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Chapter 580 Ding Yues goal

Lyon has been saved for the time being, but players are not only attacking Lyon, their numbers are constantly increasing, and both sides of the war are constantly expanding the scale of their clone production lines.

At present, players' speed has the advantage in this regard. They only need to continue to produce blank bodies for new players to use. Mikkelsen's side is still using the Nicore Lugan Emperor family to leave a legacy.

Two-thirds of the Kshatriyas were taught modern weapons and tactics over and over again in nightmares, and then were thrown into a meat grinder-like battlefield without any defense, and fought a war of attrition with players.

Annie continues to collect more dreams on the battlefield, and has now weaved a basic version of the plot cycle, which is intertwined with the dreams of forty-nine soldiers, covering almost all possible battlefield emergencies. The following is

It can be subdivided into 927 separate small fragments. The dreamer will randomly experience these very real dream scenes under the fuzzy algorithm of the dream, and be immersed in them from a first-person perspective.

Perhaps because of Anne's original sin instinct, for every thousand dream fragments, one or two dream fragments will be contaminated by lust, allowing the dreamer to be plunged into in-depth study of plots ranging from PG18+ to GGG.

This small deviation is jokingly called Devi's affection among the clone community. It is believed that only the most courageous soldiers are eligible to receive such a reward, which inadvertently improves the morale of the clone soldiers.

If this is a benign accident, then after the end of the Lyon War, the continuous defeat of the Gauls became a loophole in the human defense line. They were penetrated by players like a sieve, and the commanders above did not trust their soldiers.

can hold the line of defense, but the soldiers below do not believe that the commander can lead them to victory.

The news that the top commander of the Lyon Urban Defense Circle had successfully defected was such a blow to the Gallic military that even Mikkelsen was unable to intervene much in this matter.

The Gallic defense line is like paper in front of the players, and a large area of ​​land has fallen into a paradise for the players. In the end, with the support of the military forces of other European Federation countries, they will maintain the southern defense line at Caen-Le

Mans-Limoges-Clermont-Ferrand-Lyon line.

Of which Lyon, as we all now know, is the city of greed

The entire northern region of Gaul has become a playground for players. Although players do not have actual interception lines, trenches or other things to divide their territory, the Gauls can still travel back and forth within the occupied area, but everyone knows

These places are different.

There are a large number of players in almost every city, and a few player groups, like the Middle Ages, obtained land from the pioneers and began to redistribute the humans in their own territory.

Some player groups do not like human civilians operating on their territory. The more merciful ones will expel these civilians, while the more cruel ones will retain the necessary service personnel and sell the rest directly to the Albireo Chapter.

As the largest and most active player group in the world, Albireololi's thirst for human life is endless.

If there are enough things in exchange, he can even fight against greed to a certain extent, and in fact he does so.

Markarian is very good at using players' power to deal with troubles. He values ​​​​Albireololi very much. The Blazers' Seven Virtues plan failed prematurely. Now is the time when players lack high-end combat power. Albireo

Lori is like a flag.

The Pioneers have given the green light to the Albireo Chapter in many places, such as more supplies of superhuman bodies instead of cloned human bodies, more greedy blood potions, and even precious dimensional gates.


This allowed Albireololi's ability to improve rapidly. In just one month, he sacrificed a million people through equal exchange.

In order to conveniently harvest human lives, Albireo even built a special killing place using a football field, but he soon found a more efficient and industrialized method from the history of this world, that is, poison gas

I don’t know if it was because they were stimulated by Albireololi, but the Prussians next door almost became red-eyed. They united with several small countries and withstood the migration of the activated zombies on the Luxembourg-Scorching Sun defense line, but they couldn’t take it.

There are no players who can use dimensional gates to appear and exit at will.

Thirteen days after the Battle of Lyon, Mannheim became a new war zone city. Players still used the same tactics as before, entering the city through dimensional gates in small groups and batches, releasing the gluttony virus first, and waiting for the living zombies to begin to appear in the city.

After the swarm, guide the swarm of animated zombies to create panic in the city, and then use the player battle group as the main body to clear the defense nodes in the city.

Facts have proven that unless every city becomes Stalingrad, it will not be able to withstand such an attack.

Players used nuclear bombs unscrupulously to clear out defensive nodes that resisted fierce resistance, bathing the entire city in nuclear flames. No army could maintain high enough morale after suffering a nuclear attack, not even Prussia.

What's more, Mannheim is still behind the Luxembourg-Scorching Sun Defense Line, and the citizens and defenders here are not ready to face the enemy directly. They resisted tenaciously for six hours, and then the top commander of the urban defense circle was unable to contact him for more information.

In a high-level situation, nuclear strikes were carried out on seven locations in the city where a large number of players were reported to be present.

After ordering the nuclear strike on the home city, the commander swallowed a gun and committed suicide in his office, leaving only a surrender statement. He had done everything he could.

On July 2nd, Mannheim was attacked by players. Six hours and thirty-two minutes later, the remaining defenders announced at Mannheim Main Station that they would cease all resistance. They hoped that players would be kind to the civilians in the city and allow soldiers to withdraw with weapons.


However, the defenders waited for forty minutes and did not receive any response. The players' attack did not stop. They still went their own way and continued to advance according to the tasks they received.

The most active players among them are naturally the various war groups that have been given free authority to enclose and establish war group headquarters in the new land. They don't care whether the local indigenous people surrender or not.

In the entire Mannheim offensive and defensive battle, players lost a total of 2,323 people, which is a moderate number, because a total of more than 6,300 players participated in this operation, of which only

Less than a quarter have superhuman bodies, and the rest are all cloned bodies.

For 90% of the war dead, all they lost was the world's 24-hour 'resurrection' cooling time and a free body. As long as they came back at this time tomorrow, everything would be fine.

Player groups that gained enough points in this war began to divide the territory they wanted. At this time, with the rise of the Albireo group, the indigenous civilians who were originally no one cared about became a big deal.


As long as you give Albireololi enough natives, he can fulfill most of your wishes in an instant, such as a magnificent palace, a city wall full of traps, or the precious Blood of Greed potion.

can be provided

Ding Yue is ambushing in Mannheim. He is not Tang Ji. He does not have such strong hard power. Compared to the war itself, he is just an inconspicuous "passerby", just like when he delivered goods to people in Night City.

position at the time.

He has been tracking that bastard Albireololi, but neither the Ark Organization nor the Joint Investigation Office can find any trace of him. Tanggui Tangji is busy with more important things. He can clearly feel that every time

Over a period of time, the power that completely changed one's life will be taken away regularly.

Ding Yue didn't even know how long he could maintain this specialness. From the beginning, he felt that he was not qualified to be Tang Ji's disciple.

At the moment, his hunting behavior is just the lone bravery of a witness after the massacre of human beings. Ding Yue doesn't know if he is Albireololi's opponent. He only knows that the bastard will not let him go.

Given this opportunity to make money, he will definitely come to Mannheim!

So when Ding Yue saw something unusual happening in Mannheim, he asked Wang Zhengdao, the leader of the Ark Organization, to send him to this city.

Perhaps out of an adult's desire for protection, Ding Yue hid himself in a nearby school. He knew what he could do and what he wanted to do, so he came.

Ding Yue witnessed the entire destruction of Mannheim. To most people in Mannheim, it seemed that the war had just begun and suddenly entered a climax.

From the perspective of this school, when the piercing air raid sirens sounded in the city, some parents who lived nearby drove to the school like crazy and tried to pick up their children.

But a team of fifty National Defense Force soldiers had been stationed here in advance. The officer responsible for the defense near the school directly let the parents into the school and explained that if they were unable to leave the city quickly, it was best to wait for rescue here.

, because several main roads out of the city have been paralyzed.

The nearest defense node to the school is four kilometers away, and the military deliberately avoided the school in the hope that it would not become one of the earliest targets of attacks.

Soon, sporadic explosions began to occur in the city of Mannheim. An air-burst metal dust nuclear bomb appeared at the right time and exploded over the city. The officers began to organize everyone in the school to take refuge in the basement.

Although the officer himself did not know what would happen in the future, his calm response won the trust of at least some parents. They did not take their children away, but chose to use the school as a refuge.

Ding Yue just disappeared into the crowd, and no one checked his identity. The school staff had long been at a loss under such a terrorist attack, and the number of soldiers was too small to carry out such work.

He could only do it himself to see if there were any lurking players here.

Ding Yue lingered at the entrance to the basement for a while, watching hundreds of crying students carrying bulletproof schoolbags enter the basement under the guidance of equally panicked teachers, followed by parents leading their children.

They either looked panicked, or they were shaking like a sieve.

Except for the people of Night City, I am afraid that not many people can take it calmly when a nuclear bomb explodes above their heads.

Ding Yue keenly noticed a man who looked much calmer than the others, holding a seven or eight-year-old little girl in an awkward posture. The little girl's face was pale, her eyes were distracted, and she was obviously frightened.

When there was a question, he calmly leaned over, grabbed a female teacher who was counting, and said in her ear: "There is a player among us, and I need you to cover me to get close to him."

The female teacher collapsed instantly and cried loudly, but Ding Yue didn't react at all. He just put one hand around the female teacher's waist and strode forward: "That's the person in front of you, do you know that child? Take her away.

, leave the rest to me.”

Perhaps it was the inspiring power of Ding Yue's words, or perhaps it was the teacher's sense of responsibility for the children. The female teacher finally plucked up the courage to stumble over and tried to take the child away from the man's arms, saying: "You are so

Hold her, she is very uncomfortable, you must change"

The player who sneaked in was actually impatient to hold such a human cub, and threw the child to the woman without hesitation.

Half of his attention was focused on the player forum that only he could see, showing off how he found a warehouse full of people. No one else could find such a place. He would sell all the people when he captured the city.

For Albireololi, this trip will make a lot of money.

At this time, Ding Yue was already within three meters of the player. At this time, two men with such unusual looks had attracted the attention of the soldiers. Several soldiers around them raised their guns and consciously guided the nearby crowd to disperse.

Ding Yue lifted up his clothes and showed the FBAS badge on his waist to the soldier closest to him. The soldier immediately nodded and pointed at the target behind the player.

The next second, Ding Yue suddenly stepped forward and strangled the player's neck from behind. The faint gray-white flames were not conspicuous under the cover of his clothes. Then he exerted force with both arms and forcibly strangled the player's neck in a wide circle.

, a lot longer.

The player struggled for a few times and then died silently. The last post before his death was in a high-intensity battle with other players, and he just disappeared.

Ding Yue did it so quietly that the child who was walking seven or eight meters in front did not realize what was happening behind him. He gently put the body aside. The body tilted its head and its tongue protruded half a foot long, as if it was doing something.

Like a grimace.

Nodding to the soldier, Ding Yue walked over and asked for a cigarette. After a while, the officer came. At this time, no one would refuse the support of a superhuman agent from the FBAS Bureau.

Ding Yue sincerely hoped that his plan would not succeed and that Mannheim could drive the players out like Lyon, but obviously this time the luck was not on the Mannheim people's side.

I don’t know why, but my left finger joint makes a rattling sound when I move it. It’s a bit scary, but it can’t be caused by tenosynovitis.

This chapter has been completed!
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