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Chapter 466 The Rebirth of Gluttony

Xiehe Tiangong, 145th floor.

As the central floor, it used to be the middle floor of the three-terminal linkage damper of the entire building. This expensive anti-disturbance system uses liquid damping to keep the super high-rise building stable in the increasingly deteriorating natural environment.

But now, this place is occupied by this huge evil creature, used to hatch new life.

A huge ovoid object with a diameter of more than thirty meters is connected by countless biomass pipes, and it relies on the buoyancy of the liquid to suspend and fix it in the liquid damping layer.

Tang Ji stood on the maintenance platform and looked down at the huge egg, which was beating as regularly as a heart.

A certain fluorescent substance is continuously transported into the giant egg through the biomass pipeline. As the giant egg beats, the entire system flashes with an ominous fluorescent green light.

Even just looking at this thing, the amount of radiation exceeded the standard. Tang Ji frowned. The words gluttony and radiation just paired together made people feel very bad.

As soon as he raised his hand, the prelude appeared directly in his hand.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

The six bullets broke through the barrier of the damping fluid in an instant and crashed into the giant egg. The seemingly very tough skin only played a symbolic role under the dual effects of the bullets and the flames of hatred.

But that's where it stopped. The giant egg didn't react at all and seemed not to be harmed at all.

Tang Ji snorted, took off his favorite windbreaker and the dragon scale armor protective equipment that had begun to become a burden, jumped directly into the damping pool, and swam towards the giant egg.

The moment Tang Ji entered the water, the tentacles and eyestalks hidden at the bottom of the damping pool seemed to be activated, and instantly filled the entire damping pool.

Tang Ji waved the dagger with one hand, and the prosthetic limb swung back and forth like a blade, cutting off the tentacles that tried to get close to attack him at extremely fast speeds.

Violent body movements were transmitted in the form of vacuum waves in the incompressible liquid. After penetrating the tentacles, they left traces on the wall at the end of the space.

Tang Ji just swam towards the giant egg through all obstacles, unstoppable.

When he finally lay down on the surface of the giant egg, Tang Ji could even feel the temperature and vibration of the thing through the skin of his palm, as if it was afraid of him.

But Tangji has no mercy. Its history, its birth process, and the harm it may cause in the future all determine that there is absolutely no possibility of coexistence between this thing and humans.

Killing it completely is the only result.

The tactical dagger was inserted into the surface of the skin and pulled downwards, and a long wound appeared. However, the dagger did not completely cut through the skin. It seemed to be at least one meter thick, and it healed quickly.

Even under the influence of the Flame of Hatred, it still heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But Tang Ji was faster. He penetrated deeply with one knife after another, and soon half of the people were squeezed in. The healing skin began to shrink, trying to compress Tang Ji's movement space.

Tang Ji had to admit that if this thing was really gluttonous, it would be a lot smarter than before. At least it wouldn't end up on the same road as last time.

A tentacle stronger than the others suddenly came from behind. Taking advantage of Tang Ji's hard work, he opened the mouthparts at the top and bit Tang Ji's prosthetic leg, trying to drag Tang Ji away from the wound.

come out.

More violent flames of hatred rose from Tang Ji's body, burning the tentacles all red, but the other party felt no pain at all until the end of the limbs were roasted, and the stiff muscle tissue broke with the movement of its own force.

The tentacles didn't let go.

And behind it, there are more and stronger tentacles waiting to take its place.

Like last time, Gluttony has taken advantage of its size, but within the same mass range, it is still unable to produce biomass comparable to Tangji.

So after some entanglement, Tang Ji finally broke through the barrier of the skin, and successfully entered the inside of the giant egg amid the scrambling of countless tentacles.

The entire space was filled with yellow-brown liquid. Tang Ji didn't want to know the taste of this stuff at all, but the slightly sweet fishy smell was still conveyed to his taste.

Tang Ji almost immediately found what he was looking for in the giant egg. It was so big that it was difficult to ignore just because it existed there.

A huge baby, definitely over twenty meters tall, was suspended in the middle of the giant egg, with a long umbilical cord connected to the bottom of the giant egg.

At this time, the huge baby was looking at Tang Ji with his eyes open.

In the last unpleasant exchange with Gluttony, Gluttony's final form was that of a very deformed human baby, except that the height proportions were a bit out of whack.

But now, it looked so perfect, its skin was as flawless as white jade. Just one look at it, Tang Ji knew that it was Gluttony.

Perhaps it was the remaining obsession with being a human being that allowed it to finally transform into a perfect human form this time. However, in order to accommodate its gluttonous ambition, its size once again seriously exceeded the standard. It exceeded the standard by more than two hundred times.

Tang Ji is a father, and he knows very well what human babies look like in their infancy. In terms of development, Gluttony already looks like a normal human baby at eight or nine months old.

If Tang Ji has any weaknesses, his kindness to children is definitely one of them, but it does not include the giant baby in front of him.

Tang Ji suddenly pounced towards those eyes that were larger than others, and the surface of the blue pupils quickly reflected Tang Ji's ferocious face.

Until the dagger penetrated the eye and made a sharp downward cut, the giant baby looked at Tang Ji expressionlessly, not even focusing on it.

This was not an eye at all. The moment the blade entered his body, Tang Ji knew that he had been fooled. It was just a decoration that he had eaten too much to decorate himself.

As Tang Ji completed his attack, the upper half of the giant baby's face suddenly tilted back, and the entire head split open in the middle, revealing the ferocious mouthparts inside!

A scarlet tongue-like object ejected from it, sticking Tangji to its surface and dragging it into its mouthparts like a frog preying on a mosquito.

Tang Ji felt pain for the first time in a long time. The mucus on the surface of his tongue was not only sticky but also corrosive, corroding a large number of small pits on his skin.

Tang Ji, who was in the water, had no point of strength at this time and was just dragged towards the mouthparts.

At this time, the giant baby's abdomen also suddenly split into a larger vertical mouthpart, which almost opened the entire abdominal cavity.

The more ferocious and more ferocious mouthparts threw out their own prey organs, stuck to Tang Ji's feet, and competed with the upper mouthparts for the right to own the food.

Tang Ji wrapped his hands around the tongue on the opponent's face, tightened it hard, and directly separated the skin and flesh of the thing, and then broke free from the restraints on the upper body.

At this moment, Tang Ji's blood was flowing in the amniotic fluid belonging to Gluttony, blending with the blood of Gluttony.

Gluttony's face that was split in half finally showed its first expression, joy!

Anyone can see the joy unique to a baby from these two half-faced faces, as if a child who longed for a gift finally got his wish.

The giant baby began to struggle hard, and soon broke the umbilical cord connecting itself, and then swam to the edge of the giant egg with Tang Ji. It had completed the final touches, and now, it was about to be born!

At this time, Tang Ji had already broken free from the shackles of his lower body and fired six shots at the opponent's split brain at close range with the prelude, but the result was little effect.

Since the last war with Gluttony, they have studied how to deal with this large decentralized life form. The answer is that nuclear weapons are the most convenient.

It is difficult for Tang Ji to fight against this kind of thing by himself, as he is not professional enough.

After research, Wu Qianying determined that the remains of gluttonous creatures have unparalleled self-healing and defense capabilities, even if the bonus of supernatural abilities is not counted.

Its life structure is evolving in the direction of lighthouse jellyfish and tardigrade. Although it cannot be that extreme, if supernatural abilities are added,

"This is the architectural structure diagram of the building. This is the location where the previous vibration came from." Wu Qianying projected a hologram on the top wall of the building next door: "At the same time, this is also the location of the mid-end damping pool. I need you to spear through it.

Is it possible to pass through the front wall and the entire damping pool inside it and out from the other direction?"

Avalon weighed the throwing spear in his hand and nodded confidently.

Compared with the previous ECS game, Avalon looks more powerful now, and the throwing spear in his hand has been replaced by an alloy throwing spear with a secret formula.

This kind of throwing spear costs nearly one million each, is four meters long and weighs 540 kilograms. It is almost indestructible and not affected by high temperatures.

Moreover, it is integrally formed at the beginning of manufacturing, and it is difficult to change the shape thereafter.

As the flagship of the League of Gentlemen, Avalon is now one of the most well-known mercenaries in the world, charging more than five million federal dollars each time.

But this time, Avalon is helping out on a voluntary basis, and there are not many opportunities for Tang Ji to owe him a favor. No one can tell when he will need such a favor to save his life.

Wu Qianying used professional positioning equipment to mark a target pattern on the surface of the living building opposite, which served as a guide.

Just to the southwest of them, a seven- to eight-meter-tall flesh carpet containing an unknown number of corpses was rolling over like a wave.

They must get in touch with Tang Ji before the new biomass arrives.

Avalon took the throwing spear from his war attendant and walked to another corner of the rooftop alone to prevent accidental injuries caused by the wind pressure generated when he threw the spear.

After a short preparation, Avalon took a deep breath and bent his whole body backward like a bow. The arm holding the spear was the furthest point of the bow arm's bend!

Then he suddenly moved forward and threw the spear towards the target point!

This was Avalon's full blow, leaving no trace of energy left behind. He seemed to have thrown a bolt of lightning, and the air in front of him erupted with a huge roar after throwing the spear!

The scattered air currents blew the long cloak behind Avalon.

The spear throw lived up to expectations, with almost no effort, it penetrated the wall of the living building like piercing tofu, and then the swept air rushed into it along the hole with a diameter of no more than five centimeters, causing a second explosion.

The next second, the throwing spear came out from the other end of the building, blasting a large hole with a diameter of more than five meters, and disappeared into the distant sky.

"Tang Ji, I need it." Tang Ji, who was fighting gluttony in the damping pool, suddenly heard Wu Qianying's voice, but the voice immediately disappeared again.

The biomass on the surface of the living building quickly repaired the leaks and blocked all signals.

"Do it again!" Wu Qianying nodded towards Avalon and asked him to continue.

Avalon stretched his wrist, drank seven or eight bottles of high-sugar energy drinks, then took another throwing spear and projected it again according to the new target point!


The spear was thrown ten meters to the left of the first target point and once again completed a penetration!

"Bring me the core substance!" Wu Qianying's voice appeared again. This time Tang Ji even saw a spear passing through not far below with his peripheral vision, stirring the amniotic fluid in the giant egg as if it were boiling.


Although he didn't hear it completely, Tang Ji already understood what Wu Qianying meant. Without any hesitation, Tang Ji directly launched a phase jump and disappeared with mucus all over his body.

No matter what Wu Qianying wants, he must have it all!

Realizing that the formidable enemy had disappeared, Gluttony, who was still not very smart, forgot all about Tang Ji in the blink of an eye, began to tear at the skin of the giant egg, and quickly escaped.

On the other side, Tang Ji called Wu Qianying the moment he left the building.

"I'm on the roof of the brown building next to you. If you hear this news, come to me immediately." Dr. Wu's automated voice kept replaying this sentence. Tang Ji followed the guidance and soon appeared in front of Wu Qianying.

"Everything you need is here." Tang Ji took off his tattered shirt and handed it to Wu Qianying, and then took out the samples collected before: "This was collected in the building, inside."

"It's Gluttony!" Wu Qianying took the samples, turned around, cut out a piece of cloth, and stuffed it into the separator: "I already know it's it, what is its form now?"

"A huge baby, bigger than last time." Tang Ji shared what he saw with Wu Qianying and others.

Avalon in the distance took this opportunity to wipe his hands with a silk handkerchief and nodded to Tang Ji.

Wu Qianying checked it over, then grabbed Tang Ji's arm and looked around: "Your blood is fused in the amniotic fluid. I don't know if this has any symbolic meaning, but Gluttony is obviously very excited."

"You, the Seven Deadly Sins, have too many symbolic rituals that are neither scientific nor magical. No one knows what the results will be before they are completed." Wu Qianying's expression was not very good: "I need half an hour to configure and decompose it.

I'll leave it to you in half an hour."

While Dr. Wu was speaking, the giant baby in Tang Ji's mouth suddenly burst out of the wall. Its huge head squeezed through the biomass wall, exposed to the air and in front of the audience around the world, and let out an excited roar.


This chapter has been completed!
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