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Chapter 563 Asymmetric War

As a player, the physical ability that Elihu Burnham obtained is very... very practical. He can split someone's head from the air. He must use an ax, and it is limited to the head.

Because the name of his ability is [Beatman], an ability that looks very scary and is actually very scary when used, but it only goes so far. Elihu Burnham must look directly at his goal.

, you must use all your strength to chop out your axe.

Anyone who has used an ax knows that this kind of air chop is very technical. If you use too little force, the ability will not be triggered. If you use too much force, it will hit your leg...

Elihu Burnham has used the expensive healing needles that need to be exchanged for points for thirteen times since he got the body, which made other players feel painful.

Because of this, Elihu is still just a single-ability user. All his savings are spent on therapeutic injections. This is based on the large amount of resources poured in by the war group itself. Otherwise, he

He had cut off his legs long ago.

But he had never been so happy. Elihu Burnham swung his ax high and looked at the soldier dozens of meters away whose head exploded like a rotten tomato. The score came to his ears.

The added voice was even more fiery, like the girl I saw a few days ago.

This is a normal rhythm! In comparison, their lives in the special zone are like guinea pigs in a cage!

"Two o'clock direction, 50 meters, height 3, heat source target found!" The commander and observer of the No. 6 tank found a target and kicked the gunner next to him: "White phosphorus incendiary bomb, burn him to death."

The artillery commander glanced at the target reported by the commander, and the helmet automatically locked the target area. The vehicle-mounted machine gun completed the switching of ammunition types within two seconds, and then made the sound of a tearing machine. Hundreds of white phosphorus incendiary bombs immediately destroyed the entire building.

The second floor of the building was set on fire. As for the heat source target, it was hard to say whether he was burned to death or torn to pieces by bullets.

They can only determine that it is currently unsuitable for most carbon-based organisms to survive.

As the 35th Infantry Regiment's Quick Reaction Battalion advances, the city's resistance gradually fragments. In other words, the resistance from players has always been fragmented.

They have no plans to establish a position. Ninety percent of the players have not even experienced thermal weapon warfare before. Most of the other worlds the company has found do not have a complete scientific system like this world.

This is also the reason why a large number of players can be so patient and constrained to abide by the law within the special zone. The few players who have experience in hot weapon combat have experience limited to the era of queuing to kill.

But if you include magic and other unscientific factors, these players have quite a lot of experience.

They had little reaction to the firepower superiority displayed by the aboriginal army. Many players here had charged against the mages' large-scale war spells, or had really taken advantage of the shadow of the arrows.

The stage of street fighting is almost their favorite stage. Relying on the attitude of not being afraid of death and even actively seeking death, they even defeated the alien troops with hive mind in street fighting.

Zay Wangchuck soon experienced the players' enthusiasm. The main task of him and his team was to cover the flanks of the No. 6 tank. They were advancing as arrows toward the port in the southwest corner of Manakala City.

From the current point of view, the lightweight Nexter-35 tank has not encountered threats that can destroy it, but Zay Wangchuk does not dare to be careless. The cracks on his helmet are still there. As of now, his team

One person was killed and another was seriously injured.

If the back road is not clear, the wounded can be sent to the rear field hospital immediately, and they have already begun to consider the issue of retreat.

But now, it is the military science and technology staff that directly issues orders to Zay Wangchuck's team. They obviously have completely different evaluation standards from the Gallic military.

According to their requirements, Zay Wangchuk's team should advance to the port position in fourteen minutes and clear a sufficiently safe position to wait for follow-up personnel to deploy a rapid-fire orbital missile that can hit the target sea area.


Zay Wangchuck had never heard of this kind of weapon, but that was what his mission briefing said, so he could only continue to lead the team forward.

"At ten o'clock, 620 meters, active heat sources were found in the houses on the left. It is impossible to determine whether they are enemies or civilians." The commander of Tank No. 6 connected to Zay Wangchuk and gave him a difficult problem.

Although they really didn't care about the civilian casualties in Manakara City, seeing civilian corpses and bloody ruins all over the ground along the way, the soldiers' psychological pressure continued to accumulate.

Obviously the tank crew no longer wants to make this kind of decision. They have given the choice to the infantry. If you say to fire, fire if you want, otherwise you will take the risk to check the situation.

"Fuck!" Zay Wangchuk looked around, and all the soldiers were silent. They neither wanted to take risks, nor did they want to bear the guilt of killing civilians accidentally.

"Warning shot!" Zay Wangchuck touched the dent on his helmet, and finally gave up the plan to conduct reconnaissance. They had not seen as many superhuman beings in their lives as they did today.

This is like a meeting of superhumans. On average, a superhuman who is not afraid of death will jump out every fifty meters.

The seriously injured soldier before was suddenly nailed to the tank by a superhuman with a bow and arrow. If not, the reactive armor was not activated due to the good position... Huh

Following Zay Wangchuck's order, Tank No. 6 blew up the house next door that had been reduced to ruins with one shot, causing its roof to flip over again.

A mother held a child who seemed to have lost vital signs and ran out of the previous target house with two half-year-old children who could move freely. They screamed with unknown meaning, as if they had not recovered from the previous

He recovered from the shelling.

The soldiers looked at the civilians rushing over, but no one fired. If you don't count the suppression of riots at home, this was their first time on the battlefield.

Facing the casualties caused by the war, these people were a little confused.

But the players wouldn't. Zay Wangchuck didn't see that the mother's ferocious expression and the shouting voice seemed to have been recorded in advance and played over and over again.

When several civilians rushed into the ranks of soldiers, the leading soldier tried to hug the two children to prevent them from accidentally running under the tank. As a result, he and the two children passed directly by each other.

It's like those two children are just phantoms... Huh

"Enemy..." Zay Wangchuk only had time to shout before the mother exploded.

When Zay Wangchuk regained consciousness again, he found himself hanging upside down in a ruins, with most of his equipment stripped away.

He tried hard, trying to use the strength of his waist and abdomen to allow himself to touch the rope tied to his ankle, but his body, which relied on auxiliary exoskeletons all year round, simply did not have such exaggerated core strength.

Just once, Zay Wangchuk completely gave up the moves he learned from movies.

According to military regulations, he should remain as calm as possible now, avoid irritating enemy soldiers, and satisfy the other party's intelligence requirements within a certain range in exchange for more safe time until the prisoners of war are exchanged.

But... this war was not a conventional war from the beginning.

As soon as Zay Wangchuk turned his head, he saw his dead comrade, Vince, in the corner. His body looked like it had been twisted by a giant's hands. Judging from the signs of broken limbs, he got an incredible...


His captors may have wanted to take off their standard exoskeleton, but the savages didn't know how to perform standard escape procedures and ripped poor Vince out of it.

In comparison, it may be the dent on the helmet that saved Zay Wangchuck's life. Obviously brand-new, unworn tactical equipment is more attractive.

Zay Wangchuk tried to look at the situation behind him, but the fragile beams could not withstand his efforts and broke apart before he could turn around.

The high-temperature carbonized wood and a lot of fist-sized rocks hit Zay Wangchuk. He felt as if his nose was broken, but what was worse was that he heard approaching footsteps.


If possible, he really hoped that he would faint now, but when he thought of what happened to Vince, Zay Wangchuk forced himself to struggle to stand up. He could not die so worthlessly.

"Corporal Zay Wangchuk of the 35th Infantry Regiment?" A tall soldier wearing a black full-coverage exoskeleton armor appeared in front of him and checked Zay Wangchuck's code: "From now on, you are temporarily mine.

Command, find some useful weapons, this will soon become lively."

The soldier wearing black exoskeleton armor had the logo of military technology printed on his shoulder. He did not explain more to Zay Wangchuck because he was still carrying a blood-stained player in his hand.

Litif is the last survivor of this player team. His ability is to convert solids into liquids for a period of time. The little surprise just now was five kilograms of liquid CL-20 explosives.

Zay Wangchuck was able to survive entirely because the explosion was located just on the other side of the No. 6 tank, and he was far enough away.

At this time, both of Li Tifu's hands were torn off by the opponent, leaving only a human stick, still grinning ferociously at the military technology soldiers, not caring about his own life or death at all.

Such ferocity made Zay Wangchuk almost speechless.

"They are not afraid of death because we can only kill the human body they live in." The soldier explained and crushed the other person's throat.

They are prosthetic soldiers equipped with Krenzikov's central nervous system enhancement system. Their personal abilities are not inferior to superhumans, and they are well-trained. However, they still suffered considerable losses in actual combat this time.

The two prosthetic soldiers were unprepared, and part of their bodies were liquefied by the player in front of them. Although the liquefied limbs have now returned to their original state, they can't sew those things back with needles and threads...

The team of five prosthetic soldiers was reduced by nearly half in an instant. What's more terrible is that they are now cut off from their escape route.

A large player group launched a surprise attack on the Gauls in the middle of the city of Manakara, cutting off the entire quick reaction battalion. These parts of them are now the remnants fighting alone.

Zay Wangchuck found a few guns from the ground and staggered a little. He didn't want to see what was going on with the corpses half mixed with the soil on the ground. He just wanted to go out and take a breath.

After confirming with the military technology soldiers guarding the window that no enemies were found outside, Zay Wangchuk walked out of the building, lay in the corner and retched several times, but in the end he did not vomit.

He had passed that stage, and then Zay Wangchuck saw the remains of the No. 6 tank at the intersection not far ahead. The tank looked like it had been hit by a rhinoceros, and it was overturned and stood on its side.

On one side of the road, the chassis was twisted and deformed, with two-thirds of the rear part cut off. Half of the commander's body was lying there. It seemed that it had been cut apart together with the tank.

"Fuck, the tanks are no longer safe!" Zay Wangchuk wanted to take out a cigarette from his pocket, but found that everything in his pocket had been looted.

The military technology soldier who was talking to him just now came over and handed him a high-end product from a brand he had never seen before. The two of them started puffing in tacit understanding.

They may not want to fight, but this is an order, and whether they understand it or not, the war begins.

As the large-scale dungeon mission began, a large number of new players flooded into the vacated special zones. However, compared with the old players, these players were not so lucky to directly obtain the body.

The clones coming off the Australian production line have become the standard bodies for these players, but the good news is that they can at least customize the appearance of their favorite clones through a preset program logged in from the mother world port.

Thanks to the superb technology of the Nihelu Gandi family, even if these players want to get a cloned human body with wings, the pioneers are not unable to satisfy them. However, they currently do not open this kind of technology to newcomers with zero resources.

Permissions of alien clones.

Ding Yue hid himself in the shadow of the rooftop of a building and looked at the patio below, where an opened dimensional door was pouring out piles of players wearing white jumpsuits.

This is the first time Ding Yue has seen such a large number of players. The players coming out from the other side of the dimensional gate must be more than 300 people. These people are constantly being taken away by leaders from different player groups, but more

Many players are still passing through the dimensional gate.

As a semi-informed person, Ding Yue felt at this moment as if he had seen a ghost during the day.

He used his mobile phone to take pictures of everything he saw and sent them to the FBAS Bureau he was affiliated with. This building was the headquarters of the target's war group.

The player group obviously regards this building as its headquarters and plans to build its own kingdom from the center of this building. They are very experienced in this process.

Soon, Ding Yue saw the target assigned by Tang Ji, a white man who looked ordinary. When two wings of light suddenly opened from his back, Ding Yue began to realize that there was a big problem...



This chapter has been completed!
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