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Chapter 570: When the bell rings

The cold sea water rushed towards his face, but Tang Ji could not feel any coldness. He felt that he was being swallowed by the flames of hatred. The anger that burned everything and punished the world was surrounded from all directions, without any blind spots.

That is the will and unwillingness left by the violent anger of the previous generation.

Tang Ji can even understand that unwillingness. No matter what happened to the previous generation Fury, when he was not Furious, he must be very similar to Tang Ji. In the final analysis, they are the same kind, so they were chosen by Fury to become his.


The more this happened, the more Tang Jicai felt how deeply influenced he was by the other party.

Angelina's death is not only the player's fault, but also Night City's fault. If it could provide more abundant medical resources, Angelina would not go to the hospital so far away!

If it wasn't so representative, the Losas organization wouldn't have chosen it as a target!

Losas! They deserve to die!

But Night City deserves to die too!

Angelina must have been stuck in a traffic jam on the road, and if the traffic hadn't been so bad, maybe she wouldn't have,,, or if the traffic jam was a little worse, maybe she wouldn't have been so deep in it!

Night City should be destroyed!

It's not just the players, it's the many reasons in this world that finally took her away and made Anron so painful. This world is so twisted, it likes to see people suffer!

Kill all players!

Of course, they must die, none of them should be spared, but what about the others?

They have to die too, burn them, then chop them into pieces and let them kill each other!

Don’t you understand? This world owes us, and we don’t need its apology or compensation. We just want it to be burned to ashes. From beginning to end, nothing is innocent, everything is burned to ashes! Drive away

Burn to ashes!

With Tangji as the center, the seawater in the surrounding waters for several miles began to boil, and the steam rose as if there was a leak in the Earth's boiler.

In the blink of an eye, the sea area was covered with steam. Several warships that were unfortunate enough to be within the range were like rushing into a pressure cooker. The interior of the all-metal hull directly turned into a steamer. The sailors either died from the high temperature steam.

Or they died of suffocation. The few people on the deck fled directly into the sea and were scalded to death by boiling water.

"Retreat fifteen nautical miles!" The captain of the Princess Diana witnessed the tragedy in the steam and immediately issued an order asking the entire fleet to retreat.

"No retreat!" Mikkelsen interrupted the captain's order: "No retreat!"

"I am the captain!" The old captain slammed the table hard: "Unless you kill me."

Boom! drive

Mikkelsen drew his gun and opened fire without hesitation. Without a second's hesitation, the captain and other officers' eyes widened at the same time, and more than one of them pulled out his own self-defense pistol.

Fortunately, the captain was not hit. It was Anne who was hit. She blocked the general in front of the captain and blocked the bullet with her most prominent position.

Although he is often ridiculed as the most useless of the Seven Deadly Sins, as a LV2 stage Seven Deadly Sins, such small-caliber bullets are still unable to cause substantial damage to Anne. At most, they will only leave large bruises, and because

The hit part is extremely elastic and also has a buffering effect.

The old captain only felt that he was hit hard by something that felt very good. When he was stunned for a few seconds and realized what happened, his old face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, and he almost escaped the bullet.

, died of myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and other symptoms.

"Annie, you" The old captain just glanced at Anne's back and was completely taken away from her soul.

"No retreat!" Anne chose to believe Mikkelsen's judgment and repeated his order. This time, the old captain said nothing and immediately issued the order: "The order is cancelled. Stay in your original position and prepare for battle!


Anne rolled her eyes at Mikkelsen. She didn't want to lose an experienced expert at this time and let someone like Mikkelsen control the entire fleet. That pervert has more than four thousand clones. How dare he

Die here! Drive

But she can't

Wang Zhengdao grabbed the bulge on the edge of the landing cabin with all his strength to prevent himself from being blown away in the waves. The hot seawater splashed on his body, splashing pieces of steam that made his skin turn red, but that was all.

His skin is as tough as old tree bark, strong enough to cope with such situations.

"Guess who's coming with such a big show!" Wang Zhengdao grinned in Paulina's direction, with an expression like come open the gift and see what surprise I have equipped for you.

"Get me out of here!" Paulina has always been a smart person. She instantly realized the answer to the question, opened a dimensional door in front of her, and shouted to her subordinates on the other side of the door.

The biggest limitation of this ability is that the dimensional gate opener cannot pass through the dimensional gate. Otherwise, Tang Ji could have opened the door and pulled him over, and Wang Zhengdao would have been semi-employed.

A dimensional door opened five meters behind Paulina. The players on the other side of the dimensional door shouted loudly for Paulina to swim over. Although Paulina was already at LV2 level, she had gained a lot in terms of physical strengthening.

Not much enhancement.

The scalding seawater that came over her was so hot that her skin was torn apart, and the salt in the seawater was tormenting her like a torment. However, Paulina still jumped directly into the sea and swam hard towards the dimensional gate. She was a great pioneer, and she had such qualities.

The body may be important to her, but more importantly, life

Tangji is here!

The monster is coming!

Facing the shadow of death, Paulina completely forgot about the pain coming from her body. Her skin and flesh were opened in large areas during the violent movement, and the blood left a bloody channel behind her.

But she was still a step too late. A black flame suddenly emerged from the sea like a ghost, and in a blink of an eye, it ignited the dimensional door, causing the person who opened the door behind the door to let out a shrill scream!

All the pioneers of the door team know that there is a connection between the dimensional door and the person who opens the door. If the dimensional door is ignited by Tang Ji's flame, it is equivalent to the person who opens the door being ignited by Tang Ji's flame. The scene will be like this now

The pioneer of that door group didn't even leave a last word, and turned into a black charcoal. In the fearful eyes of many pioneers, it suddenly broke in the middle, and the upper body fell into ashes on the ground.

The surrounding pioneers were like a group of frightened birds, shouting meaningless cries and fleeing in all directions. It took them a while to calm down their heart rates and enter the offline process.

As for Paulina Cubela, she cried louder than anyone else, but she had no way to escape.

After all, this woman is a ruthless character who can hold the position of the Great Pioneer. Her crying is just a disguise. In fact, it is just to consume as much energy as possible. She wants to pretend that she is panicked, exhausted, and then choked to death by the water.

Paulina pushed herself under the water hard and sucked the water with her nose. However, it is not easy for any creature to drown herself alive because it violates the survival instinct, let alone Paulina.

Na is also a pioneer and has tenacious vitality.

When she coughed violently and submerged herself under the sea again, she saw a pair of burning eyes.

"It's him!" Paulina suddenly surfaced and let out an inhuman scream. She struggled to distance herself. In the process, several boiled fingers and toes fell off from their joints, but she was completely unconscious.


The next second, Tang Ji stepped on the non-existent steps and emerged from the water little by little. He was walking on the water like this. When passing Paulina, he bent down and grabbed her hair. As a result,

Before any force could be exerted, the fragile scalp was peeled off a large area of ​​the skull with the force.

At this moment, Paulina was like seeing the monster lord in her childhood nightmare. Her mind went blank and she couldn't even feel the physical pain. Sometimes she screamed unconsciously and sometimes she laughed wildly. If it weren't for Haili, Wang Zhengdao could still be there.

Seeing Paulina's humiliating display of incontinence.

Tang Ji scared her crazy, at least at this moment, she completely lost her mind.

Wang Zhengdao showed a smile to Tang Ji. Tang Ji just nodded lightly, threw away the hair in his hand with some disgust, directly grabbed Paulina's flesh with one hand, clasped her collarbone and dragged her step by step.

Go to the landing module.

Tang Ji stood on the unfolded inflatable cushion of the landing module, threw Paulina onto it, held the air-tight door of the landing module with both hands, directly pulled off the heavy air-tight door, and threw it into the sea.

Several robots that still maintained their interlocking structure came alive instantly, trying to get out of the landing cabin one by one, but in front of Tang Ji, they were more like Lego toys, being easily broken, torn into pieces, and thrown into the sea one by one.

Now, the only thing left in the landing module is the black box.

That's it.

Tang Ji even felt his desire for the objects in the box, and the anger in his heart reached its limit.

Wang Zhengdao noticed the low pressure in the air, took one last look at Tang Ji, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I once stood on top of the world. I once unleashed raging fury and burned everything.

I was furious and I made the whole world tremble

Look at the sky, which was once covered by my flames. Black snow fell from the sky, and you will die if you touch it.

Look at this sea, it was boiled by my anger, black fire rose up in the water, and you will die if you touch it

And the earth! It was once filled with my hatred. People's hearts were filled with anger, and they killed each other in my name.


That is the sound of the world wailing!


Those are the tears shed when the world cries!

Think of our hatred! Our anger! The whole world has nothing left to cherish!

Burn! Destroy!

Burn everything to ashes! Including you and me!

Tang Ji opened the box, and a black flame burned weakly. Four thousand years of persistence have exhausted its persistence and unwillingness, but as long as this world exists, it refuses to be extinguished, just like the one that has already

The rage of death.

He just wasn't willing to let his anger be wiped out and his hatred forgotten.

Even he himself could no longer remember why he was angry or hateful. He became a tool of rage, and only the purest emotions remained, which spanned four thousand years and have been preserved until now.

The flame flickered hard in front of Tang Ji, seeming to prove his worth.

But Tang Ji's heart was as hard as iron.

His hatred cannot be forgotten, even if he has to persist alone for four thousand years; his anger cannot be extinguished, even if he is far away from this land.

He is not furious as the previous generation, he is Tang Ji.

"Shh! Be quiet." Tang Ji lowered his head and extended his hand towards the flames in the box, making a gesture that said, "You are too noisy." Then he closed the box and held it in his arms.

Island of Malta, city of Valletta.

At 4:53 pm, tourists and Valletta citizens alike heard the solemn bells of St. John's Cathedral ringing. The bells sounded slowly and heavily, but continuously.

Usually this kind of bell-ringing ceremony occurs only when important people die, but Valletta is a tourist city, and people have no idea what kind of important people died here.

A thoughtful person silently counted the bells in his heart. The big bell rang twenty-eight times, proving that the deceased was only 28 years old, very young. But what puzzled him was that after a brief and obvious pause, the bells of St. John's Cathedral began to ring.

It rang again.

Even more puzzling than him were the bell-ringing priests of St. John's Cathedral. Because the number of bell ringings and pauses were all rang at the request of an important person, they speculated that perhaps several important people had died at the same time.

But everyone who came to the funeral knew that the first twenty-eight bells represented the age of the prophet. The woman did not honestly tell her true age until she breathed her last breath.

"Even if you look at me like this, I am still a twenty-eight-year-old girl!" A certain deceased person was arguing with Dr. Wu Qianying at this time. Judging from the expression of the translucent spirit body, the prophet seemed to be very relaxed. She got rid of herself.

An overwhelmed body.

A psychic hired by the Ark organization at a high price is doing his best to keep the prophet's soul intact.

But this is not easy to do, because the injuries suffered by the prophet in the long river of time are reflected on the body, which is just a kind of aftermath. Her soul and body are like being pieced together, and the surface is full of cracks.

"I must admit, this is a surprise." Mikkelsen tried his best to keep his expression solemn. When he was on the plane, he had received the message that the prophet's life signal had disappeared. Dozens of clones acted independently and began to arrange the funeral.

To be fair, this may be the first time Mikkelsen has attended someone's funeral with a heavy heart and felt sorry for it. As a result, the prophet performed a detachment in full view of the public and planned to attend in person.

The drama of his own funeral.

The bells of St. John's Cathedral continue to ring, and now even the most nervous tourists have to start thinking about what happened.

The bell will be rung in six sections, with different times, representing the age of the prophet's death in the real world and the age of his death when he looked into the future five times.

"It's boring than I thought." The soul-like prophet listened to the bells of St. John's Cathedral, and the expression on her face gradually became lonely. The person she was waiting for had not yet arrived.


This chapter has been completed!
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