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Chapter 605: The aftermath

Everyone knows that human civilization is fighting a war, but most people feel that this war is still far away from them and has nothing to do with them. Only those who have seen the flames of war coming to the door truly know what kind of war this is.


Large tracts of player-occupied areas in the European Union became no-man's land, and then survivors from other areas gradually spread to form new social relationships. Ironically, some of these survivors even sneaked over from non-occupied areas.


The main reason why they smuggled themselves to such a place with no guarantee of life safety is that there is another more tragic war in human society - the financial crisis.

As the Phoenix Project continues to unfold, just as Mikkelsen and others initially predicted, human civilization is torn into two parts. Those who control a large amount of resources are willing to spend a lot of money just for the Phoenix City.

A place to stand.

To do this, they are even willing to destroy the jobs of thousands of people on the planet.

Bankrupt people have nothing. They can't even last a week within the jurisdiction of the order. Taking the risk of sneaking into the player-occupied area becomes a very cost-effective option.

On the one hand, the number of players is limited, and large tracts of Borderlands can be chosen at will. Encountering players is only a small probability event. On the other hand, because players appear so suddenly, a large number of things are still valuable to human society.

The wealth was forced to be abandoned where it was, waiting for people to rediscover it.

Countless desperate people want to try their luck, and some people have indeed become rich overnight, so now this has become a shady industry chain. There is such a gray agent standing in front of David Martinez.


"Mr. Martinez, I didn't expect to see you here. Congratulations, your team's ranking has moved up a few places." The agent in a suit and leather suit looked out of place with the nearby ruins, but the one placed against the wall

A small table, a clean tablecloth on the table, and a small solar-powered personal workstation all prove that this is indeed the agent's office space.

"There is a commission here. We have received definite information. There is a financial institution called the Third World Development Bank in the Little Hangleton neighborhood. There is a sum of unowned gold that needs to be retrieved. In return, the employer is willing to provide the equivalent of all the gold.

The total value is 1.5 times the cash as compensation." The agent enthusiastically took out a contract and handed it to Martinez.

"How did you find us?" Martinez frowned. His prosthetic eyes and the drone controlled by Qiwei told him that there was no danger here.

But he was still a little uneasy, because this was the former Paris District, a player-controlled area, and his team was also on a mission. They had carefully concealed their whereabouts, but in the end they were still being watched.

Early this morning, a kid who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old ran up to Martinez and handed him a note with the address here and a sentence: "The League of Gentlemen serves all mercenaries wholeheartedly.

We are committed to increasing your revenue from a single assignment.”

Martinez must admit that he is short of money, big money...but he still has basic professional ethics, not to mention his current employer, who cannot afford to offend him.

The fall of Delhi is a hot topic around the world, but this topic is very delicate. Qiwei said that there are people behind the scenes who control the direction of public opinion. Currently, everyone is discussing whether the fall of Delhi is just the beginning, and what exactly happened in Delhi.

, ultimately forcing the coalition forces to use such extreme measures to destroy the city.

No one asked whether the coalition forces had the right to do this, or whether it was legal from a legal perspective...

Smart people will not ask this kind of question, because the coalition forces have proven that they are capable of doing so. As the main body of the victim, the Ganges people did not even fart. Stupid people cannot think of this. Their thinking mode

Solidified, completely unaware of this problem.

And David Martinez knows very well that his employer is the top brass of the coalition. It can be seen from the fact that they hand over nuclear bombs to him wholesale. They really have a lot of nuclear bombs in stock, so much so that there is a possibility of dropping them in Delhi.

It's just the tip of the iceberg.

"You are much more conspicuous than you think." The agent of the League of Gentlemen said with a smile: "Compared to the people here, you are too high-profile. You are not afraid of those players. Even, from the bottom of your heart, you

Treat encounters with players as a challenge and a pastime.”

Martinez was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the other party was right. This was their fourth time operating in the Paris District. Although this time they were not transporting nuclear bombs, but a precision instrument that he could not name, the whole

The team really seemed to be at ease.

They are no longer unfamiliar with this land, or even the players, and the inevitable result of familiarity is that everyone becomes more relaxed, especially Rebecca. After the last mission, she even took the initiative to attack a group of people.

I teamed up with players who were passing by to see what the differences were between them.

The fact is that players are indeed difficult to deal with. They are neither afraid of injury nor death, and almost one-third of the players are superhumans and are very familiar with their abilities.

But other than that, there is nothing else. They are mercenaries, so there is no need to consider collateral damage, and there is no need to consider law and order in the special zone. Everyone just needs to fight each other like primitive people to determine the final winner.

They have completely adapted to the rules here, and can even be said to be like a duck in water.

"I'm very optimistic about your strength, so I took the initiative to contact you and entrust you with this high-profit task. But I'm afraid our cooperation is only this one time, because you are too high-profile and have attracted a lot of unnecessary attention.

, now most players’ attention is attracted to Madagascar and the Ganges, you should not be targeted, but who can say what will happen in the future.” The agent reminded pointedly: “If

If I were you, I would consider completing the task at hand within forty-eight hours and then find a place to relax."

Martinez heard the implication of the other party's words, accepted the task issued by the other party, and expressed his gratitude at the same time.

He had heard of the League of Gentlemen. The other party had a very good reputation among the mercenaries and was also the agent of the top three mercenary kings in the mercenary rankings. This was the olive branch they extended.


"How many people died in the Delhi explosion? Five million? Ten million? Or twenty million? Come on, brother, you don't care about the Ganges at all, you only worry about yourself! You worry about the city you live in becoming the next Delhi

, so I stood there and complained loudly!

Yes, I understand you and your concerns. You just want to use your cry to wake up others to protect your rights and interests, but what's the use? You will eventually find that only you can stand up

Only by fighting against the injustice of this world can we save ourselves from water and fire...

I promise, if you are willing to stand up, I will not let you walk alone, this is..."

Before the host of the underground black radio station could tell the code for the next broadcast, the broadcast point hidden near the Watson Industrial Area was raided by heavily armed law enforcement officers.

As employees of the Green Wave Lake Security Group, these law enforcement officers were much more agile when conducting raids with official guidance than when clearing gangs. Several underground gunmen did not even have a chance to surrender before being heavily loaded with law enforcement officers.

The attacker was knocked to the ground with technical weapons through the wall.

As for the underground radio host himself, he was shot twenty-three times in the back and committed suicide.

No one cares whether the deceased was secretly funded by the naturalized people during his lifetime. At this stage of the war, Mikkelsen has successfully placed his personal will above the entire federation. No one can restrict him, and no one can interfere with him.


Mikkelsen's partner, Luther, who was as high as the titular commander of the Federation, was notified only one hour before the explosion in Delhi that his country's air force and part of the European Union's air forces were going to join forces to attack.

Nuclear bombing of Delhi.

But Luther never expected that the nuclear bombing Mikkelsen referred to was a bombing of this level...

A nuclear weapon with an equivalent of 1.5 billion tons physically wiped this city off the map, along with its nearly 20 million people. When Luther learned the news, his mind went blank.

But what made him even more blank was the next document Mikkelsen asked him to sign. They were to send a heavy infantry regiment with a total number of more than 800 people, all composed of cyborg soldiers, into the Delhi area to fight.


Who to fight?

What were you fighting against? What is left in that place now?

Luther's doubts were written on his face, and the reason why Mikkelsen needed his signature was that the newly established heavy armor regiment of prosthetic soldiers was established with federal money, and the initial investment was 60 billion.

, which also includes all kinds of heavy equipment that are constantly being pulled out of military warehouses.

If you include the subsequent maintenance costs for the soldiers themselves and various heavy equipment, such a heavy armored regiment can almost eat up the military expenses of an ordinary infantry regiment every year.

Although it looks good, it has given away advantages in many aspects and constantly placed its own people in various key positions. Whether it can pass the review of all parties is a question.

Anyway, the military lost seven generals out of thin air because of this incident. Two of them died in mysterious circumstances. Another person was transferred to the European Union to assist the coalition forces in setting up a security area. However, he encountered a beheading operation by the player and was beheaded.


The remaining four suddenly had enough money to buy tickets to Phoenix, and happily gave their seats to the newcomers who suddenly appeared.

Now all levels of the federation, especially the top executives within the enterprise alliance, have finally seen clearly that the sooner they sell their rights and technologies, the more valuable they will be. Otherwise, if they wait any longer, they may be destroyed on earth along with the rights and people.


This is not the first document Luther has to sign today. There will be seven or eight resignations of senior officials in key positions that need his approval. Mikkelsen even thoughtfully wrote down recommended candidates for each departing senior official's replacement.


Luther felt dizzy just by taking a glance at it, because the candidates all looked the same, with only different hairstyles and hair colors...

"How do you get through their work?" Luther asked in confusion, pointing to the names on the resignation letter.

Although they are partners, and Luther is willing to accept that he is in a weak position in this cooperation, he is still curious about it, because his people have been laying the groundwork for some of these positions for a long time.

Didn't get it.

"I'll kill their horses." The Mikkelsen in front of him smiled, like a crocodile showing its fangs.

But this is not a metaphor but a fact. After the explosion in Delhi, Mikkelsen got everything he wanted, and he no longer needed to endure or wait any longer.

Tang Ji has understood the preparations for turning nuclear weapons into weapons of revenge, and the phased array detonation mode has also been verified in the Delhi explosion. Next, what lies ahead for them is just a matter of time.

As Mikkelsen's base, large and small military bases and institutions in the Federation also have insiders placed by him. After a year of deep work, although Mikkelsen failed to completely control the Federation,

But at least it achieved full coverage.

And having a space superhuman like Wang Zhengdao, full coverage means there is no chaos. No one can bypass Mikkelsen and sell the interests to the naturalized party.

The proud Mikkelsen tore off his veil and showed his fangs in front of all the nobles. Today is just an appetizer. Those who can send him off with a sad face are considered 'good people'...

For those who are really over the line, Mikkelsen just sends Tanguy what they have done. Luther can read the newspaper tomorrow to get the rest of the news. Mikkelson has always trusted Tanguy in this regard.


"So, what else is there in Delhi now? I thought you were going to throw these cybernetic soldiers over to the European Union." Luther smiled bitterly and signed all the documents, making everything legal.

"Our old friend, Gluttony, is planning a second restoration and is drinking nuclear waste water in Delhi." Mikkelsen's expression was a little weird, because what his clone who eventually died deep in the Delhi radiation zone saw was a bit too weird.


What he saw was a ball of protein that looked like a millipede. To say that they were animals was a bit reluctant. The thing looked like a large single-celled organism, with an unknown colored fluorescence emitting from all over its body.

The radiation value exceeds the standard.

The main food source of these things is the contaminated soil. They suck the granular soil with their mouthparts, carefully select it in the body, devour the ashes of the infected person, and extract trace amounts of gluttonous cells from it to improve their own health.


Those things will regularly shed their skins that contain excessive radiation, and continue their work of searching for gluttonous cells in the wasteland with new bodies. They have terrible vitality, but they have not evolved any attack organs. In the process of foraging,

They can also purify digested soil.

Perhaps out of some deep intuition, Gluttony evolved itself into some kind of beneficial insect, filling in a less important link in Mikkelsen's plan...

This chapter has been completed!
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