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Chapter 603: Razed to the Ground

The general abandoned his soldiers, just like the leader of the city abandoned his citizens, and the top brass who controlled the country's destiny collectively evaporated. Such things happened every day, and there was nothing worth describing... except the general himself.

Zayin Wangchuck stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the patrolling soldiers and the numb civilians outside, with a trace of confusion on his face. What did he just do?

He personally signed the death penalty for these people, and no one was left...

Perhaps the coalition forces are capable of moving tens of thousands of people out of the city center, but even General Zayin Wangchuck knows that doing so is a complete waste of the coalition's transportation capabilities.

What's more, who can guarantee that what they rescue is not a group of potentially infected people?

Although the new virus has begun to spread, at least other cities still have the opportunity to deploy defense points along the way to hinder the entry and exit of infected people.

And these tens of thousands of people in New Delhi have been living in infected areas for almost a week. Who can guarantee that their lives are clean?

Zayin Wangchuck doubts whether the Ganges military government is now able to mobilize enough epidemic prevention personnel to examine survivors and observe them for a long time.

"General, the rotorcraft has arrived at the designated location." The orderly knocked on the door, came in to remind Zayin Wangchuk, and then quietly retreated out.

All personnel affiliated with the coalition command center were given the opportunity to evacuate, and only the Ganges people, Zayin Wangchuk, were left. I don’t know if this is some kind of discrimination, but the fact is that the newly emerged virus has a negative impact on Ganges.

Human infection rates are higher.

"General? Hehe, I'm not a good general." Zayin Wangchuk didn't want to pretend that he was so great and upright. He was not that noble and could not give up the chance of life to stay here and choose to go with others for the sake of the morality in his heart.


But at least he is willing to keep the title of general here and disappear together with everything here.

Zayin Wangchuck took off his general uniform and placed it neatly on the chair. Then he turned around and joined the others through the back door. The group secretly boarded the plane and left this small safe area.

No one doubts that these rotorcraft take off and land several times a day to deliver supplies to the safety zone. They just never take anyone away.

But this time it was different. These planes were loaded with all the officers and soldiers of the coalition who had passed the basic inspection. Their total number was about 600, and Zayin Wangchuk was the last batch to evacuate.

He always felt that maybe the smarter ones among the Ganges people had noticed something through the continuous reduction of the coalition staff. They just didn't grow for their own reasons.

The Ganges people have always felt that the coalition's hasty intervention was an interference in other countries' internal affairs, and many Ganges people were very dissatisfied with this.

I'm afraid that my departure is in line with the wishes of some careerists. They just didn't expect that the coalition forces had already sentenced Delhi to death. After all, this is a big city with a population of tens of millions. There has never been such a heartless and crazy city in human history.

Mass bombing with genocidal intent.

But with the departure of General Jayin Wangchuck, heavy transport aircraft took off from all over the world, each carrying nuclear bombs with accurately calculated yields.

As I said before, this is an unprecedented attack plan in human history, with the purpose of completely erasing human biomass in the area. Human civilization has made full preparations for this. It can be said that every nuclear bomb is dropped from

Carefully calculated to ensure that no equivalent is wasted.

Mikkelsen regarded this as a preview of his final plan, because all previous plans were the results of simulations, and now they needed to verify their theories in the Delhi area.

For example, is the array nuclear bomb blasting plan feasible? For example, the continuous impact of intensive nuclear bomb bombing on the land, the environment, the atmosphere, and the surrounding environment.

Depending on the region, a total of 127 heavy bombers took off around the world, carrying a total of 137 nuclear warheads with varying yields, with a total yield of approximately 150 million tons of TNT explosives.

This was a bombing with an excessive amount of units. According to the normal standards of human civilization, a large city with a population of tens of millions would only need a nuclear bomb with a total yield of 400,000 tons to effectively reduce 50% of its industrial capacity in a short period of time.

Take the city out of the production sequence.

And the total equivalent of about 1.2 million tons can basically reduce such a city to ruins and completely turn it into an uninhabitable ghost.

However, the infected people in Delhi now are not normal products, they are a diversified expression of the gluttony gene.

The total equivalent of 1.5 billion tons was thrown, more to completely destroy the available protein in the city. The Toronto Time Incident has proved that Gluttony still maintains strong vitality from a biological level, and she is quietly waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, even the ghost who personally designed this death plan and several scientific researchers involved did not know whether this plan could succeed. Just the shock wave caused by multiple nuclear explosions at the same time, between the nuclear explosion point and the nuclear explosion point

The concussive effects and possible major earthquakes caused by this require on-site assessment.

This global-scale plan cannot be hidden from the eyes of the naturalized people, and naturally it cannot be hidden from the players. Markarian got the relevant news almost as soon as the plane took off.

But he didn't care. Instead, he posted on the player forum the scale and progress of the Aboriginal operation, and said that it would be a rare large-scale fireworks event in the world.

This can be regarded as Markarian's mockery of the indigenous people, and Mikkelsen accurately grasped the weakness that Markarian inadvertently revealed.

General Zayin Wangchuk overlooked the entire city from a gyroplane. Although he ruled here in a hurry, he did not even remember the names of the managers below, and his term ended.

Alejandro was also looking at the city, but his expression was relaxed, as if he was not worried about a nuclear attack in an hour.

He saw enough evil here, and also saw the madness of infection. In Alejandr's heart, the complete destruction of this city was undoubtedly a contribution to all mankind.

The routes of all heavy bombers are kept confidential. When leaving their respective airports, the command of the aircraft, route planning, etc. are all handed over by Mikkelsen to the ghost coordinator.

Before the bombers arrived, the first to arrive were the F-48 heavy fighter jets belonging to the Federation. A total of six F-48s drew exciting trails in the sky.

According to Ghost's algorithm, these expensive fighter jets, which require a separate production line to maintain good condition, will gradually become a burden in the war after this nuclear bomb attack. This will be their final swan song.

They want to ensure absolute air supremacy in the bombing area, but in fact, for a fighter jet like the F-48, which is at the crystallization level of human industry, this process is actually a bit boring. Their only opponent is other F-48s of the same model.

As for the players, they have almost no reason to spend so much money to prevent the indigenous people from destroying their own cities, so the existence of the F-48 is just an aerial parade and no substantial battle has taken place.

Expensive fighting machines and equally expensive highly prosthetic pilots consumed expensive fuel, and just waited for the first bomber to appear over Delhi, then the second, and the third...

In fact, there are more convenient ways to bomb the city of Mikkelsen. For example, those armed satellites hanging in the sky have enough nuclear missiles to complete this task, such as those intercontinental missiles carrying nuclear warheads in their silos.

They can also complete this task quickly.

But Mikkelsen still used the most traditional method. On the one hand, it was full of ritual and in line with Mikkelsen's own Cold War aesthetic. On the other hand, it was also to consume some small and medium-sized nuclear warheads that were difficult to control to prevent them from flowing to players in large numbers.

The group, those bastards just used nuclear bombs as firecrackers.

In the sky, inside a large C-X transport plane that took off from the Federation, a Mikkelsen was smoking against the box-shaped nuclear bomb behind him. At this time, the transport plane was circling around the first target point assigned to it.

Their task was very heavy. Because of the overall steaming hot air after the nuclear explosion and some of the nuclear bombs that were required to air explode, they only had one chance to drop nuclear bombs at two locations using a barrage approach.

Now all the bombers and transport planes that have arrived at the scene are waiting for other flight units that have not yet arrived. This time they are basically carrying nuclear bombs without independent power sources. Countries have accumulated a lot of weird weapons over the years, which is a good opportunity to borrow

This opportunity is destroyed.

On the ground, Mikkelsen, who was previously responsible for interrogating infected people, still stayed in Delhi, staying in the crowd waiting for the judgment above to come. He had to experience such a big thing up close to know where it was.


Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji also came. They occupied the rooftop of a high-rise building. This was originally the territory of the predators, but now they definitely have no use for it. Tang Ji sent them back to the bottom of the biosphere cycle.

"We finally got to this point." Compared to Tang Ji, who was indifferent to what was happening outside the window, Wang Zhengdao, who was in charge of the Ark organization during this period, felt more deeply.

The finances of the European Union are the same as those of the Federation. They have been in ruins since the beginning of the total war, and they have been in ruins until now. If the European Union theater had not been overwhelmed by a large number of players, and the old money class had basically immigrated.

, otherwise the strike demonstration alone would give the Ark organization a drink.

"This is Airbus Three, joining the fleet." A military transport plane appeared from the clouds. It took off from Great Britain and was the final puzzle piece of the entire fleet: "Airbus Three has joined the fleet, everything is normal.

Bombs can be dropped at any time!”

"Then let's get started, oh, the mission code is non-violent non-cooperation." Mikkelsen is a fastidious person, and he always respects local history and culture for important moments like this.


"It's about to begin! It's about to begin!" In the player forum, players watching the excitement posted excitedly.

Due to the infection in the Delhi area, most players have withdrawn from the area. They don't want their precious bodies to have any accidents in that environment. Even players who use degraded bodies don't want to go anywhere and suffer that.


You must know that when the virus first started to spread, there were an average of three to five cases of players dying at the hands of infected people every day on the forum. They not only killed people but also liked to torture people...

But in order to witness this unprecedented spectacle, many players who were originally active in other areas arrived through the dimensional gate. They even had the leisure to give every aircraft in the sky a nickname. Among them, Mikkelsen's C-X transport plane was named

Affectionately called Gray Fatty...


Compared to the player camp who are well-informed and keen on sharing, most ordinary people still don’t know what is going to happen today. The coalition command center headed by Mikkelsen and the Ark Organization currently controls the major information of the Federation and the European Union.

Some armed forces can mobilize the force they do today without the consent of others.

This is the legacy of the Phoenix Project. The world is sorely lacking in high-rise buildings that there is a serious power vacuum, and Mikkelsen and Prophet seized this opportunity.

Mikkelsen personally pushed down the first nuclear bomb. The box nuclear bomb code-named 'Dalyan' was a medium-sized nuclear bomb with a yield of 250,000 tons. In terms of size, it was a 3*2*2M rectangular structure.

The total weight is about 2 tons.

Before landing, Dallion sprayed a large amount of quick-response gel onto the ground, enveloping all the infected people watching around him in the gel, and then threw himself into it.

At the same time, there were fifteen other nuclear bombs that landed. These nuclear bombs were divided into fifteen equal parts when viewed from above the city, covering the entire northeast corner of the city. Their countdowns were also unified. In order to prevent interference, all timers were mechanical.


The fleet continued to move forward, dropping nuclear bombs in an orderly manner. Regardless of their yield, these were fixed in rectangular containers of the same type and landed together. The tortured survivors stepped forward to check, thinking that these were supplies issued by the government.

Come and taste...

A nuclear bomb was also allocated near the safety zone abandoned by General Zayin Wangchuk. The nuclear bomb landed on top of a building a street away. The sniper stationed nearby confirmed it several times, which was a bit confusing.

Determined what this thing is.

But he just took one look at the nuclear warheads falling in the sky and knew it was too late to say anything. He simply leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette for himself, took out the photos of his wife and children from his arms, and began to prepare for the afterlife.

At this time, Wang Zhengdao also appeared on the plane overhead with Tang Ji for better observation.

When the last round of nuclear bombs left the cabin, the countdown of the first round of nuclear bombs dropped reached zero.

Tang Ji didn't know how to describe it. At the moment when sixteen nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, the whole world fell silent. He seemed to see the city under his feet suddenly stand up!

This chapter has been completed!
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