Turn off the lights
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Chapter 498 The soul in darkness needs light

In the darkness, those who are connected to Tangji's consciousness are like moths chasing the light but encountering flames. Anyone who makes the slightest rude remarks will be visited by the flames of hatred.

All Tang Ji could do was to barely identify a few lucky people who were just joking in the process, and avoid them with the flames of hatred.

As for the remaining people, Tang Ji could only watch them being burned to death in the street one by one. One of the angry superhumans just complained about Tang Ji one more time in the traffic jam and was burned to death on his own body.

In the car.

Tang Ji had a long confrontation with the objective existence in his subconscious mind, but the final result was just a simmering fire instead of a slow fire. For the driver himself, he might be more inclined to the former.

The screening method for rage became more and more stringent. From the beginning, one had to name Tang Ji-related names and insult Tang Ji before being selected as a target. Soon it developed to the point where even a vague hint of dissatisfaction with Tang Ji would be targeted.

The flames of hatred are coming for you.

The law enforcement agencies in Night City were crazy busy. They received calls one after another about people spontaneously burning. At first they thought it was just a joke, but soon no one could laugh anymore.

Four members of the superhuman law enforcement team spontaneously combusted in front of everyone. The gray-black flames burned blazingly, and the faces of everyone who shone were not good-looking.

Everyone knows that this color of flame is almost Tang Ji’s business card.

Now that this gun has been burned into the Law Enforcement Bureau, does this mean that Tang Ji is expressing dissatisfaction with the Law Enforcement Bureau? You know, the Green Wave Lake security has a personal grudge with Tang Ji to some extent.

With Tang Ji's current status and strength, whether he wants to use official channels to tell Lubo Lake to go away, or directly kill all the Lubo Lake members in the Law Enforcement Bureau, or use a two-pronged approach to make Lubo Lake suffer a loss.

Very easy.

But soon, as more and more alarm calls came into the headquarters, the atmosphere in the Law Enforcement Bureau began to become weird.

First, the front-line law enforcement officers began to look at the usually arrogant superhuman gangs as if they were watching. Due to the special characteristics of this poor place like Night City, the superhumans that the Green Wave Lake Group can recruit are basically rushers.

Came with a no-guilt agreement.

Compared with traditional law enforcement officers, this group of alternative law enforcement officers often causes trouble, and one-third of them cannot even wear their uniforms properly.

Now this group of people is starting to get unlucky, and most of the front-line law enforcement officers are secretly happy that Mr. Tang is out again to punish the superhuman households in Night City!

In the speeding car, the burning corpse replaced the driver. The car mounted the guardrail upside down and jumped off the viaduct.

In the gang melee, the superhuman street boy who was the main force suddenly ignited spontaneously. The gray-black flames, like a warning, instantly calmed down all the gang members. It felt normal and normal.

The superhuman who was sitting at home and dissatisfied with the current situation just started burning quietly, as if he wanted to add a touch of warmth to this cold winter.

In the wasteland, the most powerful warrior in the Wanderer tribe suddenly burned in full view of everyone, as if to light up the dark night.

No one can escape the search of that consciousness. Within the range, even the dullest superhumans can feel the pressure.

The Mikkelsens located in the Central Prison, Watson District, Taiping State, and Heywood District suddenly raised their heads and looked keenly in the direction of Tang Ji. In an instant, countless information was displayed on the Mikkelson Network

After completing the communication, the final conclusion was that we should not interfere with Tang Ji for the time being and let nature take its course.

Mikkelsen may be the person who knows Tang Ji best besides Wu Qianying. He knows what this man has experienced and what he has rejected.

Tang Ji is like a stubborn stone that cools, condenses, and never changes in the night of the red sun. This is also an important factor for the smooth progress of his big plan.

Martin and Ethan were having a drink at the bar. Suddenly, they realized that thanks to Martin's obvious appearance, no one was willing to sit near them, and no one was looking for someone nearly four meters tall to sit on.

Trouble with the FBAS agent who stands taller than most people.

The only four people gathered here to drink and relax were Martin, Ethan, Miwako, and Tony. The two superhumans looked at each other, their eyes full of horror.

Ethan tentatively shouted in the direction of no one: "Boss, is that you?"

Miwako slapped Ethan in the face and teased: "Is this too much to drink?"

Ethan just shook his head, and once again confirmed with Martin what they had sensed before, he explained: "Just now I felt my head standing here looking at me, and Martin felt it too. Something must have happened!"

"That's right, the head was there just now, and the feeling can't be deceiving." Martin took out a handful of cash from his pocket wallet and threw it randomly on the table: "We have to go back to the base."

Tony and Miwako could only hide their doubts in their hearts. They were not superhuman and felt nothing.

But as soon as they left the bar, no matter how dull they were, they realized that something was going on. The whole city seemed a little noisier than usual, as if a powder keg was about to explode.

Traffic flows on the street one after another, and the congested traffic tortures the soul of every driver. Even though it is already two o'clock in the morning, the streets of Night City are still hot.

Right in front of Martin, the two cars collided violently due to the problem of fighting for the road, but the driver of the car was not afraid at all. They broke away from the restraints of the airbag almost at the same time, stumbled out of the car, and struggled


Miwako stepped forward, dealt with the two drivers in twos and twos, checked briefly and turned to the others: "There is no alcohol, no addictive compounds, they are all sober."

Even though Miwako said this, the two men she pinned down didn't look so awake. They yelled at each other angrily, and even affected Miwako, who obviously had a higher level of martial arts.

Miwako knocked out the two drivers neatly, but the traffic accident that had already occurred made the already congested traffic environment worse.

In just a few minutes, the traffic on the road was blocked for nearly two kilometers.

Martin stood high and saw far away. From time to time in the traffic flow, vehicles would drive onto the green belt and cut into the queue without hesitation, quickly causing a large number of people to be trapped.

"Ethan, go up and take a look." Miwako cautiously stepped back, and under the cover of Martin, the four of them returned to the bar.

With the tacit consent of the bar owner, Martin pulled down the entire bar fixed to the ground and used it as an obstacle to block the door.

Ethan quickly incorporated an unpowered drone cruising in the sky into his spiritual network, and then expanded the scale of his network with this drone as the center.

In just half a minute, Ethan established a surveillance network covering three surrounding blocks with himself as the center.

In the surveillance network, a large number of road rage drivers who were blocked on the road were struggling with each other, and then affected pedestrians and vendors operating on the roadside.

The whole process is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. The only good thing is that no one of these angry people has taken action yet.

It was as if some consciousness was intervening in this turmoil.

Tang Ji's consciousness has dispersed. He feels that he is the city, the flow of people in the city is his blood, the roads are his blood vessels, and the blood flows continuously in the blood vessels.

The instinct of gluttony easily grasped the pulse of the entire city, amplifying every trace of anger in the crowd.

Manipulating anger is like instinct for him. Tang Ji can easily deprive a person of anger, but he cannot give someone anger out of thin air. He can only amplify the anger that naturally arises in people's hearts.

From the beginning of special perception for superhumans, to punishing disrespectful people, to now the manipulation of group emotions, Fury is showing off its abilities wantonly.

This huge city has become his stage. Under his baton, he cleverly displays his joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Tang Ji was a spectator in the VIP seats, witnessed all this happening and benefited a lot from it.

Before this, he had no idea that he had such potential, but that didn't mean that Tang Ji was willing to accept it all.

His anger accumulated in his heart, competing with the anger accumulated from thousands of years of rage. They clashed at every superhuman execution site, and in the hearts of every ordinary person involved in this riot. Tang Ji

Losing more and winning less, rage completely took over.

Tang Ji is fighting against an eternal human instinct. What's even more tragic is that his strongest weapon is made of the same material as the opponent.

The gray-white flames of hatred centered on Tang Ji and spread four to five meters in all directions. The gray-white flames became increasingly gray and distinct, and the white part was driven to the corner by the gray part, just like Tang Ji's self.

His vision was mixed with rage, jumping from one perspective to another. Anger was their bridge, anger was their road.

Tang Ji could feel that they fit together so well

Fury represents anger, resistance, and revenge. He felt similar things from the fragments of the bronze sword 4,500 years ago.

He has no mercy for mankind, just like the other seven deadly sins, but He supports mankind to fight, take revenge, awaken their anger, and motivate them to fight, because this is His nature.

As for Tang Ji himself, without the guidance of Angelina, he would undoubtedly go to the most extreme path driven by the anger in his heart and vent his anger in the bloody black zone.

He finally chose to become a law enforcer to face the abyss he almost fell into. It was a kind of resistance, so he became the most capable law enforcer in Night City.

Tang Ji never thought of backing down. He was like a piece of red-hot iron inserted into the icy snow. The most direct reaction broke out instantly between the extreme heat and the extreme cold.

Then, the red sun came.

Hatred became his main color, and the long-lost anger returned exponentially, filling his empty heart.

For a moment, Tang Ji felt like he was looking down at this city, a city full of sin. It felt as if he could completely ignite the city with just a flick of his finger.

He uses anger as fire and hatred as fuel, and he is a great god who overlooks the struggles of the world from a high place.

He secretly felt that as long as he accepted this path, he would naturally advance to the LV3 stage, free from mortal status, and completely free from the constraints of the world.

The temptation to become a god only lasted for a moment, and the feeling of complacency filled Tang Ji's heart. At this moment, he despised the world from the bottom of his heart, and even the threats from players were ignored by him.

All living beings are ants. Pouring a pot of hot boiling water on them and watching them run away is one of the few pleasures they can provide.

At this time, he is connected to the hearts of every superhuman in the city. As long as there is anger, hatred, and resistance in their hearts, they are all under his control.

These superhuman thoughts, impulses, and details were all copied in his mind. The only trace of clarity allowed Tang Ji to notice that there was no presence of Mikkelsen in these emotions.

He is like an invisible man, invisible.

This objective accident caused a flaw in Tangji's spiritual state of control, and at the same time greatly angered Violent Fury, causing him to use more violent anger to render the entire city in search of traces of Mikkelsen.

The central prison soon came into Fury's attention. It was like a black box, with the green field completely hiding the interior. The hundreds of superhuman criminals inside were the same as before, either having found a corner to sleep, or...

Gather together and whisper.

At this moment, a special soul walked out of the central prison door. It was Dr. Wu Qianying.

She just stood outside the protection of the green barrier, with her unique adventurous spirit that was mixed with recklessness and caution at the same time. She seemed to be very curious about everything Tang Ji was doing now, and wanted to reveal all the secrets.

Dig it out.

Fury sneered at this so-called specialness. He tried his best to deny this specialness. He was unwilling to admit that he was tainted by the love of his children.

But that's the fact. Wu Qianying just stood there, so different from her and Tang Ji's perspective. She didn't have any anger, hatred, or resistance against Tang Ji in her heart. There was nothing she could do with her anger.

If I had to describe it, the rage I felt in Dr. Wu Qianying's heart was more like a domestic tabby cat that suddenly turned into a large rabbit, full of curiosity.

What the hell are you doing?

Tang Ji inexplicably felt this sentence from his furious emotions. His whole person suddenly fell out of the state of being resonated and exaggerated, and he wanted to laugh inexplicably.

"Think about your promise to Enron, you bastard! Do you plan to give him such a future?" Wu Qianying pinched her waist, like a shrew scolding the streets, and shouted into the deserted central district street.

Tang Ji finally laughed, but there was anger in the smile. It was a kind of rage that was completely incomprehensible. It came from the fact that his father almost broke his promise to his son. Because he was addicted to games, he almost missed his son's first performance on stage, leaving him with an eternal memory.

Sorry for the anger directed at myself.

"Get out of my consciousness, and then shut up forever!" The invisible power was shaped into a tangible will. Tang Ji suddenly opened his eyes, put down the raised arm forcefully, and used his other hand gently to punish him.

He patted the back of his hand and said, "There will be no next time."

When he turned around and walked out of the alley, a hint of fish belly white was already visible on the horizon. A new day had begun, and he was already at the LV3 stage.

This chapter has been completed!
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