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Chapter 455 Different types of players

Quan Zhe was dressed as a tourist and rode a camel through the vast Sahara Desert. His destination was the pyramids.

As an accomplished explorer type player, of course he refused to fly to Egypt. He hired a guide and planned to travel across the entire Sahara Desert to experience the local customs and customs.

Quan Zhe is a born adventurer. Many of his experiences in other worlds have been made into memory disks, which are circulated among many players and groups who are not qualified to enter other worlds.

He is very satisfied with this world. This world has a long history, which means that it has many secrets to be mined. What's more, there are superhuman beings in this world, and among superhumans there are monsters of the level of the Seven Deadly Sins.

After briefly learning some common sense knowledge in the library, Quan Zhe soon extended his field to history and religion.

Unlike those Chaos Demon type players, Achievement Explorers don't care so much about the rewards the company distributes through tasks.

They prefer to dig out meaningful things on their own initiative, and the most successful explorers can even reverse-sell the stories they unearthed to the planning department, and eventually make them a fixed copy.

Quan Zhe has accomplished such achievements in two worlds, and he has an innate intuition in this regard.

Quan Zhe, who was riding on the camel, did not waste any time. He was concentrating on reading the literature on the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins on his PDA.

Quan Zhe is very aware that the state of the world's technological level allows him to obtain knowledge so easily. He is fed up with the way of recording things on slates and parchments. Every time he collects relevant documents, it is an adventure.

In this world, he only needs a PDA and a signal booster to access 90% of the world's literature. This is simply a miracle.

From the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, Quan Zhe found its modern definer, St. Thomas Aquinas, and then extended from this scholar known as the angelic doctor to Catholicism and the Christianity behind it.

Going further back, the predecessor of the Seven Deadly Sins was defined by Evagrius Ponticus, who was influenced by ancient Greek theology. Ancient Greek theology was a polytheistic theology, which was completely different from Christian monotheism.


This is not to mention the many masters who, in the name of theology, are actually studying philosophy, hiding the crystallization of their own thoughts, waiting for future generations to fall into the trap.

Quan Zhe feels that he is barely a polymath, because he has analyzed the history and mythology of many worlds. Although he deleted most of the relevant memories after leaving the world in order to ensure that the memory sector was clean, traces of his journey will be left behind.

According to the precise data given by the Soul Committee, Quan Zhe's soul strength is seven percent higher than the average.

But in the ocean of knowledge in this world, Quan Zhe was confused. This was already the fifth day that he had been reading documents without sleep. Except for eating and drinking when necessary, he almost did not waste any time.

During the day, he had a dialogue with Aristotle's thoughts in the sunlight; at night, he fell in love with Plato under the backlight of his PDA.

He has never seen such profound thinking in other worlds. These short-lived species with an average life span of only fifty or sixty years seem to have condensed all their essence into their thoughts and become endless.

Quan Zhe regrets that like others, he has no memory of the Glory City at all. He doesn’t know if he has learned such profound things in the Glory City. He feels that these people may have reached the highest level of ideological realm.

the level of the person.

Of course, the price is that Quan Zhe quickly forgot that his original purpose of reading these materials was actually just to find the origin of the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins.

And, before this idea, his original plan was actually to distinguish the boundaries of ancient Egyptian history and mythological records from the timeline.

In the end, Quan Zhe was awakened due to excessive lack of water. He tried to replenish water through the suction tube on his vest, but found that the water level was already at the bottom.

The guide who was supposed to be responsible for helping him take care of all this has disappeared with the camel carrying supplies. Quan Zhe is now the only one left in the vast desert.

He raised his head and looked at the sun that was already setting above his head. He was so shocked by the spectacle that it looked like a sunset over a long river and couldn't help but look at it for a while longer.

It wasn't until his body reminded him of discomfort again that Quan Zhe began to think about how he should take in water.

Thanks to modern technology, Quan Zhe brought a lot of solid concentrated water and only needed to refill it into the special groove of the cooling vest.

Well, Quan Zhe soon discovered that the guide had also looted the camel he was riding on before leaving, but Quan Zhe himself didn't notice it because he was too involved.

Quan Zhe patted the camel. In the past few days, he had learned how to communicate with this docile animal: "Man, it seems we have to leave quickly."

The ability of his body is [Environmental Perception]. Whenever he closes his eyes, he can have a three-dimensional image with a radius of fifty meters around him in his mind.

This fifty-meter radius is a three-dimensional sphere, not a plane, so when Quan Zhe closes his eyes, he can sense whether there is water underground in the nearby area.

Right now, the decision whether he can successfully walk out of the desert instead of accepting his first death in this world depends on whether the camel under his crotch can bring him to a place with water.

But today was obviously not Quan Zhe’s lucky day. When the sun was about to set, a group of tribal armed men riding camels and motorcycles surrounded Quan Zhe from a distance. A tattered drone was right above Quan Zhe’s head.

Hovering at a height of fifty meters.

The first bullet hit his feet, and the splashed sand was no longer as hot as it was in the afternoon. Quan Zhe then remembered that his guide had warned him that when the sun went down, it was best to camp in this secluded place to rest.

The guide said that actually the best time to travel in the desert is from when the sun begins to set to just before midnight, because the temperature is moderate and the physical strength of people and livestock can be effectively conserved.

However, there are a large number of tribal armed forces across this land. What they like to do most is to search for resources after recuperating from the mountains.

Drones with thermal imaging can always easily detect prey, and the occasional outsider becomes a gift from God.

Quan Zhe raised his hand with a smile. As an accomplished explorer, it is his instinct to understand the world. As for the angle from which to start understanding, it is better to leave it to the world to decide.

Mikkelsen, who was wearing the same clothes as the tribesmen, was watching everything that happened there with a telescope a few kilometers away, with a smile on his face. He was so curious about the player's stress reaction that he paid for it out of his own pocket.

The journey added some spice.

He also learned from Quan Zhe that there is a kind of player called the Paladin. They are natural xenophiles and have been committed to saving the world of indigenous people from players and even companies.

Mikkelsen is very interested in the kind of players that have not yet appeared, and he also wants to know why the company that controls the access to the world is willing to continuously release this type of players into the new world.

But for now, he can still only passively watch the player's power expand day by day.

Markarian is a very cautious opponent, and his pace of expansion has never stopped. These players who have descended on South Africa are just obvious targets.

Mikkelsen is certain that neither Chaos Demon nor Achievement Explorer are important cards in Markarian's hand. His most important card is Killer, or to put it another way, Legion.

Killer-type players are always the favorite players of the Blazers, and they will be very cooperative during their long development period.

When Markarian deployed killer-type players, he was as cautious as before. He dispersed these players and deployed them everywhere.

If you include the information sent by the previous Lord of Happy Dreams, he now has a total of nine gathering places for players, with a total of more than 600 people.

As for how many players Markarian has crammed into this world, I'm afraid only he knows.

Many players' actions are hidden under other news, and it is difficult to lift these disguises to find the truth of the matter.

Texas, San Antonio military-industrial complex.

Freddy Galvin smoked a cigarette and looked at the surveillance camera in Area B2. It was still dark and showed offline status.

As a lifelong employee of the San Antonio military-industrial complex, Freddy disliked mistakes in his work very much, but shutting down the surveillance system in Area B2 was an order from a higher level.

Almost four weeks ago, the B2 area was classified as a military exercise area, and it was said that a new type of weapon would be tested, but Freddy knew that was just an excuse.

A group of mysterious visitors live in Area B2. Freddy has watched the surveillance for twenty-two years. Even though all surveillance in Area B2 has been locked, he knows how to get around it.

His father retired from this position. He felt that he would also end up like this and left this position to his son.

If three generations of your family plan to work in this position, then you don't have to know any mathematics or programming, and you just know how to enter the back door of the monitoring system simply because you are familiar with it.

Freddy felt that if his son's current learning talent was considered, maybe one day in the future this kind of thing would be more like witchcraft to him. He just had to follow the ritual he gave him and complete the spell step by step. It would be great.

The surveillance system will automatically show him the secrets behind the shady curtain.

Of course, the premise is that by his time, the surveillance system will not be replaced.

Freddy shook his head vigorously to dispel his previous stupid thoughts. As a surveillance room security guard, learning to entertain yourself is an essential skill in this position, which can prevent depression.

But if you are too immersed in your own fantasies, you will go to the other extreme and suffer from hallucinations.

Therefore, moderation is an important skill for employees in this position to survive until retirement, and another is learning to keep secrets.

Who knows how many little secrets a security guard sitting behind surveillance cameras can see twelve hours a day? The answer is zero.

The first lesson Freddy's father taught him was to keep your mouth shut, speak only when asked, and tell only what you see, not what you think.

In Freddy's shoes, knowing too much won't kill you, talking too much will.

Out of professional instinct or personal hobby, Freddy would occasionally use the unregistered personal PDA left by his father to hack into the surveillance system to observe the same situation in Area B2.

Freddy occasionally saw the kind of space door that appeared in the Battle of Paris opening in the underground square of Area B2, so he marked the person coming out with the word Losas in his mind.

But Freddy will not regard his guess as an established fact. He is only responsible for seeing, not thinking.

Freddy knew that there were a total of 192 people in area B21, twelve of whom were veterans and the rest were rookies.

He saw with his own eyes how those veterans taught these newbies common sense knowledge about the world, so Freddy combined the nonsense said by the late Commander Hunter at the press conference and added additional information to these people.

Alien label.

Based on Freddy's personal hobbies, he changed the label to lizard people. He firmly believed that the prototypes of these people were cold-blooded beasts covered in scales and with vertical pupils.

"Delice, where are you going today? It's bath time, Delise, I know you like this, you just can't refuse, can you?" Freddy looked at the surveillance video and said to himself:

"I guess when you get used to this world, you will really like the free trial clothes in the mall, you little bitch."

What appeared on the screen was a female player, tall and proud, with good facial features, but this was not her original appearance. Freddy didn't know her name. Delise was the name he gave her.

Freddie saw an old man who could reshape a person's facial features like plasticine. He was a little jealous of him. He always felt that his jaw was too wide and his whole face looked a bit stupid. This was the Galvin family.


These lizardmen not only learn common sense here, they also exercise their supernatural abilities. They are all superhumans. In addition, they are also receiving military training.

This once made Freddy feel a little panicked, but he soon felt relieved. If the company decided to cooperate with them, the two parties had reached an agreement. No matter what the future holds, his job would still be stable, and the same would be true for his son.


But Freddy's good days came to an end today. Just when he was about to take a shower while admiring Delise's supermodel figure, a picture suddenly cut in and occupied his small black terminal.

The newly cut screen showed the way he was talking to himself just now, as well as the entire process of using a black terminal to hack the company's surveillance.

When the screen ended, a line of blood-red fonts appeared: "Send what you saw to this email address, the personal email address of the director of the FBAS Bureau. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Who are you!" Freddy shouted in panic, but he received no response in the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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