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Chapter 591: Abnormal War

To be fair, as a quasi-newcomer, Haji Levin was assigned to this magical land before he even had time to do evil in this world.

The people here can't even wait for Haji Levin to take action, so they can starve to death on the roadside or drown in the Ganges River. In order to save their assets, Haji Levin can only shoulder a brand new, different

The task is to work hard to ensure that these Ganges people do not seek death.

Bringing Gangese people to work on construction sites to work for the indigenous people is considered a pioneering move even among players.

The moment Alejandro saw Hadi Levin, his instinct told him that this was a player.

But his eyes and thoughts told him that it wasn't...

At this time, Haji Levin was emerging from the hole with a dusty face carrying a bag of high-grade cement weighing 200 kilograms. When he saw Alejandro, he said hello sheepishly.

Haji Levin knew that he was working for these aboriginal soldiers, and these people were his food, clothing and parents.

If Wu Qianying saw this scene here, she would probably write a paper titled: On the complex and changeable relationship between players and us in the new era.

Alejandro watched Haji Levin appear and then disappear from him, without doing anything. There was still a certain degree of non-hostility between him and the player.

Even if Ding Yue and Rickard, the two earliest scarlet disciples, are here, they may not be able to directly kill Haji Levin, let alone Alejandro.

Also, Haji Levin does not behave like a player.

He led his people to ensure quality and quantity, and completed all construction tasks within the specified time, unknowingly breaking the Ganghe people's construction efficiency record.

Of course, for the current labor and management parties, this matter is really not big news.

Because some player groups who are not satisfied with the status quo have created another attack in the city that is no less than a nuclear bomb explosion. They have released some kind of biological and chemical weapons based on the "Corpse Plan" in the densely populated areas of Delhi.

Although the Hofheim people have been detained at the lunar base by Mikkelsen day and night to dig up brain data, the genetic weapon based on the gluttony gene is still early and has a very strong ability to mutate itself.

This combined mutation ability coupled with the players' whimsical ideas, the final product is like opening a blind box. Unless it has been opened, no one knows what is inside.

This time, the virus that was thrown into Delhi was different from the virus that happened in Paris and Mannheim.

It does not appear in the form of a gas and can kill millions of people in an instant, and infected people do not have the ability to fuse with each other. It simply relies on body fluids to spread, which is inefficient but extremely suitable for the densely populated city of Delhi.

Zay Wangchuk only felt that he had slept for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, the whole of Delhi was in chaos.

There are no attacks, no nuclear explosions, and no bad players trying to survive in the middle. There are only constant rabies attacks.

The earliest source of infection may be just a sheep or a box of contaminated fruit. The earliest infected persons may be only a dozen or dozens of people. The earliest symptoms may only be irritability and hunger.

Emotions are amplified.

But soon, the problem became serious.

The infected person will completely fall into mania within four hours. They will no longer be bound by reason, attack all living creatures around them, and use body fluids to spread as much as possible based on the instinct of the virus.

What's even more frightening is that before they were completely reduced to monsters who only knew how to eat, these infected people were almost as smart as usual. They could talk, use vehicles and weapons...

The power of the virus is terrifying. Because the early symptoms were not obvious, it did not attract the attention of the Ganges people. The early golden window was wasted in the night.

Haji Levin had just finished unloading the truck alone. When he turned around, he saw all the aborigines crowded in the alley behind them, exclaiming in surprise from time to time.

This kind of group behavior also attracted Haji Levin. He dusted himself off and walked over. As the "big brother" who can bring them job opportunities, Haji Levin has a high status in the hearts of these people.

So these Ganges brothers obediently made way for their eldest brother, so that he could have the best viewing experience...

Then, Haji Levin was shocked. He saw four Ganges men strengthening a lizard, and the spectators on the side were still helping to cheer them up.

What a thing!

Hazilevan turned around and left, but the originally docile Ganges people suddenly stopped him. Some of the men showed their lewdness and began to take off their clothes.

He looked back at the lizard that was wailing continuously, and then at the people in front of him, and suddenly he had a clear understanding that if he didn't want to be tainted, he had to work harder.

Haji Levin didn't know what was happening to these Ganges people, but it was obvious that these people were beginning to become abnormal. Their eyes not only contained hunger and thirst, but also a hint of violence.

"You forced me." Haji Levin shrugged and clenched his fists.

Then he noticed that all the workers here had wounds on their hands, and some had bite marks on their bodies.

Can't you get hurt?" Hazilevan pulled out a bamboo pole from the ground and held it in his hand. He threw the stick down and blew a head in the air. Then he danced with a stick like a tiger, snatching lives from the crowd.

A path emerged.

At this time, signs of chaos were beginning to appear on the street. Some injured Ganges people were like hunters on the street, looking at the pedestrians around them with malicious eyes, like vultures picking out carrion corpses.

Armed with a stick, Haji Levin was classified as a target not to be trifled with. He left Delhi without any incident and started heading towards the camp where the war group was located.

But what shocked Harzilevan was that young women and men with the same thoughts as him could be seen everywhere along the way.

The real survivors fled away from Delhi in panic, while some infected people just wanted to open a meat market with less competition.

"Who poisoned me in Delhi! I was bitten to death!" Haji Levin saw some players complaining on the forum while running away.

"Fuck, me too. As soon as I turned around, I saw a guy taking the exam without wearing pants. Before I could react, he was sent away by a garbage truck."

"Brother upstairs, I'm afraid this garbage truck saved your moral integrity..."

"Maybe you find it interesting, but what's even more interesting is that the infected people here are driving back to their hometowns. Everyone will understand what happened in Delhi." Hazilevan also posted a post, which quickly attracted attention. focus on.

“Can infected people drive?”

"Are they different from the living zombies?"

"You stupid drug addict, if you have the guts, just step forward!"


The human side was a little slower to react, but Zay Wangchuck was a solid veteran after all. He quickly realized the seriousness of the problem and directly blocked the city of Delhi.

But obviously this kind of administrative military order cannot restrain the Ganges people. The entire defense line is like a sieve. You can enter when you want and leave when you want. What's worse, the organized ones are attacked by infected people and then flee. All soldiers who took advantage of the chaos to return home were reported as dead.

Eight hours after the attack, the number of infected people in Delhi was estimated to be around 50,000, and the number of victims was almost twice that number. Colonel Zay Wangchuk had a full 700,000 armed soldiers at his disposal.

Sixteen hours after the attack, the number of infected people in Delhi was estimated to be around 1.3 million, and the number of victims could not be counted. The order in the city completely collapsed, and the number of armed soldiers available for mobilization under Colonel Zay Wangchuck dropped sharply to Fifty-two thousand people.

This is an invisible war. For many infected people who are in the early stages of infection symptoms, you can't tell whether they are infected or want to take advantage of the chaos.

The effect of the new virus weapon is so good that it can completely destroy the order of a city in a short period of time, far exceeding the players' expectations, and even... the aftermath of this thing is destroying the player's occupied area.

The infected do not know which cities belong to players and which belong to humans. Although their final outcome is zombie-like creatures with degraded facial features and only instinctive reactions, at least for now they still maintain the will and judgment of humans.

When these things began to impact the fragile order of the players, their so-called occupied zone collapsed instantly, and the players mixed in it had almost no room for counterattack except to accept death and go offline to repair.

Twenty-four hours after the attack, the number of infected people in Delhi exceeded 5 million. The number of victims could not be counted. Fierce firefights occurred frequently in the city. The survivors could not even determine who was a friendly force and who was an infected person.

As a senior military officer, Zay Wangchuck finally chose to evacuate by helicopter.

The scarlet disciple Alejandro, who had just arrived here, chose to stay. He wanted to witness the entire attack process. He had already seen clearly the dangers of this terrorist attack.

The Ganges people did not dissuade the damn ghost, and the pilot did not give Zay Wangchuck a chance to show off. After confirming that no one would continue to board the plane, a pigeon turned over and disappeared into the sky.

Alejandro is worthy of being a man who conquered the tropical rainforest. He stayed in the city of Delhi for a full ninety-six hours and witnessed with his own eyes how the infected people slowly and step by step transformed from ordinary people with red eyes to death to similar people. The existence of zombies.

It's just that even if they become zombies, these people still maintain good flexibility and can run more than five hundred meters at a sprint speed. What's more, they do not make it to the last step, but always stop at the first step. stage.

Alejandro has been keeping an eye on such targets. He has already killed three of them and found the general range of activities for two more.

Ram Akeem is one of them. Alejandro has been tracking him for six hours, but every time that bastard hides his killing behind the evil deeds of a large number of ordinary infected people, completely denying it to the hunter. Opportunity.

Alejandro discovered that this Ram could simply control ordinary infected people, which was regarded as some kind of advanced evolution.

Mikkelsen's direct order is to capture Ram Akeem alive. Dr. Hofheim is very interested in this mutant that retains self-awareness. He is researching a targeted antidote. If there is Ram Akeem, With a special individual like Kim as an experimental subject, the efficiency will be twice the result with half the effort.

Alejandro knew nothing about the existence of Dr. Hofheim, but he was very familiar with the task mode of talking at the top and breaking the legs at the bottom, and accepted this task without any complaints.

After all, he had just experienced a whole farce in which no matter how much he said or broke his legs, he could not stop the continuous collapse below.

At this time, there was still a superior who could issue clear mission instructions, which made him feel very relieved.


Ram Akeem was originally a well-known entrepreneur. He controlled a small customer service company and used Ganges' human resources to provide live feedback for an adult game in the Federation. Although the business was not big, the profit was at least enough. He lives well in Delhi.

And because of the characteristics of adult games, he mainly recruited female employees with sweet voices, and occasionally he could play with the unspoken rules. As a result, things went wrong because of the unspoken rules.

Ram cannot unilaterally output a certain desire. Perhaps it is because of this that he has always retained part of his sanity.

He knows who he is and what probably happened to him, but on this basis, he cannot curb his various desires, especially the desire to kill and appetite.

Ram was dragging the same kind he had just killed on the ground. If no uninfected people could be found, they would kill the same kind to relieve their desire to kill, but then appetite became a big problem.

The corpses of the same kind that also contain viruses in the body are the most arousing thing to Ram's appetite, but the human consciousness that has not yet faded makes it difficult for Ram to accept such corpse-eating behavior.

This sense of division made Ram a little crazy. He held the heart of the deceased in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other, trying to use the color of red wine to cover up the color and fishy smell of human blood.

At this time, Ram was in the back kitchen of a restaurant. The olive oil in the pan on the gas stove had begun to smoke slightly, proving that the oil temperature had reached the standard.

He took a deep breath, threw his heart into the pot, and then suddenly poured in red wine. The hot oil reacted with the water in the wine, and a large amount of high-temperature oil-water mixture burst out.

Ram had never cooked before. This was the first time he tried such a thing by himself. The result was self-evident. He vomited in the pot. Now it was better. Even the infected could not handle such a pot of mixture.

...The uncontrollable appetite temporarily subsided.

But Ram's crisis has just begun. Alejandro has secretly sneaked into the hotel and appeared in the kitchen. He picked a cast iron pot at random, weighed the weight, looked at Ram's head, and put it away again.

go back.

Mikkelsen wants to live...



This chapter has been completed!
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