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Chapter 624: Preparation completed

"Hi! Hi! Wake up!" He felt someone slapping his face with his hand. He opened his eyes blankly, feeling as if he hadn't spoken a word in a whole world, and his tongue was stiff.

"Who are you! Why are you here!" The cold muzzle of the gun was pressed directly on his head, but he was not afraid and instead looked at these people and laughed.

"Isn't this man crazy?" The soldiers of the Taha Gang looked at the unkempt man in front of them, a little unsure, but they did not relax at all with the various firearms in their hands. These days, some mentally ill person might be a super human, and he can't seem to nourish him.

, if you go crazy, it might be as destructive as an excavator.

Some soldiers brought a fingerprint recognition device for comparison. They had already scanned the face before, but found no such person.

Because of its special geographical location, the Taha Gang is connected to the Federation and the European Union, so they have access to the databases of both. In this case, this person is not found, either he is from the edge of the civilized world, or he comes from

The gangster who escaped from the body warehouse.

But the fingerprint reader soon sounded the sound of recognition, and the information displayed on it was even more incredible. The name of the homeless man in front of him was David Martinez, a mercenary from the federal government, and he was only nineteen years old.

"I remember he collaborated with us last week?" Boyin Ertaha looked at the man in front of him who was at least forty years old, with a trace of doubt on his face.

Although strange things happen every year, especially this year, this incident is a bit too strange.

"Do you remember your name?" The doctor from the Taha Gang used a flashlight to stimulate Martinez's vagina, making sure that the contraction and reaction of the vagina were normal before starting to ask questions.

Martinez nodded slowly, his movements uncoordinated, as if a newborn baby was making movements for the first time.

"Can you hug me?" Martinez continued to ask slowly: "Tell me a few more words."

"Huh?" Boyin Ertaha looked at this mercenary with a strange aura all over his body in surprise. In fact, what he was more concerned about was where the food in the warehouse went.

But for a moment, Martinez's look struck him, so Boyer hugged the man.

"I've been trapped in a hyper-time stream for almost twenty years," Martinez said weakly, and then passed out.

"This is really true." Boyin felt that the man in his arms had lost consciousness, so he could only hug Martinez up by the waist: "Contact Mr. Mikkelsen, it seems that we have found a patient with severe time sensitivity.


David Martinez is not the first patient to suffer from time sensitivity, but he is definitely the patient with the deepest and longest lasting symptoms. Most importantly, he finally returned to the normal flow of time through his tenacious personal will.


Mikkelsen attaches great importance to this special patient. Research on hypertemporal flow has been at a standstill since Dr. Sean Westan successfully synthesized time-sensitive hormone, and time sensitivity is a brand new topic.

Since the beginning of the war with players, more than a hundred prosthetic soldiers have suffered from time sensitivity due to continuous excessive injection of time-sensitive hormones, and this does not include those civilians who forcibly force themselves without the assistance of the nerve center strengthening system.

Users who have suffered consequences from using time-sensitive chemicals.

After all, there is only one player in a million who is as talented as David Martinez. More unauthorized users will encounter varying degrees of allergic reactions after using time-sensitive substances two or three times, which are specifically manifested as short-term passivity.

Enter a hypertime flow with varying flow rates.

Take the can opener as an example. The powerful cybernetic soldier is speculated to be trapped in a time flow that is one eighty-tenth of the normal flow rate. Every thought and movement is extremely slow. Of course, to him, the whole world seems to be accelerated.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that the vicissitudes of life are happening before his eyes, but this is the best way to describe his state.

Sean Westan hopes to reversely analyze this low-speed time flow. One-eightyth is not the limit, but what if they can put the experimenter into a low-speed time flow that is one-eighty-hundredth the normal time flow?

In science fiction novels, there are already very precise descriptions and special vocabulary to define this kind of thing, that is - stasis field.

It can be used as an unbreakable defense system, or as a new generation of human preservation technology to replace the existing ice technology that requires the intervention of Chrissy Cunningham, a superhuman individual.

In the thinking of traditional scientific researchers, such systems that rely on a special individual to continue to operate are temporary systems.

In order to prevent the impact of the space jump and allow David Martinez to enter the hyper-time stream again, Mikkelsen did not choose to transfer him, but took the risk of sending Dr. Sean Westan and his team to Area Thirteen.

Also traveling with him is Surte. As the master provider of time-sensitive elements, Surte still holds the record for the highest flow rate of hyper-time flow. He can 'catch up' with all those running in the forward hyper-time flow.


Before departure, Mikkelsen explained to Wang Zhengdao alone that he would bring Dr. Sean Westan and Soult back before Christmas no matter what.

"Why is it Christmas?" Wang Zhengdao frowned subconsciously, stared at Mikkelsen and asked: "Didn't we agree that after the preliminary preparations are completed, we will wait for a while!"

Mikkelsen did not disclose the plan related to the end of the world within the coalition forces. In fact, even internally, with Tang Ji, Wang Zhengdao, and Dr. Wu Qianying, this plan only existed verbally.

Although the ghost participated in this plan throughout the entire process and provided a large amount of data information, and even the intelligent control engineering machinery accelerated the construction of the phased array nuclear explosion mechanism, it actually did not know anything more.

Ghost knows nothing about Tangji's part of the entire plan, as well as the specific timetable.

Mikkelsen didn't trust anyone. Even to the participants in these plans and these allies, he only provided some fragmented intelligence.

For members of the Seven Deadly Sins such as greed and lust, they only know that Mikkelsen may intend to isolate players from entering by destroying the world. As for how he will do it and when he will do it, they have no idea.

Wolfgang himself was of course opposed to this plan. As a greedy person, he was naturally full of resistance to this 'meaningless' destruction.

As for Annie, after hearing about this plan, she has been staying at the Lost Mountain base, never leaving the front door or taking a step forward, never leaving Dr. Wu Qianying.

Of course, the most restless one is jealousy. In the past few months, the brain in the jar has secretly controlled six different levels of staff at the Lost Mountain Base, from researchers to security guards, through mind control.

All the staff are available.

Although he has not shown relatively active brainwave signals for a long time, he is still trying to save himself.

Unfortunately, Mikkelsen saw all this, and everything he did was in vain.

"I'm just saying, bring them back before Christmas. Don't be so sensitive. You will know when the Apocalypse Project starts." Mikkelsen smiled and nodded perfunctorily to Wang Zhengdao.

"You finally gave this plan a name?" Wang Zhengdao was not angry because of Mikkelsen's attitude. He was used to it.

As all the preparations were completed, and as the players still took the initiative through numerical superiority despite repeated failures, Mikkelsen had gradually recovered from the image of a 'good friend' who could joke with them and smoke together.

I met that bastard who said hello expressionlessly through the car window when we first met.

Mikkelsen has more than 4,000 avatars, and he never minds making one of his avatars look likable. After all, before this, most of his avatars were lurking in big companies and organizations.

Some are in high positions, and some are always at the bottom.

He can be rectangular or round. These clones do not represent Mikkelsen himself. All the more than 4,000 clones gathered together are the real him.

"I think you are tricking me." Wang Zhengdao looked at Mikkelsen suspiciously and warned in a serious tone: "I'm warning you, this is not your previous plan. I will not allow you to play those sudden things in this matter."

Attack trick!"

"Who do you think I am! Aren't we close comrades before?" Mikkelsen asked in an exaggerated tone: "You don't believe me, don't you still believe Tang Ji? The final step of the Apocalypse Plan

The button must be pressed by him."

Wang Zhengdao took a deep look at Mikkelsen. Since Tang Ji obtained the power seed of the previous generation's rage, although they had met many times, their exchanges were very limited. Wang Zhengdao even felt a little strange to Tang Ji.


This made him feel a little uneasy, but the trust he had accumulated over the years finally made Wang Zhengdao shut up and take Dr. Sean Westan and Soult to District 13.

This war is ultimately a war between players and Tang Ji. Others are just spectators and consumables, so from a weight perspective, Wang Zhengdao's opinions really don't matter.

"This is the last one." Mikkelsen stood next to Tang Ji, sighing with emotion and closing a disguised door leading to the underground.

This is the last of all phased array nuclear explosion facilities, located in the central area of ​​Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar, where players are currently the most infested.

A total of 780 super nuclear explosive devices that have never been built by human civilization before have been completed as of today. Yes, nuclear explosive devices, they have no possibility of being made into weapons, launched or thrown.

The total yield of these phased array nuclear explosion devices is about 450 million tons. In theory, once it explodes, it may even affect the rotation of the earth. However, because no one has detonated a nuclear weapon of this scale before, Mikkelsen did not

Know what the final result will be.

The ghost uses the detonation sequence as much as possible to offset this possible impact, but even it itself doesn't know how effective it can be.

Take Nuclear Security Facility No. 780 as an example. When it is detonated, half of the sea surface of Madagascar will be torn into pieces, and the resulting shock wave will blow the remaining island surface into white ground, and all traces of man-made artifacts will disappear.

not see.

Now, this kind of weapon of destruction is hidden underground. It is nominally a nuclear bunker project. Of course, the books will show that the entire project was unfinished due to a broken capital chain. In the end, only a large enough pit was dug before it was abandoned.


The large pit is about one kilometer southwest of the phased array nuclear explosion facility. The construction team for camouflage did dig a large pit deep enough for camouflage.

"As long as we press the button, the whole world will burst into smoke. It's scary to think about it, isn't it?" Mikkelsen held a precious tree of life in his mouth and stood under the tree and looked at the land.

Natural features.

"How is the progress of the nuclear bunker?" Tang Ji also lit a tree of life and cast his sights on the location of the copy.

Until now, Tang Ji has not been able to break the four-dimensional wall covering the copy.

"More than half of the true shelter projects are 50 percent completed, and the rest cannot be counted." Mikkelsen shrugged.

After the construction of the phased array nuclear explosion device is completed, all that remains is the right time to take away enough players. Of course, all this is still based on ideal conditions.

There may be too many unexpected links. What if the phased array nuclear explosion device is not powerful enough to cause a global shock effect? ​​What if it is too powerful and completely wipes out human civilization? What if Tang Ji's special

Sex cannot cover the nuclear explosion itself, so what should the players do if these nuclear bombs cannot erase them?

Even Mikkelsen is unwilling to dwell on these problems at this time. Although they do exist, Mikkelsen is unable to solve them, and human civilization is also unable to solve them. Their entire plan is based on the feasibility of the entire plan.


As for the shelter plan, it's not nearly as harmonious as it sounds.

In fact, it is a very cruel selection mechanism. Because of the huge power of phased array nuclear explosion devices, a considerable number of shelters scattered around the world cannot survive the impact of the explosion.

Only those shelters that are carefully selected and built in relatively less affected areas can truly survive.

As for who should be sent to the real shelter and who should be sent to other shelters, I am afraid that only Mikkelsen in this world can complete the selection without changing his face.

Tang Ji slowly finished pulling out the tree of life, and a twisted smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, we are going to whip this world and burn everything to ashes!" The anger of the previous generation burst into laughter in Tang Ji's mind: "No one lives forever, no one lives forever!"

"Shut up!" Tang Ji threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his foot, as if crushing the player's face.

On September 7, 2057, preparations for the Apocalypse Project were officially completed, and Mikkelsen had the right to destroy the world at any time.

This chapter has been completed!
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