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Chapter 459 Regaining Life

Helping Mikkelsen liquidate his criminal capital is almost like a vacation for Tang Ji. This kind of recreational activity is equivalent to the early days of the team's establishment, when they went to reduce dimensions and fight against the gang members in Night City during the break between missions. It can not only relax the mind, but also

It can also provide appropriate stimulation. It can be called a top entertainment activity.

According to Tang Ji's simple values, if all the company executives sitting in the office were shot, there might be a possibility of accidentally killing "good people", but if they were shot two and one, a lot of fish would definitely slip through the net.

Therefore, he didn't leave anyone alive. All the clients he visited were, without exception, featured in the local news of the day. Of course, there were also many in the financial section, which were published all over the world.

Now the path for the apparent unification of the Luther-Mikkelsen coalition was immediately smooth, and those targets who were still hesitating or waiting for a price all turned to the federal government as quickly as possible.

There was no way, the combination of Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji was too efficient. When they were fast, they killed three more in one afternoon, and most of the time was wasted in getting the target to sign the acquisition contract.

There are many people on the list who must obtain the consent of investors, partners, and shareholders before they can sign this agreement, so Tang Ji and the others had to kill some unplanned targets in order to speed up the entire process.

After all, die-hard elements are still in the minority, and many people had already picked up their signature pens the moment they saw Tang Ji appear.

In the whole process, the most interesting action was undoubtedly the acquisition with the old employer Lazarus Group, which was the most memorable. It is difficult to say that the shareholders who were attending the shareholders' meeting had too many complicated emotions in their hearts when they saw Tang Ji.

But seeing this wage earner who once only needed a few million federal dollars a month to hire as a thug and go wherever he was asked to go has now transformed into a big shot who cannot even be named, it is undoubtedly a strong feeling.

mental stimulation.

When several older shareholders heard that Tang Ji announced that the purchase price was 25 billion federal coins, they immediately went offline due to huge physiological fluctuations.

But to Tang Ji, these weaklings are of no importance at all, as long as the people who agree to the acquisition exceed 51% of the total share, it is enough.

Dr. Wu Qianying and the Wu Group behind him own a full 17% of the shares. They are the only shareholders to retain all their shares.

There was no way, Wu Qianying used her ability and charm to occupy all of this. Neither Tang Ji nor Mikkelsen wanted to make Dr. Wu unhappy over such a trivial matter.

Of course, in exchange for rights, the Wu Group sent all the lists and information of people within the Lazarus Group who might have had an affair with the Trail Blazers to the FBAS Bureau for processing.

The aftermath of Tang Ji's suppression of the capital market on behalf of the federal government was far more than what he saw.

Those company executives whose average assets exceed 5 billion federal coins are certainly not good people. The capital market is a huge melting pot. Any creature that is weak and not strong enough will be melted on the road to success and wealth and become someone else.

a part of.

Of course they will not sit still and wait for death, but they will fight alone against Tang Ji, who comes from another world's civilization. He is obviously a supermodel card.

Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao were not aware of the resistance of these people at all. They just visited one after another step by step, at their most restrictive rhythm, and then inadvertently crushed all obstacles.

This sense of panic is like a sharp sword pointing at the necks of all the new money and old money classes, telling them that as long as Tang Ji wants to, he will definitely kill them without any effort.

The progress of the Phoenix Project has accelerated again, because more wealthy people who feel unable to adapt and are unwilling to adapt to the new world choose this path.

The most direct proof is that the house price of the utopia that still exists in the PPT has increased by 17%.

Considering the original price of space in Phoenix, the 17% increase is extremely terrifying. Compared with the 111 billion euros that Marcin Cooper just threw into the federal Treasury account, it is considered small money.


Mikkelsen took the opportunity to sell all the Phoenix space he had secretly acquired before, and used the difference to once again strongly stabilize the federal finances.

This kind of simple financial manipulation is completely instinctive for Mikkelsen. He has no attachment to wealth, simply because he feels uncomfortable when he sees the leeks failing to collect.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Krenchikov glanced at the timer and asked Tony.

Tony, who was wearing a full set of armor, nodded and made a sprint for 100 meters. As the countdown in the eyepiece ended, he rushed out instantly like an arrow leaving the string.

Dr. Krenzikov's dynamic vision couldn't even catch up with Tony's figure, and he could only focus on the finish line by feeling.

"Speed ​​of 100 meters, four seconds and nine!" The assistant's excited voice sounded as if he had just witnessed a miracle, which was actually the case.

They are creating a true artificial super human!

Following the success of Tony's surgery, Dr. Klenchikov officially announced that the Klenchikov Central Nervous Enhancement System has become the top priority of the Lost Mountain Base.

As a new generation of prosthetics, the Krenzikov Central Nervous Enhancement System is definitely a product that transcends the times. It is the ultimate accessory that can instantly turn a salted fish into a shark as long as it is installed.

Just through downloading, the implanter can master the fighting and shooting skills. If there is a reliable prosthetic expert to fine-tune according to his own condition, the effect will be doubled.

What is even more noteworthy is that Dr. Sean Westan's previous achievement, 'Time Sensitivity', can be used as a kind of plug-in to cooperate with Krenzikov's central nervous system enhancement system, making the recipient become a person in this sense.

Artificial superhuman.

This is the nineteenth time Tony has been tested. After every run and every roll, he needs to enter the medical room immediately and be monitored by professional medical staff to prevent any accidents.

Although he felt good about himself, or in other words, he had never felt so good, in fact, both the central nervous system enhancer itself and the time-sensitive hormone were quite dangerous things.

Krenzikov's central nervous system enhances the system by relying on electrical signals to interfere with the nervous system. As a precision instrument like the human body, every insignificant movement is the result of the coordination of countless systems, involving tens of thousands of people.

neural signals.

It is foreseeable that recipients who have been equipped with Krenzikov's central nervous system enhancement system for a long time will develop symptoms of central nervous system atrophy and necrosis after using the system for three to five years.

Time-sensitive hormone is essentially a highly toxic substance. Under its interference, every time the user enters a bullet-like time state, he commits chronic suicide. No one knows what the consequences of long-term use will be.

Fortunately, there are not only superhuman beings like Surte in this world, but also gluttons.

The medical injections that Tang Ji and the others had snatched from the Pioneers could perfectly repair the related nerve damage. At least Tony would not have to worry about dying from the sequelae one day in the future.

The most likely way for him to die is that he was unfortunately killed in a confrontation with the player. Tony himself has accepted this way of death.

The reason why he is willing to take such risks is to quickly improve himself so that he will not become a shortcoming in the team.

Simply, he did it.

During the operation, Tony not only implanted the Krenzikov central nervous system augmentation system and replaced it with a more advanced prosthetic body, but also cut off his left arm and replaced it with a military-grade armed robotic arm.

He would not admit that he was in COS, but this prosthetic body was exactly the same as Tangji's in terms of texture and style.

This thing has almost become a fashion now. Every day, I don’t know how many people think that they have fingers on their hands, so they choose to amputate their arms and replace them with a prosthetic leg of the same style as Tangji.

Tony is just one of them, and he is sure that his prosthetic leg is definitely the closest to the prototype.

"Want to compare?" Surte looked at Tony with some excitement, his face showing the unique joy of a teenager. He had never seen anything similar in bullet time.

"I can only run fifty meters." Tony smiled. This smile was definitely the most relaxed he had smiled in the past six months.

Because both people are in the same bullet time state, although Tony's bullet time is not that fast, in comparison, the assistant responsible for recording time next to him is like a slow-motion toy at this time.

"Then it's fifty meters! I'll give you one leg!" After Surte said that, he jumped forward on one leg, and Tony also sprinted in the direction chosen by Surte without hesitation.

He could clearly feel that the air in front of him was as thick as jelly, and he was just a mouse trying to get into the jelly, and every step was so difficult.

The prosthetic mechanism provided surging power, driving Tony forward. At this moment, he didn't think about warning lines, heart rate, or nerve synchronization values. He simply enjoyed the joy of becoming a superhuman.

The feeling of entering bullet time is fascinating. At this moment, you feel that you have finally become the person who can control your own destiny. Everything around you seems to be in another dimension and they can never affect you.

And you just need to move forward, a little faster.

"Ha! I won!" Soult stood at the finish line, turned around and showed off to Tony, with the purest smile on his face.

At this time, Tony had just finished running the first four meters, and the third step had not yet touched the ground.

Dr. Krenchikov's assistant had not yet completed the process of turning around. He did not even realize that the target he wanted to inspect had left his side and was sprinting forward.

Tony looked at Surte and responded with a smile. He didn't know how Surte grew up, but under Tang Ji's restraint, he was undoubtedly a good boy.

He knew very well what choices he would make if he had that kind of ability.

But for now, it was enough. When the expression on the assistant's face gradually turned to panic, Tony finally arrived at Soult's side, gave him a high-five, and then exited this state.

The nosebleeds suddenly spurted out, and the continuous use of time-sensitive hormone to stimulate the brain caused many capillaries to rupture, and Tony's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Damn it!" Dr. Krenzikov hurriedly ran to Tony's side and shined a pen on Tony's pupils to check the status: "Are you crazy? None of us knew about joining Sean Westan's plug-in club.

What impact will it have on you? You may die at any time!"

"Doctor, do you think I care?" Tony smiled: "I took so many risks to return to the battlefield, not to be a fragile thing here."

He casually wiped the nosebleed with the back of his hand, broke away from Dr. Klenchikov's hand, and pointed to his head: "Believe me, I feel very good now, I'm fine."

"Oh? You also have a doctorate in medicine? Have you studied brain science in depth? You have studied in the field of biological nerve signal transmission for thirty years and can draw nerve distribution maps with your bare hands?" Dr. Klenchikov asked slowly.

Tony was speechless. After Tang Ji showed enough respect to this kind of academic master, the other members of the team also learned to be polite. Even Martin, who didn't know a word of Chinese, knew what to do in front of the elevator.

Make way for these people in white coats.

In his words, he eats to make shit, and those people eat to make civilization shine. God knows where that stupid guy saw such beautiful words. Tony himself wanted to complete a few sentences, but unfortunately his highest literary quality stopped.

In Playboy-Stephen King 40th Anniversary Edition.

Dr. Klenchikov unceremoniously drew a tube of blood and handed it to his assistant: "Take him for a comprehensive examination, a central nervous system neurography backup, and notify Dr. Sean Weistein to consult with me."

"You know, the central nervous system enhancement system behind you was manually adjusted by me. It has completely adapted to your neural structure, so the synchronization rate is so high." Dr. Klenchikov said lightly: "In other words

, if I punch you now, I know exactly what your instinctive reaction will be."

After Dr. Klenchikov finished speaking, he picked up the pen and poked Tony's right eye. Tony subconsciously closed his eyes and dodged backwards. As a result, the doctor stepped on the toe of his shoe at some point, and the doctor pushed him smoothly.

, Tony immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He looked at Dr. Klenchikov with disbelief. This Caucasian man was almost eighty years old. Although his body was still healthy, he did not have much muscle and looked very thin.

He was such a skinny old man, and when he was knocked down just now, Tony felt like his dignity had been spread out into a piece of cake, with some chopped green onion sprinkled on it.

"You're looking at him." Dr. Krenzikov also poked Surte with the pen, but Surte seemed to have dropped the frame and appeared a few meters away with a smile: "When will your first reaction be to enter the bullet?"

Time status, let’s think about actual combat.”

Tony was convinced this time. He felt that he was on the right track. When facing people who are smarter than you, you'd better maintain respect. Since they can build something like an atomic bomb, they can also designate a whole set of plans specifically for you.

This chapter has been completed!
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