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Chapter 609: Inside the Death Worship Cult

The construction of phased array nuclear explosion devices is global. Although the team used for the final explosion core installation is only owned by Mikkelsen to keep it confidential, many infrastructure projects are carried out simultaneously.

The codename of the construction team currently working in the Delhi radiation zone is Titan. They are making rapid progress and everything is in order. Nuclear radiation storms, electromagnetic disturbances, earthquakes, and radiation rain are all prepared in advance.

These experienced 'workers' were like a tacitly coordinated damage control death squad, completing 75% of the work at the cost of only two lives.

The remaining 25% requires time to grind slowly, either involving seamless welding in a narrow space, in a flammable and explosive gas environment, or the static installation of an ultra-flat level...

During this period of time, the robotic soldier group that was brought into the Delhi radiation zone also completed a thorough inspection of the area. Except for a few mutant organisms carrying gluttonous cells that were captured and packed and sent to the laboratory, all other active

All organic matter was ruthlessly swept away.

Cyborg soldiers are very efficient, their thick carapace armor can carry more comprehensive shields, they are relatively immune to the chaotic local electromagnetic pollution, and they are literally very fast.

Under the control of Klenchikov's central nervous system, they used time-sensitive substances unscrupulously while blocking the safety line. If a normal person saw the soldiers of this regiment performing tasks, he would definitely feel that there was a problem with his eyesight. He could only

I saw a group of black shadows moving rapidly in front of my eyes...

The prosthetic soldiers may not be as fast as the original Zephyr Team, but the [Bullet Time] originated from Surte is a time field after all, which allows these high-speed moving objects to not be affected by their original physical properties.

Interact with the world in a hyper-temporal flow state.

Dr. Sean Westan has given up further research on the physical properties of this time field, because continuing to study it in depth is not the field of science, or the currently rampant supernatural abilities are essentially anti-scientific.

This is a tendency and a trend. When education is no longer the most cost-effective investment place for a person, it will naturally decline.

Before the scientific research center at the Lost Mountain Base was split up, the academic leaders generally expressed pessimism during meetings. Maybe this is the end of humankind's scientific field. Supernatural abilities can do things that science cannot do.

This is an irresistible trend.

They can indeed rely on their own ingenuity and the productivity evolved from their ingenuity to mass-produce products such as prosthetic soldiers that combine modern science and supernatural abilities, but at what cost?

Every prosthetic soldier who can walk off the operating table alive is equivalent to a hand-polished Ferrari in the automotive industry. They are exquisite and beautiful and can represent the forefront of automotive craftsmanship in aesthetics, but they are not universal.


It took the 'gods' at the Lost Mountain Base less than half a year to complete this project with Surte's 100% cooperation, but how many superhumans have awakened in the entire world in these half a year?


However, the experience and time of these people are limited. It is like the steam locomotives that have just entered the steam age competing with horse-drawn carriages. Among horses, there are indeed excellent breeds like sweat-blooded BMWs, which can surpass horses in speed and endurance.

Steam locomotive, but steam locomotive is still the final winner.

The speed at which humans are trying to understand supernatural abilities cannot keep up with the progress of superhuman beings themselves, which means that humans will never be able to figure out what is happening to themselves.

What's worse is that there are still players in this world...

Wu Qianying may not be the smartest person in the world, but she is definitely one of the smartest people. She can easily see Mikkelsen's final plan from his clues, and so can the other smartest people.

But all these people have tacitly remained silent on this matter. They occasionally use some metaphors to communicate their views on the 'Last Supper', but most of these views are about choosing where to stay.

Some people, who were brave enough and tenacious enough, chose to continue walking. Mikkelsen placed them in shelters in different areas and temporarily fell silent as seeds of civilization.

There are still some people who are so obsessed with this world and so fearful of the future that they have lost the idea of ​​continuing to walk on the path planned by Mikkelsen. They choose to be buried with the old world.

It's impossible for Mikkelsen to choose to respect... He sent the suicidal researchers directly into the cryogenic survival chamber. Now he dug a hole and buried it, intending to use it as needed in the future.


For Mikkelsen, these people signed lifetime contracts back then. Even if they did not expect that Gluttonous Cells would very likely solve the problem of greatly extending human lifespan, unilaterally terminating the contract was the most difficult thing to do.

It’s so hard to think about.

At worst, we have to dig out these people's brains and put them in a vat to use the remaining heat...


When Mikkelsen's plan once again began to turn according to his will, the aliens among the players, the Death Cult, finally found their goal.

"This is Rickard Endom, Tang Ji's..." Quan Zhe looked back at Rickard. He didn't know how to introduce the relationship between him and Tang Ji, so he could only skip Hanhu.

Qing De said: "According to the information we have, he also has mastered Tang Ji's death power and has a record of killing players."

Rickard looked at the strange players around him warily and shook his head vigorously. He felt as if he didn't sleep well last night and was daydreaming today.

At first, Mr. Mikkelson suddenly appeared and tactfully expressed that he had a secret mission and needed his cooperation. Out of respect and awe for Mikkelson, Rickard agreed without hesitation.

But what happened next started to go wrong. Mikkelsen introduced a player to him. It was said that the player was an achievement explorer. He was only curious about the world and had no malice. The player had been talking to Mikkelsen.

Intelligence agencies exchange information of equal value.

The seemingly gentle player named Quan Zhe made an incredible request. He said that several players wanted to be granted eternal sleep. Perhaps this description was too literary, and Mikkelsen said

The man next to him explained that they wanted to die, and only then did Rickard understand.

Then there is the situation now. There are four players standing opposite Rickard. They are all constantly looking at themselves. Their eyes are like the new natural beef steak in the supermarket. It takes a while to count the zeros after the price.

Counting them all, diners with heavy sums in their hands are carefully studying the texture of the steak, wondering whether this thing is worth spending their money on.

Martin stood behind Rickard, his whole body muscles tense, probably acting as a metal lining plate under the steak, allowing Rickard to see more clearly.

Shadow is seven hundred meters away, using his custom-made electromagnetic launcher to continuously transform targets and provide remote support at any time. The other members of the team are also in place, ready to deal with possible conflicts at any time.

But the atmosphere in the room seemed a little... How should I put it? Rickard felt that it seemed a little too harmonious. Those players seemed to be more reserved than him. Rickard swore that this was the most polite player he had ever seen.


Mikkelsen, as the intermediary, sat there with Quan Zhe, drinking coffee happily, and seemed to be satisfied with everything in front of him.

"Since we have met, let's inspect the goods." Mikkelsen snapped his fingers, put a handful of Preludes on the table and pushed it, and the revolver slid in front of Rickard: "You can

One person comes out first."

"We trust you 100%. There is no need to be so cautious. We all want to die." Sigitas Lange stood up and expressed his attitude. He has waited too long.

Although it was not Tang Ji, although it was not the epic final moment he wanted, in the face of the sleep of death, those trivial matters became minutiae. He thought he still had the patience to wait until Tang Ji, but when this opportunity really

When it was placed in front of him, he realized that he was wrong.

He has been waiting for too long, and his soul has long been overwhelmed, as if every second is an unbearable weight.

"No, Mr. Sigitas, this is a deal. Death is not free, especially for you." Mikkelsen said with a smile: "I know you have a system that will occasionally release points to you.

Task, in exchange for some rewards, if Rickard can satisfy you, we can discuss the detailed process of this matter in detail later."

The players of the Death Worship Cult looked at each other. Even the players were shocked by the greed of this aborigine... This was a real attempt to extract oil from the dead!

"Of course, as your reward, in addition to the final sleep, we will tailor a final moment that meets your emotional needs according to your needs, and after your death, we will hold a ceremonial ceremony for you in this world.

Funeral." Mikkelsen smiled confidently: "After all, as a short-lived species, we are always faced with the threat of death. To remember those relatives and friends who have died, we have a whole set of death rituals."

He had suffered losses and been deceived by Saburo Arasaka in advance, and had also learned what funeral culture was, so he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But Mikkelsen had already known about Tang Ji's die-hard fan in advance from Quan Zhe, and he said meaningfully: "If you perform well enough, it is not impossible to invite Tang Ji to personally send you off to the west."

Rickard now knew why he had always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere here. It was no different from the summary meeting he routinely attended every quarter when he was in the company, except that bonuses, equity and appreciation were replaced by death.



Rickard understood everything now. As a senior company dog, he got into the state instantly and cooperated with Mikkelsen and said: "Now you can choose one person, although there is no customized ceremony, no funeral, no

All of the additional services we offer are a one-time addition to your life, but at least it’s free and available now.”

Although he used to work in technology and was not as proficient as those in administrative positions, he was somewhat familiar with this kind of wheel talk. It was purely because he had heard it too much. He became a doctor after a long illness. The psychological intervention department specializes in studying this kind of thing every day.

Speaking skills, without three to five years of work experience, I can't respond at all.

The cakes painted by the boss will only exist in the paintings forever, but the benefits that can be obtained now are definitely real. Anyone who wants to eat the cakes must be prepared to be exhausted.

But this kind of rhetoric is definitely a cross-dimensional blow to players who have experienced this for the first time. They are all confused...especially the words Rickard added, although...but...it's too scary.

, he is right, a person can only die once, and that is eternal sleep!

Isn’t it necessary to have a sense of ceremony? The aborigines also have special funeral ceremonies, and they are not allowed to experience what happens after death?

Moreover, who wants to die at the hands of an unknown person? Who doesn’t want to be personally arranged by Fury and die in a certain way?

At least Sigitas Lange didn't want to waste this only one opportunity now. Faced with the temptation of death that was so close to Chi Chi, he hesitated and remained silent.

What's shameful is that several other players also backed down, and they didn't want to waste their last chance.

Even Quan Zhe is seriously considering whether he should save points at this time if he also wants to obtain eternal sleep...

Mikkelsen's smile did not diminish. He took out a tablet with a pre-recorded video from his arms and placed it on the table. Inside, an old undertaker who had worked in a funeral parlor all his life was wearing a black suit with a white flower on his chest. He spoke in a deep voice.

The serious tone introduced the players present to the more popular funeral rituals in mainstream cultures around the world, from the Scottish Highland band seeing off to the Seven Ghosts of Africa carrying the coffin.

Rickard just followed it from beginning to end. Not to mention the players, even the natives of the earth did not know that there were so many flowers in funerals. And he had a crazy idea that he really wanted to die once...

"If you are interested, we can make further arrangements. Different funeral ceremonies have different prices. Inviting Tang Ji personally may require a lot of effort from you." Mikkelsen said clearly: "On this basis,

We put together a relatively reasonable quotation list."

Following Mikkelsen's words, points corresponding to different tasks appeared on the tablet, ranging from providing effective intelligence information to covering for secret operations.

Rickard took a look and found that there was even a heart-warming task of promoting Death Cult ideas and successfully developing new believers to provide points for the stable development of customers. He couldn't help but respect Mikkelsen from the bottom of his heart.


This chapter has been completed!
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