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Chapter 587 Players Counterattack

Whether there are any players in Night City is undoubtedly a stupid question. As one of the places that players pay the most attention to, Night City has always been the focus of the pioneers and several large player groups. However, due to the existence of the dimensional gate and the night

The city itself is so complex that even Mikkelsen has no way of knowing how many players are lurking in this place.

They only know that any player who can be sent to lurk in Night City must be a master of disguise and will never expose themselves easily.

Maybe Tang Ji can detect the existence of some players who have read his name through his special connection with Night City, but all the players detected by Tang Ji are already dead, just like what Tang Ji used when hunting Kang Orr.

The same technique is used. The bullet flies through the dimensional gate and flies into the player's chest. In the next second, a big hand directly takes off the head. The whole process is terrifyingly fast.

Those who are still alive have also summed up the rules. They know what taboos are in this city. Of course, most of the taboos are actually just to scare themselves. Those are the rules they summed up when fighting gods in other worlds.


Among them, the most basic one is not to say the name of the god. The other is to try not to appear in front of the statue of the god. If placed in the Night City, the player lurkers will walk around Tang Ji's sculptures, posters, and even holographic projections.


In short, there are a lot of weird behaviors, and as players spread the word, many people even secretly worshiped Tang Ji's portrait in the Night City, or worshiped a prelude pistol.

Many street graffiti artists will draw portraits of Tang Ji on the walls. Although each has its own style, people can still tell at a glance that it is Tang Ji. And with the deliberate spread of the word by thoughtful people, many people in the bar have

The toasts given by drunkards were also changed to bullshit like wishing Tang Ji a long life.

Everyone laughs and laughs when they talk about it. After all, everyone knows that Tang Ji doesn't care about this kind of flattery at all. But if at this time, there happens to be someone who refuses to wish Tang Ji longevity for various reasons, then...

The problem is somewhat serious.

****. Rossello is the organizer of this strike. He is an employee of Delamain Rental Service Company and a member of the trade union. This time he is protesting against the company's introduction of artificial intelligence management and the treatment of employees he has seen.

, of course... there are also those refugees. Just because they don't have enough to eat, they can't try to lower wages so that everyone can't have enough to eat!

The union will not allow this to happen!

The entire strike march went smoothly. They not only showed their unity to the company, but also showed their strength to the refugees, and defeated two groups of riot mercenaries sent by unknown companies on the road. You must know that for today

During the parade, the union hired two superhumans as protectors of the group of desperate mercenaries in the Afterlife Bar in advance!

However, in the subsequent slogan shouting session, in order to show the refugees the superiority of his identity as a native of Ye City, **** led the workers and shouted in a slightly mocking tone: "I wish Tang Ji a long life!"

A group of people were laughing and joking, shouting slogans unevenly, but one of them shut his mouth tightly, not even daring to breathe, which immediately attracted the attention of the superhuman mercenaries. As superhumans, they are better than ordinary people.

Understand the power of Tang Ji better. Within the scope of Night City, the name itself represents a kind of power...

So they asked that person to speak and wish Tang Ji longevity... As a result, after a brief and sharp confrontation, the citizen who refused to speak took out his pistol and shot four people marching with him in the ensuing chaos.

people, and showed extraordinary ability to withstand attacks.

The weapons carried by those workers were able to repel two waves of mercenaries. They were very professional in terms of firepower and tactical choices... But they were still unable to cause effective damage to that person, and quickly determined that it was a player.

Of course, the next second he was pinned to the ground by Surte. Xiao Su was holding a lot of shopping bags with one hand, and pinned this suspected player to the ground with the other hand: "Who are you?"


In Soult's eyes, this guy posed almost no threat. He had already completed the search on him before others could detect it. Apart from the pistol, there was nothing else threatening.

"My name is Yin Lian Mattis! I work for Mitsui Bank! I'm not a player!" The man shouted in horror: "Let me go! You terrorists! I admit that I am a super human!

But I don’t want to register, and I don’t want to register! If I’m guilty, let the law judge me! Don’t think of sending me to the battlefield! I won’t go!”

Surte was a little confused. He couldn't guess whether Yin Li'an was a player or not. His performance was too real...

"Why didn't you say that! You damn bastard! Only players dare not say that!" As the person in charge, **** mustered up the courage to stand up and said loudly: "I wish the damn Tang

Good luck, otherwise you bastards will kill us all sooner or later!"

"I will not say that name! Even if you slander me as a player, I will not say that name from my mouth! He is not a saint, he is a murderer! He killed my brother, my uncle!

Yin Li'an Mattis argued: "You guys, how dare you slap your chest and say that he is a good person!"

No one answered, but no one felt that Tang Ji was offended by such words. After all, he never claimed to be a good person. The word "good person" in Night City is roughly equivalent to "Sibby". Who said you are a good person? Most of the time, you are a good person.

I scolded you after I defrauded you of your money.

Fortunately, Xiao Su's face was registered in Night City and even within the Federation. The moment the camera captured Surte's face, it notified the law enforcement bureau of a level one alert. At this time, it took three full days.

A patrol car stopped directly outside the crowd with a screeching brake sound. The law enforcers got out of the car as if they were facing an enemy, and each one was fully armed.

Above their heads, more than a dozen armed drones were suspended there to supplement their firepower. Higher up, a rotorcraft belonging to the ECS Bureau had just stopped, and a five-person superhuman agent team was directly attacking them.

Airborne near Sirte.

One of them took the latest model of electronic restraint ring and signaled to Soult: "The scene will be controlled by me from now on. Mr. Soult, you can continue shopping. We know that your vacation is very precious.

It should be wasted on things like this.”

"He may be a player!" Surt glanced at the suspect who was pinned to the ground again. As a hunter who grew up in the wilderness, Surt felt that this person was dangerous: "Inform Rickard and let him

He came over to take a look."

"Let me confirm with you again, are you talking about Mr. Rickard Ndom!" The ECS agent had no intention of disobeying Surte. He just confirmed Surte's request and directed the law enforcers to start.

Cleared the surrounding area.

At this moment, whether they were watching the fun or the parade, the crowd dispersed quickly, but immediately the refugees gathered again. They acted a little confused. At first, they were just watching the fun, but the people behind them somehow heard it.

When I came here to give out free lunch, I was immediately surrounded by people on three levels inside and outside.

Although the law enforcers have loaded their guns, these refugees still have a kind of numb tenacity. They would rather be beaten up than to eat a free lunch.

Soult's patience quickly ran out, and he began to consider whether to take the suspect and take the initiative to find Rickard for identification, or simply step on him to death. This is also a problem for various countries now.

As time goes by, players are getting deeper and deeper into human society, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish.

When Surte wanted to do this, no one could react. The reason why he endured until now was because he was worried that this was really a player, and it would be a waste of opportunity to 'let him go' like this.

On the one hand, the media has been following us.

Soult followed Luther around the Federation and learned nothing else, but he saw clearly how public opinion affects the world.

Not every city worships Tang Ji like Night City. More cities have a fear of Tang Ji and a reluctant cooperative attitude. Mikresen and Luther have been negotiating during the negotiations.

Using Tang Ji as a bargaining chip, many federal high-level officials have deep feelings for Tang Ji.

Mikkelsen and others said: "Watch your own head. This is the final price. I will leave the agreement here. I hope you will be the one to sign the contract tomorrow."

Tang Ji's name is not mentioned in the whole sentence, but Tang Ji is everywhere in the words.

Soult suddenly felt a sense of responsibility and wanted to save some reputation for Tang Ji. To this end, he even endured and cooperated with the supervision of law enforcement and the media to put on a show here.

Fortunately, Rickard arrived quickly. He was pulled directly by the rotorcraft. The ECS Bureau was not so proud to use Wang Zhengdao as a mount, but at least they could mobilize the rotorcraft at will.

The moment he saw Rickard, Soult breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He didn't like to face the media or the public very much. He preferred to buy trendy brands, buy chewing gum, and eat burgers.

Today's situation made Sirte feel more tired than running a round-the-world route.

"Leave the rest to me. You go first. Many media are broadcasting live now. You are still young." Rickard and Surte have not known each other for a long time, but he likes Surte's simplicity very much.


In Rickard's view, Soult had just temporarily gone into a misunderstanding. They really couldn't shoot someone just because they didn't shout "Long Live Tangji", but if it was the other way around, someone would rather risk being shot than say anything.

With such a sentence, his identity is greatly doubted.

So it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Rickard was originally a ‘good guy’ in the traditional sense, about as good as Silly, but as he stayed in the Special Administrative Region for many months, he became less pedantic.

Rickard was very willing to take a gamble with the life of Yin Lian Mattis: "Mr. Yin Lian Mattis, now I order you as a special investigator of the ECS Bureau to tell the story of Tang Ji

This name, otherwise I will shoot you for disturbing social order and obstructing official duties."

Yin Lian Matisse turned his head stubbornly, as if a bull had become stubborn.

His expression was natural and his reaction was vivid, so much so that Rickard felt for a moment that he didn't care about human life.

"I'll count to three, three!" Rickard braced himself, put his gun on Yin Li'an's head, and shouted firmly: "Two!"

Yinlian Matisse clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and began to pray, as if he had accepted his fate.

Rickard failed to count the last number in the end. He couldn't pass his own test. He was worried that if he made a start today, someone would learn to do something similar but completely different in nature tomorrow.

After all, as far as he knew, there was a very extreme folk group who secretly compiled a grammatically complex song praising virtues. They felt that just reciting Tang Ji's name could not completely identify the players, and humans needed to recite the set they had written.

To correctly identify yourself.

"You passed the test, Mr. Yinlian Mattis, but you will be prosecuted by the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau for intentional murder." Rickard put down his gun, and countless civilians around him secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene just now made me feel scared.

Yin Li'an Mattis smiled coldly, allowed the law enforcers and ECS agents to put restraint rings and handcuffs on him, and suddenly said to Rickard: "I have something to tell you."

Rickard just stood there, waiting for the other party to speak. He didn't shoot just because he judged that Yin Li'an was not a player. This did not mean that he was innocent. He just deserved to be judged by another kind of bullet. Human beings need to treat players

Order, and order needs to be maintained by everyone.

The existence of the Seven Deadly Sins alone is enough for human civilization to drink a pot, and it cannot bear more.

"First of all, thank you for helping to verify my level. Now I know that my disguise is perfect." Yin Li'an Matisse suddenly changed his expression of bitterness and hatred before. His facial features seemed to come alive together, and his expression was a little...

Weird, his voice also weakened: "I believe... we will meet again in the future... I hope you like my gift..."

Before Rickard could react and shoot, Yinlian Mathis had already died from the neurotoxin on his fingernails. This thing can ensure the rapid death of the body, and it is one of the few players to find out.

The new anti-Tangji equipment.

The gift that Yinlian Mattis said was a nuclear bomb that the Matis team placed in a nearby building when he was stalling for time.

This was the first official counterattack by the players after the two sides broke up. After realizing that Yinlian Mathis would attract Rickard, Markarian decisively arranged a follow-up plan to try to kill Rickard.


One Tangji is enough to give them a headache, but two more and no one can bear it.


Sirte's eyes widened. In front of him, a square building suddenly blew up like a balloon...

This chapter has been completed!
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