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Chapter 521 There is only one wall left before Gaul becomes great again

"Do our players like the playground specially prepared for them?" Central Mikkelsen sat on the recliner, as if his butt had roots growing here.

He spends almost six hours in the sun here every day, so that now this Mikkelsen looks different in skin color from other Mikkelsens.

"Forty-seven more players entered the special zone today. Currently, the total number of players in the special zone is 974, including 12 pioneers." Another Mikkelsen lay in the same posture on the same type of lounge chair, enjoying Hawaii.

Island sunshine.

"The progress is too slow." The third Mikkelsen yawned, as if he was about to fall asleep in the next second.

"But they have caused more than 2,600 injuries, and our border guards have recently caught more than a hundred indigenous people trying to escape the SAR." The fourth Mikkelsen drank orange juice, although Mikkel

Sen is the initiator of the Gray Field Project, but he obviously does not have as noble a masochistic sentiment as Tang Ji.

Even if everyone in this world has to live on the garbage grown by the Gray Field Project, he will never reduce his quality of life.

By the way, what he means is that more than four thousand clones cannot be lowered.

"On the contrary, those immigrants who voluntarily choose to enter the special zone to receive subsidies from outside appear to be more adaptable to this lifestyle." Mikkelsen continued: "I suggest that the qualifications for special zone immigrants be expanded to South America and the Petrochemical Alliance's blockade.


"Then we might as well establish a new special zone directly on the territory of South America and the Petrochemical Alliance, just like the Grand Paris of the Gauls." When Central Mikkelsen talked about the Gauls, he was obviously a little happy.

Those are the few political entities that can make him feel that he is still a good person.

The Gauls have taken their dirty political dealings to a whole new level. They are now devoting all their efforts to congress, playing Taha gangs in circles, pie after pie, and even the map of Paris is not enough to draw.

In order to make the Taha Gang willing to help them manage the special zone, they even promised that after the Paris special zone is turned into a special zone, the 13th arrondissement can be separated separately and become a non-special zone within the special zone.

This plan sounds very convoluted, and it is actually very convoluted, but it does have a certain appeal to both parties.

The Gauls do not want the Taha Gang and the people from the 13th District to come out, and the middle and lower classes of the Taha Gang and the people of the 13th District have an unforgettable hatred for the Parisians. If the status of both parties happens to drop completely,

Boyle Taha is a politician with great political ambitions, but his background is too shallow and his background is too limited. Many times, he needs to make compromises for the future of the Taha gang.

Therefore, it is very possible for him to agree to become the manager of the Paris District. What he cares about is the future, the Taha Gang, and even the people of the Thirteenth District in fifty years, or even a hundred years from now. His vision is affected by the Thirteenth District.

Confined to the city of Paris.

But the Gallic government, which is far-sighted and is watching the current situation from afar, is most concerned about the present, starting from today, to the next five to ten years. God knows whether Gaul will still exist in ten years.

Specific to the current Gaul Commander-in-Chief, as well as the senior executives and dignitaries, it is more realistic. They only care about the next six months to one year.

According to the commitment of Phoenix Orbital Construction Group, Phoenix City will complete the construction of the recycling ecosystem in six months. After one year, Phoenix City will complete the construction of all core functions. By then, those wealthy people who have bought ferry tickets and properties will

We can join hands and leave this crisis-ridden earth and go to the Ark to find our own Garden of Eden.

Therefore, the plan to transform Paris into a special zone is advancing very quickly. The Gauls have even applied for support from the Ark Organization, hoping that Stark Polo, a powerful superhuman in geotechnical fields, can come to the Paris area to assist in the construction of the separation wall.

The Gauls don't even want to be like the Federation, which sets up a virtual interception line outside the special zone and relies on superhuman and conventional armed forces to block and isolate them. They plan to directly build an unprecedented high wall to trap all Luo chaos inside.

Then treat the high wall, the things inside the wall, and everything that happens as if they don't exist.

This was how they handled District 13 back then, and they naturally want to repeat this process now.

But there is a difference between sealing off a district and sealing off the entire Paris. At least the amount of work is much larger.

The most outrageous thing is that in addition to Stark Polo, the Gauls also hope to secretly invite Wolfgang to build a part of the wall.

Based on the principle of intelligence sharing between allies, and also in order to deter those European federation salty fish, Mikkelsen has shared some intelligence about greed with all members of the European federation, including the extreme 1V1 situation of greed and rage in Africa.

HD video.

Mikkelsen didn't know whether the others felt the crisis, but the Gauls certainly didn't. Not only were they not frightened, they also took a fancy to Wolfgang's superb civil engineering abilities.

He can drag out such a vivid hand directly from the ground, and it must be easy to build a wall, right?

The most darkly humorous thing is that Wolfgang happily went to the appointment.

As the oldest of the Seven Deadly Sins, Greed-Wolfgang is fully qualified to say that there is nothing new under the sun, except for players.

Mikkelsen's trump card, Wolfgang, could not guess it yet, but he knew that the special zone plan must be a preparatory part of some big plan. With some strange sense of responsibility, Wolfgang agreed to the Gauls' invitation.

I hope to use my own strength to accelerate the advancement of the entire plan.

This kind of thing is really not a big deal for the greed at the LV3 stage, and he doesn't care about the dark thoughts of the Gauls, who are just trading behind the scenes, and doesn't care about being included in the special zone, but he hasn't accepted it yet.

to any official news to the citizens of Paris.

In fact, he doesn't really care about the Gauls' overall plan for the Bari Special District. He has his own plan. No matter what, it just needs a wall high enough to trap enough sacrifices to attract players, right?


Therefore, Lord Wolfgang, who is extremely efficient, skipped the official dinner of the Gallic government on the night he arrived in Paris, and went directly to the construction site to start work.

Wolfgang directly used the A86 ring road as a separation line and built a fence seven kilometers long, four meters wide and two meters high in one night.

Calculated based on the amount of earthwork, the amount of work Wolfgang did was not actually large, only sixty or seventy thousand square meters. However, because his ability was to directly reshape the terrain, the suddenly extra slag mixed wall did not appear out of thin air, but

It was squeezed out from the original site, causing serious damage to the surrounding urban landscape.

Wolfgang obviously doesn't care whether his behavior will cause panic among the people, he only considers efficiency.

After politicians with Paris as their base realized that the special zone of Paris is an inevitable trend, the focus of the debate with high-level officials in the past few days is on what is the dividing line to build the special zone, whether it is the traditional core area of ​​Paris or a general sense.

Is the greater Paris area considered a special zone?

Wolfgang knew the efficiency of this group of Gauls in the 19th century, so he simply made a decision for the Gauls and used the A86 ring road as the dividing line to include the entire urban area of ​​Paris.

No one could stop him. Wolfgang increased the length of the low wall to 19 kilometers during the day, while the total length of the ring road A86 was only over 80 kilometers.

Twenty-four hours, 19 kilometers of low wall, this efficiency has exceeded the imagination of the Parisian people. While most people are still watching puppy videos, smart people have started to drive with their families.

Escape from Paris in an unblocked direction.

Wolfgang didn't need to rest. He stopped occasionally because he found some snacks nearby and replenished his energy.

On the third day, when the low wall had expanded to 52 kilometers and surrounded most of Paris, most people began to feel panic.

A two-meter-high low wall cannot stop escapees. Those who are physically strong can climb over the wall directly, and those who are in poor physical condition can escape smoothly by catching tools. However, it can effectively prevent those citizens who want to drive away with their belongings.


The unblocked direction of Paris has become a mess, with traffic jams stretching for more than ten kilometers. Those smart enough have begun to build temporary ramps on low walls in other directions to make it easier for cars to get on and off, and collect tolls at the same time.


There were also some people who were not sane, and they went to protest in the direction where Wolfgang was building the wall.

Those people used strong glue to stick themselves to the road and broadcast live broadcasts, demanding that the other party immediately stop this violation of human rights and environmental destruction, otherwise they would be crushed by them.

People all over the world can witness that Wolfgang responded to their requests. He directly built these protesters into the wall. Out of his bad taste, he exposed their faces and limbs to prevent them from holding back.


On the fourth day, the proud Parisians finally discovered in the chaos that the city they were proud of was blocked by a low wall of only two meters high.

Mikkelsen clapped his hands and was satisfied with his efficiency. In four days, he had laid a solid foundation for the entire special zone.

Nearly one million people were trapped in this city that was destined to decline. The reason why the Gauls dared to abandon this city was because it was no longer the core area of ​​Gaul in the traditional sense.

The high land prices, the bad impact brought by the 13th arrondissement, the large number of historic sites that cannot be demolished and affect urban planning, and the difficult-to-implement reconstruction of the old city, all these things have prompted the establishment of New Paris next door.

Starting a city from scratch is far more cost-effective than renovating the bottom of your own old coffin.

After sealing off the entire city, Wolfgang began his next plan to let the wall begin to grow on its own.

This ability comes from a certain unlucky superhuman food, which itself has almost no strength at all. It can restore damaged items by itself through continuous attention.

But in Wolfgang's hands, this repair ability was mixed with multiple abilities and became an ability similar to Aladdin's magic lamp. He can let certain dead objects be reshaped according to his own wishes through continuous attention.

In religious terms, God said there should be light, so there was light. It is a similar principle, and Moses parted the sea in the same way.

However, for the latter, Wolfgang combined several other plans to achieve it in a more trouble-free way.

Now, he needs to focus on making this wall grow to a size he is satisfied with. His requirements are not high, five meters wide and five meters high are enough.

By the way, the protesters who were built into the wall were unable to scream now. Although some people were willing to come forward and give them water, all rescue measures were successfully solved by Wolfgang, except that there were too many on the wall.

Except for a few people, not much has changed.

On the fifth day, residents near the wall who had not evacuated could feel obvious vibrations. Citizens who thought an earthquake had occurred ran out of their homes, but in the end nothing happened.

It wasn't until dawn that they discovered that the wall had become taller and thicker, and that the land near the wall had been pulled away as if someone had pulled it.

Another group of fearful citizens took advantage of the fact that the height of the wall was only a little over three meters and left their hometowns, cursing their relatives and friends who defected to them.

The people in the walls began to become silent and desperate, and some looked almost dead.

On the sixth day, Wolfgang continued to focus on his own business. The height and thickness of the wall successfully reached the level he wanted. He looked at the wall he had built with satisfaction and smoothed out a few people who planned to use it on the wall.

The armed civilians who had made holes with the bombs finally attended the Gaulish dinner.

On the seventh day, even God would rest on the seventh day when he created the world. The same was true for Wolfgang. He generously gave this day to all the people within the wall, allowing them to escape from their homes.

Of course, violent demolition of walls and rescuing people built into walls are prohibited.

The high-level leaders of Gaul, who had to accept Wolfgang's version of the special zone plan, could only accept this mess with their noses twisted, and began to strengthen the walls, start deploying guard forces and other issues.

With the arrival of a new week, the whole of Paris seems to have become quiet, the streets are no longer busy with traffic, and even the traffic lights are flickering feebly.

A few citizens on foot passed by in a hurry, with confusion in their eyes.

On this day, the Taha Gang's armed forces walked out of the 13th arrondissement. Whether they wanted it or not, they were now responsible for the order of Paris.

The only preferential treatment Boyle Taha obtained was that District 13 would be the only non-special zone area in the special zone. Soldiers from the Taha gang took over the original wall and tried to cover the wall surface with red paint.

Those outsiders who are about to enter the city cannot distinguish the various districts of the city, and the Taha Gang needs something more conspicuous as a sign.

And red is undoubtedly the best choice.

The Gauls mobilized almost all their armed forces near the Great Separation Wall to reinforce the wall, install rapid take-off and landing devices, and there were many projects waiting for them.

Whether it is the military, the Department of Homeland Security, or the ECS Bureau, all now have to look at Wolfgang's face. So far, more than eleven powerful figures have died when Wolfgang entered Gaul, or

In a state of disappearance.

Wolfgang used a very Tangy method to let these people know who has the final say now.

This chapter has been completed!
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