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Chapter 589 New Disciple

Alejandro Vargas, a Mexican mercenary, is a very deep-looking man, with a knife-striped face that seems to be filled with deep hatred.

In fact, this was indeed the case. He had a family before, but his family died at the hands of a dealer. It took him eight years to complete his revenge. Of course, this revenge meant that he killed everyone who had participated in that crime.

He was an insider of the incident, but he was not the one who wiped out the drug trafficking network.

Because the government that Tasso worked for finally made the trade of addictive compounds legal due to the massive federal demand for addictive compounds and the covert promotion of the CIA, and they could be sold in supermarkets like marijuana.

Fortunately, due to the existence of tariffs, the industry of smuggling this addictive compound has always existed, but its nature has changed from illegal smuggling to tax evasion.

Alejandro used the interests of the country to anesthetize himself, but he soon discovered that he was actually working for dealers, helping them produce the small businessmen who caused market chaos.

Fortunately, in the process, he became the leader of a slightly famous mercenary group, the Cowboy Team, and eventually led this team to get rid of the control of the previous interest network and become a true free mercenary.

Then, Alejandro lost his team again, and they unfortunately received a mission directed to a certain player warband.

At that time, the existence of players was still in a certain state of secrecy. It spread among the people more like an urban legend, and a mercenary walking in the gray field might hear fifty pieces of news like this every month.

Even more outrageous rumors are that if you can't learn to ignore these spam messages, you won't accomplish anything.

Unfortunately for Alejandro and the others, they ignored a piece of news that needed attention. On the day they went to sneak attack the player's stronghold, the player officially took off his disguise and became a force active around the world.

Alejandro and the others plunged into the crowd of players, with bullets and explosions everywhere, blood and screams everywhere.

In the end, only Alejandro managed to escape half-dead. The scars all over his body were only saved by medical injections.

Since then, Alejandro has become even more paranoid. He took out the same drive to avenge his family and began to study the player's information.

When he inquired that someone was looking for a volunteer who was desperate and full of hatred, Alejandro took the initiative to come to the door. He didn't ask for much. If the person was not dead, he wanted half a million federal coins.

This amount of money might have been a lot of money three months ago, but now it was just enough for him to buy a second-hand car with decent performance and give himself some time-sensitive ingredients from the black market.

That's right, time-sensitive hormone, a combat agent originally designed for prosthetic soldiers, has now been leaked to the black market, diluted in a large proportion, and sold to street people who don't care about their lives and are not afraid of the sequelae.

Most people would take the ratio of one thousand to one and treat that stuff as some kind of new addictive compound injection, but Alejandro was different. At the last moment, he drank himself two hundred to one time-sensitive


Fortunately, he survived, but unfortunately, he still suffers from muscle strain in both legs.

Alejandro Vargas was sitting on a metal stool, looking at a group of bad-tempered people around him. They were placed two meters apart. Everyone looked so taciturn and unable to conceal their anger.

Alejandro noticed this keenly and realized that he might not have been selected because of his thorough and clean selling, but because of his fiery temper.

So, why would anyone need these grumpy guests?

Tangi Tangi!

Alejandro Vargas is a smart man, and the first thing he thought of was Mr. Furious.

As a ruthless person who dares to use parahuman drugs indiscriminately on himself, Alejandro knows a lot about those metahumans that the player does not know how to deal with.

For example, Tanguy, he may be the most clear-cut guy in this industry. Alejandro feels that he is a real man because he has been targeting players as early as the Loses period.

Alejandro felt that this time he was dragged to a military base in Southern California to participate in an experiment, and perhaps the experiment was on drugs related to Tangji.

After all, some superhumans can create something as magical as time-sensitive hormone, and it is not unacceptable to develop some rage pills. It can be said that Alejandro can't wait to experience Tangji's power.

But obviously, if the criteria for selecting candidates were based on anger in their hearts, it would be a joke to expect this room of idle people with bad tempers and little regard for their own lives to remain content.

"You, handsome man, do you have a cigarette? Take one." A woman who looked very agitated lifted up her coat, revealing her small waist with tattoos, and leaned against Alejandro in a charming posture.

On the table next to Luo.

It was a table that seemed very suitable for writing. It was of moderate height and just the right size. It was suitable for one person to use, and it was also suitable for you to copy it and use it as a weapon.

"I don't smoke." Alejandro said coldly. Because of his upbringing environment, he has no good impression of anything that can bring about causes and effects.

"It's boring." The woman left Alejandro calmly, sat next to a strong man in front of him, and continued to ask in a provocative tone: "Do you have any cigarettes?"

"Yes, but why are you giving it to me for free?" Before the strong man finished speaking, the woman suddenly turned around, kicked the man in the face, then picked up the table and smashed it over.

Alejandro curled his lips, he had long felt that that thing was particularly suitable for hitting people.

However, the strong man's ability to withstand blows was particularly strong. He took two hard blows, picked up the woman and threw her against the wall. He also knocked over several tables in the process. This seemed to be some kind of signal and instantly changed the atmosphere in the whole room.

All have changed.

Almost everyone was struggling together. Alejandro watched all this with cold eyes. He could feel his own mood swings and his anger that was easily provoked.

However, years of fighting with real swords and guns gave Alejandro a little more control than ordinary people.

He just moved his chair back and was chosen as the new target. The woman from before asked with a smile: "Do you think you are special? Look at us acting like monkeys here.


"If you like to be a monkey, that's your freedom, don't bother me." Alejandro stepped back a little, and once again suppressed the anger in his heart that wanted to destroy everything.

"He's not bad." Behind a glass curtain wall, Tang Ji held a tree of life in his mouth and looked at Alejandro Vargas with interest.

As Fury, although Tang Ji had won the previous battle of wills with his predecessor Fury, the human part of him was still slowly being worn away.

Being interested in someone is becoming increasingly rare.

Alejandro is obviously an exception. He is like a person carved in the mold of Tang Ji. Tang Ji can feel the love of [Scarlet Disciple] for him without even deliberately observing him.

Mikkelsen silently put a tick on Alejandro Vargas's name. This is the thirteenth group of people they interviewed today. Each group has a total of twenty-five candidates, and Alejandro Vargas

Handro was the first to be recognized by Don Quixote.

All candidates are selected strictly according to the template. Most of them are shrouded in hatred and pursue revanchism for the rest of their lives, with their hearts filled with angry emotions.

It can be said that this fucking world lacks everything but a lot of angry avengers.

It's just that some of these Avengers will gradually come out of their haze as time goes by with the return of rationality, and get their lives back on track.

And the remaining ones who can't get out or don't want to get out have mostly become extremists in society.

Tang Ji prefers to share the power of the Scarlet Disciples with those who know how to exercise restraint, so as to avoid having to defend his own people in future wars.

The busy day of selecting new disciples wasted Tang Ji's two days. Nearly 1,500 people were handed over to Tang Ji for review for various reasons.

In addition to Alejandro Vargas, the ability of [Scarlet Disciple] also reacted to a certain extent on four other people, but they were obviously not pure enough. When the flames of hatred burned their bodies, those people wavered.

, and soon turned into four charred black skeletons.

Alejandro, on the other hand, stubbornly persisted through all the steps and became the favored one of [Scarlet Disciple]. He even directly obtained the ability of [Significant Retribution].

This made Mikkelsen start to focus on observing this target. He vaguely remembered that before the death of the prophet, she mentioned it once. In one of the world lines, she successfully prevented Tangji from becoming a rage in the Seven Deadly Sins. As a result, another naturally occurred.

A man with a reputation for rage.

It was a pity that the prophet did not leave more detailed records at the time. Every time he thought of this, he wished he could open the prophet's tomb again and see if she was hiding in the corner alone and watching their jokes.

In the end, Tang Ji did not meet Alejandro Vargas. Alejandro did not know what happened to him from beginning to end. Although he vaguely guessed that what happened here was related to Tang Ji, he still did not know what happened to him.

Unlike Ding Yue and Rickard, they were not able to receive "careful instruction" from Tang Ji.

For Tang Ji, there will not only be one scarlet disciple like Alejandro. They are destined to become weapons in the new era. They will be consumed on the battlefield one after another, and there is no need to invest his few time and experience.

For most human beings, the collapse of order does not evolve slowly, but collapses in an instant like a flash flood.

If the Federation still maintains its brilliance on the outside, the European Union has preserved its northern industrial area and the Mediterranean coast, but in other areas, players have begun to overflow.

In Africa, the indigenous people of this land seem to have once again returned to the "human trade era". Every day, slave-catching teams organized by different war groups roam the streets, and they rush into every tribe and village they find.

The city is ruthlessly plundering superhuman beings, and the slightest resistance will lead to an outright massacre.

No one knows how many people die in Africa every day, and no one cares. People can only conclude from the increase in the proportion of African superhuman bodies among players that appalling manhunts are taking place there.

The other hardest-hit area, the Ganges River Region, is in a strange state of peace. After the first few city occupation movements, players completely gave up on this thankless behavior.

Keeping the management system of the Ganges people is really a huge benefit to the players.

First of all, they are strangely able to ensure the basic operation of the city, and the cities that were previously captured by players all began to fail in just a few weeks without exception.

Secondly, the Ganges people really don't interfere too much with the actions of the players. Even if they burn, kill and loot, they can't do more harm than the local aboriginal gangs.

Finally, the people here have an amazing resilience. They are as numb as clones, indifferent to what is happening around them, as if they can survive eating dirt.

In just over a month, countless player groups have been desperately moving towards the Ganges territory, so much so that the defensive pressure on the Federation and the European Union has been relieved.

From this perspective, the Ganges people can be regarded as making a contribution to the war.

As a veteran of hundreds of battles, Lieutenant Colonel Zay Wangchuk, who was promoted again, was directly thrown to New Delhi by the Gallic government to be fully responsible for the defense here.

Perhaps to show their respect for Zai, this time, the ECS Bureau and the Ark Organization even dispatched twice the number of superhuman agents as bodyguards, including five psychic commanders, to prevent all-channel interference.

However, this was a disaster for Zay Wangchuk. He worked hard for a week and asked Delhi's interim government to allocate funds to build 396 defense nodes of various sizes in the city. In the end, only the funds were implemented.

7.2%, and there is no trace of artificial intelligence. However, six more relevant officials collected enough tickets to leave the earth.

The high-level turnover rate of Ganges people is as high as 86%, and the proportion of those who leave the earth immediately after resignation is 52%.

Not to mention Zay Wangchuk, even Mikkelsen found it difficult to understand that their grassroots officials could collect a sum of money to buy air tickets and go to Phoenix with them. This is another sense.

The wealth is hidden among the people, right?

It's a pity that they don't know that starting from Dr. Hofheim, all routes taking off from the earth and heading to Phoenix have been secretly intercepted by Mikkelsen.

Zay Wangchuk could only rely on himself, but when he discovered that there were a large number of products of the Gray Field Project stored in the granary, manpower did not seem to be a problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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