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Chapter 585: Anger needs watering of blood

Mannheim, man-made ruins area.

Albireo Lori became more and more impatient. After entering this world and accumulating enough exchange items, he has been enjoying the sense of pleasure that can only be enjoyed in the later stages of other worlds. He is like a man walking in the world.

The True God watched his old rivals sell out the group's current and future interests in a cowardly manner to make deals with him, and he himself became more and more powerful in the process.

This feeling is roughly similar to the feeling of exhilaration experienced by a player who suddenly turned on the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow modifier in the first ten minutes. However, for Albireo, it was always exhilarating until he was now trapped in


Ding Yue had been immersed in the water for more than seventeen minutes at this time. Theoretically, he should have drowned long ago, but the existence of superhuman beings was originally used to dispel the theory, so Ding Yue is still alive, enduring the self-healing and pain in his body.

The fight between deaths.

Every time he thought he was dead, the silent pain would tell him sincerely, it's still early, you are stronger than you think.

Ding Yue himself was also reflecting on whether he underestimated himself too much. Maybe he should change the way to fight that damn player instead of adopting an extreme defensive strategy like now.

Even his severed limbs gradually regenerated in the water. It is obvious that the cells responsible for self-healing are more efficient in the water.

Albireo attracted an exposed but still charged cable and passed it into the puddle. As a result, Ding Yue's recovery speed seemed to be faster. He even had enough energy to erect a cable towards the invisible enemy in the water.

Trembling middle finger.

Ding Yue doesn't know where his limit is, but from the current point of view, he has every hope of teaching the opponent a profound lesson in this endurance game... There is a battle group behind Albireo, and there is an entire player group.

But behind Ding Yue, there is Tang Ji. From this aspect, time seems to be on Ding Yue's side.

So he was not in a hurry at all.

Albireo is in a hurry. One-fifth of the equivalent exchange items he has reserved have been used in the previous venting. That is the number of tens of thousands of people. He can have such a powerful ability at the LV2 stage.

, completely thanks to the system and system.

If he was not a player, if he did not have so many companions who treat human beings as nothing, if the order of the world had not fallen to this point, his abilities would be firmly limited to a controllable level.

Even so, dissatisfaction with Albireo is still filled in the hearts of similar people.

Players can accept powerful natives like the Seven Deadly Sins because they are originally challengers, but they cannot accept similar people who use cheating methods to quickly open up the gap with them. And Albireo is such a similar person. When he is unlucky,

Many people are willing to watch the fun...like now.

A dimensional door suddenly opened at the edge of Albireo's activity area, and a big treasure that he was very familiar with rolled out of it. Before he could see clearly who was on the other side of the door, the dimensional door was closed.

It was a small-yield nuclear bomb, with greetings to Albireo written on it. The moment the dimensional door closed, the nuclear bomb was already activated. There was only a few tenths of a second between the two, that is,

Only players who are not afraid of death dare to play this kind of heartbeat game!

Albireo made a wish at the last moment and created a shield in front of himself that could withstand the damage he was about to encounter. He forcibly withstood the nuclear flash and subsequent high-temperature, high-speed, and high-pressure impact damage, but the nuclear explosion was just too close.

Changed the structure of the entire ruins.

Ding Yue felt that he had been displaced along with the entire ruins through hundreds of meters of thickness. He did not know how much reinforced concrete was crushed on him. If his body strength was not already slightly higher than the surrounding building materials, his current

The end result is like beans poured into a stone mill and turned into soy milk...

Albireo is not much better. He is also buried under hundreds of tons of radioactive construction waste. And unlike Ding Yue, as a single-ability user, Albireo now consumes every breath.

own reserves.

And the reserve of exchange items he spent at that moment even caused Albireo's consciousness to trance, and he almost died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

That move just now cost Albireo 125,000 people and assets.

Like his group, there are not many player groups with dimensional gate abilities and the authority to use nuclear bombs, but unfortunately, all of them can be regarded as Albireo's competitors, and everyone is suspected.

He will definitely suffer the loss of being dumb.

What's worse is that this attack may occur more than once, and he must be more prepared.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Twenty-five seconds after the nuclear explosion, another dimensional door was opened. The same method, the same strategy, but this time, different results were encountered... Wang Zhengdao happened to take Tang

Ji appears here.

At the moment before the dimensional gate opened, Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao noticed the fluctuations in the space in the area almost at the same time. Then they saw a nuclear bomb rolling out. Tang Ji instantly appeared in front of the dimensional gate and kicked a football.

, kicked the nuclear bomb back!

The next second, the other side of the dimensional gate seemed to turn into a black hole leading to a supernova. A dazzling light flashed through it. Before Tang Ji planned to use the flame of hatred to ignite the afterglow of the dimensional gate, the superhuman with the ability of the dimensional gate could

was completely erased.

Strictly speaking, the nuclear bomb saved his life, and he should say thank you.

"I'll take the first step." Wang Zhengdao took two breaths of pure Hiroshima air, turned around and disappeared into the smoke. Normal people can't stand this thing, but a pervert like Tang Ji might be able to smoke nuclear waste as a cigarette.

Stimulates the lungs.

For Tang Ji, this place is indeed not a big scene. Although the surrounding air is still hot and the ground under his feet is still in a semi-melted state, it can be ignored for him, but for other people and things,

This is hell.

The mushroom cloud formed by the previous explosion is still rising. The construction waste, sand, gravel and soil swept by the explosion have reached the end of their journey. They were completely shattered at the moment of the explosion, combined with radioactive material particles, and became loose.

The flocculent powder will evenly return to the ground under the influence of wind and gravity after a few minutes, causing radiation pollution. This process will continue for several hours.

There are also some small particles that are lighter and invisible to the naked eye and will continue to stay at an altitude of six kilometers for weeks or even years. Only precipitation can accelerate their settling process.

The nuclear bomb after the earth explosion left a crater-shaped pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters on the edge of the ruins. There is still a large amount of molten material directly below the pit that is slowly solidifying. The high temperature has caused all those who survived within hundreds of meters to survive.

Oxidation reactions have occurred on the surface of difficult substances, appearing charred black.

The fragments swept by the shock wave in all directions penetrated the surrounding buildings like bullets. Some of the fragments were suitably shaped and had steel cores as cores. They could even penetrate one building and then shoot themselves into another building, far away from the explosion.

The few intact buildings recently looked like log cabins that had been strafed by Phalanx, with half of their front facades collapsed.

All glass products within 800 meters were shattered. Fortunately, all residents who had the ability to take care of themselves had escaped without a trace a few hours ago, and this time there was not much collateral damage.

Tang Ji walked on the surface of hell, just like wandering in his own back garden. Even the smoke and dust around him had to make way for him to show respect. He could easily locate the two people who were bound by the [Death Fight Invitation].


The Scarlet Disciple and his target were all covered in anger. Tang Ji tasted the difference and slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Ding Yue's anger presented a sense of desolation and vastness. This anger deeply reflected his soul, like a ignited sea, while his soul and emotions were like icebergs under the sea, cold and


The player's anger is like a wildfire. It seems to be active in his soul, but in fact it is not even the anger of a common man. It is anger caused by shame...

As the wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Ji felt disappointed with such anger. It was like a gourmet who was accustomed to eating delicacies from the mountains and the sea was suddenly fed a mouthful of food that was not pickled enough, the ingredients were not fresh enough, the processing was not refined enough, and it was mixed with sand.

Pickles, the words "bland" can't express the taste of them.

Therefore, Tang Ji directly extinguished that anger. He was not qualified.

Albireo, who was digging a way out of the ruins, suddenly felt a sense of loss. One second he was furious and ready to take revenge on his competitors, but the next second he felt that it was all boring.

They just want to level the gap, and although the methods are a bit despicable, aren't all players like this? It's not a big deal.

As Albireo thought this, the movements of his hands slowed down and were no longer so eager.

However, now he had to be impatient, because Tang Ji never had much patience. Tang Ji directly kicked off a piece of construction waste weighing more than ten tons, and the vibration caused made Albireo below think that something exploded above.

But he immediately realized that he was wrong. Continuous vibrations and explosions sounded above his head. In just a few seconds, he saw light shining in from the gap above his head. It was the sunlight that penetrated the radiation dust and was a little dark.

The light...and a face filled with unhappiness.

The other party seemed to be dismantling children's building blocks and threw the surrounding construction waste into the sky. Albireo himself could also rely on his supernatural ability to do this, but he was sure that the other party was using pure physical strength, and he was very frightened.

Physical strength!

Albireo's brain worked hard and finally dug up the information behind this face in his memory - Tanguy, run quickly when you see him, he can kill the player directly!

The Pioneer who provided him with inside information is a very reliable insider. The two parties have agreed that if he withdraws from the Pioneer sequence in the future, the Albireo Chapter will unconditionally accept him as a group manager and provide him with

Limited provision of resources in both worlds.

So, should he run quickly now? Albireo reacted somewhat vaguely. As a player, although he got such news, he still couldn't form an instinctive reaction immediately. This is what he has been used to for a long time.

All are out of place.

What's more, he can't leave now even if he wants to. That chain still tightly binds Albireo.

"Take me away from here!" Albireo tried to make an equivalent exchange with his own ability, but he did not receive any response, as if the wish he made could not be fulfilled at all.

"Stop him!" Albireo made a wish again, but his ability still showed no response, because it was beyond its ability. The principle of equivalent exchange cannot directly involve living bodies. You can shape a metal rod out of thin air and knock it on your head.

When a man is facing death, he can create a local high gravity field and turn him into a meat pie, but he cannot directly make a wish to kill that man.

The entire ability system doesn't work like that. Even if it can do it one day in the future, it will never include existences of the level of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Then in front of Tang Ji, the construction waste around Albireo suddenly turned into a liquid, allowing him to sink into it. Then the liquid solidified again and turned into a solid wall. Albireo finally regained the flexibility of his previous abilities.


It's just that this time he needs to be more flexible and changeable than before, because Tang Ji shattered the obstacles he created with just one punch.

Tang Ji walked through the ruins, as if those construction wastes were as soft as sponges, but Tang Ji was tired of getting entangled with such little people. He turned his head and walked towards Ding Yue's location, encountering mountains and mountains along the way.

The ruins were turned upside down.

Ding Yue was in a semi-conscious state when he saw Tang Ji. He suddenly became alert and suddenly woke up. Then he was at a loss and didn't know what to say. The impression Tang Ji left on him last time was too bad.

So much so that his first reaction was that the other party was going to clean up the door.

"Not bad, but too indecisive." Tang Ji glanced at Ding Yue, patted him on the shoulder, then lowered his head and pulled up the chain at his feet.

For the current rage, the chain of rules transformed by [Death Fight Invitation] is no longer an untouchable existence. Tang Ji holds the chain with both hands and uses both arms to pull the chain towards him from the ruins.

More than one meter in length.

Albireo, who was far away on the other side of the chain, was constantly changing the target of equivalent exchange, trying to find a way to survive. The next second he felt himself being pulled out of the ruins by an irresistible force!

The unsuspecting Albireo was instantly pulled out of the 'refuge hut' he had made. However, a large living person could not pass through the narrow gap. The chain broke his calf in an instant, and then appeared again.

A little above the stump...

Tang Ji's eyes were shrouded in black flames of hatred. He could see clearly that once the other party planned to commit suicide, he would end the game immediately, but before that... rage needs new blood to water it.


This chapter has been completed!
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