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Chapter 483 Mortal Counterattack

The Taha Gang is not the Gallic military that has been in peace for a long time. They have almost lost all their armor, but the Taha Gang has cut back on clothing and saved up an army. They know that it will not be of much use, but everyone thinks that

The light armor strength that I must have.

It was a miniature armored force with a total multiplier of less than fifty vehicles, nearly half of which were 'handmade products' they transformed themselves using limited materials in underground bunkers.

Of course, handmade goods do not mean poor quality, because the people who modify them are also the crew members themselves. They are a group of multi-functional vehicle crew members who have mastered modification, maintenance and driving at the same time.

The Taha Gang's limited safe space cannot support idlers, and full-time, off-the-job soldiers are definitely a hot and sought-after occupation.

Considering the glorious history of the Taha Gang's ancestors, it is definitely a miracle for them to turn around their factions by developing their current virtues.

Boyle Taha knows very well what impact what he is doing will have on the entire 13th District and the Taha Gang.

When District 13 is opened, at least openly, the centripetal force that once belonged to the Taha Gang alone will quickly disintegrate.

The civilians living in the Thirteenth District may be full of hatred and resentment towards the Gallic government, but all these things will be insignificant in the face of a better and more promising life.

The Taha Gang will immediately weaken, and among them, the most difficult to accept this change and the most difficult to reintegrate into the social order are the backbone soldiers of the Taha Gang.

They were trained hard day after day and taught how to hate their enemies, and their enemies were the Gallic military forces outside the wall.

There is a visible gap between them and the new order, and at the same time, no one wants to integrate into the other.

But in the long run, discrimination from society is ubiquitous. No matter where the residents of the 13th District go, they carry the shadow of the 13th District with them. They cannot get rid of their past.

After a short period of freshness and an improvement in their living standards, they will eventually think of the Taha Gang again, and at that time, every person from District 13 who goes out is the seed of the Taha Gang, and will eventually bloom into flowers.

This will be a long process, so long that most hardliners may not be able to wait for that day in their entire lives. Naturally, they are unwilling to face this reality.

Therefore, Boyle Taha needs to prune Taha's bunch of wild flowers and remove diseased branches so that the main trunk can grow healthily.

He looked at the Taha Gang armored regiment whizzing away, his eyes a little moist, but he still smiled, and encouraged the heavily armored soldiers behind who had put on exoskeletons: "Don't lose the face of District 13! This time we

,Fight for everyone!”

"For Taha!" the soldiers responded with high morale. They received the news that the Gauls lowered their arrogant heads, asked them for help to quell the riot, and promised to restore the legal status of the Thirteenth District.

You see, it sounds similar, but in fact restoring legal status and opening up the Thirteenth District are two completely different meanings.

If it's the former, the commander-in-chief will have to shoulder the responsibility of the commander-in-chief and throw a lot of money into the 13th district. At least make this district look similar to other districts, so that the people here can meet the minimum living standards of Gaul.


But the latter only opened an opening. From now on, they will not continue to block these unruly people from the 13th District.

With Boyle Taha's wisdom, he had already guessed that after so many changes, those high-level officials in Gaul might be considering the plan to abandon Paris. Maybe in a few years this place would become a larger city.

Third District.

This was what he was worried about. The Thirteenth Arrondissement had relied on smuggling blood from across the city to survive. If Paris were to end, the Thirteenth Arrondissement would definitely be the first to rot.

Subsequently, under the command of Philippe Taha, the only three old armed helicopters of the Taha Gang were towed out from the underground airport, and then successfully launched to live up to expectations.

Three teams, fifteen special forces composed of superhumans, took off on the Taha Gang's most precious vehicle.

That was the last capital of the Taha Gang. Boyle left no stone unturned this time. He was not an old man from the mountains who was indifferent to the world. The last time they met Tang Ji, he was 'just' a very powerful super human.

But now, he is already a big shot who can make the commander-in-chief of Gaul wet his pants. If they can't seize this opportunity while the love is still there, they will be doomed.

Philippe Taha had been counting the time Tang Ji appeared in the media news for some time. Because the other party could hardly disguise his aura and popularity, no matter where he appeared, as long as there were people around, his whereabouts would be exposed.


Boyle Taha easily discovered that the opponent was still the same as before, he liked to deal with the enemy personally, and there was no distinction between black and white in terms of diligence.

It is impossible to fool this kind of person. He only needs to take a look and smell to know whether you have exerted force, shed blood, or are fishing in troubled waters.

Outside the separation wall, the sentry responsible for monitoring the Taha Gang has also been notified. Although the two sides are very hostile and distrustful of each other, the military police guarding the gate still opened the door and watched the soldiers from the Taha Gang forming vehicles.

Carloads of cars left, heading towards the direction they once wanted to protect.

Especially when the three helicopters took off, the morale of the military and police on guard dropped drastically. They never dreamed that the Taha Gang, a group of rats, also had an air force.

"At least 1,500 people, tut." An officer wearing a beret looked at the empty gate and smiled bitterly. Their total manpower, including rotations, totaled less than 800 people: "They didn't get any at all.

Use all your strength."

"Sir! There are new orders!" A soldier saluted and handed a document to the officer.

The officer took a look and his face became even more grim, because it said that they were required to mobilize all their troops and follow the Taha Gang soldiers into the city to suppress the superhuman riot.

"Pack up your things, let all the heavy firepower go, and we have to leave!" The officer held the beret in his hand and turned towards his office.

"Shall we leave too? What should we do here?" The soldier responsible for guarding the border crossing gate has served here for two and a half years and is very uncomfortable with such an order.

"Here? This place will be opened soon!" The officer waved his hand impatiently: "Bring all your weapons! Don't drop a bullet!"


Heilis felt that he had begun to understand the suffering of the Trail Blazers. He observed the strength of this world-class BOSS up close, and finally came to the conclusion that with the current strength level of the players, he could not be killed by relying on numbers and fearlessness.

Not only does he have almost no flaws in terms of hard power, but he also has an incomprehensible drive to kill players. What’s more, his spirit is impeccable!

What Heilis said before was not something he said casually. It was a conversation that was already famous when he was still working in the pioneer business.

It’s just that the other protagonist in that conversation at that time was the last vestige of obsession of an indigenous god from another world. He and the player have been vendetta against each other for nearly thirty years. Although his strength is getting weaker and weaker, he is still something related to the god. Every time

You can click on the vibration before.

Heilis relied on similar words to present facts and reason, and finally made the difficult gentleman go into a dead end and die.

But Tang Ji, who was obviously very ill, firmly believed that he could really kill the player, and let him continue to witness that Heilis was really tired.

It was not a glorious deed to have one's limbs chopped off and turned into a human stick. Heilis's old face was ashamed of himself under the gaze of one player after another.

He has been arrogant, deceived, sincere, and scolded, and finally turned into what he is now, with half-closed eyes, non-violence, non-cooperation, and playfulness.

Tang Ji slapped Heilis in the face, causing him to lose sight in one eye on the spot, shattering his lens, loosening sixteen teeth, and eleven of them fell off on the spot.

That kind of sourness was more effective than all stimulants. In an instant, Hailis's eyes widened and he screamed.

Oh, by the way, he is also very irritable and cannot be communicated with.

Hailis instinctively widened his eyes, wanting to see which unlucky guy appeared in front of him now. In other words, he was more responsible and had roughly memorized the names of the people in the group, otherwise he would really be separated.

Not sure who is who


Hailis suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. How did the BOSS in this world know the real names of those players?

But before Heilis could think about it, he had been involved in a space jump again.

People who experience Wang Zhengdao's space jump for the first time will probably clean themselves from the inside out, and Hailis is no exception. However, when he vomited, Tang Ji threw him to the ground and stepped on his back, almost killing him.

Choked to death in vomit.

This discomfort will slowly subside as you gradually adapt. Judging from Hiroyuki Sanada's experience, it takes about five to eight times for ordinary people to fully adapt.

Hailis, who was seriously injured and injected with drugs, was inferior to ordinary people in terms of physical strength and energy, so this time was no exception, and he sprayed directly downstairs.

This time, Wang Zhengdao chose the rooftop of the building on the side of the road because he felt someone was exchanging fire on the street.

"They are from the Taha Gang." Wang Zhengdao took a look and was very satisfied with the speed of the Taha Gang.

The other side was completely different from the military strength of Gaul in Paris. They were like a pack of wolves that had just entered the city, extremely ferocious and eager for a hearty battle.

There was the wreckage of a helicopter in the middle of the road. In front of the wreckage, a heavily armed team of six people used the cover of several cars to suppress the enemy in sequence.

There were obviously only six people, but they showed the momentum of sixty people. The weapons used by the tall fireman were simply torn from the helicopter!

Viewed from a height, the players on the other side of the simple barricade were struggling a bit. They seemed to want to move their positions and were trying to leave.

But soon more soldiers from the Taha Gang arrived. The wild Taha Gang drivers relied directly on the strength of their vehicles to install the front of the vehicles into buildings, allowing the soldiers to escape from bunkers or places close enough to the enemy.

Place to get off.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and the soldiers of the Taha Gang quickly moved higher, occupying the commanding heights, and attacking from above, showing that they were well-trained and had excellent combat skills.

As for how much distress this process caused to the residents, they didn't care at all, or rather enjoyed it. Their hatred for the Paris citizens was no less than their hatred for the high-ranking officials in Gaul.

A large number of Taha gang soldiers chose to break windows to enter houses and then occupy favorable terrain. They were used to all this, because there was no such thing as inviolable private property in District 13.

The aftermath of bullets and supernatural abilities were just mixed together, causing blood to flow from the collision.

This may be the most formal counterattack from ordinary people that players have encountered after entering this world. The soldiers of the Taha Gang just fought a battle with an enemy with superior strength and superhuman advantages half a year ago. They have experience.

, and have the courage to face it all.

There is nothing to fear from superhuman beings. As long as you can put a bullet into his body, he will die.

It doesn't matter if the bullet doesn't go in, you just shoot. After he dies, his companions will kill him with a larger caliber weapon.

The point is, you can't feel like you're going to lose before the war starts, then you're really going to lose.

Marvolo Taha, the leader of this force and the toughest hawk among the Taha gang, was standing in the middle of the road using binoculars to observe the battle situation a few hundred meters away.

Behind him, more than 700 soldiers from the Taha Gang were getting off their vehicles and lining up in an orderly manner, ready to enter the battlefield at any time.

"Sayimu! You and your people will occupy that building later!" Marvolo took a fancy to the high-rise building where Tang Ji was located: "Deploy a demolition artillery position there. We are going to fight this group of superpowers here.

Human beings have fun!"

"Don't forget to bring white phosphorus bombs and give me some big fireworks!" Marvolo warned, then threw the binoculars into the adjutant's hand, picked up a rifle, ordered three squads, and went directly to the front line.

Marvolo walked the last few hundred meters of the road and found the superhuman team that had been intercepted here before: "How is the situation!"

"We were attacked by some kind of supernatural force and the plane crashed. Only the pilot survived on the crew." The superhuman pointed helplessly at his broken legs at the knee: "They refused to go alone, and in the end they all stayed behind.

Come down and cover me."

While the superhuman was speaking, his head suddenly swelled, quickly exceeding the normal range, and it continued to expand.

Marvolo pulled out his hand and shot the superhuman directly to prevent the head from really blowing up on himself and others. They had experienced more cruel wars than this. If the enemy could scare them like this, then he was wrong.


Tang Ji didn't say a word, he just raised Heilis with one hand, letting him see clearly, and letting him see how the indigenous people of this world resisted them.

Then, at the moment when the other party was most relaxed, Tang Ji let go and let Heilis fall like this: "It's almost time to go back and report the news."

PS: The fever is gone and I feel much better. I just have a cough and can’t sleep. I don’t know what strain I was infected with. It’s too serious. I should have gone outside to infect someone else.

This chapter has been completed!
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