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Chapter 49 The Adventist Sect

London, three minutes before Operation Tool Squad begins.

"Bishop, we found the fugitive body and he is being targeted."

"Follow the fugitive body and determine the identity of the pursuer. My master's belongings must not be peeped by others."

"Data has been uploaded to Host Zero and the tracker's communication signal is being decoded... It is the superhuman collection team of the Lazarus Group."

"The Lazarus Group? The cult will note this name, deal with the pursuers, and recover the fugitive body!"

"Received, the nearest Redemptor team is being mobilized...The mission has been assigned, all for the Advent!"



Tang Ji crossed the last building, grabbed the drainage pipe with his iron hand, and slid down from the fourth floor with a serious expression.

He knew about the existence of the player, and he also knew that Larry Jackman was most likely related to Losas. The accident in this mission was most likely caused by the Losas organization.

Tang Ji was both a little excited because he had caught the tail of Losas again, but also a little worried. From the Federation to Persia, and then to Europe, how big was the power of Losas hidden in the dark?

Ethan sent out a drone to transmit real-time footage to Tang Ji thoughtfully. The man in the suit did not realize that he was exposed at all. He merged into the crowd 150 meters in front of Tang Ji and disguised himself as someone who was off work.

white collar.

"Head, the Saint has been intercepted, and your position has been exposed. There is a drone following you thirty-five meters above your head. I will launch a counterattack in five seconds, and then you have about three

Ten seconds to get out of the opponent's sight." Ethan's voice came: "But I'm not sure how many drones the opponent has nearby, and the window may be shorter than expected."

"Can the saint handle it by himself?" Tang Ji quickened his pace. His target had obviously received the warning from his companions, and he suddenly opened his legs and ran on the street.

"I can do it!" The saint's voice accompanied the gunfire: "Ethan marked the enemy's position for me!"

This is why Tang Ji is willing to put up with Ethan. In this small-scale operation, the importance of the drone operator far exceeds that of any other member of the position.

The current reconnaissance drones used in such complex urban environments are only about the size of a butterfly, have an endurance of ten minutes, and a maximum flight height of forty meters. They are protected by camouflage colors, making it difficult for the human eye to find such small things.

With the assistance of the automatic control system, Ethan launched twenty-five aircraft at once, forming a surveillance network with no blind spots in the entire area.

He also has two attack drones that are not much bigger than pigeons, which can serve as aerial strikers and can also be used to counter enemy drones.

For example, now, when Tang Ji looked up, he saw a flash of fire above his head, and the drone monitoring him was crashed.

"That's it now!" Ethan said loudly: "I am locating the enemy drone operator's position through the signal frequency. Remember, the window time will not exceed thirty seconds!"

Tang Ji doesn't need to be reminded, people have already started to quickly close the distance between themselves and their goals!

Although the target was running with all his strength, he didn't look like the kind of person who exercised for a long time. His speed slowed down in just seven or eight seconds of sprinting.

Tang Ji is just the opposite. His physical fitness is already very strong, and it has been honed like a body of steel in the past year. This amount of exercise is not even a warm-up for him.

When he was only three meters away from the target, Tang Ji pounced directly on him and threw the target to the ground with a standard grappling movement. The electromagnetic handcuffs cuffed his hands from behind almost simultaneously.

Ignoring the sideways glances of passers-by, Tang Ji tightly strangled the target's neck with his prosthetic leg. After a few seconds, the target completely lost consciousness.

He turned around and dragged the target into the nearest office building. He used the prelude to clear the way and asked the security guards to let him go. He also stripped the target of his clothes while walking like a pervert.

When Tang Ji dragged the target into the bathroom on the third floor, there was not even a pair of underwear left on the target.

"The thirty seconds ended and the operator was not found. He escaped very quickly and has now switched to a new frequency. I found six of his drones and crashed four of them. He found four of my drones and crashed one.

I won half of the fight." Ethan's voice came again: "But now the battlefield is transparent to both of us."

Except for Tang Ji, who seized the opportunity and hid himself and his target.

Tang Ji roughly grabbed the target's face and opened his mouth to check if there was a locator. At this moment, a white-collar worker who worked here walked out of the toilet cubicle. Seeing the scene in front of him, he subconsciously wanted to retract his cubicle.


But bad luck had already come. Tang Ji hit him on the head with the butt of a gun, and he couldn't wake up for four or five hours.

Tang Ji handcuffed the target to the water pipe again and took out an injection from his tactical pocket. This was the veritaserum he specially ordered from Lhasa Road. Unexpectedly, it would be put to use right away.

The truth serum was injected into the blood vessel. Tang Ji took out a dagger and lightly scratched along the target's skin. The blade cut through the flesh and blood without any hindrance, and the wound did not heal quickly.

Not being a player, this made Tang Ji a little disappointed.

A handful of cold water was poured on the face, and the target was shocked. He suddenly opened his eyes, and Tang Ji immediately felt invisible pressure gathering on both sides of his head.


The iron hand swung the target's mouth around, knocking the target's eyes out of focus. The invisible pressure also dissipated, and a line of blood flowed along the ear canal.

"Losas?" Tang Ji asked into the target's other ear.

The good news is that the target responded to the word and his hands shook.

The bad news is that when Tang Ji said the word player, he saw obvious confusion on the other person's face.

A peripheral person who worked hard for the Losas organization, this was Tang Ji's initial judgment of him.

"Who are you and why are you organizing services?" Tang Ji looked at the time and started asking: "Who sent you here!"

"Bah!" The target showed a strong will to resist: "No one can stop us!"

"Who are you! Why are you organizing services? Who sent you here!" Tang Ji repeated his question. Although superhuman beings surpass the limits of human cognition, at least they are still using human bodies and cannot bear it.

A chemical industry system that has developed over hundreds of years.

The Veritaserum is taking effect rapidly. It will stimulate the target's cerebral cortex, making some nerves more active, while leaving other parts completely asleep, thereby confusing the target's judgment and thinking ability.

Repeating questions will strengthen the target's attention to the problem. When he is unable to weave lies but his instinct urges him to answer the question, the truth will blurt out.

Confessions obtained after using Veritaserum cannot be used as valid legal evidence. This is a rule that every law enforcement officer will be informed of, but they will also be informed that Veritaserum is indeed effective.

"My name is James Fisher. I serve the Advent sect. We were sent here by the bishop." The target answered with a dull look in his eyes, almost completely defeated by the chemical process on Lazarus.

"Are you a superhuman? What are your abilities?" Tang Ji continued to ask.

"I am a superhuman." James Fisher gave an affirmative answer: "My ability is to create barriers."

"What is the relationship between the Advent sect and the Losas organization?" Tangji was a little sensitive about this name. What could be worse than a group of superhuman terrorists?

Of course, the answer can only be - a group of superhuman religious extremists.

This chapter has been completed!
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