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Chapter 529 The End

The Eye of the Sky space station was forcibly occupied, which was like a loud slap in the face of the Rothschild family. The information advantage they were proud of was crushed to the ground by Mikkelsen. The technological power they relied on for their livelihood,

Tang Ji punched him from the surface to the ground.

The loss of the space station was like a bucket of ice water poured on the head, instantly making the Rothschilds realize their brotherhood.

Of course, at least now, less than five minutes after the Eye in the Sky was lost, the Rothschilds who are still active on the earth are completely unaware that the disaster is coming.

They still enjoy the advantages and status brought by their family blood in all walks of life, and they are increasingly unwilling to hide it because of the continuous improvement of Phoenix City's progress.

Before this, the personal information of the Rothschilds was all hidden behind the information curtain, making it difficult even for ghosts to find these people.

But at this time, the tide turned. The ghost not only took away most of their rights from the Eternal Parliament through the existing keys, but also reversely blocked the communication rights of the members of the Parliament.

Mikkelsen didn't even bother to send people to arrest those flesh-and-blood Rothschild members. He just sent everyone an address through the Rothschild family's internal channels and with the authority of the Eternal Parliament, asking them to arrive within three hours.

When you arrive, you can wait for these pretentious guys to fall into the trap.

Of course, in order to finally humiliate these members of the Celestial Organization, Mikkelsen set the address at the Afterlife Bar.

On the one hand, the name is auspicious, and on the other hand, this place was a converted hospital morgue. It has all kinds of facilities and is especially convenient for garbage disposal.

Theodore Rothschild was the first family member to arrive in Night City. He used the alias Theodore Weiser and lurked as a senior manager at Huntington Industries. His main responsibility was to monitor naturalized people.

Activities within the group.

This time, he was inspecting the port in San Diego, not far from Night City, when he suddenly received an urgent message from the family council, asking him to go to the Afterlife Bar in Night City to discuss matters.

As a member of the family, Theodore must unconditionally obey the orders of the family council, so he turned down all the entertainment and rushed to this... Afterlife Bar as quickly as possible.

Well, Theodore began to feel confused about this direct order from the parliament. He had never been in such a "hasty" place in his life.

The huge space is filled with all kinds of vulgar decorations, and the cheap transparent partitions look like the display windows used to display animals in a zoo.

Theodore frowned and walked in the empty bar, looking a little confused. He looked at the sofas in the booths and the chairs in front of the bar, but he couldn't find a suitable place for him to sit down.

Even the bar itself, although the metal bar was more than twenty meters long, was full of scratches and invisible oil stains, making Theodore not want to get close to it at all.

Moreover, the place was empty, with only the most basic lighting providing light, and no one there. When Theodore Rothschild walked by, he could even hear his own footsteps echoing here.

He took out the special communication device again and checked the mailbox to make sure that he had read the address correctly and that no new messages had been sent. Then he reluctantly found the cleanest-looking chair and sat down.

"You are the first customer, would you like something to drink?" The bartender suddenly appeared wearing a ginger suit. He looked as weird as the bar. He startled Theodore. When did he appear?

"Don't be nervous, the opening hours haven't come yet, so it looks a little empty. Trust me, it will get lively soon." Mikkelsen said with a smile: "I never lie to people."

Theodore impatiently took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a wad of hundred-dollar bills and threw them on the bar: "Leave me alone for a while. As long as you stay quiet, these are all yours."

Mikkelsen smiled and made a pulling motion on his lips, reached out and took away the money on the bar, and shrugged, as if to say: your loss.

Theodore sighed and flicked his fingers impatiently on the bar. Time passed by minute by second. Forty minutes later, two men and women walking together, wearing neo-kitsch style clothes, walked in.

In just a second, Theodore and the other party were sure that they were outsiders who did not belong here.

But the neo-kitsch couple had no intention of communicating with Theodore. Like Theodore, they looked at most of the bar with critical eyes, and finally chose a transparent box that they thought was the least mediocre.

Go in.

In a bar with no waiters and no music, there was only one weird bartender and three equally weird customers. The whole bar was silent and as quiet as a morgue.

Theodore tapped his fingers on the table faster. Instinctively, he felt that something was wrong about this matter today.

But the order from the family council was like a big mountain, weighing on his heart.

The Rothschild family has a clear hierarchy, and most members enjoy high welfare benefits from birth to adulthood, but there is not much communication between members themselves. They just obey the orders from the family council.

Afterwards, more and more people walked into this bar, and all of them had one characteristic, that is, they seemed to exude an aura that was incompatible with this bar.

Theodore even saw a few familiar family members there, but the atmosphere in the entire bar was very depressing at this time, and he did not rush to say hello.

But an obvious fact is right in front of us, that is, everyone in the bar is a member of the Rothschild family.

They are all blood relatives.

Theodore sat here for five hours, and people were still walking into the Afterlife Bar one after another. Then he saw his father, old Theodore Rothschild, also walking into the bar.

Theodore opened his eyes wide. His father has been retired for many years and has been enjoying his old age in a farm in South America. He has not had any contact with the outside world for almost fifteen years, but now he appears here in a suit and tie.


He hurriedly stepped forward and guided his father to sit next to him.

Old Theodore, maintained by money and power, did not look old at all. Looking at the relatives around him, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, although he was relieved.

He sat next to little Theodore and didn't say much. He just snapped his fingers to the bartender played by Mikkelsen, pointed to a bottle of vodka printed in Russian and said: "Two cold drinks, a large one, thank you."


"Good taste." Mikkelsen gave a thumbs up, and skillfully found two large cups. A bottle of pure vodka will fill two cups, and then put the cups into the cold conditioning machine, and the low temperature instantly cooled the contents of the cups.

The liquid became a little viscous, and then the cup was pushed to the two customers at the corner of the bar.

The sound of wine glasses rubbing against the metal bar became the most piercing sound in the entire bar, like the ringing of a bell before the end of an era.

Old Theodore smiled and patted Little Theodore on the shoulder, gesturing to the other party to drink together. The relationship between them was very weak. Apart from the blood relationship, the Rothschilds of Little Theodore's generation were all taken care of by artificial intelligence.

grown up.

The total time the two of them had been together over the years was less than five years, but at this moment, old Theodore still felt a sting.

"Cheers, son!" Old Theodore called the other party son for the first time. Little Theodore was a little surprised, but he still cooperated and raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Then he coughed violently. He had never tried such a stimulating liquor in his life, and his refined and healthy living habits did not give him a stomach that could withstand such low-temperature drinking.

But old Theodore lifted the other man's glass with his fingers and half-forced himself to watch him drink a full glass of vodka.

He looked around, roughly counted the heads, and turned to look at the bartender: "That's almost it."

"It's almost done." Mikkelsen nodded, and a dozen more Mikkelsens walked in one after another outside the door, some of them holding men and women who looked uneasy in their hands.

When these people walked into the Afterlife Bar, all the Rothschilds realized something was wrong, but no matter how they pressed the button indicating the need for rescue, there was no response.

"Sorry, there are always a few smart people who can discover my little oversight, otherwise this will be a quiet and elegant funeral, worthy of the name of the Rothschild family." Mikkelsen looked at Lao Xi apologetically.

Otto: "Of course, this is not all my fault. If they could be as reasonable as you, the scene would be much better."

Old Theodore smiled bitterly, looked at his son whose eyes were blurred beside him, and said again: "Is there no room for relaxation?"

Mikkelsen held a patterned pistol in his hand and elegantly twisted the silencer and shook his head: "This world has given you more than one chance. I suggest you have another drink."

"I installed a pair of prosthetic livers, so I can't get drunk." Old Theodore smiled bitterly: "But it would be nice to have another drink."

"Same as the same?" Mikkelsen left the pistol on the bar, as if he couldn't see the weird atmosphere in the bar, poured another glass of cold vodka, gave it to old Theodore, and held the other glass in his hand


"To Rothschild, and to myself." Old Theodore raised his glass to Mikkelsen, then raised his head and drank it in one gulp.


Mikkelsen raised his hand and fired a shot. The bullet penetrated the bottom of the glass, passed through the strong liquor, and penetrated the head of old Theodore. Then he also raised his glass: "To all mankind."

Respect all mankind.

This was the starting slogan. The Mikkelsens took out the same pistols from their arms, and killed these men and women one by one, from the front, from the back, and from the side, in an execution manner, without fail.

The rest is like a river of blood.

The blood stains on the floor of the Afterlife Bar even flowed along the crack in the door to the outside of the bar.

This is the end of the Rothschild family, at least the end of biology within the scope of the earth. All carbon-based life that inherits this surname has been wiped from this planet.

According to the information queried by Ghost, there is also a vault on the Phoenix that stores the genetic information of the Rothschild family.

Mikkelsen is beyond his reach now, so he can only keep it in mind for the time being.


Eye in the sky space station.

Under the guidance of Mikkelsen, Tangji controlled the twenty-two natural personnel.

They are basically die-hard members of the Rothschild family. In addition, they did not witness Tangji's physical assault on the space station, and they did not know the news that the Eternal Parliament had been exiled. When they first met, they actually tried to resist, resulting in three deaths and seven deaths.

The result of injury.

These die-hard members had never experienced Tangji-style negotiations before, and their loyalty engraved in their bones was dug out with blood and death, and they appeared to be extremely cooperative at this time.

"Over the years, we have been using the shadow of the ROSS II space station as a cover to maintain orbital synchronization. Although it has been abandoned, the main structure is still intact. We secretly repaired the emergency escape module module mounted on it." An engineer couldn't stand it.

The pressure from Tang Ji revealed their escape window.

"Wait a minute, I need some time to check the information." Mikkelsen stared at the Hawaiian sun, waiting for the ghost's query results, and then gave feedback to Tang Ji, who was freezing in outer space: "The ROSS II space station is indeed equipped with an escape capsule module

, but when we evacuated it, it was almost at the end of its service life. Now the space station has been in orbit for almost fourteen years, and no one knows what’s going on inside.”

"I swear, we really repaired the emergency escape module!" the engineer assured.

Tang Ji planned to believe the other party, because the armed machines controlled by the ghosts could kill the staff inside the space station at any time. They did not seem to be willing to die rather than surrender.

Of course, even without those killing machines, the Ghost can deal with these workers at any time. All modules with life-support systems in the space station are disposable. The Eternal Parliament has been guarding against these people from the beginning.

It is very close from the Eye of the Sky to the ROSS II Space Station. They are almost flying together. The straight-line distance between the two closest points is only 52 meters. The Eternal Parliament uses extra computing power to accurately ensure that the two big guys will not


A few minutes later, under the control of Ghost, a hook lock extended outward and connected to the space of ROSS II. Tang Ji, wearing the newly requisitioned spacesuit, followed this hook lock and entered the interior of ROSS II.

Most of the cabins on the deserted ROSS II had lost their airtightness. Tang Ji ignored the scenery along the way and found what the engineer called the escape cabin module.

As he said, there are indeed signs of repairs here, and the external battery panels provide minimum power maintenance for the life support cabin.

Tang Ji couldn't read the Russian instructions, but Mikkelsen could. He described to Tang Ji in detail how fanciful and unreliable this escape device was.

In principle, it really requires Tang Ji to jump from the orbit, break through the atmosphere, and fall into the sea, but with a shell on the outside...

This chapter has been completed!
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