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Chapter 457 Overture

Markarian frowned as he looked at yet another player death report. First it was Karcalf, and then Cathy Walter. This world seemed to be magical, and there were always players who were completely addicted to it and couldn't distinguish reality.

Just like the attack that happened yesterday, if no one leaked the information, Tang Ji and the others would not be able to find the location where he placed the players so accurately.

But Markarian can't find out who the informer is. The guard dog system cannot directly monitor the player's thoughts. There are too many ways to bypass the stupid dog.

Markarian could bear this state of constant blood loss, but the pioneers below could not bear it.

The reason why there were so many casualties in yesterday's attack was because the twelve pioneers responsible for guiding the players opened the door and fled as soon as the riot broke out. At that time, they didn't even know whether the person who came was Tang Ji.


This is of course a false proposition, because the only people who can suddenly appear and attack players are Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao. This is their signature combination.

The escaping pioneers were so sincere in admitting their mistakes that they even asked Markarian to kick them out of the world directly as punishment for their inaction.

Markarian was almost sickened by these pioneers. If Paulina hadn't responded in time yesterday, I'm afraid more players would have died last night.

Even so, two people from the door team still died. Tang Ji especially liked to kill the pioneer responsible for opening the door by burning it.

At the same time, that man is consciously spreading fear. He will let a few players go each time and spread his reputation among the player group through their mouths.

Markarian plans to make a strong response this time. After all, it is time to announce the arrival of players to the world.

He has been preparing for this. Although the total number of players is currently only more than 3,400, which is a bit dissatisfying, if a threshold is not set, the number of players has never been a problem. The question is just how much Markarian is willing to bear.

Just a loss.

As an immortal species, although Markarian has been emphasizing to himself that the Supreme Being and the Committee have made it clear that they do not care about the number of player deaths, he still cannot squander the lives of his kind so unscrupulously.

He couldn't know that a massacre was going to happen, but still throw those unprepared and kept-in-the-dark players into it, and let them die defenseless in a carnival.

That's right, Markarian couldn't do it. He had begun to gradually understand Cathy Walter's difficulties at that time. When everyone knew the threat of Tangji, only newcomers who knew nothing about it could do it without any pressure.

to perform tasks.

The person who makes this decision must bear the judgment of his own heart.

Markarian has lived for a long time, experienced countless worlds, and seen many, many things, but he has never seen the special circumstances of this world.

Moreover, Mrs. Generosity's amusing reaction and her constant aloofness made Markarian have to think more.

What does the Supreme want to gain from this world? What kind of secrets does this world hide so that individuals like Tang Ji could have appeared so long ago?

However, even if he was worried, Markarian must continue his plan. He could not keep the Supreme Beings waiting.

What's more, he saw a potential in Tang Ji that frightened him. According to the exact information of the pioneers, Tang Ji had not learned the supernatural ability of 'Dimension Gate' before.

Tang Ji currently displays at least five abilities, and the pioneers have been unable to determine whether he used the Greedy Blood potion to obtain new abilities, or whether he obtained new abilities by hunting players.

If it's the latter, then Tanguy will most likely become an unshakable obstacle in the future, and Markarian doesn't want to add another failure record to his resume.

But to make a player's voice in this weird world, Markarian still has a lot of preparation work to do, and the first one is to choose a location.

Markarian is not a big pioneer. In fact, he rarely intervenes in other world issues at this stage. Most of his tasks are completed after the pioneer stage is over, or even after the players have rotated for one or two generations.

Begin to intervene.

For example, in his only failure record, the players spent nearly two centuries in that world, raising the level of civilization of the people on the earth by two levels.

There are very few, or there has never been a world before, where players have shown such a violent spirit of resistance even before they enter the world.

After all, according to the explanation given by the Supreme Being, it is easier to be captured only when a world has entered a 'dead end' and civilization has fallen into a state of long-term stagnation.

In such a world, entities such as unified consciousness, or the will of Gaia, and the will of the planet, will behave very lazily and will hardly show too much reaction to outsiders like them.

Those worlds with physical gods or higher-dimensional consciousness are the most difficult to deal with among the many problems they face.

In Markarian's experience, what this kind of thing is best at is inciting the indigenous people to resist, giving them the power of fanatical belief, and setting off a wave of war around the world.

At the same time, it was also a time of carnival among players, which they called the Tide of War.

But Tang Ji was different. He was only one person, and he had never been seen inciting other people. Even compared to ordinary aborigines, he seemed a bit lonely.

Judging from the data, his violent temper is also consistent with the furious character of the Seven Deadly Sins. Markarian has all the information about Tangji. From childhood until he resigned from the law enforcement agency, violence has almost always been with him.


Tang Ji's resistance behavior is also very special. He has always driven forward with himself as the core, rather than the entire civilization. What makes Markarian even more difficult to accept is that his outrageous behavior is actually possible from now on.


Markarian didn't understand it at first, so he treated the pioneers of this world as trash.

Until they met once. It can only be said that Markarian was deeply impressed by the encounter full of Tang Ji's personal style.

Although Markarian finally got offline safely, he had already truly felt the pressure brought by Tang Ji.

The feeling of being on the thin line between life and death is a bit too exciting for the immortal species.

Tanguy is a challenge that Markarian has never faced before, and neither is this world.

Even excluding the existence of Tang Ji, this world is very strange to players, because the more highly developed the civilization is in the world, the less willing it is to enter the so-called 'dead end'.

They have too many choices to take, and there is always a direction in which they can finally achieve a breakthrough, leading civilization to the next stage.

And this world, under the observation of the planning department through the superficial timeline, encountered the rise of superhuman beings in the near future, and the scenario of the Seven Deadly Sins coming to the earth, which eventually led to the decline of the entire civilization and was eventually captured by them.

The dark humor is that now the Seven Deadly Sins have become their problem.

"The seven original sins represent the seven desires of mankind, rage, arrogance, greed, gluttony, jealousy, lust, and laziness." The prophet was sitting in an electric wheelchair, as if the grandmother next door was telling a story, but there were seven or eight on the wheelchair table.

Planting fruits and a bunch of melon seeds made the scene look a bit disharmonious.

If you see this gray-haired ‘grandma’ calmly throwing the finished melon seed peels towards Wu Qianying while telling this story, this disharmonious scene will be even more intensified.

Ever since she was a child, Dr. Wu has never been a person who suffered losses. Her status in the field was established as early as kindergarten. When she was four years old, she knew how to use chemical materials to turn the cosmetics of a female teacher who didn't like her into poison, which can make people

The skin becomes rough and dark.

So Dr. Wu, not to be outdone, ate a lot of some kind of genetically modified grapes and spit out the soybean-sized grape seeds into the prophet's bowl.

The other people at the table who were 'listening to the story' were either Mikkelsen, a wonderful person who could hear all directions and see all directions, or Tang Ji, who could hear the fluttering wings of a fly three hundred meters away, or even worse, someone who could

By shortening a second to nearly half a minute and reading all the little secrets in the world, Surte could naturally see the 'war' between the two women.

But no one dared to speak out to stop this invisible war, everyone pretended to be blind and deaf.

"Tell me something we don't know. You are wasting our time." Wu Qianying loaded her gun and took aim. She accurately hit the prophet's water glass without any ladylike temperament, and then she smiled with satisfaction: "This is definitely a good shot.

..the most expensive time in the world.”

"The Seven Deadly Sins, there should be seven people, but in the timeline I have experienced before, we often ignore laziness." The prophet calmly pushed the water glass aside. They are both superhumans, and Wu Qianying's physical enhancement

Obviously much older than her, she was almost drained of every ounce of activity in her body by her own abilities.

The reason why the Prophet looks a lot more rosy in recent times is mainly because Mikkelsen has stepped up his exploitation of the Tree of Life and has been providing the Prophet with this rare nourishment.

After possessing the clone of Son of Nature, the efficiency of communication between Mikkelsen and the Tree of Life has increased countless times. At least he now knows where the limits of the Tree of Life are, and does not have to worry about pinching it too hard and making this precious tree

The old trees withered.

"This is a conceptual ambiguity. In many official materials, we often label only six emotions under the seven deadly sins, completely forgetting the existence of laziness." The prophet continued: "And in the real world, this ambiguity

It should have continued to exist, but perhaps because of Tang Ji, this vague concept has flawed."

"Of course, this is a guess, my personal guess." The prophet added rigorously: "After all, laziness has always been unknown in all the timelines that I have experienced."

"You mean, his flame of hatred temporarily neutralized this confusing effect?" Wu Qianying immediately frowned: "If this statement is true, it proves that he awakened a long time ago, just like greed."

Speaking of this, Wu Qianying glanced at Mikkelsen, who smiled like a gentleman and seemed to be trying hard to understand what he had seen before.

Although the question of whether Mikkelsen was arrogant in the Seven Deadly Sins was not asked, everyone else knew that Wu Qianying wanted to ask this question.

However, a veteran Riddler like Mikkelsen, every time he encounters this situation, he will respond with a smile that may or may not be true for me.

"Now that gluttony has been contained, jealousy is under control, and lust is a coward hiding behind dreams. We need more power." The prophet chose one that looked gray and shaped like an apple from several fruits.


That is one of the products of the Gray Field Project. Gray fruit, like other products of the Gray Field Project, can provide rich vitamins, has a large yield, and is easy to store, but it is not delicious, or in other words, it is so unpalatable that people will eat it.

Making tough choices in sepsis and eating it.

The prophet only took one bite and then gave up. Her fragile taste buds could not bear such food. If this was the future food of mankind, she would be glad that she would not see that day.

"The question is how do we find a Seven Deadly Sins that hides itself conceptually?" Wu Qianying asked in response: "What's more, who can guarantee that he is not an idiot like jealousy? Rather than taking risks, it is better to let him remain

status quo."

"You have the final say. Anyway, I am taking a back seat now." The prophet quietly pushed the fruit basket containing gray fruits towards Wu Qianying.

"Are you finished?" Mikkelsen seemed to suddenly come to his senses, and turned his attention back, and then said: "The ghost just gave us bad news. The Blazers are planning a counterattack. They are about to officially start a war.


"I think this is good news." Tang Ji laughed. He had been living in seclusion during this period and didn't care about worldly affairs at all.

But judging from how busy Wang Zhengdao and Mikkelsen are, their progress in integrating secular forces is obviously not optimistic.

The old moneymen who participated in the Phoenix Project have occupied a considerable part of society's resources. Now, no one can take away these resources from them before they leave the earth or pass away.

While the old money is focusing on the Phoenix plan, the new money, which is less well-informed, also takes up part of the resources to compete for the gap left by the old money.

In addition, those in power who originally controlled secular power are unwilling to give up the power they currently have.

The Petrochemical Alliance, which has been forgotten by the world, has also been making moves recently, tentatively infiltrating armed forces into Sudan, which was destroyed by jealousy, and intends to completely control the Suez Canal.

As for the Luther-Mikkelsen coalition, they must first discuss their interests with the old and young people in the federation and the autonomous prefectures, and then draw a line.

But if the players are already planning a showdown, Mikkelsen must choose Plan B: "We have to speed up the process. There are some die-hards on this list and they need to be cleared."

PS: Was Chapter 452 blocked before? I only received the unblock message, not the blocked message.

This chapter has been completed!
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