gasped, put the barbell back in place, clapped his hands and said to Tony: "You must have practiced more recently, try adding another hundred kilograms?"

Tony smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had actually managed to lift the three hundred kilogram weight just now, using the power of the prosthetic body to barely make a fool of himself.

And he no longer wanted to play this trick of challenging demigods with a mortal body. He looked at the big black guy next door who was looking around curiously, but didn't know how to use these equipment, and gave up happily.

Ground: "Rookie, come here, do you dare to compete with him?"

Kreps may be a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, but he is definitely not a rookie. He makes a living by fighting in his hometown.

"I thought you were warming up, so I didn't bother you." The tall black man, who was over 1.9 meters tall, had incredibly strong muscles all over his body, and his lines were even clearer.

If Martin's muscles look reminiscent of a tank, then Kreps' muscles should be described as a fighter jet.

As expected, the previous competition between Martin and Kreps started with one ton.

The special hydraulic bench press machine is also printed with the logo of the Bolt Bear Gang. This kind of equipment is completely beyond the needs of normal humans. Previously, only the professional muscle veterans of the Bolt Bear Gang could use it.

The bench press weight of the two people quickly increased to 1.5 tons, and Tony had already left the gym in the base and was sitting alone in the hall watching TV in trance.

He is thinking about his future. Anthony in the team has begun to transition to management. As the team's medic, almost everyone owes him a favor.

The other person who has not yet awakened is Miwako who joined later.

Miwako is different from the gunmen like them, not to mention her relationship with the Arasaka Group, but from a professional perspective, she was trained as a spy, and appearing on the battlefield is simply a misuse of her talents.

There is only Tony himself, who has nothing to offer except fighting, and this only talent is now being quickly eliminated by the market.

The prices of mercenaries on the market now vary from day to day, but superhuman beings can always get the highest bids, and they pick the rest before others take over.

Tony looked down at his prosthetic body and didn't speak for a long time. Tang Ji was undoubtedly a good captain. He never defaulted on wages. These two legs were sold for almost four million federal coins each. For mercenaries, it was a sky-high price.

It is estimated that a truckload of thighs can be wholesaled outside.

Maybe there was only one way to go. Tony looked at the location of the Prosthetic Research Department marked on the map and called an indoor shuttle through the PDA.

He remembered that a Caucasian named Krenzikov in that department said that they were testing a brand-new prosthetic equipment, a brand-new prosthetic that could enhance the human body's capabilities in all aspects.

It is a complete system, not a separate functional prosthesis, and that is what Tony feels he needs.


Kacalf was sitting alone in the bar. He didn't know why he came back here. Maybe it was the pioneer's words that made him feel that he really deserved a drink.

The bitter tequila was not at all as good as the bartender recommended, Cacalf didn't taste any agave aroma in it, it was pure industrial garbage, and even the added salt didn't help.

Karkarf carefully recalled his memories, but his memories were not coherent. The scene of his family's tragic death kept repeating, like a sad song on a loop.

Unknowingly, he drank three glasses of wine, and an indescribable feeling of loneliness made Carcalf reach out and order another glass.

A girl who looked hot sat next to Karcalf and asked with a smile: "In a bad mood? Why don't you buy me a drink?"

Karkarf looked at the woman up and down, and then gestured to the bartender, who directly brought the woman a cherry-red cocktail.

"Thanks, Ronnie." The girl blew a kiss to the bartender, then continued to look at Carcalf: "You can call me Camellia, I like to use different names to face different people, and when I saw you today, I

The word camellia comes to mind."

"I'm not in the mood now, Ms. Camellia, maybe next time." Karkarf rejected this obvious hint. He was indeed not in the mood.

"I'm afraid it's not up to you, sir." Camellia looked at Karcalf with a smile, and a delicate small pistol was placed on the bar.

The bartender turned a blind eye and continued to clean the glass, as if he didn't care what was happening here.

"Okay, but at least let me know who I am and want to take me away?" Karkarf looked at the pistol on the table, then considered his own skills, and decisively chose to compromise.

He had just returned to this world and did not want to experience death again right away.

"You will know soon." Camellia put away the pistol and hid it in her hand, waved to Karcalf, and the two of them left the bar looking harmonious.

Karkarf soon got into a flamboyant red classic Beetle under the leadership of Camellia. As a member of the players, although Karkarf has no previous experience in conquering the world, at least he will not be intimidated by such small tricks.


Unless the person holding the gun is Tang Ji...

So he still had time to look through the items in the glove box. Ms. Camellia, or rather the kidnapper, had no intention of stopping Karcalf's behavior. After completing this task, she would immediately give up this identity and start from this place.

The city disappears and everything here is just a disguise.

"Did Tang Ji ask you to come? Or was it Mikkelsen?" Karcalf guessed that he wanted to see his people. He didn't know what message the Blazers wanted to send to Tang Ji and the others through him, so he was taken away by the other party's people.


"It's the Lord of Happy Dreams." Camellia glanced at the rearview mirror warily to make sure no one was following her.

In fact, being followed is almost inevitable. She just needs to make sure to delay it for a long time. She smiled at Karcalf and said: "Remember not to log off in a hurry!"

After saying that, a powerful sleeping pill was injected into Karkarf's thigh. Karkarf fell asleep without even having time to ask who the Lord of Happy Dreams was.

Anne, who was hiding behind the scenes, glanced nervously at Karcalf's consciousness, which was forming a dream.

The death of two consecutive Seven Deadly Sins made Annie rarely get motivated, and she planned to take the initiative to see what was wrong with Karcalf, which was the task she got from Mikkelsen.

The Blazers would not deliberately release Karcalf out of doubt of their good intentions. This is contrary to common sense.

Mikkelsen has always cherished the surrenders from the player camp, whether it is Karcalf, Cathy Walter, or Dan Turan, regardless of whether it is useful or not, he is happy to satisfy the desires of these people.

Even if they are just used as mascots, these mascots from the player world still have irreplaceable value.

It is risky to come into contact with Karcalf's dream. The guardian dog exists in the player's subconscious. Anne has already suffered a loss on this point.

The last sneak attack by a guard dog severely damaged Annie's consciousness. It took her two months to recover in the real world. During this period, she had almost no ability to protect herself and had to be careful even when going out on the street.


Anne is an insecure person, but on the other hand, it can also be said that she cannot let the kind of existence that can hurt her be left alone.

Looking at the dark blue dream world, Annie took a deep breath and went to the other direction first, coming into contact with the gray and black dream world.

There, Tang Ji, who was practicing shooting at the shooting range, was completely immersed in his own world.

Anne admired people like Tang Ji very much. She didn't know since when he even hid his secrets in his dreams.

Seeing Annie's appearance, Tang Ji paused for a moment, then took off his noise-canceling headphones and nodded toward Annie. He had already realized that he was dreaming.

And the purpose of the dream this time is very clear, they are going to 'meet' their old friend, Karcalf.

No matter how many times he experienced traveling in the dream world, Tang Ji was still surprised. Annie just pushed open the door of the shooting range, and behind the door was Karcalf's dream world.

It is a city that looks very similar to a model city, but at the first glance you know that this is something that can never be compared to a model city.

There are almost no traces of seams at the junction of roads and buildings, and the entire city looks like it was carved out of obsidian.

This is the city where the players live. Tang Ji raised his head and looked at the dark cloudy sky above his head. This was the second time he saw the reflection of this city, but the feeling of depression was the same.

Just looking at this reason, it seems that it is not difficult to understand that those players are running to other worlds like crazy, and most of them are mentally disturbed.

After entering this world, Annie disappeared immediately and hid herself in Tang Ji's consciousness.

This was a strategy they had communicated before, but considering that no one knew the attack methods and principles of guard dogs, Anne didn't know whether this concealment would be effective.

She simply had confidence in Tang Ji and his weird flame, and felt a sense of security.

Tangji was walking alone on the deserted street. Kacalf was easy to find, or in other words, in all dreams, the owner of the dream was easy to find.

They are like the protagonists in a movie, and the narrative lens keeps moving with them. For intruders, no matter which direction you go, you will eventually walk back to the shaper of the dream.

But even so, compared to the previous player, Karcalf was still too easy to discover. In this cool to monotonous city, there was a window that emitted soft warm light.

Tang Ji walked step by step to the window and went up the stairs. Through the window he saw a living room that looked very ordinary but full of life.

Kacalf was holding his wife and child in his arms, sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

There were dots of snowflakes on the TV screen, and not a single figure was visible, but it did not affect the concentration of those watching the TV, and they laughed from time to time.

A half-empty plate of popcorn and a half-empty bottle of red wine were placed on the table, unnoticed for a long time.

Perhaps it was because Tang Ji had stood there for too long, or perhaps because the owner of the dream was sensitive to intruders, Karkarf suddenly turned back to look at Tang Ji, then frowned and walked towards the window.

There was only a layer of glass between Karkarf and Tangji, but he did not speak. His eyes saw the black city outside through Tangji. After a brief doubt, he showed a bright look, and finally shed a tear.

A sigh slowly flowed out of the corner of his eyes.

Kacalf silently closed the curtains to block Tangji's view. He walked back to the sofa alone and sat among his family again, watching TV with no program.

This time, only Karkarf laughed. The laughter ranged from deep to sharp, from suppressed to heartbreaking, and finally ended in loneliness.

This chapter has been completed!
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