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Chapter 470 New Visitors from Lost Mountain

"Test 1, skin tissue recovery speed, using plasma cutting machine, test subject, Tang Ji." Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji through the explosion-proof glass, speaking cold and ruthless words, and could not tell at all that she was because of Tang Ji yesterday.

And was so panicked.

"Are you ready?" An assistant looked at Tang Ji cautiously, turned on the plasma cutting machine and ran away without waiting for him to answer.

Tang Ji picked up the handle of the cutting machine, pointed it at the back of his hand, and started welding.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees melted the skin and flesh in an instant, but when Tang Ji took away the welding gun, the charred marks on the back of his hand were like snow under the sun, and they quickly recovered as before.

"3.4 seconds, the recovery level is approximately equal to 65% of LV3 gluttony." Wu Qianying mentally calculated the data and recorded it in the record.

In the previous blood sample examination, Tang Ji's blood components had undergone subtle changes. Some cells were no longer restricted by telomeres like cancer cells and gained permanent life.

But it is not like those cancer cells that overeat, which have completely lost their physiological structure and behave like single-celled organisms that can be piled up at will.

The Donguid mutation looks more like another immortal species, Greedy, and their cells are all healthy and will not lose their growth and renewal properties.

It's just that Tang Ji was not that thorough. According to Wu Qianying's understanding, Tang Ji will become unusually long-lived because of this accident. Maybe he can live for hundreds or even thousands of years.

And based on the individual life span of human beings, which is measured in hundreds of years, this is almost the concept of immortality.

Since the birth of superhuman beings, research on superhuman beings has never been interrupted, and whether there is any supernatural ability that can make people immortal is undoubtedly the most enthusiastic project of major research institutes, and it is also the project that attracts the most capital.

Wu Qianying didn't know it, but Lazarus was the first to recruit Tang Ji to target the Losas organization. The main goal hidden behind it was to obtain the supernatural ability to extend lifespan, so that the board members could become the Eternal Parliament.

Even now, the emperor of the Arasaka Empire, Saburo Arasaka, has been openly seeking ways to extend his life. His decaying body can no longer hold on for long.

For this reason, he was even willing to negotiate with the pioneers, but sadly, the greedy blood-[Cancer Recovery] created based on the ability of gluttony cannot extend human lifespan.

Of course, if you have a few big holes in your stomach and your internal organs are leaking out, this medicine can still extend your life.

But Saburo Arasaka is most indispensable for cancer cells. On his 135th birthday last year, he had a section of his cancerous appendix removed.

And now, the emperor shrouded in neon lights is discussing business with Mikkelsen.

He is willing to promise never to make a deal with players, to stand firmly on the side of human civilization, and to fully support Tanguy and Mikkelsen's ongoing just war.

The condition is that he wants the original tissue of Gluttony.

It's not the carbonized dust in the Toronto room. That stuff is useless. The Arasaka Group's intelligence department had obtained several kilograms of that garbage a few hours ago, but they couldn't get anything useful.

No, that cannot be said. At least the people at the research institute can confirm that Dr. Wu Qianying, who appeared at the scene, must have a very in-depth understanding of the giant baby monster in order to come up with such a targeted weapon.

The only explanation is that they have studied gluttony before and have biological tissues from gluttony as experimental subjects.

The Lost Mountain base is not an airtight iron cage, it is a complex and strict system, but this system is composed of people.

Everyone has their weaknesses, and Mikkelsen's agents can always lurk inside the Naturalized Organization. Naturally, the spies of the Arasaka Intelligence Division also have hidden lines at the Lost Mountain base.

What's more, Arasaka's extreme people launched the 'True Butterfly' project half a century ago, and Miwako was one of them.

When Saburo Arasaka realized that there might be something he wanted in the Lost Mountain Base, he would naturally know whether it was there, so he was very sure that his conditions were not excessive.

In fact, this was indeed the case. After all, in order to seal the flesh and blood tissue of Gluttony, they had to set aside a huge warehouse for cryogenic preservation.

But the rules of the game are not like this. In Mikkelsen's case, Saburo Arasaka can't get whatever he wants, and the conditions are all what he wants.

Mikkelsen's accustomed trading method is, you give me whatever I want, and every condition will make you hesitate in the face of the choice of whether to insist on the transaction.

This method of trading is called scalping.

"Test two, muscle tissue recovery speed, use of tools, alloy dagger, supernatural ability, discovery of weaknesses, test subject, Tang Ji." Wu Qianying nodded to Tang Ji in the protective room, indicating that the other party could take action.

Tang Ji picked up a dagger, compared it with himself, and finally chose the calf, which was easier to attack.

[Discover Weaknesses] This ability, in the face of Tang Ji's increasingly powerful strength, has fallen behind. He can't even remember the last time he used this ability.

Because in front of him, those enemies were either full of weaknesses and could kill at will, or, like Gluttony, they had almost no weaknesses, and even if they did, they couldn't complete the attack due to their size.

But when he did it to himself, this ability came into play.

From the perspective of [Discover Weakness], Tang Ji's body appears a light golden color, which means there is no weakness.

He watched for a full minute before a faint red light flashed across his leg. Tang Ji did not miss the opportunity and cut off a piece of bloody muscle tissue with a steady and steady knife.

Pain is a wonderful sensory system that can remind ordinary people of danger and stimulate the production of adrenaline, allowing people to react faster and more explosively in dangerous environments.

But when you are often injured and are physically and mentally prepared to accept pain, it will gradually be controlled by the brain and under your thoughts.

Tang Ji is not a pervert who loves pain, but he can indeed suppress the pain response, making the brain less sensitive to pain.

Just like now, when large pieces of calf muscle tissue were peeled off, Tang Ji's body didn't shake at all. He was in complete control of the body.

On the contrary, Wu Qianying trembled the moment Tang Ji performed the operation, but then she was attracted by its healing reaction.

Tang Ji did not heal the wound in the blink of an eye like Gluttony. This was not a 'minor injury' like a penetration or damage to soft tissues such as internal organs.

Muscle is a type of tissue with relatively weak regeneration ability among human tissues. Currently, major medical institutions can only achieve a regeneration rate of about 65% through drug and hormone supplementation.

But Tang Ji's body still responded. First, the recovered skin healed quickly and re-covered the wound. Then, in this sealed state, it took one minute and thirty seconds for the calf muscle tissue to return to its previous level.

Tang Ji stood on the spot and did two sets of squats. The strength of his new muscles was no different from before.

The X-ray fluoroscopy machine records everything that happens in the subcutaneous tissue, but this is only for data collection.

In terms of physical regeneration ability alone, there are at least four known superhumans who can achieve an even more exaggerated level than Tang Ji, and this does not include Gluttony, who is currently unknown whether he is alive or dead.

But for Tang Ji, the ability to self-regenerate is undoubtedly a secondary strengthening of his personality. Gluttony takes away the resistance to the flames of hatred, but also shares his most precious ability with Tang Ji. This is a kind of

Fair dealing.

According to Wu Qianying's plan, Tang Ji's bone regeneration ability and lens regeneration ability will be tested next. These tests should not allow Tang Ji to perform such self-mutilation.

However, the ability of [睚禦必venge] obviously requires all the doctors who operate on Tang Ji to risk their lives. No one wants to suddenly find that their leg is broken when they are removing the bones, so Tang Ji can only do it himself.

Fortunately, the next process is not so bloody.

Tang Ji broke off one of his fingers cleanly. Under the X-ray, the finger bone was broken very crisply and the fracture was flat. After the bone was reset, it quickly completed its self-repair.

Tangji's cells directly synthesized pure natural bone binding agents to complete this repair.

The same was true for the subsequent lens repair test. He used sharp tweezers to gently probe into the retina. The blood spread from the bleeding point and stained the retina red. But then, the wound healed and the remaining blood was quickly drained from the corner of the eye.


"Congratulations, all are benign reactions." Wu Qianying finally breathed a sigh of relief after completing several subsequent tests: "I don't see any risk of mutation in you yet."

Of course, these tests are not meaningless. If there is a genetic exchange between Tangji and Gluttony, the biggest risk is whether Tangji will suddenly transform into gluttony one day in the future.

Currently, artificial superhumans and superhumans with composite abilities who have gained the ability to recover from cancer through the blood of greed are facing a crisis.

Gluttony can be reborn in Toronto through a large number of infected people, so all those who carry its genetic ability face the possibility of becoming a carrier of Gluttony one day.

And Tang Ji, who has had close contact with it, is undoubtedly the one with the greatest risk.

God knows what kind of impact it will have on the world if Gluttony really succeeds. Who can kill the furious Gluttony?

That is almost beyond the imagination of carbon-based organisms.

"Miss Anne, this is the first time we meet. I hope you won't find this place shabby." Mikkelsen sat opposite Anne, wearing a ginger-yellow old-fashioned suit that seemed to complement this outdated office.

This is Mikkelsen's office at the Lost Mountain Base. It is the closest place to the concept of home that Mikkelsen has apart from his office on Hawaii Island.

There are many things here that were placed here forty years ago and have never been moved. They are of great commemorative value.

For example, there is a jersey signed by Kobe Bryant on the shelf. Next to it is a photo of Gorbachev shaking hands with Bush Sr. If you are careful enough, you will find Mikkelsen standing in the corner.

There are many similar, valuable collections. In Mikkelsen's long and exciting past, there will always be something memorable that needs to be kept, and most of them are placed here.

Therefore, Mikkelsen rarely brought people into this office, and even Tang Ji never came in. Of course, this was also because Tang Ji had no interest in Mikkelson's past.

Without this crisis, they might never sit at the same table to eat, and even if they knew each other's existence, they would only despise each other.

Anne may be the first outsider to walk into this office in the past twenty years. This is the sincerity shown by Mikkelsen, showing the other party his true self.

Mikkelsen is a very purposeful person, he does everything for a reason, such as now.

Annie is an insecure person. In terms of personality and past, she is simply not like one of the Seven Deadly Sins. The superhumans on the roadside who can shoot air cannons with their mouths are more flamboyant than her.

But it was this contrast that made her invisible in this war.

But now that she has appeared, Mikkelsen has a complete understanding of Annie's past. He knows everything from the time she was born until she was driven to a dead end by gluttony yesterday.

A well-controlled woman, a little ambitious but not too ambitious, you don’t need to worry about her stabbing you in the back one day in the future. If she really has the chance, she will definitely choose to drop the knife and find a place to hide herself.


Compared with Tang Ji, that bastard who would start every meeting by waiting for the war to end and making you the next target, Annie is undoubtedly a better partner.

It's just that in this war, her abilities are a bit useless to players, but fortunately, they have many enemies, not just players.

Anne was a little nervous and twisted her clothes. She had always been afraid of Mikkelsen who was everywhere.

Although Mikkelsen never dreams, Anne still knows about Mikkelsen's existence through other people's perspectives, and in these perspectives, Mikkelson's image is very similar to the eyes shrouded in dark clouds.

He is omnipresent, omniscient, irresistible, cooperating obediently, and at the same time thanking the other party for not running him over when passing by. This is the result of the summary of these impressions.

And now, Annie was sitting opposite him.

"Fortunately, there are many interesting displays here." Anne forced a smile and added: "It's very tasteful."

"Miss Anne, I know you have some misunderstandings about me, but you will soon find that I am more like a djinn who can make wishes, but I don't need to rub it three times first." Mikkelsen showed a warm smile: "

You just need to meet my requirements, and then I will fulfill your wish."

"What do you want me to do?" Annie asked cheerfully. Since she chose to come here, she had better prepare herself to be a qualified tool worker.

At least until her power reaches the level of rage and greed, Anne will not have any additional plans.

"Very well, Miss Anne, here is your task list." Mikkelsen handed Anne the list that had been printed out in advance.

The other party's eyes suddenly widened: "545 items?!"

PS: It was late yesterday because the escort came back and her schedule was a bit messy.

This chapter has been completed!
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