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Chapter 513 Special Zone Scenery

A new day has dawned in the city of Roseville in the District. Everything seems to be no different, except that there are many vacant houses here, and most of those who are unwilling to take risks have chosen to leave the city.

This is actually not a difficult choice to make. Roseville has never been a big city, nor is it famous for its pillar industries. After experiencing the tossing of two corporate wars, the city has entered the world twenty years ago.

into a period of decline.

Those who are capable, such as Mitch Shepard, have long since left here to go out and make a living. Those who stay here are either an indispensable part of the city, or they are people who are unable to break free from the shackles of life.

This time being classified as a special zone is an opportunity for many people here to change their destiny, whether they choose to leave or stay.

Mitch Shepard no longer has any relatives or friends in Roseville. Their family moved away very early, leaving only a distant aunt behind, and this aunt also died of illness six years ago.

Perhaps in order to win Mitch's favor, Dolbis gave the property that once belonged to Mitch's aunt to Mitch Shepard.

That’s right, direct allocation. The city of Roseville’s advertisement clearly stated that all volunteers who are willing to come and settle will receive a free house during their settlement in Roseville, in addition to considerable compensation, and a guaranteed personal living area.

Not less than 40 square meters.

For the vast and sparsely populated Federation, if you don’t covet the convenience of urban life, have a pair of skillful hands that can solve most of the engineering problems in home life, and are brave enough to pick up a gun to defend you from the wasteland robbers

Where I live, the entire federation is full of habitable wasteland.

But if you cannot meet any of the above three requirements, it is best to live in the city and try to enjoy the high benefits brought by city life.

Roseville happens to be a city with comprehensive infrastructure. Although it is underdeveloped and has been relying on unstable financial support from the federal government in recent years, it at least has a complete leadership system.

For example, the fire station, the postal node, and the law enforcement bureau.

Mitch was delighted to see the Enforcement Bureau's sign within two streets of her new home. As a former law enforcer, she knew very well that the deterrent effect of the Enforcement Bureau actually diminished with distance.

When we were in Night City, the Law Enforcement Bureau and its branches had a stronger impact on surrounding real estate prices than the supporting shopping malls.

Of course, this dilemma was later solved with the rise of Tang Ji.

For Mitch, this apartment that once belonged to his aunt was a completely unfamiliar place. It was located on the third floor of a staircase apartment. The corridor looked very neat, with a sense of shyness unique to a small city.

Inside the gray door is an old-fashioned brown floor. One-third of it is warped and creaks when you step on it. However, there is no one living downstairs now. The original owner has signed a replacement agreement and gone to other cities to look for opportunities.

Yes, no one will complain.

Michelle checked the materials of the door and door frame and found that they were all made of wood. She directly marked them with a cross in her mind. Based on her experience in Night City, every penny spent on 2S-level bulletproof doors is worth it.

It is a must-have item for home.

Her aunt had no children. After her death, the local charity helped organize the funeral. When the Shepard family heard the news, the funeral had been two years ago. This was the first time she came back to get to know the person she had never met.


The furniture and utensils in the room look very warm and have a uniform sky blue tone. It is obvious that my aunt took good care of the place during her lifetime. In addition to looking a bit retro, it only needs simple cleaning before you can move in.

This saved Michelle a lot of trouble. She was sure that she was one of the first volunteers to move in, and there must be a lot worth recording.

She walked to the balcony first. She saw it before entering the apartment. Each apartment here has an open balcony of less than two square meters, which is very suitable for raising some ornamental plants and also suitable for her to build a simple balcony here.

fixed camera position.

On the balcony are several pots of plant remains that have withered for several years. It looks like this small city, which has not been nourished for a long time and relies entirely on the weather for food.

The only thing Roswell is luckier than these plants is that it has not died, and these plants did not survive six years of neglect.

Fortunately, withered plants are easy to clean. Mitchell Shepard plans to go out and buy some new ornamental plants to block the camera. After all, this is the Federation. Even if it has reached this point, nearby residents do not like to be exposed.

Human cameras are used to observe around the clock.

In comparison, Mitch prefers the kitchen left by her aunt. She has a complete set of enamel porcelain tableware, which is a luxury item that a person like Mitch, who is accustomed to a fast-paced life, has used in his life.

She looked at the fragile items that were spotless because they were placed in the glass cabinet with great interest, and carefully took out one group, planning to buy some real beef today to treat herself.

Anyway, the federal government just gave her a huge amount of compensation, didn't it?

But the city of Roseville let her down. There were many large supermarkets in the hometown that Mitchell remembered. Although they were beginning to show signs of decline, at least they could meet the daily needs of most people.

But now, Mitch discovered that living here, what you eat every day does not depend on your wallet, but on what is available in the supermarket today.

Some potatoes and carrots that didn't look very good were piled aside. As fresh vegetables, these rustic crops were marked at prices that even she felt were unsuitable.

"Don't touch organic vegetables if you don't want to buy them!" The supermarket staff, who seemed to be in their forties, were more like guardians of these vegetables than shopping guides, vigilantly eyeing every approaching customer.

To be fair, Michelle had almost forgotten the last time she cooked by herself. She remembered that although her salary at that time was not as high as it is now, at least she didn't have to look carefully at the prices of these things to make sure it was not dazzling.

On the other side, the corn does not look so good-looking and is gray in color, but the corn with full grains has a more eye-catching price.

Mi Qie's eyes lit up. Although this gray field crop, known for its health, pollution-free, and low calories, was a genetically modified food and had an indescribable taste, it did help him get rid of nearly ten kilograms of fat.

She looked at the price carefully and found that it was less than one-third of the price in Night City Supermarket. Her first reaction was that the profiteers should be killed, and her second reaction was that she had another topic to write about.

After walking out of the supermarket, Mi Qie walked on the street. Everything here seemed slower than in Night City. Even the cars on the ground and the clouds in the sky seemed more leisurely, making people unable to help but slow down.

But when she thought about the purpose of her visit, Michelle's expression turned gloomy again. She didn't know how long such harmony could last. Those outsiders were the winners after all.

This boredom lasted until night. As night fell, Mitch discovered sadly that more than half of the lights in the room were broken, and only the bathroom could provide normal lighting.

She could only use the light of the flashlight to hurriedly make something to fill her stomach. The starch dissolved from the gray corn kernels in the boiling soup was also gray, making it look like she had no appetite at all.

Mitch almost forced herself to eat all the food, and during the whole process, the only pleasure and sense of accomplishment she got was looking forward to the scale reporting a worthwhile number to her tomorrow.

Mitch carefully cleaned the enamel porcelain tableware, imagining that his aunt would stand here for decades, repeating this kind of work, and finally leave these to the world, which look good but are very impractical.


Thinking of this, Mitch Shepard couldn't help but shudder. She had never realized so clearly how right she was to leave this city and choose to fight in Night City.

Maybe her life was not satisfactory and she experienced many not-so-good ups and downs, but in the end she felt that her current self was much more wonderful than her dead aunt.

"You can do it, Mitch. The Shepard family is all tough." Mitch looked in the mirror and showed his trademark one-sided smile on the talk show.

Then the next second, the wall filled with beautiful blue porcelain exploded.

Based on the training he received as a former law enforcer, Mitchell's first reaction was to protect his head and rush out of the kitchen.

Ribs were thrown against the threshold, making Mi Che's face look painful. Four years ago, she would have jumped directly into the corridor, followed the trend with a tactical roll, and leaned against a safer load-bearing wall.

But now, she could only take advantage of the fact that no more accidents would happen, hold her broken ribs, and crawl out of the kitchen door little by little.

At this time, the originally quiet street outside was already bustling with people. It seemed like people were shouting everywhere, but Mi Qie couldn't hear her. She had not yet recovered from the tinnitus caused by the explosion at close range.

When she regained her composure, she turned to look in the direction of the kitchen and realized how lucky she was.

It wasn't an explosion on the other side of the wall, but something. She guessed it was a truck or a train. It flew past the wall of the apartment, destroying the third and fourth floors.

Kitchen and balcony.

Mi Qie endured the pain and limped out of the box to take out the camera, intending to record this scene. These things were all outdated and second-hand goods. If she had not had to use these things when she was in the Law Enforcement Bureau, this would have definitely happened.

You will be in a hurry.

The city of Roseville, which is designated as a special zone, does not allow the use of full-angle unmanned cameras for filming, so these old products can only be used, and Mitchell now has a preliminary understanding of why they do not allow drone filming.

A superhuman being driving a Roman chariot was roaring past the row of buildings across the street in a majestic manner.

The opponent completely ignored gravity, and the chariot and war horse accelerated crazily parallel to the ground and perpendicular to the surface of the building. Everything in their path was completely shattered like Aunt Mitchell's enamel.

Miche's camera chases the opponent's figure and keeps pressing the shutter, recording how the unlucky guy who poked his head out of the window out of curiosity had his head crushed by the wheel, and also records the agents who were chasing behind them in black off-road vehicles.

How was it dumped.

It must be said that these victors, before the end of this boring day, left a deep impression on Michelle with just one meeting, allowing her to fully understand what Dolbis meant by the defeated.

Life was difficult for the defeated. Wolfgang witnessed his predecessor's furious heroic appearance in his predecessor's greedy memory.

He looked more like a god in the traditional sense than the giants living in the palace. In the gray-black fire storm, no living person could see his face clearly. Wolfgang only knew that the many abilities of his predecessor Greed were there.

Almost useless in the face of the storm.

Most of the palace was destroyed, and Greed himself was burned out of one eye. In the end, he only escaped disaster by sinking his palace into the ground.

The memory fragment was very short, but the sense of oppression in it made Wolfgang a little breathless.

He had never eaten those precious ingredients because his predecessor was greedy, but he knew the gray-black flames all too well.

Like a werewolf on a moonlit night, Wolfgang drank a lot of bone soup in the underground palace, but apart from a few insignificant memories and a deeper understanding of rage, he obviously got nothing.

The purpose of his coming here is to obtain the origin of greed from the greed of the previous generation, to complete the related concepts, and at the very least, to obtain the ritual of devouring the other Seven Deadly Sins, instead of acting like a clown like now.

Wolfgang said that the greed of the previous generation could retain a trace of power from 4,500 years ago to the present, and also leave some memories. It can't be just for fun, right?

In the end, the current greedy person who gained nothing could only take the survived skeleton back to his castle, randomly build a human figure, and stare at the opponent's skull with big eyes and small eyes.

"What on earth do you want to express, old man?" Wolfgang slapped the greedy skull of the previous generation on the ground, and walked around the room in a rage.

He must admit that compared to his greedy predecessor, his life is no different from that of a beggar.

So even though the chef team performed 120% today, dividing a superhuman being who can command bats into six dishes and serving them in batches, they still failed to get Wolfgang's appreciation.

The butler may have seen Wolfgang's troubles, but he just comforted the chef team, closed the door, and left Wolfgang there to think quietly.

According to the information unearthed from the ancient tombs, it is certain that at least in the last era of superhuman beings, greed succeeded in eating up jealousy.

Wolfgang played with the skull, examining every trace on it, as if he wanted to find writing in it, and then he really found a distinctive trace.

There was a faint trace on the skull of the previous Greedy. Compared with other traces, this trace was so smooth. Wolfgang continued to touch along the edge along the trace and soon realized one thing. This Greedy

, it once had a craniotomy!

This chapter has been completed!
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