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Chapter 546 I want to see for myself

Roseville District, February 16, outside the 19th secret base of the Railway Organization.

Mitch Shepard was wearing an inconspicuous brown trench coat, which was slightly bloated, with a gauze scarf on his head, a mask and sunglasses on his face. You can only realize that there is a woman in this outfit through the color matching.

This is also the regular uniform worn by women in the special zone. In this lawless and orderless environment, female charm can only bring trouble.

Shepard looked around and saw that all the pedestrians on the road were dressed similarly. Everyone was like a frightened African meerkat, observing the surrounding environment from time to time, listening to nearby sounds, and then carefully observing the sky to make sure everything was normal.

I will continue my journey.

She turned around and walked into a coffee shop. The place looked like it had been closed for a while, the window glass was all smashed, and the door was unlocked and could be pushed open with a light push.

The environment inside was even worse. It seemed that many customers passing by regarded it as a public restroom. A homeless man set up a low tent in the small space behind the bar. At this time, he heard someone coming in and hurriedly

He shrank in, and at the same time, the sound of a bullet being loaded came from inside the tent.

"It's me." Shepard said, and there was immediately no sound in the tent.

Then Shepard went straight to the bathroom of the coffee shop. There was only a palm-wide ventilation window, which was painted shut by something unknown. At this time, the bathroom was completely dark, and he could not see his fingers.

The feeling under your feet is soft and moist, and it also carries a strong smell, which makes people not want to stay for a minute longer.

It was actually soaked paper shells and toilet paper. To simulate the situation, Chaval had thrown an expired skunk bomb in the bathroom before. In the first few days, it almost stunk.

Shepard counted the steps, stood near the corner, took out an iron rod and poked the wall hard four times. Half a minute later, a gap suddenly opened in the floor, and a man with a flashlight frowned and poked out from underneath.

He turned around, glanced at Shepard's face, and then moved out of the way.

"Why did you choose this entrance? The disguise you made was so similar that every time I felt like I was touching the real thing." The man complained while wiping his hands on his clothes.

"Because this is the safest entrance nearby. Even if those players know that there is an entrance here, they will never rush into that toilet." Shepard smiled tiredly, and was the same as the high-spirited talk show a few months ago.

Compared with the host, she looks ten years older at this time.

But anyone can see that although Shepard was glamorous in the past, she was empty inside and there was no light in her eyes. But now, when she looks at other people, that person can easily feel her inner power.

This is an unbreakable woman, no difficulty can trap her.

"Is there any new news recently?" the man rubbed his hands and asked. As the person in charge of this secret base, he has not been to the ground for three days. In the special zone, three days is enough for a lot of things to happen.

"It's as bad as before, but those Border Patrol soldiers are getting new uniforms now." Shepard began to take cans and bottles of water out of his backpack: "Are they okay?"

Shepard is asking about the six people who are temporarily hiding here. They come from two families and are all natives of Roseville. They made the wrong choice a few months ago and now hope to leave through the railway organization.

This hell on earth.

"The man whose arm was burned had a slight fever, but he was still conscious. The child was quiet, but was frightened." The man put all the cans into the box next to him and locked it with a lock: "When will they leave?


"We have to wait a little longer. The officers patrolling the border recently are not from us." Shepard shook his head. The railway organization has sent away nearly 600 people from the special zone in the past few months. After these people left,

It created quite a stir of public opinion on the Internet.

As a media person, Shepard is very sensitive to the direction of public opinion.

If the federal government wanted to suppress this matter, it would be difficult for these people to make a voice, but now they seem to be allowing all kinds of remarks about the SAR to spread.

Shepard couldn't figure out the reason for this, and was filled with confusion. Another thing that bothered her was why Tang Ji hadn't appeared until now.

He seemed to have disappeared. His previous phone calls could not be reached, his emails were not answered, and he was not even on the news.

"I don't care, the food and water here can last for a while, it's just what other people think..." The man sighed, his tone a bit sad.

The railway organization launched a hunting operation against players half a month ago. Six superhumans participated in this operation, but this operation was both successful and failed.

They did kill two players who behaved erratically as planned, but in the subsequent pursuit, a steady stream of players arrived and eventually eliminated almost all members of the railway organization who participated in the operation.

Except for one of the six superhumans who died in battle, two of them had no choice but to commit suicide, and the remaining three were all captured alive by the players.

The members of the Railway Organization who participated in the operation will never forget the joy on the faces of those players, and they even let go of the remaining non-superhuman attackers.

That action caused many originally determined resisters to lose confidence and chose to lie down in the special zone and no longer launch futile resistance.

Those players live up to their name, they regard everything that happens here as a game, even the death part. This disproportionate effort and reward has made many people fall into despair.

But this does not include Shepard. She firmly believes that Tang Ji will not let the situation here go unchecked...

At this time, Tang Ji had returned to the earth. Compared with the previous experience of being thrown directly from the airdrop pod on the space station, or being launched to the moon by a cannon, this return experience made Tang Ji

Very satisfied.

The royal spaceship of Nihelu. The Gandi family looks like a golden-winged roc, with a golden color all over and exquisite painting.

And the interior was so luxurious that it even attracted the attention of the Lost Mountain Base scientific research team when it landed.

The materials and power technology used in this spacecraft are far ahead of the times. It is said to be a gift from the Adams family. Before the Adams family started their voyage, the liver emperors used their own cloning cavity technology in exchange for some of each other's cores.


Mikkelsen plans to use this as a reference to find out what secrets the mysterious Adams family has.

According to the testimony of the son of the Habsburg family who threw himself into the trap, the Adams family was the one behind the real formation of the Celestial Being Organization.

The Rothschild family's Phoenix City, the Niruru and Gandi family's Amaropati, and the Habsburg family's space estate in Earth orbit all have the technical support provided by the Adams family.

The Adams family likes to engage in technology exchange. What is known is that they obtained the consciousness digitization technology from the Rothschild family, obtained the cloning technology from the Nirvana Emperor, and purchased a large amount of raw materials from the Habsburgs.


Then, as early as when Tang Ji was still a small law enforcement officer patrolling the streets, they embarked on their own journey into deep space, without bringing a single extra person with them.

Now, Mikkelsen has also obtained the technology that these heavenly organizations have used to isolate themselves, but it is too late for him to turn these technologies into hard power.

Under deliberate guidance, the existence of players is no longer a secret. A large number of refugees who escaped from the special zone have spoken out through various channels, condemning the atrocities committed by the players and the local governments that allowed the existence of the special zone.

People can actively or passively see information about players in various website forums. Some people are excited about this third kind of contact, while others are worried and have begun to stock up on supplies.

Under this situation, the products of the Gray Field Project are being laid out in an orderly manner around the world. According to calculations, if a large-scale nuclear war occurs, there will still be enough crop seeds to survive.

These completely genetically modified crops will have a hard time taking root and sprouting again on the contaminated land. Even without human interference, they can reproduce themselves in a minimal way, but the seeds will continue to deteriorate and the fruits will become smaller and smaller.

Anne, with the cooperation of Mikkelsen, built a large enough dream network around the world, and pulled a large number of powerful people into this network to ensure that even if large-scale interference occurs, as long as people are still

If you can sleep, you won't lose contact.

The air on the earth seems to be filled with the smell of nuclear radiation, so much so that even the superhuman organization has not been making much noise recently.

In this explosive situation, both old money and new money have begun to exert force regardless of cost. Almost every day, new rockets are launched into the sky, filled with ship after ship of passengers, some of whom will sail long distances.

Phoenix City, and others will disperse into those independently operating space estates nearby.

This is public information and cannot be covered up, nor does it need to be covered up.

Mikkelsen sees this as a gesture to ensure that he reserves the right to tip the table at any time when working with players.

But even so, the size of the zone is still increasing day by day, and new players are constantly pouring into the world.


Tang Ji, who returned from the moon, seemed more oppressive than before. Mikkelsen simply did not show up. Dr. Wu Qianying briefly met Tang Ji, but the two soon broke up on bad terms.

The reason is that Wu Qianying proposed that he would follow Nihelu Gandi's plan to clone Tang Anran and try to use the cloned body for a more radical treatment plan.

"The cloned Enron is also Enron. I cannot accept another Enron being cloned just to suffer." This is not Tang Ji's original words, but the general meaning translated by Wu Qianying.

Wu Qianying said that the cloned body does not need to clone brain tissue, but is just a piece of meat used for simulation experiments, and no one will be harmed.

In this regard, Tang Ji still stubbornly said no.

Wu Qianying was so angry that she wished she could bite Tang Ji's face to satisfy her hatred: "Do you know that maybe once or twice, we can find a way to make An Ran fully recover? Before this, all my treatment plans have failed

It must be based on zero risk, just like dancing with shackles!”

"I'm not a fool, Dr. Wu. After everything I've experienced, do you still expect me to believe that human consciousness and soul only come from the electric current in the brain?" Tang Ji looked at Wu Qianying and asked: "The cloned individual

, they will also cry..."

"I have seen how that slug who thinks he is a god treats life." Tang Ji looked into Wu Qianying's eyes and said, "I will never allow you to take this road."

Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji deeply, and finally just nodded, but also lost interest in continuing the conversation.

She knew what Tanguy was worried about, but this was their best chance, because once Mikkelsen's plan started, the whole world would pay the price.

At that time, even if they wanted to, they might not have the technical ability to carry out risky treatments. This might be the last window period...

What's more, no one can guarantee that they can survive such a war. Tang Ji may be able to, but Wu Qianying certainly cannot.

Anything could happen, and she couldn't bear to leave the responsibility of healing Enron to others. She was worried that others wouldn't be as cautious as herself.

You don’t understand anything. Wu Qianying punched Tang Ji hard.

You don't understand anything. Tang Ji looked at Wu Qianying, reached out and pulled her into his arms.

He saw the sick society with his own eyes on the moon, the maturity of human cloning technology, and the existence of Dalits.

They are human, but not perfect... They think they are God, but they can't control anything and end up just lying in a hotbed of sin without repentance.

Tang Ji would rather keep everything as it is, and doesn't want An Ran or Wu Qianying to bear such sins.

Wu Qianying stepped on Tang Ji hard, turned around and left. She had to hurry up and continue her work. She couldn't waste a minute.

He didn't hold back, because after returning from the moon, the anger in his heart was somewhat uncontrollable. He needed someone... to vent and think until he regained control of his abilities, so as not to suddenly go crazy and cause

What consequences do you regret?

Mikkelsen, who was sitting in his office watching the excitement through the camera, calmly raised his coffee cup and joked: "Seeing this scene, I feel like I am guilty of a great sin."

"Yes, we are guilty of heinous crimes." At this moment, all Mikkelsens from all over the world raised their coffee cups and nodded in agreement.

"But we also have countless merits." Mikkelsen took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "So, respect ourselves."

"Respect yourselves!" Mikkelsen and others drank a cup of coffee in the distance, and then got back to work again.

As for Tang Ji, he was calling Wang Zhengdao at this time: "I want to go to the Special Administrative Region for a walk, now, immediately, immediately."

"I am signing the fourth EU accession agreement with the Queen of the Commonwealth..." Wang Zhengdao smiled awkwardly at the live camera and the Queen herself.

"Give the phone to the Queen, she will take care of you." Tang Ji's tone was a little impatient.

"No, she is one hundred and twenty-seven years old, are you sure you want to threaten her?" Wang Zhengdao covered his mouth and asked in a low voice. After a few seconds, he handed the phone to the legendary queen with a strange expression and whispered:

"Tang Ji is looking for you."

This chapter has been completed!
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