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Chapter 510 We smart people have to use nonsense to communicate.

"How long do we have to stay here?" Aaliya sat down on the chair and let the chair slide her to the side wall: "Why does this happen all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but we obviously have to find a way." Vicky, who was wearing pajamas, sighed, looked at Aaliya helplessly and asked: "To be honest, I disappeared for two whole days, and there was no one before you.

Did you notice this?"

Unlike Wu Qianying and others, Vicky was secretly taken away by Mikkelsen's people 48 hours before the incident.

The agents took advantage of Vicky's sleep and sneak-attacked her with sedatives. When Vicky woke up again, she was already in confinement in this secret room.

"You know, you usually disappear for a period of time and then suddenly appear again." Aaliya's face turned red. As peers, she and Vicky quickly became good friends, but they like to hide themselves more than others.

As for Vicki, who is getting up, Alia’s experience is more on the Internet.

Not only does she have a photographic memory, she is also a skilled hacker, and there are countless little secrets on the Internet that she can get if she is just a little more serious.

Vicki lay on the bed unhappy, and she didn't understand why such a thing happened.

As those who face the players directly, Alia and Vicki can better understand what it means to be the enemy of the whole world, what it means to be hopeless, and the future of mankind is at stake.

The airtight security of the Lost Mountain base calmed the fragile hearts of these two girls to a certain extent. They really regarded this place as an unconquerable fortress in fairy tales.

But everything has changed now. The guards who once protected them imprisoned them in the dungeon, and the evil "Witch" Mikkelsen showed her fangs.

Well, even in imagination, it is not easy to imagine Mikkelsen as a witch. The poker face and the unchanging ginger suit are simply like the business card printed on the advertisement, which is unforgettable.

Vicky was only angry with her friend for a few minutes before she forgave him and shared the picture he had imagined with Alia, making the two girls laugh and soon fell asleep. They really had nothing else

What can I do for fun?

In her dream, Aaliya was grabbed by the collar by the coquettish Annie and was shaken awake. Her face was full of confusion and she didn't know where she was.

"Wake up! You're dreaming!" Annie, who was even more strange than in reality, snapped her fingers. Suddenly, the effect of her and Tang Ji kissing each other appeared in front of Aaliya, and she immediately screamed, blushing.

blocking his eyes.

But under the big gap between her middle finger and ring finger, a pair of eyes shone brightly. This is not an adjective, but her eyes really shined like a flashlight, causing the two avatars to frown.

"Annie!" Aaliya threw herself at the illusions in front of her, scattered them, turned around and stamped her feet hard towards Anne.

"Why are you shy? This is just a moment that happened in your dream. No one will know." Annie smiled and paused: "Except for me, I know everything!"

"You! Never tell anyone else!" Aaliya knew that she could not threaten the other party. After all, the other party was a ruthless character known as the Lord of Happy Dreams. If he made the other party unhappy, he would give herself a few heavy blows every night.

Taste the erotic dream, that scene is so terrible

That's right, Alia, who bravely ventured into the Internet, knows everything and knows more web addresses than anyone else!

"Do you still need me to tell others?" Anne teased, no longer teasing the little girl: "Dr. Wu asked me to tell you, don't worry, you will be able to go out soon, and this period of time will be regarded as a holiday."

"Dr. Wu is also in cahoots with that bastard!" Aaliya's eyes widened, as if she heard something she couldn't believe: "Impossible!"

"Yes, yes, it is indeed impossible. She is locked up opposite you. It's just that the room here is well soundproofed, so you can't hear her swearing." Anne sighed: "It's an encyclopedia of swear words."

"What happened?" Aaliya asked in confusion: "Why are we locked up?"

"Listen kid, I only know that this matter has something to do with Tanguy. That big bastard Mikkelsen obviously has a secret plan for Tanguy. I only know so much." Annie leaned on the bed in the dream and explained: "

Wu Qianying can roughly guess some hints of the plan, but I can't, and I don't want to, meeting you secretly and passing on the news is my limit, otherwise I worry that I will be the next one whose head is soaked in formalin."

"But you are obviously also a member of the Seven Deadly Sins." Aaliya looked at Anne suspiciously, as if she was questioning the other party's identity.

After all, no one seems to have heard about Anne's deeds since her debut. Of course, there must be many people in the cities in the northern part of the federation who disagree with this statement, but their opinions are obviously difficult for outsiders to know.

Anne didn't intend to argue with a 'child' like Aaliya. She just smiled and disappeared into the dream, leaving only the last words: "Don't tell others that I have been here, otherwise the picture in your imagination will be...

Your dream will come true, and the taste will be ten times better, believe me.”

Alia was awakened from her dream by Annie's threat, and happened to see Vicky gasping for breath on the other bed. The two girls looked at each other, and neither of them said a word.

Obviously, Anne's threats are particularly effective on young girls.

Mikkelsen was sitting in the conference room. There were only him and Mrs. Generous in Noda's conference room at this time. The atmosphere in the room was very depressing, and breathing became the only sound they could hear.

The two seemed to be competing for endurance, torturing each other's bladder, without anyone speaking first.

Until a signal from the outside world broke the deadlock, Markarian's virtual projection appeared on the chair, and then the three people entered the previous session again.

"Are you just going to waste my time like this?" A minute later, Markarian spoke first. He faced Mrs. Generosity and asked doubtfully: "Why are you sitting with him? Can you give me a reasonable explanation?


"No." Mrs. Generous finally spoke, but it was a dead end, and Markarian fell into a long silence again.

"There are already three hundred and fifty players waiting outside the special zone you designated, and my people are trying their best to control them to obey order." Another minute passed, and it was Markarian again, and the feeling of exhaustion came to his face: "

I want to know when they can enter the SAR as planned?"

"Within eighteen hours, the citizens of Roseville need some time to make a choice." Mikkelsen replied: "Before this, I was dealing with Tangji's problem."

Hearing Tangji's name, Markarian remained silent. He was now a little allergic to this name.

"And there are only three hundred and fifty players, which is too few. It's a bit of a waste of my determination. I hope to see hope that we can coexist peacefully in a short time." Mikkelsen continued: "My allies

We don’t have much patience, and both of us need to see phased results in the short term.”

Markarian remained silent. The two old foxes obviously saw the evil intentions of the other. At this stage, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are playing cards openly. The two sides are fighting over whose bladder needs more care.


"In this cooperation, obviously we are playing the victim's side." Mikkelsen stared at Markarian and continued to press: "Although I am now on the path of trying to enjoy it if I can't resist,

But you can’t expect the victim to take the initiative to put on sexy lingerie and dance for you.”

Markarian remained silent. In fact, when he heard the words "peaceful coexistence", he had already pressed the pause button on the virtual projection, turned around and poured himself a glass of white wine, and when he came back, he heard the words sexy lingerie

A few words.

If Mrs. Generosity were not here and this was a rather formal meeting, he would have really wanted to take the initiative and ask who wanted to dance in this thing.

Although the mother world is more developed and advanced in all aspects, and as a player has harmed countless beauties of humanoid races in countless worlds, it can be said that he is well-informed, but this world has developed in this regard

Culture still has a fascinating charm.

There are also foods and drinks that the wild world cannot provide.

From this perspective, Markarian even felt that he could understand why the pioneers of this world were so arrogant and why the coward Karcalf was willing to die here.

Markarian was diverging his thoughts while waiting for Mrs. Generosity to express her position. He had not orchestrated this situation. Before he understood Mrs. Generosity's purpose, he did not intend to express any opinions. It would all depend on the other party's wishes.

Markarian did not want to have any decision-making conflicts with Mrs. Generosity until the company and the committee had clearer orders.

In a world where classes are solidified in the Mother World, the first condition for anyone who wants to maintain their status is not to make mistakes, not to make achievements.

Mikkelsen's one-man show could not continue, and the three parties once again reached a deadlock. In the end, the person with the worst kidney function may be Mrs. Generosity.

After two hours and forty minutes, Mrs. Generosity finally made a decision: "Let's gather a thousand people, which will be the basis for our cooperation."

"Everything is as you wish, ma'am." At this critical moment of dividing responsibilities, Markarian could be ten times more respectful.

"How are you going to restrict Tang Ji? According to what I know about him, he should be on his way to solve the problem now." Mrs. Generosity made a start, but she could only continue and target Mikkelsen again.

"He is a very pure and very perceptive person." Mikkelsen shook his head with some regret: "If it weren't for taking a shortcut, I really don't want to betray our friendship. It would be very beneficial to have such a person as a friend.

sense of security."

"We have wasted three hours." Markarian clicked his watch and drank his second bottle of white wine. If it weren't for these things, he really didn't know how he would have survived.

"Okay, let's speed up the process." Mikkelsen shrugged: "First of all, let's make it clear that Tanguy is a good person."

Macalian choked on the contents of his wine glass and hurriedly wiped his chest with a tissue. He had not been in this world for a short time. He knew a little about Tang Ji's reputation and deeds. Tang Ji was a good man.

In a sentence, both words are wrong

Good and human, the former is used to describe Tang Ji, which is definitely a kind of black humor, while the word human probably needs experts in the fields of biology and religion to authenticate it.

"He is a good man, so he will be affected by public opinion. With the cooperation of both of us, I believe that the special zone model will soon become part of this new world order and everyone will benefit from it." Mikkelsen continued: "He

He will believe it, especially after I brainwashed him for a long time, he now believes more than anyone else that I am firmly on the side of mankind, and cooperating with you is just another plan of mine."

"So, aren't you?" Markarian asked with a smile.

"I thought the communication between smart people like us could be more efficient. This kind of stupid talk definitely lowered the seriousness of our meeting today." Mikkelsen also smiled and replied: "Continue talking about Tangji, in this kind of nonsense

In this case, he was actually waiting for an explanation, a signal, that I would pass on to him."

"No matter how vague the explanation or signal is, he will accept it and temporarily tolerate his nature. In this regard, I have great faith in his willpower. He is not a puppet like Gluttony who is swallowed by original sin. He is a warrior.

." Mikkelsen pointed to his heart: "But in fact, we are indeed making a deal."

"I share my world with you in a decent way. The only thing you need to do is to make the whole process as gentle as possible so as not to arouse the stress response of this world." Mikkelsen said with a smile: "We

Your dignity is preserved and your losses are reduced, getting the best of both worlds."

"Of course, there is also the kind lady who facilitated this cooperation, Mrs. Generosity." Mikkelsen took one of Mrs. Generosity's hands and kissed it gently: "I guarantee that you will have enough time and samples to crack the violent rage.

's secret."

"No one can control the player's behavior for a long time." Markarian looked at Mikkelsen's performance with some boredom. He didn't know how much the woman believed it. Anyway, he didn't believe a word of it himself.

"Markarian. Markarian, I have put the solution to the problem in front of you, but you turned a blind eye. This has to make me doubt your sincerity. Your mind is not here." Mikkelsen raised his eyebrows.

At first, he winked at Markarian from an angle invisible to Mrs. Bountiful, as if to declare his sovereignty.

Markarian was silent for a while before speaking: "Drive the disobedient players out of the special zone and hand them over to Tang Ji. Our authority will be improved, and Tang Ji's anger will be alleviated. This is the end of your plan."


Mikkelsen responded to Markarian with a smile, neither giving a positive answer nor a negative answer, which made the other person feel uncomfortable all over.

"What if Tanguy doesn't accept it?" Markarian finally asked.

"Then let him let go and kill. Roseville can be a special zone, and Madagascar can also be a special zone. Your players are endless, and so is the space I can provide." Mikkelsen finally concluded: "

He will always calm down and accept the reality that Tanguy is not that scary without us."

"Haha, wait until he stands in front of you before you say that."

PS: I have started to have a regular schedule, and I feel more energetic at night. I have to stop staying up late in the future. Staying up late feels great for a while, but I feel tired for three days, and I am getting older.

This chapter has been completed!
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