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Chapter 582 Ding Yues Way

Albireololi looked down at the city. To him, the population here was a valuable asset. Unfortunately, not all players were willing to obediently hand over this wealth to him. Most of the Albireo wars

The group's rivals are more inclined to rule these populations themselves.

Many player groups have the experience of ruling a certain area. After all, for immortal players, they can always gain more advantages in the same competition. This world is indeed a bit special. They are more modern and have better reactions.

Faster, almost ready for a fight to the death from the beginning, making it difficult for too many new players to resist, but in the final analysis, this is still a different world.

This place will eventually be ruled by players, and the final war potential of a player's war group is often determined by the number of controlled natives other than the player.

Albireo glanced at the dynamic map in front of him. In addition to the areas with the highest population density, the marks on it were also updating the enclosure ranges of each war group in real time.

Among these battle groups, some were his friends and some were his enemies. Although it did not sound ruthless, Albireololi always only considered interests in business. He shook his wings in an understatement and seized the opportunity.

Here comes the malicious bullet.

"Three thousand people, I need you to help me reshape a chapter station in Cole Murphy's world." A familiar chapter leader communicated with Albireo on the local channel: "We have cooperated in that world.

As long as the general appearance is the same, it’s fine.”

"Five thousand people, no bargaining." For Albireo, changing the physical appearance is much simpler than changing the physical form, and the number of people consumed is also much lower. He knows the opponent's proud warrior.

Where the regiment is stationed, the opponent's regiment is called the Hand of Power.

Cole Murphy's world is a different world that can barely touch the edge of high magic. Players can do many incredible things by consuming spiritual power. In that world, the hand of power starts from a small wizard guild.

It eventually developed into a kingdom. Its headquarters or palace was a clenched fist, forty-two meters high, with all entrances and exits through magic doors. Countless space expansion spells were released inside.

Although there is no magic or spiritual power in this world, the supernatural abilities of this world are even more unreasonable. Albireo can easily build a similar building and hollow out the interior, allowing the hands of powerful forces to play with them inside.

On your own, the whole process may only cost one thousand five to two thousand people.

But a profit of more than 200% is Albireo's lowest bottom line, otherwise he would rather waste his strength in the battle with the indigenous superhumans.

Just like that damn little fly

Ding Yue chased Albireo's figure on the ground, but he couldn't fly. The sniper rifle in his hand was like Don Quixote's spear, trying to shoot down a fighter jet with a single-shot weapon.

It is not that no one has done this kind of thing, but Ding Yue is obviously not one of them. Even if some people joke that the unscrupulous people in Night City can pull out a few random soldiers who can compare with well-trained soldiers in shooting skills, but the sniper rifle is not one of them.

Growing things still requires talent.

Especially with the new generation of products being installed, these large-diameter precision toys even require special training. Only two people can help realize their full potential. Ding Yue just used it as a fire stick.

"Wait a moment, I have a little trouble, we will talk to you later." Albireo ended the conversation and looked down at the little ant.

As a powerful chapter leader with many things to do, Albireo's time every day is very tight. He needs to pay attention to the development of his chapter, constantly adjust the chapter's investment in this world, and constantly put pressure on the pioneer group.

, requiring the other party to provide more convenience.

Yes, he has this authority. The total number of his battle group exceeds 20,000, and the proportion of veteran players who have been to more than three worlds accounts for more than 75%. These data give Albireo enough confidence to make demands.

The Blazers gave him more support.

Because the pioneers did not fully fulfill their obligations in this world, not only did they not obtain a stable enough territory, but they were also unable to provide a sufficient number of qualified bodies.

Players define a body as an aboriginal body from another world that has sufficient potential to use the unique power system of another world and is healthy enough to be used in the coming world. The mainstream power system of this world undoubtedly refers to supernatural abilities and the ability to master these.

A super human with power.

But after being unable to meet this requirement, the pioneers came up with an opportunistic approach. They changed the world's unique power system into technological weapons, so in theory, the cheap cloned bodies they now provide are also qualified, as long as those

The body's limbs are sound, the fingers are flexible, and the ability to control firearms and vehicle weapons is considered qualified.

This kind of group can fool newcomers and small groups who don't understand the rules deeply, but it can't fool Albireo's level of seniority, so he can get his current physical body, so his group

Only then can you have priority in obtaining the right to distribute the superhuman body and the right to redeem the Greedy Blood Potion.

All of this is based on strength. Albireo doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. Reasonable use of loopholes in the rules is a sign of wisdom.


A bullet grazed Albireo's wing of light, and the light wing instantly disintegrated into a pool of blood. Albireo lost his balance and fell dozens of meters from the air. He had to fight in embarrassment.

a terrace-like structure was created out of nowhere between nearby buildings

The amount of people consumed by this Void Creation made Albireo feel painful. Although his own wings could be regarded as something created by the Void, the planned expenditure and unplanned consumption gave people a completely different feeling.


"It's you." Albireo looked down at Ding Yue's embarrassed pursuit. He had an impression of this person, a dangerous person who had been repeatedly emphasized by the Pioneers.

As the leader of a large group, Albireo has his own information channel to understand the existence of Tangji. His mystery, his power, and his specialness make Albireo excited about it!

Imagine if he had Tang Ji's power and could kill players at will in this world. What would it mean to kill a player in a real sense? He would become a player among players and a god among gods.


Just imagining it in his mind, Albireo felt his heartbeat speed up. He looked greedily at Ding Yue on the ground. This aborigine had been determined by the pioneers that his power came from Tang Ji. Anyone who captured him would

Everyone you pay can be exchanged for massive resources.

But the players who can really get the inside information are all elites. It is impossible for them to hand over such a precious potential body to anyone.

Albireo disappeared in the blink of an eye. His abilities are very versatile. As long as there are resources in his hands that can be exchanged at equal value, he is omnipotent. From this perspective, Albireo is even more versatile than Greed.

a little.

It's a pity that his ability is still very limited. For example, he can't make Tang Ji appear directly in front of him by making a wish in exchange of equal value. Not only Tang Ji, but also a cat or a dog on the roadside.

The ability of equivalent exchange is limited to dead objects. He can create something that looks like a cat, can run like a cat, eat and drink like a cat, but it cannot directly create a real cat.

He has ten thousand ways to kill Ding Yue, but he cannot directly ask for his own ability to kill Ding Yue, or any living creature, or ask the other party to appear directly in front of him, etc.

There are so many restrictions, which makes Albireo really pray for what will happen if his abilities are promoted.

However, so far, Albireo has not found a way to advance according to his abilities.

He is more accustomed to using force to overwhelm others——

The moment Albireo disappeared, Ding Yue, who was standing at the intersection, suddenly felt sticky under his feet. The road had melted and turned into sticky asphalt without knowing when, and it was still shrinking in area. The entire intersection

It directly turned into a vortex, pulling the surrounding buildings that were also beginning to liquefy towards the center. The speed of the vortex was slow and tough, sucking Ding Yue into the middle and unable to move.

Then gray-white flames of hatred swept out of Ding Yue's body, and everything he touched instantly returned to 'normal'. In fact, it was not very normal. At least the normal road surface would not show a whirlpool texture.

Ding Yue threw away the firearm in his hand, rushed to the building next to him, climbed on it with bare hands, and quickly approached Albireo's position. There was no one else in his eyes, only Albireo!

He originally wanted to hide himself in the crowd waiting to be harvested and attack Albireo secretly, but the more Ding found that he couldn't pass the test of conscience, he might die or fail, but he could not deny that he did have the power to stop Albireo.

the power of.

If Ding Yue chooses that plan, the people killed will become the part that is sacrificed in Ding Yue's plan. He rejects this approach from the bottom of his heart, because not long ago he was still the "part that can be abandoned at any time."

"I will become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

This was Oppenheimer's emotion after he invented the nuclear bomb, and it is also the world's understanding of nuclear bombs in the past century.

Since the birth of nuclear bombs, humans have often laughed at themselves, saying that they are a species good at self-destruction. However, in the past thousands of years, no one was qualified to say this because they couldn't do it.

When the first nuclear bomb exploded, mankind was still at the end of the second industrial revolution, and the third industrial revolution had just begun. Since then, it has been the most destructive weapon created in human history, and it has continued to


Now, humans have been able to build permanent settlements on the moon, develop experimental farms on Mars, and even take steps to the Kuiper Belt to build an eternal city on the edge of the distant solar system.

But the nuclear bomb is still the jewel in mankind's arsenal, a symbol of strength and ultimate power. Countless people believe that if mankind is going to enter the end of the world one day, it will be because of nuclear bombs.

But what exactly is a nuclear bomb?

The little boy and the fat man who were shaped into traditional bomb shapes were just metal casings added for the convenience of throwing. Smaller nuclear bombs can be packed into suitcases, but the largest nuclear bomb ever made in human history looks like

More like some kind of rocket engine.

But those things are just the aspect of nuclear bombs as weapons, they are changeable.

Tang Ji needs something more profound, just like the previous generation of Fury. Although the weapon of revenge it created for mankind at that time was a bunch of cold weapons, when the weapon was damaged, it was repaired with ordinary metal, or even reforged after smelting, and its form changed from a sword to a sword.

Transformed into a sledgehammer, or dismantled into arrowheads, it still has the characteristics of a weapon of revenge and can share the power of the rules of rage.

Obviously, what the previous generation Furious left behind was not just swords. What he left behind was a rule and a concept, but with those cold weapons as the carrier.

This is what Tang Ji needs to do now. The good news is that Tang Ji is much smarter than the previous generation Fury. The bad news is that the weapons he has to try to understand are also much more complicated than the weapons the previous generation Fury has to understand.

At this moment, Tang Ji felt as if his brain was boiling, bubbling everywhere, itching fiercely, and he had the illusion that he was about to grow a brain.

Wu Qianying said that Tang Ji was very smart, but there is a difference between being smart and being knowledgeable. You cannot expect a graduate of a vocational college to understand Oppenheimer's thoughts.

"So this is also a nuclear bomb?" Tang Ji frowned and asked, facing a supercomputer-like thing that occupied an area of ​​nearly fifteen square meters and was three to four meters high: "It looks like some kind of matrix server."

Mikkelsen glanced at Wu Qianying with some despair. When he saw Wu Qianying covering his mouth and snickering, he had no choice but to answer: "This is a server, Tangji."

There was an unexpected embarrassment in the air. Only Wu Qianying tried not to laugh and suppressed her face until it turned red because she didn't want to interrupt the atmosphere.

"Where is the nuclear bomb?" Tang Ji took out the paper pulp from the instruction manual as thick as a dictionary.

"Under our feet, there are eight groups of evenly divided nuclear bombs, the new king of human nuclear weapons, the B-66, the matrix nuclear bomb." Mikkelsen pointed to the ground: "What you see now is its detonation device."

Tang Ji looked at the Prelude in his hand. The beauty of industrial design and the straight lines all showed that this was a murder weapon. Humanity's deep-rooted understanding of kinetic energy weapons allowed him to easily restore the entire activation process in his mind.

, and believe from the bottom of his heart that it can kill his enemies.

He raised his head again and looked at the neat environment around him that looked like a space station. The hum of the radiator when the machine was running steadily made it impossible to present a complete composition in his mind.

Atomic bomb(×)!

Science laboratory (√)!

"If that doesn't work, we can only install a shell on the B-66 that is big enough and fits the idiot's understanding of nuclear bombs." Wu Qianying couldn't help but laugh.

"You are talking about a huge building that can fit into the top ten of the Guinness World Records." Mikkelsen gritted his teeth and said: "And we have to build 950 buildings!"

"In that case, you should teach him basic physics."

"Let's try building one first. Anyway, we don't have to worry about economic issues now."

This chapter has been completed!
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