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Chapter 617: Humanitys Unyielding

"By the way, I remember that this is where the Crystal Palace landed?" Wang Zhengdao squatted on the rooftop of the building with Tang Ji holding a bowl of instant noodles in his hands, looking up at the sky: "Are we going to eat here?"

"Just eat here. Mikkelsen said he can deal with the aftermath. I'm here to see how he plans to deal with the aftermath." Tang Ji was also eating vegetarian noodles. This was his seventeenth bowl. The owner of an instant noodle stall behind him had a look on his face.

Cooking noodles in a daze.

Just now, he was doing his own small business on the street, selling illegal drugs part-time, and the next second he appeared here. If not everyone in Night City knew Tang Ji, he would have called the police now.

But what did they just say? What happened here? The Crystal Palace? That space city in Arasaka? Hahahaha, the sun is shining brightly today, I must be dreaming!

While the noodle stall owner was cooking noodles, he gave himself a pill that promotes dopamine secretion. As the saying goes, since you can't escape, reward yourself. As long as you can get enough happiness, this matter

There are no losers here

"That old boy from Arasaka is quite ruthless. I don't think Lai Xuan can play with it." Wang Zhengdao ate up the noodles in two mouthfuls, then turned around and picked up his eighth bowl: "We haven't eaten together for a while, so...

Invite me to eat this?"

"This is the final product of the Gray Field Project. Have you eaten it?" Tang Ji tasted the noodles in his mouth. What he ate was pure boiled noodles without even a little salt.

Wang Zhengdao was stunned, and pulled out the noodles twice with a kuaizi. His bowl had toppings and a lot of side dishes. The overall taste was sweet and sour. The noodle stall owner behind him wished he could chop his fingers into pieces for these two people.

I drank wine because I was afraid that Tang Ji would come to him and shoot me if I had done such a bad thing in the early years.

"This is really outstanding craftsmanship." Wang Zhengdao took a big mouthful and chewed carefully before tasting a little bit of the sour taste of the flour produced by the Gray Field Project.

But the boss cleverly used ingredients and side dishes to cover up those shortcomings, making this bowl of noodles even delicious.

Wang Zhengdao gave the boss a thumbs up.

"I've seen how he processes the flour from the gray fields. He kneads it repeatedly, washes it with water, adds some chemicals to remove the smell, pulverizes it again after being exposed to the sun, and adds water again. Seventy percent of the deteriorated smell can be removed."

Tang Ji ate the noodles in big gulps, two kuaizi was enough for a bowl.

The boss over there hurriedly refilled the newly baked noodles with a smile on his face, fearing that he would not serve him well.

"Do you know what he used to do?" Tang Ji continued to ask, his tone calm, like the calm sea.

Wang Zhengdao shook his head and planned to be a good listener.

"Seven months ago, he was making his own addictive compounds in a small workshop. It was not as pure as the stuff in the supermarket, but it was cheaper than anything else. It was the first choice for many poor people who couldn't afford licensed products. He even registered a trademark for his products.

, if you file taxes again, he is almost doing a legal business." Tang Ji briefly introduced the noodle stall owner's extraordinary resume.

"It's just a small business, not worthy of justice, not worthy of justice. If I pay taxes, I will lose money, haha, haha." The noodle stall owner nodded and bowed to the relationship: "Boss Tang, when you were imprisoned, I happened to be

I was also in Night City Prison. I learned some of my skills when various gangs invited Dr. Heisenberg to give lectures from other places. I can be considered as applying what I learned."

"His business was later squeezed out by biotechnology. They were able to directly synthesize dopamine neurotransmitters." Tang Ji continued to talk about the life of the young boss. It was not that he knew the man very well, but that he had been briefly angry before.

Next, emotions convey his message to everyone.

This noodle stall owner's nickname on the street is Angry Daddy, and he is considered a figure in the surrounding streets.

Of course, he is no longer angry now. He wishes he could immediately change his name to Quiet Little Meow Meow, because the man who represents rage is sitting a few meters away.

"His current noodle business can only earn one thousand and a quarter of his monthly income, but he will not get involved in any street disputes." Tang Ji glanced at Jing Jing Xiao Miaomiao and said with some emotion: "Since he

It only took him thirteen days from the time he came into contact with the flour produced by the Gray Field Project to find out the corresponding neutralization method. The Gray Field brand flour was 75% cheaper than normal flour, even with the addition of his neutralizers.

, as well as the labor hours and raw materials consumed, it is still profitable.”

"From him, I suddenly realized that we cannot kill human beings' pursuit of beauty and improvement of living environment. Neither the gray field plan nor the doomsday plan will work. As long as we are still human beings, the moment we emerge from the ruins,

We will start working on making our lives better." Tang Ji stacked the empty noodle bowls in his hands on the high pile next to him.

He stood up straight and said to Wang Zhengdao: "Mikkelsen's Gray Fields plan will not succeed, and the doomsday plan may not succeed either. The players will come back sooner or later, but I can't think of anything more successful than Mikkelsen's plan.

Good plan, we are drinking poison to quench our thirst and slowly commit suicide, but we have to do it."

Gray field plan? Doomsday plan? At this moment, Quiet Little Meow just wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into, and after a period of warmth, he wet his pants.

"If I can go back alive today, I must exchange all my belongings for beds in the underground shelter!" An Jing Miaomiao wrote these words in the middle of his palm with a marker. He heard that there are superhuman beings who can

Erase people's memories and take precautions in advance.

"The purpose of the Doomsday Plan is not to destroy the world, but to kill a large number of players to let them know that we have the power to fight back." Wang Zhengdao emphasized the focus of the plan: "The Gray Field Plan is to reduce the risk of our world.

Attractiveness prevents players who have been hit on the head from coming back to shit like dogs after a while.”

"I understand, but since Mikkelsen dragged me along to see his farms and the phased array nuclear explosion device, it has become my responsibility to destroy the world and deprive mankind of its living environment."

Tang Ji lit a tree of life: "I have experienced this myself, and I know how painful it is."

Tang Ji stretched out a hand, and the gray-black flames simulated the mushroom cloud after the nuclear explosion in the middle of his palm: "Peng! Human civilization is over, leaving only a group of survivors filled with hatred. I can feel it.

There is anger in each of their hearts, and the target of their hatred is me."

Seeing Wang Zhengdao's silence, Tang Ji shook his head: "I'm just not in a good mood. Don't worry about it. There's nothing stopping me from doing this. I just think it's a bit unfair to other people."

"What do you think?" Tang Ji turned to the silent noodle stall owner behind him and asked.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" The noodle stall owner turned around neatly, bumped his head against the wall and fainted.

"Smart man." Tang Ji looked at the writing on his hand, picked up the pen and added a line, buying beds in the shelter of the Storm Bear Gang.

That place was built under Anthony's supervision. If nothing else, it should be of better quality than its shelter.

On the Crystal Palace Space Station, after a hard fight, the Mikkelsens finally broke into the control room and connected the virus disk with the ghost program downloaded to the God's Domain host.

But before everything was irreversible, the smart AI directly overloaded the power cabin, triggering a large-scale explosion. The result was a large amount of structural damage to the Crystal Palace, and nearly 13% of the material was thrown into the void.

, the orbit has also undergone subtle changes.

"Without the support of the power cabin, all the conventional power I can activate combined cannot reverse the current trajectory, but I can make the Crystal Palace crash into the wasteland 350 kilometers away from Night City." Ghost said.

Mosaic Face appeared on the screen and explained to Mikkelsen: "Based on the completion of the existing structure, I am 100% sure that it will not cause any collateral damage."

"The Oracle is still resisting. Before I crack its underlying logic, I cannot control more subsystems. Before hitting the atmosphere, the Crystal Palace still has the ability to defend itself." The ghost continued: "In addition, because the electromagnetic interference field cannot be turned off,

, you cannot use space jumps, dimensional doors, etc. to leave. When the Crystal Palace crashes, all passengers will die, but there is an emergency escape cabin prepared by Saburo Arasaka for himself on the top floor of the Moon Palace Suite, which can take three people out."

Mikkelsen raised his head and glanced at the camera on the wall. He hesitated for a second and finally did not break up with the ghost. This war still required a good cooperative relationship between him and the ghost, but the ghost's performance was too explicit.

He is now even doubting whether the oracle system really exists, and whether the use of the Crystal Palace as a kinetic weapon was also planned by the ghost for Saburo Arasaka behind the scenes. Mikkelsen can only be sure of one thing now, the ghost wants the crystal palace.

Even if it's just a wreckage, smashed into scrap metal, it still wants it

"Give the coward Cliff and his idiot girlfriend access to the escape hatch." Mikkelsen said bluntly: "Let them get as far away as possible!"

As for why he let the traitor go, Mikkelsen himself may not have a clear idea. Perhaps the life performed by Cliff Mikkelson touched Mikkelson's heart to a certain extent.

If he hadn't awakened, maybe he would just be an ordinary person, right?

Of course, it is also possible that this is something Mikkelsen deliberately showed to the ghost, hoping that it would see it. As to whether this is a trap, even the ghost cannot tell.

So Cliff Mikkelsen became the Crystal Palace Space Station, the only chance for more than 3,000 people on the station to escape. The ghost directly sent the permissions and routes to his mobile phone.

Cliff didn't waste time, he ran back without saying a word, found Cathy Walter who was making cocktails at the bar, and pulled her to the top floor area where the Moon Palace Suite was located.

Along the way, they encountered guards who were still loyal to the Arasaka Group and were performing a collective caesarean section to bring Saburo to death. They also saw desperate service staff massacring each other with passengers.

It is undeniable that the more you run to the top area, the fewer people there are and the quieter they are. These people who have more social resources still maintain their grace and wait for the opportunity. Before the final chapter of their fate is determined, they still wear civilized clothes.


But soon, as the Crystal Palace gradually came out of the shadow zone and sunlight shone into the space station, the oracle system officially announced that the Crystal Palace had been captured by the earth's gravity, and no one could change its crash.

Bah! Bah!

Cliff saw a couple end their own lives by shooting each other with old-fashioned flintlock pistols. This pair of flintlock pistols were decorations hanging on the wall. The introduction above said that these were once used by Pushkin for duels.

The pair of pistols.

God knows why this pair of antiques can still be used. The splashing smoke activated the fire protection system and cold water fell from the sky. When Cliff passed by the woman in the couple, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Cliff's trouser legs, moaning in pain.

Hidden sound.

Apparently the man's marksmanship was not good, or the pistol had a serious air leak, and the bullet was not powerful enough. The lead bullet tore half of the woman's face into pieces, but failed to kill her.

Cliff gave the woman a good blow with a dagger, and then continued to follow the map instructions with Cathy Walter to the Moon Palace Suite.

He saw a big family sitting on a comfortable sofa in the public area, handing out some kind of poisonous drug to each other. God knows why these rich people brought such things to the Crystal Palace, but he can only admire their foresight and now it comes in handy.


Soon the person who took the medicine first closed his eyes, and then his body trembled violently and fell into nothingness.

Cliff saw a doll-like girl nestling in her mother's arms. The mother was crying and unable to put the medicine into the girl's mouth. She cried and handed the child to the equally painful father, and then directly drank her own medicine.

portion of medicine.

The girl thought this was a game played by her father and mother, and giggled when she was passed on. The father had an indescribable expression on his face, which seemed ferocious and loving. He held the girl in his arms as if he wanted to rub her into her.

I hugged him as hard as I could, and then made up my mind to do what I should do.

"Leave her to me!" Tang Ji's face flashed before Cliff's eyes, and he made a choice he shouldn't have made. He stood seriously in front of the father: "I won't explain, nor will I.

Will say it a second time, if you believe me"

Maybe he realized something, or maybe it was out of the parents' intolerance. In a very short period of time, the father put his daughter into Cliff's arms without attracting anyone's attention. He just said one last sentence:

"Be good, Alice, we are going to play a hide-and-seek game with your uncle. You and your uncle will hide first, and my mother and I will come find you later!"

The girl nodded obediently in Cliff's arms.

The man also took the medicine the moment Cliff turned around and left, sat next to his wife, and put his arm around his wife's shoulders. The wife's last conscious thought was to reach out and touch the position of the child in her husband's arms, but

The hand dropped down before it was in mid-air.

This chapter has been completed!
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