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Chapter 516 Cooperation again, and accidents

Mikkelsen revealed his hole card, a hole card that is very attractive to players.

The pioneer team led by Markarian currently does not have enough bodies to supply the increasing number of players. In order to make up for the shortage, they even use weak superhuman bodies to make up for the shortage.

But this kind of physical body is useless to the players waiting in line in the home world to enter here. This is not a world of cold weapons. They can't even become qualified street fighters relying on their superb fighting skills.

Mikkelsen likes to use this kind of conspiracy to force his opponents to act in the direction he has planned. The new victim now is Markarian.

"The People of Eternal Night requested to enter the special zone." Paulina leaned on the comfortable sofa and flexed her toes. The fluorescent-colored dynamic nail art patterns shone with different lusters, illuminating Paulina's good mood:

"Their attitude is very tough, saying that if we don't agree, they will go to the company to complain that we are engaging in unfair competition."

"Let them in." Markarian sat alone in his empty office, shaking a bottle of wine with only half a bottle left, drinking by himself: "If there are any other war groups that want to enter, all are approved."

As a diligent worker, Markarian has always tried to do his job well, but when everyone is on the opposite side of him, he can only go with the trend.

There are just a few more dead people on the left and right, and the guard dog's progress bar hasn't moved much anyway, so forget it, let him kill it.

Macari took a look at the total number of players. As of two hours ago, it was 7,742. Among them, about 3,000 players were in a free state. The Blazers had no idea where they were.

In addition, there are more than 2,000 players hidden among the naturalized forces around the world, adapting to the world environment while conducting limited mission tests.

The remaining players are either receiving subsidies from the pioneers and completing body collection tasks, or they are offline.

More than 300 players among them have been offline for more than 120 hours, and the system predicts that the probability of them coming online again is less than 20%.

Those were the players who were scared out of their wits by Tang Ji. They either witnessed Tang Ji's killing with their own eyes, or they got reliable information and knew about Tang Ji's special nature.

Markarian is an expert in dealing with special problems, but he has never dealt with such a special situation as Tangji. Not only is he nearly perfect in terms of personal ability, but he also has a strong enough team behind him to solve troubles and analyze strategies.

This method of spreading fear in the mother world is definitely something they have never encountered before.

In the history of the development of the mother world, there have been several very special circumstances that caused the player's consciousness to be reversely overwritten and return to the mother world with the will of the gods from another world. However, since the establishment of the three major committees, this loophole has disappeared.

Never again.

But Tang Ji is different. The fear he spreads is the most primitive fear of death.

Especially immortals like them are more sensitive to this fear. Of course, it is inevitable that there are aliens in their society.

For example, Sigitas Lange, Markarian may not be able to understand his thinking mode and his weird death worship in his lifetime.

Due to the company's policy on advents, Markarian cannot prevent Sigitas from returning to the world, but he can prevent him from contacting Tangji.

The last time Sigitas came, he was thrown into the sphere of influence of the Arasaka Group. The old guy who extravagantly hoped to ascend the dimension did him a big favor and banished Sigitas to outer space.

But now, this trouble is back, and he is persistently embarking on the path of pursuing death again.

Markarian knew that there was a small group called the Death Cult in the mother world, and Sigitas Lange was a member of it.

They had been dreaming of welcoming death back and breaking the Supreme One's monopoly on life and death, but Markarian felt they were wasting their time.

They have not even seen the Most High.

In fact, Markarian himself is not sure whether his concept of the Supreme Being is complete, after all, his own memories of hundreds of years ago are also incomplete.

Why is he in awe of Mrs. Generosity? Because she has the authority to manipulate their memories, delete, clear, splice, and shape them all according to her personal wishes.

Markarian's only concern now is what Mikkelsen's next plan is.

The total number of players that a special zone can accommodate is limited, and the number of special zones will continue to increase. Even if Mikkelsen intends to gather players together and let Tang Ji kill them all at once, the players in other special zones will still have enough time to evacuate.

As for players who have experienced the Ai District, even if they have passed the novice stage, they can perfectly integrate into this world.

This pursuit of confrontation is meaningless.

Based on Markarian's knowledge of Mikkelsen, he must be brewing some bigger plan.

"You found the altar of rage?!" Wu Qianying grabbed Mikkelsen by the collar, and almost lifted Mikkelsen, who was a head taller than her, against the wall with both hands: "What else are you hiding!"

"Calm down, Dr. Wu." Mikkelsen adjusted his hair in the air and persuaded him calmly: "Of course I will tell you what you should know."

"So why are you telling me this now?" Wu Qianying maintained her threatening posture and refused to let go. The physical bonus brought by her awakening made her very satisfied with her current aggressiveness.

"Because there is no need to continue to detain you. Unexpectedly, that reckless man did not smash around like a gorilla." Mikkelsen shook his head in admiration: "We can continue to maintain this tacit understanding, there is a limit.


"He is furious. Any one of us can make excuses with the players, but he can't. Maintaining this tacit understanding is the best result." Mikkelsen broke away from Wu Qianying's hand and motioned for the other party to follow him: "I don't know his

Does the specialness come from the counterattack of Gaia’s consciousness, but the risk of dragging him in rashly is too great.”

"It sounds like you know a lot of things that I don't know." Wu Qianying flexed her wrist: "But the question is, what if I don't want to cooperate with a half-hearted collaborator like you?"

"You will, because none of us have a second choice." Mikkelsen shrugged without looking back: "Don't you want to know what happened to Tangji?"

Wu Qianying did not answer. Sometimes the behavior of people like her is predictable.

"Did the prophet find it?" Wu Qianying asked after a moment of silence.

"Actually, the initiators of the entire plan are prophets, and I am just the executor." Mikkelsen walked in front and smiled: "Of course, it is said that the person who first came up with this plan was me in the parallel future."

"You can be sure that no matter which world you are in, you are such a bastard." Wu Qianying hugged her shoulders and followed Mikkelsen, waiting for him to continue to reveal information.

As he said, both sides are allies who have no other choice.

Mikkelsen can't find a second person who can directly kill the player, and Tang Ji and the others can't find a second force that has the ability to mobilize enough resources to fight the player to the end.

Arasaka might be able to do it, but Saburo Arasaka is an old man in his twilight years. The technology mastered by players is too attractive to him, and in this kind of war that determines the fate of civilization, relying on Arasaka's power alone is too limited.

In comparison, the Ark organization was too loose. The Prophet tried, but it turned out that the Ark organization was not effective.

"The altar or ruins of the previous generation's rage are not on Earth." Mikkelsen first helped Wu Qianying rule out the most likely answer: "He was exiled by some superhuman individual or organization, along with his sky residence.

They drifted together in the direction of Pluto and were captured by Ganymede, forming an orbiting object."

"How did you observe it?" Wu Qianying's attention was quickly diverted, and she eagerly wanted to know more.

"The prophet found a soothsayer in the future." Mikkelsen felt that this matter contained too much metaphysics, but this was what the prophet said, and he could only believe it.

Lexington, the most advanced extraterrestrial vehicle in military technology, set off from the outpost of Mars and spent thirty-nine days flying high above the orbit of Ganymede, taking a large number of photos. Subsequent unmanned vehicles were able to decelerate into the orbit of Ganymede in time.

It will take another 139 days for the aircraft to arrive.

Thanks to Mr. Good Luck and the precise orbital data provided by the Prophet, an obvious man-made ruin was found in the first photos of the Lexington's flyby.

Mikkelsen attributes this kind of search for water droplets in the sea entirely to the role of Mr. Haoyuan, because the probability is too low.

What Wu Qianying was holding now were those high-definition photos. Suddenly, at a glance, he could see an eternal flame among the ruins of man-made objects.

Wu Qianying didn't even need more evidence to be sure that it was the flame of hatred that Tang Ji often used.

"Don't you think it's a bit illogical for something that has been around for thousands of years to be discovered frequently at this point in time?" Wu Qianying shook the photo: "I just happened to take the photo on the first flyby? This is more like it.

Taking the initiative to jump in front of your camera and shouting that I am here! This is unscientific!"

Mikkelsen just watched Wu Qianying calm down, and then said: "Look at me, and then look at that kid who can physically run at a speed of two yards. This is the most unscientific. Even probability can't explain us.


"By the way, your Sonic Boy seems to have failed to return to Night City. He disappeared." Mikkelsen felt like he was telling a suspenseful horror story: "I left a tracker on him, but

The signal is blocked."

"Soulter is missing?" If it weren't for the photo in her hand, Wu Qianying would definitely have raised Mikkelsen up again and asked: "Where! When?"

"Eight minutes after leaving the base, southeast of the Lost Mountain base." Mikkelsen sighed and explained: "I initially thought he was smart enough to find a way to block the signal, but then I discovered that he had not arrived at Night

Zhicheng and Tangji meet up."

"Who can take away Sirte?" Wu Qianying's tone was full of doubts.

After all, although everyone agrees that Tang Ji is the most powerful superhuman in the world, Tang Ji relies more on the negative characteristics of the Flame of Hatred to form a vacuum field of supernatural abilities within a certain range, interfering with the use of other superhuman abilities.

Of course, apart from that, Tang Ji himself is a formidable warrior, both physically and technically.

But Surte's ability is too troublesome. As long as he enters the bullet time state, it will be difficult for anything in this world to harm him.

Even at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins, it is difficult to face Surte directly.

Take Anne, for example, and Greed, the former is currently known as the shame of the Seven Deadly Sins, but the latter is definitely the top-ranked character among the Seven Deadly Sins.

Greed may have various ways to deal with Soult, but there is no way to prevent it day and night. If Soult is willing, he can calculate the time accurately, take the time to run to the European Union, and give Wolfgang a few blows.


"Is it the player?" Wu Qianying's subordinates were thinking of the worst ending. If the player were to get Surte, the situation of the entire war might change.

"The news seems to be different from the players. The bad news is that they now know that Sirte is missing and are trying to find the kidnapper." Mikkelsen sighed. This was definitely one of the fatal mistakes he had made.

"You don't know who did it?" Wu Qianying looked at Mikkelsen suspiciously, openly taking the responsibility, but privately, she was afraid that it was not impossible that he did it.

Especially considering the state of Surte at that time, it is very reasonable for Mikkelsen, who had first-hand information, to secretly kidnap Surte.

"It's not me. I want to keep him in so many ways that you can't see." Mikkelsen raised his hand: "Fleming's Gentlemen's Club is currently investigating this matter."

"Can those people from the Gentlemen's Club deal with those who have the ability to stop Soult?" Wu Qianying mentally considered possible combinations that could target Soult.

But superhuman abilities are too complicated. In terms of mental control alone, it is difficult for Surte to have no flaws.

"Initial suspicion is that someone from Arasaka may have done it." Mikkelsen opened the door to the conference room, and Anne had been waiting inside for a long time.

When they entered, Annie was eating melon seeds and watching TV shows, and saw the two of them hurriedly cleaning up the mess they had made.

"Hi, Dr. Wu, I thought you were on vacation." Annie waved her hand. She was very smart and couldn't tell that she was entrusting someone with a dream in her dream.

"Where is Sirte, look for it now." Wu Qianying said, snapping her fingers towards Mikkelsen.

The anesthetic was put directly into Wu Qianying's hands: "I need you to sleep now, find it now."

"He is not in the dream world now, Dr. Wu, he is awake." Annie replied firmly: "Since he disappeared, I will search his consciousness band every two hours."

Anne shook her head, with obvious doubts on her face. Even she didn't know who or what force could allow Soult to be taken away sober.

This chapter has been completed!
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