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Chapter 526 The Lord in Heaven

"We have placed close to one percent of the clones in the Roseville Special Zone. Most of them are assigned as service industry personnel. Everything is normal now." Inside the Lost Mountain base, a research team is submitting a report to Mikkelsen.

Phased results of your own project.

The Military Technology Group has had a human cloning project for a long time, but it has never achieved initial results. However, since Ghost became Mikkelsen's personal ally, he obtained the Lazarus Group database, making up for the shortcomings caused by technical differences.

Gluttony leaves behind biological materials, which solves all the problems of biochemical materials in the human cloning project. Gluttony's cells that can replicate themselves are simply treasures.

In the end, it was the Arasaka Group that really completed the human cloning project. If it weren't for Ghost, I'm afraid no one would know that the companies behind the Virtual Girlfriend series of software are almost all the Arasaka Group.

They have been using this software to form adjustable virtual personalities. Of course, since most of the virtual partners are women, the relatively sound virtual personalities presented in the final data also mostly appear as female personalities.

In the end, reflected in the human cloning project of military technology, the result was 1,036 cloned individuals, 92% of which were female.

This is just a plan of the Lost Mountain Base in the Special Zone. Projects such as the Krenchikov Central Nervous Enhancement System and Time Sensitive Hormone are also undergoing actual combat testing in the Special Zone.

As a price for advancing the special zone project, Luther signed an unknown number of permits to carry out special projects in the special zone.

This is a war, and humans have to show their claws in order to deter their opponents in subsequent fights.

"Very good, keep the total number of clones at more than a thousand and record the data. If there are not enough fools, we will have to let these clones take over." Mikkelsen approved the other party's request for additional research funds, and put

The other party sent him away.

The Gray Field Project is progressing smoothly. Anne is a very useful tool. She not only solved the conservative forces of the large agricultural groups, but also helped open the market for the products of the Gray Field Project.

If all goes well, by this time next year, Gray Fields' diverse crops will occupy half of the world's farmed land.

Mikkelsen doesn't need every farmer to start growing real junk food, he just needs to ensure that the seeds of the Gray Field Project spread around the world.

When the unexpected happens, farmers will naturally find that those crops can grow smoothly, and in order to survive, those reservations and resistance will completely disappear.

On average, Mikkelsen signs more than 3,000 documents per day, half of which are regular military technology projects, and the other half are related to players.

Integrating the federation and competing with the players were both difficult tasks, but Mikkelsen managed it all by himself, making the entire machine run in an orderly manner.

Theoretically, 4096 individuals, no, now it is 4095 individuals, allowing him to run the entire country by himself, Luther only needs to show his face at the front desk.

In fact, Mikkelsen did the same thing. A brand-new secretariat was established behind all departments currently controlled by Luther. Its only function is to put aside the useless bureaucracy and allow Mikkelson to deal with it.

Federal specific matters are managed vertically.

Luther could clearly feel that the power in his hands was rapidly expanding. In the traditional sense, interest groups were defeated in front of professional teams like Mikkelsenmi. They were also attacked politically and physically, and even saving their lives became a rarity.

The most obvious example is that the federal army, which has collapsed for many years and relied entirely on General Martinez to sustain its situation, is being rebuilt recently.

How did the Military Technology Group suck blood from the Federal Army back then, and how do they transfuse the blood back now?

Many soldiers with military technology badges on their clothes were automatically registered as members of the Federal Army the moment they landed on federal soil. The size of the Federal Army increased by one-third out of thin air.

The increased power of the federal central government has promoted the return of discrete states and free states. From an overall perspective, everything is thriving.

Only Mikkelsen and the Prophet knew that this was all an illusion.

In the future seen by the prophet, the Tanguy-Mikkelsen-Luthor alliance was able to mobilize a total of 175,000 armed forces on the eve of the player's invasion.

Although the armor is relatively weak, it possesses absolute air superiority. Superhumans who can fly are still a rare breed.

But the players have no habit of fighting head-on. They even regard the gathering of federal troops as some kind of challenge and actively provoke them.

From the perspective of the prophet, the Phoenix Project split the will of mankind to resist, and the intensity of the conventional war between the two sides was not high from the beginning.

The naturalized people used the bones of the Petrified Alliance as nourishment, and pulled out an armed force that could barely be regarded as an army. They followed the players and acted as an occupying force.

Real battles almost all take place in the superhuman realm, and the damage caused by the battle between the two sides is greater than the losses caused by the direct war between the secular armed forces of both sides.

The war lasted for six years, and a total of 139 nuclear explosions occurred around the world. One hundred and one were targets actively chosen by their side. Of the remaining 38, only 13 were

Released by players and naturalized people.

The other twenty-five nuclear strikes came from third parties in different fields, such as Crystal Palace and Phoenix City.

The event that truly ended the war occurred at the end of the sixth year. A player who was killed by Tang Ji woke up safely in the mother world and returned to this world twenty-four hours later.

That was a landmark event, which meant that Tang Ji's specialness disappeared and he transformed from a god back into a human being.

The prophet still doesn't know whether Tang Ji's ability itself has been 'cracked', or whether the so-called will of Gaia has dissipated.

Because in the sixth year of the war, due to the war between the two sides, the overall environment of the earth has become worse and worse. Various extreme climate environments have appeared one after another. At that time, humans had not successfully launched any outer space projectiles for four consecutive months.

It’s a good thing because no suitable window period can be found globally.

When Tang Ji lost his halo, resistance in the practical sense disappeared, and the so-called war instantly became a joke.

The collapse of human beings is not imminent. The intensity of resistance decreases in a smooth curve, which seems very dignified.

The prophet did not see the final fate of mankind. In order to prevent accidents from happening, she chose to 'leave' on her own initiative after getting Mikkelsen's final plan on that timeline.

Mikkelsen also had no intention of hearing more stories about the ending from the prophet. He only needed to know how they failed and what advice the losers on that failed timeline gave him.

Don't squander the deterrence brought by Tangji, use Tangji's power with caution, because it is the only weapon in this world.

Don't trust those who are trying to escape to Phoenix. They may not be able to do anything, but they can also make you unable to do anything.

And in the end, time is on the enemy's side, and whatever your plans are, it's best to hurry.

"Time, time, time, haha." Mikkelsen played with the lighter in his hand and lit a tree of life.

Lexington 2 found the legacy of the previous generation's rage on Ganymede, a flame of hatred that has been passed down to this day.

The good news is that in another timeline, the Prophets and others have already sent people to bring that thing back to Earth, so in this timeline, they don't have to spend another six months studying how to bring it back.

The bad news is that in that timeline, Tang Ji’s time period has lost its specialness, and in the end, that thing is just a large group of fireworks, which presented a wonderful performance for the curtain call of human civilization and won the hearts of the players.

unanimously praised.

"Pay attention to the Chevrolet on the right, you are too close to it." Edward sat in the passenger seat and watched Soult learn how to drive awkwardly.

The gleaming life-saving capsule was on the back seat, and Edward specially brought An Ran out for a walk.

He was holding coffee in one hand and smoking a cigarette in the other. He opened the passenger window to the maximum and stared at the pedestrians outside the window, as if he had gone back to the days when he patrolled with Tang Ji.

"Look at the light, Sirte. Didn't I teach you to stop at the red light?" Edward looked at the messy intersection behind him and hit Sirte's head.

"It just says ninety-nine on it, and it doesn't move. Aren't you coming here?" Sirte said, "I have experience, you can rest assured: I took out all the cameras at the intersection and couldn't capture the license plate."


"I'm not teaching you how to drive, not to let you learn how to violate traffic laws!" Edward then felt as if he had just felt a ray of cool breeze blowing from the driver's side, and Xiao Su had already gotten out of the car and took a lap.

"Okay, that's it for today, it's time to go home." Edward stretched out and looked at the scantily clad woman on the roadside a few more times as a habit. After getting a middle finger, he walked towards the driver's seat with satisfaction.

Plans to take over from Soult and drive.

As a result, the next second, a gunshot rang out, causing everyone around to subconsciously find a bunker. Looking around, no fool exposed himself in the open field.

That's not quite accurate. Surte didn't know when he was standing next to Edward, holding a warhead between his index finger and thumb.

On the other hand, Edward lowered his head immediately and used the rear tire of the car as a cover without spilling the coffee in his hand or throwing away the cigarette.

But Edward only took one look at the size of the bullet and determined that if it weren't for Soult, he would probably have confessed today.


There was another gunshot, and Soult instantly changed his position and caught another bullet fired from another direction.

Worried about Edward's safety, Soult did not rush over impulsively and tear the murderer into pieces, but patiently waited for Tangji's dimensional gate.

Sure enough, before Edward could get through on the phone, the dimensional door opened in front of him. In order to prevent an accident, Surte simply pushed Edward into the car and pushed the entire car in.

"Find them and bring them to see me." Tang Ji said lightly to Surte, who nodded vigorously.

The attack was strange and unnatural.

In the end, Soult did not find the so-called murderer. He only found two scrap metal machines that had melted into a ball. Judging from the situation at the scene, one of them was fixed on the rooftop of the opposite building, and the other was fixed on the side building.

The edge position of the glass curtain wall.

When Soult found it, the wreckage had fallen to the ground. The remaining thermite left a large hole in the glass curtain wall.

Judging from the live video retrieved, the two robots were already there at least two weeks ago, but in their unexpanded form, they were not very noticeable.

The camera captured the entire process of their shooting. Each robot only had one bullet and was designed to immediately self-ablate without leaving any evidence.

Besides angering Tanguy, what else would killing Edward do?

Who would think so hard?

Cliff Mikkelson watched the surveillance video repeatedly, thinking about the clues hidden in it.

He is now considered Tanguy's personal adviser, and until they figure out the true purpose of the Mikkelson Alliance's establishment of the special zone, he has almost nothing to do.

Out of boredom, Cliff Mikkelsen spent forty minutes sorting out all of Tang Ji's itinerary during his escape, and then determined that the man behind it was the organization behind Divine Power.

Those truly rich people who already have their own private spaceships and have left the earth early to live in space estates, waiting for the Phoenix City to be built.

In front of these people, the Fredliman family, the former owners of the Moonlight Gold, were just upstarts who had just stepped onto the threshold. If his family remained successful, they might not have a chance to be accepted until a hundred years later.

These people's actions this time were a warning to Mikkelsen, asking him to restrain Tang Ji and stop destroying each other's interests. They were very angry at the destruction of the Holy God's Authority.

They obviously know a lot of things, such as Tang Ji's special sensitivity to the City of Night, which he recently showed.

So they chose the mechanical killer, and showed amazing intelligence capabilities. At the right time, they chose the right target, Edward.

They specifically chose to assassinate Edward when Surta was nearby, just to show their ability to threaten the people Tangji cares about.

The last person they arranged like this was Mr. Good Luck, and his existence has affected the normal flow of wealth.

The reason why Mr. Haoyuan has been warned by his own power not to show his face again is because those people in heaven have been thinking about him.

For the purpose of stabilizing the market and preparing for war, Mikkelsen had been very tolerant of this group before.

Cliff Mikkelson smiled sarcastically. He is also Mikkelsen, with complete memory and personality. Of course he knows that the aggregate, or himself, has already determined the fate of those gentlemen in the sky.

Arrangements were made.

But now, he changed his mind and wanted to give Tang Ji the right to decide the other party's fate.

This chapter has been completed!
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