Turn off the lights
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Chapter 62: Just like catching a turtle in a urn

 Hegrandet was sitting in his office. The moment the explosion sounded, he realized the danger.

"Very brave, no, absolutely daring." Blackgrandet lit a thick cigar in the darkness. The moment the fire light came on, the shadows of the security personnel in the room were reflected.

A whole security team of up to 20 people is guarding here. There are five people inside the door and fifteen people outside the door. They are all well-trained professional soldiers. Ironically, nearly half of them are wearing NCPD uniforms.

Green Wave Security Company, the contractor of NCPD, in order to stabilize the order in Night City, this company plans to mobilize 300 armed personnel in batches to intervene in the security of Night City.

And the first batch of people who came to increase staff are now here.

Theoretically, these people will not officially become non-staff members of the NCPD until 8 a.m. tomorrow, but the NCPD has already issued uniforms in advance.

Hegrandet didn't know if this was a sarcasm, but he felt that his money was indeed not in vain. In just seven hours, the gang found more than twenty loopholes in the territory they thought was impregnable.

The placement of light and dark sentinels is unreasonable, there are blind spots in monitoring, the internal transportation routes of the building are too complicated, the building's power supply is old, etc.

If the other party hadn't charged too much, it would have been like purchasing the company's long-term security services. What's the difference between this and directly paying the law enforcement bureau to guard the door for itself?

Blackgrandet felt majestic just thinking about it.

"The backup power system is being switched, we have optimized the lines, and the power will be restored in another minute." The security captain in NCPD uniform reported to Heiglangtaihui: "We have discovered the intruder and have broken through your people's formation.

protective circle."

"So fast?" Hegrandet was a little surprised. How long did it take? Thirty seconds or forty seconds? Even walking from the door to the second floor was a bit tense at this time. Are all his people pigs?

At this time, a scream suddenly came from downstairs, followed by the sound of intensive firefights. The continuous firepower lasted for nearly ten seconds and then stopped abruptly.

"What's the situation?" Hegrandet was a little unsure about the current situation. After seeing the rigor of this group of professional soldiers, he began to doubt the power he was accustomed to.

"The intruder has broken through the second floor." The security captain's attitude became much more serious, and he pressed the communicator on his ear: "Team C, the target has cleared the second floor, stabilize the defense line, and wait for the power to be restored."

"Received, the motion detector did not detect a moving target, we..." The sound in the headset suddenly disappeared, leaving only white noise echoing in the headset.

Ten meters below Hegrandet's buttocks, Tang Ji was gently pressing the deceased's mouth and nose to prevent him from making any sound. A deep cut in his throat was bleeding.

The target's struggle became weaker and weaker, and after a few seconds, it became unresponsive. This was the fifth target in NCPD uniform that he had killed.

He was very disappointed that these people appeared here, so he struck without mercy.

Green Wave Lake Security Company? Tang Ji seems to remember this name. When he signed the new contract, he didn't pay attention to the content of the contract.

At that time, the contractor promised to ensure that their treatment would remain unchanged and that they had the right to withdraw at any time. At that time, he still had a somewhat favorable impression of the company.

Well-trained but inexperienced, they were all new recruits. Tang Ji glanced at the corpses on the ground. They didn't realize until their death that they had climbed from the outer wall to the third floor and entered through the window.

Maybe I can use the same trick again?



In the boxing ring.

When the whole place went dark, the Saint suddenly contracted his muscles and pulled himself up, as easily as getting up from bed in the morning.

Well, it's not that easy. The pinched muscles and dislocated calves remind the Saint of how embarrassed he is all the time.

"I know that my Redeemer will live and will stand on the earth in the end. After my flesh is destroyed, I will see God outside the body." The saint recited the scripture and fastened the two hooks at the end of the finger.

It died, then pulled, and the extremely thin nanowires were pulled out.

The saint crossed his hands and wrapped the nanowire around Ogeda's forearm. With a strong force, the nanowire instantly cut off Ogeda's soft bones.

The forearm and the palm left the body together, and the saint flipped lightly and landed on the ground, landing on his good foot to prevent secondary damage.

Because the cut surface was too flat and too much medicine was injected, Okanda didn't even realize that his arm had been severed.

This thing is a secret weapon obtained by Tang Ji through Wu Qianying. No one knows the manufacturer. They only know that this small piece of nanowire is less than 60 centimeters long and costs about 500,000 federal dollars.

And it is disposable. Once it is stretched out, it cannot be taken back again. Contamination with pollutants will affect its effectiveness.

The saint endured the pain and slammed into Ogeda's arms. He raised his hands and wrapped the nanowire around Ogeda's neck. He turned around and pressed his shoulders against Ogeda's abdomen to exert force!

The nanowire cut into the back of Ogeda's neck, sinking into the skin like a hot knife cutting through butter, and then cut off the muscle with some difficulty, and finally got stuck on the bone and reached an impasse.

The saint had to use the contact point on his shoulder as a fulcrum, pulling the nanowires back and forth like sawing wood, cutting the bones, and the scorching blood sprayed all over him with a smell of diesel.

During this process, Ogda was like a dead man, motionless. The nanowires had cut off his nerves first. A large number of prosthetic organs were running on their own in the body, maintaining his life and giving him enough time to feel life.

's departure.

Creak... creak...

The sharpness of the nanowires was extremely reduced, and the saint felt that he could hardly hold Ogeda's body, and then he felt that the resistance in his hands suddenly disappeared, and Ogeda's heavy head fell on the ring with a thud.

The saint pushed Ogeda's body away, bent down and picked up the opponent's head by his hair. The next second, the power supply to the fitness square was restored and the lights were brightly lit.



Hegrandet felt as if he was in a dream. In the darkness, he kept hearing the sound of firefights and rhythmic staged shooting coming from downstairs. Those were the people from Green Wave Lake.

Those who fought sparsely and with clear fire intervals were his people. The only thing that remained unchanged was that no matter who it was, they would disappear quickly.

In the darkness it was as if someone had erased the gunmen with an eraser.

Hegrandet didn't know how the former law enforcer did it. He couldn't even hear the other party's gunshots. He could only judge by the sound of the exchange of fire getting closer and closer. The other party kept moving forward without changing its speed.

"He has broken through the defense circle downstairs." The security captain's forehead was sweating, and half of the manpower left outside had been lost. Even he was a little hard to understand this result, and he didn't know who he was cheering for: "Immediately

The call is about to come, don’t worry!”

"What else do you have..." Hegrandet was about to say something, but suddenly there was a loud noise under the chair, and he fell down together with the chair.

When the lights came on, the first face Hegrandet saw was Don Quixote...

This chapter has been completed!
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