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Chapter 489 Do me a favor

Mrs. Bountiful's ambiguous attitude made Mikkelsen decide to risk starting this conversation. He himself didn't know what the result would be.

However, Mrs. Generosity had obviously been prepared for this conversation. She did not resist giving them some sweet treats, such as

"No one has really seen the Supreme, and no one knows what the Supreme has done or left behind. We only know that everything belongs to the Supreme." Mrs. Generosity briefly introduced the Supreme, but the answer was a bit surprising.

Coulson and the others' expectations.

"Aren't there three major committees?" Mikkelsen asked with some confusion. Because of the isolation between the two worlds, he was completely unable to judge whether the information given by Mrs. Generous was true or false.

Even if the other party just makes up a very nonsense story, he can only analyze it with the attitude that there is at least some truth hidden in it.

"To answer this question, I need Tang Ji to cooperate with me in an experiment. He must kill a player in the way I require. The rhythm is completely controlled by me." Mrs. Generosity said a lot of Tang Ji with great interest: "You will find this problem

Very valuable.”

Mikkelsen only hesitated for a moment before mentally agreeing to this condition. He and Wu Qianying discussed this issue. If the reason why Tang Ji killed the player is decipherable, then as the number of samples increases, this particularity will

Sooner or later it will be cracked.

And their entire counterattack plan was based on Tang Ji's irreplaceable and impeccable specialness.

In this case, why don't you trust Tang Ji again?

Mikkelsen looked at Tanguy, and according to the code they had agreed on before, this meant that Mikkelsen voted in favor.

Tang Ji did not hesitate and nodded almost simultaneously.

"The three major committees are just like the company. They are just executing the instructions left before." Mrs. Kang Kuai did not hesitate to tell some valuable-sounding information: "They are like pre-programmed machines, executing

We adhere to the rules left by the earliest generation and dare not take a step beyond the limits.”

"So, maybe the Supreme Beings don't exist?" Mikkelsen further asked. In fact, for the war itself, whether the Supreme Beings exist has little to do with the world in which they live. Their main enemy is still the players themselves.

But understanding the enemy's purpose of action can help them get rid of their disadvantages from the source.

"This question should allow me to move freely in this world without being threatened by Tang Ji." Mrs. Generosity said with a smile: "I like your culture very much, and I hope not to be disturbed until you are completely finished."

"If you keep a low profile like this, we can discuss it." Mikkelsen was very satisfied with Mrs. Generous's previous activities. She didn't even have a speeding record.

"The existence of the Supreme Beings is an objective fact and cannot be denied." Mrs. Generosity explained: "The operation of our world is based on this foundation. It is difficult to explain to you, but people like me who walk on the path of the Supreme Beings,

Their presence can be felt."

Mikkelsen felt that the other party was starting to talk nonsense. This kind of mysterious and mysterious talk is commonly seen in the field of religion in this world. In terms of technical content, it is even inferior to the Advent sect. At least the gods they believe in can be seen and touched.


"I'm telling the truth." Mrs. Generous knew what Mikkelsen was thinking and continued: "Everything in our world serves the Supreme Being. They are just too far ahead and have no time to wait for the entire civilization."

"Speak as a human being, or this deal will be voided." Mikkelsen smiled politely. This was not only his attitude. Hidden behind the scenes, Wu Qianying and other think tanks agreed that Mrs. Generosity was perfunctory.

"Well, to put it simply, the entire civilization is out of touch with the Supreme Beings. We have no idea where they are now and what they are doing. We can only adhere to the mechanical execution of the ancient instructions." Mrs. Generous said with some self-deprecation.

: "Eternal life has turned many things into dusty monuments. No one wants or is willing to change anything."

"This is true for the company and the three major committees. All pioneering actions are followed step by step according to the requirements of the Supreme Beings." Mrs. Generosity didn't say much, but the indifference revealed in her tone was enough to make people shiver: "

So if you want to know why we capture world after world and for what purpose, I can only tell you that we don’t know and we don’t care.”

"How does your world work?" Tang Ji suddenly spoke and asked Mrs. Generosity.

In his dream, he had seen the city where the players lived twice, but it was only that city. He couldn't see the stars, couldn't feel the breeze, there was only emptiness.

"The sun, moon and stars all belong to the Supreme One. The air and earth have already been priced. We have everything, but we have nothing." Mrs. Generosity rarely made a request and directly answered Tang Ji's question: "The stars have been extinguished, and the celestial bodies have been destroyed."

Cooling down, thoughts and emotions are the most valuable things we have"

Mrs. Generosity’s words have gone beyond the imagination limits of people like Tanguy and Mikkelsen. In their understanding, stars will be extinguished when they are extinguished. There are electric blankets, and celestial bodies will be cooled down when they cool down. Anyway, it never

not hot

But for Wu Qianying and a group of smart people behind it, this is the legendary ultimate death.

"Of course, the above are just my personal opinions. A thousand seekers walking on the path of the Supreme Being may have a thousand opinions." Mrs. Generosity suddenly smiled again: "We stand at different heights, and what we see is

Things are also different. As for what the Supreme Beings want, no one knows. Maybe they have been in contact with the three major committees, but they just don't bother to let us know."

In a few words, Mrs. Generosity turned the content of this conversation into illusory myths and legends, and Mikkelsen could not tell which words could be believed and which words could not be believed.

He didn't know how many years he hadn't been fished by someone like this, but Mrs. Generous obviously enjoyed the feeling of playing with them in the palm of her hand.

"I appreciate your enterprising spirit, but I want to rely on the advantages brought by Tang Ji to make you too ambitious." Mrs. Generous covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I thought you would be more pragmatic and ask me about Markarian

What to do next, how many players are hiding in your world now."

"Haha, but you are too confident, and you seem to feel that you have completely gained the upper hand." Mrs. Generosity's beautiful but dull eyes swept over Tanguy and Mikkelsen, as if she wanted to see the annoyed expressions on their faces: "

If you can't let your consciousness enter our world, what's the point of asking?"

Mrs. Generosity's words instantly activated Mikkelsen's consciousness. He looked at the other party suspiciously, as if he was sizing up the most unlikely undercover person in the world, and suddenly jumped out and said that he was an undercover agent.

Mikkelsen's breathing was a little rapid and he asked nervously: "So, has anyone ever done this before?"

"Which point? Let the consciousness that is not neglected by our world enter our world?" Mrs. Generosity asked provocatively: "You call yourself a smart person, why don't you guess it yourself?"

"What should we do? No, why are you telling us this?" Mikelse lost his usual calmness and asked urgently.

"Why did Kacalf want to die in this world? There are many things, who can say clearly. I may have fallen in love with this world, or I may be bored and hope to see some changes." Mrs. Generosity suddenly stopped smiling.

The person's face turned cold to the naked eye: "Okay, I've said enough, now it's time for me to collect my reward."

The tall and tall Mrs. Generosity stood up, hooked her fingers at Tang Ji, then turned around and walked out of the room on a catwalk.

Tang Ji looked at Mikkelsen, who seemed to be in trouble with CPU0, and walked out directly with Mrs. Generosity.

He can allow Karcalf to exist, and naturally he can also allow Mrs. Generous. In terms of value, the other party is far superior to Karcalf.

Tang Ji will not break his promise until the value of the other party is drained.

As for cooperating with the opponent to kill a player, he doesn't even care. His ability has been studied over and over again by the pioneers. As Wu Qianying said, we can only place our hope on Tang Ji's

The ability cannot be cracked, otherwise every time you kill a player, you are taking a risk.

He cannot be restrained by this, this is their only way to fight back.

Fortunately, Mrs. Generosity did not keep Tang Ji waiting. They got into a taxi and soon appeared in a villa on the outskirts of the city.

Thanks to the attention Mrs. Generosity and Tang Ji received, countless media reporters followed and reported on this incident.

But fortunately, these miscellaneous fish soon gave up their plans to hinder them one by one under the 'threat' of the Ark Organization and Mikkelsen.

No matter how good the reputation of the former is, it is still a violent organization that is superior to the European Union. The number of murders they commit every year is actually no less than that of Tang Ji.

It's just that the road before the restrictions was well paved. The Ark Organization has cooperation agreements with many official organizations, and many times they can do things under the official banner.

"That's him?" Tang Ji looked at the player in front of him expressionlessly. The player looked to be a young man in his early twenties, with a mixture of rebelliousness and nervousness in his eyes.

The identity of the player gave him a natural arrogance when facing Tang Ji, but the reality of being ordered to stand still and not make any reaction made him a little nervous.

Tang Ji could see the sweat on the tip of the other person's nose and his breathing that was gradually getting faster.

"It's him. I need you to kill him with the most mechanical suffocation method. The process should be slow but consistent." Mrs. Generous said in a flat tone, as if talking about what to eat for dinner: "I need to record two things at the same time.

reaction in the world."

"Does he know what will happen?" Tang Ji glanced at the other person's fragile neck and had no doubt that he could make the thing on his neck disappear completely with a slap.

"Do you pity him?" Mrs. Generosity reached out and pinched the player's chin like an interview model, lifted his chin, and checked the player's health.

"I hope every player I kill knows what they will face." Tang Ji's eyes moved from the player's neck to Mrs. Bountiful's neck.

At this distance, if he wanted to, even Mrs. Generosity wouldn't have time to go offline, right?

Feeling the danger, perhaps due to the sensitivity of a player, Mrs. Generosity immediately put a certain distance between herself and Tang Ji after a brief stay.

For the first time, she felt what it was like to feel chills. At that moment, her heart rate exceeded 150, as if she had accidentally stood in front of some ferocious beast.

"We have an agreement." Mrs. Generosity tried her best to keep smiling and shook her finger at Tang Ji.

Tang Ji just smiled and focused on the player in front of him again. This time, Tang Ji's eyes finally made him lose his usual arrogance.

Even the most stupid player can see something strange in Mrs. Generosity's performance.

"It's time to start." Mrs. Generosity glanced at the time and nodded to Tang Ji: "When I say stop, you stop."

"I hope you can speak quickly enough." Tang Ji instantly enveloped the player who was a bit thin in comparison like a tiger. The player was as weak as a chicken in his arms.

The powerful prosthetic limb strangled his neck like a vise, and then began to shrink with gentle force to prevent it from accidentally squeezing out the target's head.

Mrs. Generosity has entered a certain state of confusion, and her consciousness exists in two worlds at the same time. This has very high requirements for the connection state, and requires the company to constantly adjust the load when the data on both sides is synchronized.

In Tang Ji's world, the player's eyes have turned white and his limbs are weak, but his whole body is fixed in mid-air by Tang Ji, unable to move.

In the world of Mrs. Bountiful, there is no response from the players in the advent cabin, and no strange signals are transmitted.

Injuries do not appear simultaneously, which Mrs. Generosity has known before, but has never observed it so closely.

She watched indifferently as the player gradually lost consciousness and breathing in Tang Ji's world, and his body stopped shaking. As the last trace of life turned into unwillingness to pass away, in her world, the player's real body finally reacted.

From scratch, the damage is fed back to the player's body in the blink of an eye. There is no process, everything happens in an instant.

There is no soul fluctuation, no energy spill reaction, and no ripples in the flow of time. There is nothing. If Mrs. Generosity had not maintained a synchronous observation state, nothing would have been discovered.

"That's it." Mrs. Generosity ended this synchronized state. Even for her, this tearing feeling from the soul was difficult to persist for a long time.

"What's the result?" Tang Ji took out his dagger and beheaded the body in front of Mrs. Generosity: "In your world, is the cause of his death the same as this world?"


"That's enough."

This chapter has been completed!
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