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Chapter 491 Reverse Lurking

At the moment when the electromagnetic interference failed, dozens of dimensional doors suddenly opened throughout the prison, and fully armed players poured out, but did not attack the prisoners.

"Down with the tyranny of the FBAS Bureau! Superhumans will always be free!" A player shouted the slogan with a loud voice, and at the same time inserted the individual missile launcher in his hand into the ground, and six micro-missiles instantly covered the front of the administrative building.

The first prisoner to react laughed wildly, and then, with everyone's astonished eyes on him, he crashed into the dimensional door closest to him and disappeared.

His behavior was like a flare gun, making the prisoners present wake up. No matter what is on the other side of the dimensional door, it is better than here, right?

The ever-longer sentences did not defeat these prisoners, but the unpalatable food did. They believed without hesitation that it was hell food that Tang Ji specially spent money to customize and torture them.

In just a few months, many prisoners have developed symptoms of malnutrition due to hunger strikes. However, in Tang Ji's view, this disease is caused by insufficient hunger.

Therefore, before they starved themselves to death, Tang Ji firmly believed that they were deliberately avoiding labor and refused to repent.

Tang Ji stood in front of the window and watched all this happen. Wherever he looked, although there were many dimensional gates, the number of players was very small. There were only less than forty players who were wildly disrupting order throughout the prison.

He himself is also a veteran at playing with dimensional gates. Of course he can see that half of the dimensional gates outside are the work of his 'old friend' Paulina.

Those were the few women he attacked by lighting the dimensional gate, and in terms of status, Paulina was a potential collaborator, so Tang Ji didn't plan to kill her directly yet.

As one of Mikkelsen's pre-selected bases, electromagnetic interference is naturally not the only way to combat space teleportation.

A large number of companion animals grow rapidly inside the three-dimensional jungle, colluding with each other, and forming an intricate network. Anyone who wants to jump in through space must be prepared not to be embedded in it.

With the dimensional gate as the center, a large number of leaves began to grow, covering the dimensional gate layer by layer, cutting off the connection between the inside and outside.

The few players in the original book were hung one by one in the sky amidst the swaying of countless vines, sent to Tang Ji in batches, and then executed by the opponent as if they were shooting at targets. As for Tang Ji, he

You don't even have to leave the door.

As for the prisoners, the moment the prison begins to move, most people collapse. They flee in all directions, trying to find a safe corner to hide themselves.

There are also some people who have done the most heinous crimes and have begun to think of every possible way to throw themselves to the other side of the dimensional gate.

But the ubiquitous plant tentacles are like fishing, cruelly dragging back those who want to seize the last chance.

Perhaps because he stayed with Tangji for a long time, Mikkelsen also found happiness in torturing these evil people. He would not restrain these prisoners for a long time. The plant tentacles would drag them back to their previous position and then release them.

They, let them launch another futile charge.

Time and time again, Mikkelsen watched as these prisoners tried their best and exhausted themselves for possible freedom, until they gave up all unrealistic illusions.

He had simulated countless times how to deal with a raid on the central prison, and now, he had enough time to test his ideas.

The whole process was so smooth that Tang Ji didn't even need to jump downstairs to solve the problem. The only thing he needed to do was to stand there and use the prelude to send the player who was accidentally caught to meet God or Satan in another world.

Mikkelsen didn't know which player came up with this genius idea. They didn't send anyone over, but opened the door directly and let these high-quality bodies come to their door.

From a creative point of view, this is definitely a genius idea. Those prisoners really liked this trick. After all, in their eyes, the central prison is a real hell.

You work hard all day long, and the only reward you get is two uninterrupted meals of no quality, and a good night's sleep without worrying about being attacked at the back door.

Many prisoners living in the outer ring have learned how to use grass roots and bark to cook a pot of soup that tastes good and will not kill anyone.

This is a bit beyond Mikkelsen's expectations. His Gray Field Project originally wanted to replace existing food crops with plants that have higher yields and are easier to survive on their own, but he did not expect that humans would face this kind of situation.

The food that can be called a nightmare would rather be re-exploited in nature than left unchecked.

This small deviation will most likely lead to the failure of the entire Gray Field Project.

Therefore, Mikkelsen deliberately spent three weeks to make all the green leafy plants in the entire central prison contain trace amounts of toxins, so as to force these prisoners to obtain food through formal channels.

He called this process - domestication.

Tang Ji looked at another player who was lifted upside down by a tree vine, and shot the opponent expressionlessly. Then a huge man-eating plant with an elder and a ferocious mouth popped its head out of the darkness and ate it in one bite.

After removing the body, a few minutes later, a clean skeleton emerged.

The flesh and blood of the corpse were not wasted. They were collected together by plants and packaged into biochemical materials, waiting for the couriers at the Lost Mountain base to pick them up.

The plants themselves do not need this additional nutritional supplement. The complex biosphere of the entire central prison is interconnected and efficiently utilizes the heat brought by sunlight and urban warm wind.

This ubiquitous surveillance and domestication almost drove those observant prisoners crazy. They would rather die than continue to be tortured like this by Mikkelsen.

Among countless prisoners' attempts one after another, another prisoner broke through the blockade and jumped into the dimensional gate with the hope and encouragement of other inmates.

The inmates who helped him block the green devil at the critical moment all expected him to tell the outside world about the evil deeds of the central prison, attract more attention, and thus improve their situation.

But they didn't know that the Federation was already under Mikkelsen's control at this time.

Anis Langel is that lucky guy. His ability is light and shadow control. If he has enough time, he can shoot a movie with stunning visual effects by himself.

But Langer did not use his ability on the right path. He realized his self-worth in another way. He joined the Advent sect and quickly stood out from it. If he was not imprisoned for doing private work, he would still be a

Bishop in blue

Of course, Langer realized later that he was actually a blessing in disguise. The time he was serving his sentence in prison coincided with the Advent Church Federation's trouble with Tang Ji. The scene was like a long-lived birthday star lining up for a bungee jump. It would be easy to die.


Before Langel could receive organizational bail in prison, the Church of the Advent languished and was cleared from the federal territory.

Of course, what was even more unfortunate was that preparations for the Central Prison began before Langer was released. He was almost the first batch of prisoners to be transferred to the prison. He even experienced the firefight in the prison car and witnessed it up close.

The history of the second unification of the Federation.

In the central prison, Langel, with his superb light and shadow abilities, not only became one of the few sources of fun for the prisoners in the outer ring area, but he could also trade with the prison guards for some real food.

This behavior gave Langer a very good network of contacts in the Central Prison, and these relationships eventually turned into substantial help, and he became one of the lucky few who successfully escaped from the Central Prison.

Moreover, he is also the manager of the Advent sect, and he knows who saved him.

"I am the Adventist!" Before Anis Langer could finish his words, he was hit on the head with a stick and fainted.

"Twenty-sixth, I guess there won't be more. Tang Ji is in prison, and those players are in danger." A pioneer glanced at the dimensional gate with a taboo, as if it was some kind of abyss giant.

mouth, as if a monster would jump out of it in the next second: "Don't wait, close the passage now!"

Paulina waited stubbornly for another half minute, but all the dimensional doors were idle and no one came in or out, so she finally closed all the passages.

Today's gain is twenty-six bodies, and today's loss is forty-two bodies.

Paulina was certainly dissatisfied with this revenue ratio, but she did not show it because the operation itself was not led by the Trail Blazers and did not come from Markarian's authorization.

This operation is led by three player groups. Paulina is only responsible for selling her labor force and opening doors for others.

The three player groups heard the news about the central prison from somewhere, knew about the prison filled with high-quality bodies, and wanted to make a profit from it.

As a tool, Paulina can get 10% of the body from this business, and the amount is calculated as one person. In other words, Paulina can get three bodies from this business.

Although among her many channels for obtaining bodies, this one is particularly inefficient and dangerous, but the Trail Blazers' current performance appraisal is too tight. Markarian has very high requirements for the number of bodies, and the entire team is overwhelmed.


Even as a big pioneer, Paulina can only obtain physical bodies from various channels so that she can complete her KPIs as soon as possible and leave this damn world.

After losing jealousy, the process for the pioneers to deal with a body was much more troublesome than before. It took at least two pioneers with the memory tampering ability to spend four hours before they could completely process a body.

A state that is convenient for players to come to.

But fortunately this time, the body she handed over was for Paladin-type players. They generally don't like processed bodies, but want to retain the original consciousness of the body.

Paladin-type players may be the strangest group of all players. In the process of coming to another world, they end up becoming some kind of xenophiles, often standing on the opposite side of other players in a series of choices.

, fighting for the interests of the indigenous people.

They firmly believed that the descent of the mother world was a twisted and worthless act of conquest, but the tolerant Supremes did not deprive these players of their qualifications to descend.

Even Markarian can't restrain these annoying guys for too long. In an already open world, different types of players must come in proportion.

Markarian will not question the rules of the committee and the company, but in this world, he really does not want those troublesome people to come in so early to disrupt the situation. In other worlds, Paladin-type players often try to balance their strength and prolong the transformation.

The weight of the world's survival time, but the indigenous people of this world obviously don't need them to save it.

Therefore, Markarian, within his own authority, reduced the proportion of Paladin-type players to the lowest level, and at the same time provided them with all non-combat superhuman bodies.

Anis Langel is one of them. He even became the first body to be descended by a Paladin player.

From a religious perspective, this is actually the best ending for his 'devout' faith.

JHSD-114 is a player born in the fifth sector. This is his third time coming to another world as a paladin. He has been waiting for the time of the mother world for nineteen months.

After he woke up, he looked at his limbs. His limbs were slender and his body proportions were obviously higher than those of ordinary people. This was a very perfect arrival.

The memory fragments left behind by the original consciousness of the body are constantly being read by new consciousness. Most of the time, these memory fragments cannot provide effective information.

But this time, JHSD-114 saw a prison, the shackles that bound him, and a plate of food that looked unappetizing, like gray walls. These pictures obviously gave the original body a very deep impression.


"JHSD-114? How do you feel?" Trailblazer shined a flashlight on JHSD-114's pupils. This was something he learned from the doctors in this world, and it can effectively check the player's level of consciousness.

"Very good, no sense of rejection at all. Have you cleaned the memory of the body?" JHSD-114 asked with some confusion. Like other colleagues, he was very dissatisfied with this behavior of killing the consciousness of the indigenous people.

"No, it's just that this body was once one of our admirers. He has always been looking forward to your arrival, so he has no feeling of rejection." The pioneer explained the story, which was different from those players who came earlier.

, these players who have been waiting in line for a long time actually no longer need the guidance of the Trail Blazers.

They have many private channels to learn about the background of this world and hot storylines. For example, the legend that Tang Ji can kill players is the hottest news right now.

"Am I a prisoner?" JHSD-114 looked at the prison uniform on his body that was the same as in the memory fragments. He hesitated for a moment and said firmly to the pioneer in front of him: "In that case, send me back to prison. I can't enter this place.

The world breaks the law here."

"Are you sure?" The Blazers looked familiar. These Paladin-type players have a strange respect for civilizations in other worlds, and they have made countless jokes because of this. Of course, relatively speaking, many Paladins

This type of player eventually became a legend among the aborigines and the last hope to continue the flame of civilization, which is very dark humor.

"I'm sure." JHSD-114 replied firmly.

Then, under the guidance of the pioneer, a dimensional door was opened, and he walked back without hesitation. Then JHSD-114, the descendant, went offline directly and went back to inform other paladins.

As for poor Anis Langel, after the descendant's consciousness left, his consciousness woke up again, and then he desperately found that he was in a mobile building in the outer ring area of ​​the central prison.

This chapter has been completed!
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