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Chapter 621 Its time

Four days have passed since the crash of the Crystal Palace. During these four days, the stock price of Arasaka Group, one of the two major brokerage support points in the world, has plummeted. A large number of subsidiaries have taken the opportunity to become independent. The neon moment of order was barely maintained.

Numerous problems were exposed.

A large number of Neon local gangs secretly search for bodies for players, making the number of missing superhumans in Neon local far higher than in other areas.

After the crisis in the Arasaka Group, arms thefts occurred in various places. The Neon Emperor, who was originally thrown into the Akasaka Palace by Saburo Arasaka, took the opportunity to unite with the Neon Government and tried to do the same with the Arasaka Shogunate as his predecessors.

Confrontation and restoration of autonomy.

As a result, the newly appointed Arasaka Yorinobu, with the support of Mikkelsen, directly used the coalition forces to eliminate player erosion, and threw a nuclear bomb into Chiyoda District, quelling the tendency of civil strife.

But even though Arasaka Yorinobu showed an extremely tough attitude to the outside world, the crash of the Crystal Palace was still regarded as the end of an era.

According to Mikkelsen's statistics, there are now 500 to 600 new players entering the world every day. The critical point has long been exceeded. No matter how hard human civilization tries, it cannot get rid of players' increasing control over the world.

Neon Man has just begun to feel the impact from players, and Ganges is the real hardest hit area.

Zayin Wangchuck has signed an extermination order three times. Since Delhi, he has successively destroyed the three cities of Behrol, Aligarh, and Budaun, causing tens of millions of people to die in order to prevent the new virus from advancing to the central and southern regions.

He tried every means to control the impact of the virus in Haryana and Uttarakhand, but due to the influence of players, this large-scale scorched-earth policy did not achieve the desired results.

But the Ganges people are no longer able to withstand more lashings from General Jayin Wangchuck. They have proposed the removal of General Jayin Wangchuk several times at coalition meetings. However, Jayin Wangchuck, who has Mikkelsen's support behind him, has no choice but to

Fear of impeachment.

And when the Ganges people were asked at the coalition meeting about what they could do to suppress the spread of the virus, the Ganges people shook their heads and said that this was a problem of the coalition forces and that they were only responsible for providing assistance. That kind of thing had nothing to do with them.

Their attitude of not caring about themselves sometimes even makes Mikkelsen feel that they are more hateful than the naturalized people. After all, compared with these Ganges people, the naturalized people are also pursuing class transcendence.

Mikkelsen was not the only one in the coalition who was so angry, as evidenced by the three extermination orders after Delhi.

In this short period of time, assassinations from players and Ganges people came one after another, but Zayin Wangchuck knew how much he was hated by people. At the same time, based on the continuous passive experience of the dungeon, Zayin felt that he was more experienced every day than yesterday.


Sometimes he would even tremble all over while walking, feeling that there was a huge malicious force targeting him in a certain direction, and there was probably a sniper waiting for him in that direction.

Zayin Wangchuck’s nickname among players is Immortal Zayin, and among the Ganges people, he is called Lord Shiva. They love to turn people into gods. There are also a group of people who particularly want to become gods and even dream of it, but

General Zhayin Wangchuk is not such a person.

He didn't want to be pointed at his head from a distance and said, "Look, that's the unkillable Zha Yin himself", and then he came over with a knife to try it, or it was a group of civilians who shot at him in the square every day at any time.

Kneel down in the direction.

Don't the players know that they can't be resurrected after death, so they work hard to live? Don't those Ganges people know that kowtowing to him will not prevent nuclear bombs from destroying the city? If they really don't want to die, just work harder

Force, don’t let so many infected people into the city!

In short, General Zayin Wangchuk was deeply disappointed with the Ganges people, so he applied to Mikkelsen to list the Ganges area as a test area for doomsday aircraft.

The doomsday aircraft plan itself is only to increase the combat effectiveness of clones and maximize the battle loss ratio between clones and players at the lowest cost. For players, the body is a costly consumable, but for Miko

For Wilson, these clones and the aircraft themselves are also cheap consumables.

Those modified Skyraider attack aircraft have long been produced in batches and piled up in warehouses all over the country. Even the Ganges can easily produce such old and backward propeller aircraft, but the failure rate is higher than that of products from other regions.

About twice as high.

Previously, the players' counterattack caused the first batch of pilots in Mikkelsen's hands to be wiped out. Now, Mikkelsen has waited for the second batch of pilots. They landed at the Mumbai port intact, a total of one thousand and five times.

Hundreds of people, mass-produced clone pilots.

Like dandelion seeds, these pilots took off directly from the makeshift airstrip at the port. They were assigned to groups of three or three near the contaminated area. Their first mission was not to hunt players, but to block roads.

All people and objects trying to cross the blockade will be attacked by the Skyraider AD-1. There is no identification and no warning. The orders received by these clone pilots are to blow up every car on the road and kill every vehicle.

Everyone is killed on the way.

As for supplies, they have been assigned landing areas and secret supply points by the ghosts. These clones have the ability to repair and maintain their own aircraft, and severely damaged aircraft can be directly replaced with new ones.

The new tactics did curb the spread of the virus to a certain extent, but it was obviously not enough. Players saw the potential of this new virus to disrupt order. Some player groups used dimensional gates in the infected area to help the infected move across regions.

, further expanding the coverage of the virus.

Similar infections have appeared in Africa, the European Union, the Commonwealth, Neon, and even desolate Australia.

This kind of infected person can still retain most of their sanity in the early stage. It is too confusing to only strengthen the symptoms of bloodthirsty instinct. After all, many infected people are even less crazy in the early stage than the street fighters of local gangs. When they reveal their true nature

It's too late.

Mikkelsen looked at the spreading infection areas on the map and knew that he had to speed up his final plan.

At the Port of St. Clair, a player war group called Black Treaty is conducting a smuggling operation. They have imported five thousand infected 'refugees' from the Ganges area and plan to smuggle them into the federal territory.

The mission gives a moderate point reward.

If all five thousand infected people are in place, they can probably be exchanged for about forty superhuman bodies, which is a piece of fat for most player groups.

As a war group force, these players have dimensional gate abilities in their hands, but they prefer to use traditional aboriginal methods to complete tasks. After all, if cheating is used to complete tasks every time, the fun of the game will not be there.


The players of the Black Treaty Chapter were all involved in this smuggling operation in the spirit of entertainment.

This is a model action of cooperation between players and naturalized people. When the Black Treaty Chapter first bought the ship, they had the relationship with the naturalized people. This group of fun-loving people was responsible for the entire process of collecting goods, binding the goods, and packing the ship.

The naturalized people sent a team to help them navigate and sail the ship, and helped bribe the customs on the federal side to allow the cargo ship filled with live cargo to sail into the port.

Next, the players of the Black Treaty Chapter, with the coordination of local player organizations in the Federation, organized enough trucks to pull the containers away directly, intending to send them to major cities as needed, giving the Federation people a little bit of fun and shock.

But after all, the Federation is Mikkelsen's base camp, and in order to exchange for a decent enough funeral, members of the Death Cult are also involved in the craziness. Among the people involved in the Black Treaty operation, there is a member of the Death Cult.

Was involved in the entire process and sent the entire process to Mikkelsen.

What Mikkelsen did was to organize people outside the port to conduct a blockade, watch them complete the unloading, load the containers filled with infected people one by one into the truck, and then record the officials and relevant organizations at all levels involved in the entire process.

Then catch them all in one fell swoop.

Rickard was sitting in a black sports car, playing the drums in the music with his fingers.

This is not the first time he has participated in such an action. Currently, he is the only Scarlet Disciple staying in the Federation. Compared to the European Union and the Ganges region, the Federation has the smallest number of players due to Tangji and Mikkelsen.

, the domestic impact was also much smaller.

But this does not mean that there will be fewer attacks by players in the federation. Those player organizations that have mastered the dimensional gate will undoubtedly regard operations in the federation as some kind of game goal, constantly provoking the brains of those in power.

Take the Federation Commander Luther as an example. During his peak period, he was attacked by players nineteen times a day. If it weren't for Sirte, Luther would have been covered with flags and listened to the national anthem.

"The operation has begun. Rickard is ready to carry out executions in the order of the troops as much as possible." The commander's voice came from the intercom. Rickard loaded the large-capacity pistol in his hand with a click and got out of the car.


Outside the car, a group of ECS agents wearing body armor were inspecting each other's equipment. Their equipment and armors were all very personal. They looked like tactical internet celebrities in WARGAME, but this was already a gathering of less than half of the Federation.

A powerful and elite team.

Each of these superhumans dared to fight and were prepared to never be captured. In addition to Rickard, a very special VIP, the nameless person in charge of leading the team was also a well-known ruthless character in the bureau.

Anonymous is his name. He is a body that was rescued from the body warehouse by Tang Ji. He spent a full half-year recovery period in a special recovery institution before he learned to speak again and understood what happened to him.

Because the Nameless One was among the first batch of 'lucky ones' to be stored, the player deleted all the information about the kidnapped body through the ghost, and even changed his appearance, fingerprints, and hair color to make him look more in line with the player's popular sense.

The pursuit of beauty makes Anonymous unable to trace his past through other means.

He can only be anonymous, with no name, no family, no past, and even his hatred for the player is a bit vague.

"Rickard, you are following me. You are only responsible for the final blow. Don't waste time. We have three teams responsible for serving you." Anonymous picked up the other person and nodded, opening a 3*2M face in the air.

energy shield.

The shield is pale yellow in color and is completely transparent, making it easier for people behind to observe. This is the ability of the Anonymous. The amplified shield can resist energy and physical attacks, and amplifies all types of attacks on one's own side. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with Rickard's power.

This is their third time operating again. Most of the time Rickard will act with the Tangji team, but recently the attention of other members of the team has been focused on protecting the top brass of the federal government, even if Mikkelsen

He could have the ability to support the entire federal government on his own, but he didn't want to do that.

Facts have proved that no matter how the superstructure passes, those who can climb up from the bottom on their own are still outstanding. Not only can they provide different perspectives, but most of the time they can complete what Mikkelsen set.

The goal.

So today Rickard can only cooperate with the special strike team of the ECS Bureau. Fortunately, he is familiar with the Nameless Doe and knows how powerful they are.

But it is not the ECS Bureau's precious non-renewable assets that are fighting the war, the Federation Army is the frontline cannon fodder.

Following the commander's order, the Federal Army, which had already completed target assignment, used a Crusader-style electromagnetic launcher to completely cover the direction of the players.

Those small metal projectiles that have been accelerated to three or four times the speed of sound will be fired by the launcher at once. The total number of metal projectiles exceeds one million and covers all areas in an instant. Most of the dozens of players who were joking with each other just did not hum.

He fell to the ground with a sound.

These players who can be killed by conventional weapons are not the targets of the special strike team. They use degraded bodies, which are easy to deal with. Those players who have been screened are the targets.

"GO! GO! GO!" Anonymous took the lead in leading the team forward. A teammate who could control lightning opened his hand and popped out a bolt of lightning, knocking down a player who had just stood up from the ground. The distance between the two sides was about two hundred meters, but he still

He was hit accurately and kept twitching on the ground.

As the war progressed, these superhumans finally evolved from civilian grade to military grade. They were not naturally powerful like Surte, but they were generally at the LV2 stage, and a few even reached LV3.

The player who fell to the ground suddenly fell into the soil on the ground before he could even finish twitching. Then he walked through the liquefied soil underground and was dragged to Rickard.

Rickard held down the player who was still planning to resist with one hand, put the muzzle of the large-caliber pistol directly on the back of the player's head, and shot the player. Before he could straighten up, the other player's legs and arms were shot.

The player whose body was cut off was thrown in front of him by a man who looked like a knight.


It’s time to make them suffer a little!

This chapter has been completed!
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