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Chapter 627 Final preparations

The Lost Mountain Base's federal number is Vault Zero. Dr. Wu Qianying and her entire scientific research team, as well as most of the technical staff, remain here. It has strong industrial production capabilities and has been managed by Mikkelsen for many years.

, its deepest point is 450 meters deep, and a vertical shield machine that continues to excavate downwards is retained at the bottom.

Although the Lost Mountain base is called Lost Mountain, there are actually no mountains here. It is a plain, but there is a layer of granite layer 180 meters thick on the surface. The entire Lost Mountain base is built under the rock layer.

Several passages perpendicular to the ground penetrate the rock formations, connecting the Lost Mountain base with the outside world.

This natural rock formation can directly withstand the vertical strike of a nuclear bomb, but in order to delay the vibration experienced by the Lost Mountain Base, there is a thick colloid buffer layer between the top armor plate of the Lost Mountain Base and the rock layer.

The second-generation controllable nuclear fusion reactor used to function as the entire base is located on the middle level of the Lost Mountain base. The entire reaction chamber is placed on a huge damper to prevent vibrations caused by nuclear explosions and subsequent earthquakes.

Causes irreversible damage to the base itself.

Under extreme conditions, the entire Lost Mountain base can accommodate 80,000 people to survive in the base for six to twelve months.

But in Mikkelsen's plan, the Lost Mountain Base will only accommodate about 40,000 people in the end. In addition to the scientific researchers, technicians, and family members of the guards, the Lost Mountain Base will also absorb a group of elites from all walks of life.

Civilization inheritance.

The vacant positions will be transformed into Glimmer Farms by the Ministry of Agriculture to grow crops from the Gray Field Project. In this case, the Lost Mountain Base can maintain 40,000 people underground without being disturbed by the outside world and operate independently for fifteen to twenty years.


Less than 20 kilometers next to the Lost Mountain base, Mikkelsen also secretly built a life-support module storage warehouse. A total of 150,000 people who were temporarily frozen in the life-support module were transported through dimensions by intelligent sorting equipment.

Doors are shipped from all over the world and stored frozen in warehouses.

In order to utilize Chrissy Cunningham's abilities more efficiently, not only Hawking Locke, the amplifier, has been following Chrissy during this period, but Tangji has also assisted Chrissy in her plan to preserve human civilization.

Just like in Sudan before, after filling the warehouse with life-saving capsules, Tang Ji opened the dimensional door directly in an underground reservoir. Tons of water poured in from one side of the dimensional door, and then from the other side.

After a few hours, the entire warehouse was 90% full, and Chris Cunningham started the freezing operation in a familiar way.

Although Wu Qianying once said that Chris possesses one of the most potential supernatural abilities in the world, what she does is counter-entropic and violates the underlying laws of the universe. As long as she is properly developed, her limits are far beyond the planetary scope.

However, Chrissy Cunningham, who dropped out of high school, still only had the concept of freezing water into ice. To her, the laws of thermodynamics were simply knowledge from another world. That thing was used to analyze

The big bang...

Fortunately, for now, Mikkelsen and Wu Qianying only expect her to turn water into ice.

There are twenty-four similar refrigeration warehouses around the world, with a total of 3.6 million people frozen. These people are considered backup plans for backup plans. After all, the interruption of a civilization and the restart of a civilization must go through countless setbacks.

It's always good to have more backup plans, and Mikkelsen's plan was actually much more than that.

There are frightened human embryos in major shelters. As long as they require a suitable temperature, a suitable environment, and sufficient nutrients, they will be gestated into babies in artificial cavities. If a catalytic plan for human cloning is needed,

The same can be applied to these 'natural humans'.

On the far side of the moon, there are naturally a considerable number of human embryos in the Amarobhati base. For safety reasons, Mikkelsen even built an embryo bank in the Mars outpost, but no one knows when all the dust has settled.

How long will it take for the earth to return to an environment suitable for human survival?

The people stationed at the Amravati base may be better off. They only need to return to the moon's orbit to return to the earth, and then they can cross the earth-moon orbit and return to the earth with minimal fuel. But the Mars outpost is another


In this regard, Mikkelsen expressed to the Mars Outpost in a relatively humane manner that due to the impact of the financial crisis, the company had to carefully consider the necessity of continuing to maintain the outpost. This does not mean that the company will give up the outpost, they just intend to

Strategically disrupting cargo routes between Mars and Earth.

All members of the outpost are given thirty days to make their own choices, and if they wish to evacuate, they can return to Amarobhati Base on Lexington 2 to assume new duties.

If they are unwilling to intervene in the chaos on Earth, they can also stay in the outpost. After many years of maintenance, the outpost has formed a permanent settlement circle of a certain size, unless something unexpected happens, such as strong solar wind blowing over the base, or a meteorite directly hitting the outpost.

base, theoretically these scholars are capable of supporting themselves on Mars.

There are currently seventy-six members in the Mars outpost, and most of them have chosen to go to the Amaropati base, or go further and return directly to Earth to face the coming chaos with their families.

There were only nine people, and they bravely chose to stay on Mars. This is the romance of astronauts, and it is also the song of courage that mankind refuses to back down.

"This is not a rational choice, Miss Zuo Yin, human civilization still needs you." Shatar Oliver, the top manager of the Mars outpost, advised the female doctor in front of him: "The ecosphere of this base is too fragile. Maybe

After we leave, just a small technical failure, an aging plug, or a short-circuited solar panel will kill you."

"I have made up my mind, Mr. Oliver, I want to stay here and be with this spectacular scenery." The smile on Zuoyin Paraya's face can melt everything in the world. When a person makes the most important thing in his life

, and she is detached when she has no regrets about her choice.

"We will come back after everything has settled." Shatar Oliver looked at the stubborn woman in front of him, but couldn't say any words to refute her.

Even he himself didn't believe what he just said. The human base on Mars was built before the corporate war. All they have done over the years is to repair and update the original foundation.

The Lexington was also built by the Federation of Enterprise War. What is needed to explore the void is a complete civilization as a carrier... Thinking of this, Sha'tar Oliver suddenly remembered the existence of the Phoenix City.

That plan, which is far more radical than the Mars Outpost Project, is now almost complete. The existence of Phoenix City seems to be mocking these old guys who stick to their old creed, proving that capital can also give birth to great ideas.

When he thought of this, Shatar Oliver felt excited. He looked at Zuo Yin Praya and finally could only sigh: "As long as Lexington II can still operate, I will do my best to let it run a few more times."


"We have decided that three people will stay awake in one group, and the other two groups will go into hibernation, save energy and food, rotate with each other, and maintain the operation of the outpost as long as possible." Zuo Yin Paraya was very excited.

introduced their plan: "If everything goes well, we may be able to persist for ten or even twenty years!"

"But what's the point?" Shatar Oliver asked in confusion. He really didn't want to see these precious talents wasting their lives so meaninglessly here, in an empty, built building.

In a cramped base in an alien desert.

"If you want to avoid the war, the Amaropati base is also available, and it is also a permanent residential area." Shatar Oliver finally tried to persuade him.

"Because this place represents the farthest place that human civilization has ever reached." Zuoyin Paraya said with a smile: "This is the hope of human civilization. Even if so many things have happened on the earth, as long as we are still here, this place will

The lights will not be extinguished, we are still the race that proudly moves forward."

"You convinced me, Ms. Paraya, I salute you." Shatar Oliver saluted solemnly: "I believe now that we will come back."


On the earth, all countries and major forces are constantly preparing for the worst outcome. There is no airtight wall in the world, not to mention that there are still people deliberately spreading news about the global nuclear annihilation that will occur on Christmas. Many people

They all have an attitude of preferring to believe what they have rather than what they don’t.

A large number of civilians who originally lived outside the war zone began to move to places they considered safe. Those areas that had begun to build nuclear bunkers and shelters became popular areas.

Everyone knows that the number of places to enter the shelter is limited, but no one wants to be the one left outside.

So the fight began, and the already endangered productivity fell below expectations. Workers on the production line gave up their responsibilities to appease their families.

Only a few factories that had been promised in advance that workers in the factory would receive shelter tickets for their work remained stable, but this stability was quickly notified to the player group through naturalized channels.

Players have never shown themselves in a friendly manner, and soon those industrial centers that were on high alert were attacked by players, resulting in heavy losses.

Of course, as a price, Mikkelsen also launched a corresponding counterattack against the players, destroying at least three body warehouses and several battle group stations that the player groups had just built.

This kind of attack is synchronized around the world. Even player groups in Africa have been hit by this kind of attack. Only the Ganges War Zone has been calm because there are neither factory workers who work hard to ensure production progress, nor are there willing to cooperate with the coalition forces to launch the attack.

The attacking army.

The Ganges are still in trouble. They are using non-violent non-cooperation to passively resist all orders from the rebels.

This has also caused players to suffer losses all over the world. Only the Ganges River region is a pure land, and there are sufficient human resources there, there are more superhuman bodies, and the local indigenous people have very low resistance, especially

It is suitable for war groups to enclose territory for 'colonial rule'.

As a result, players from all over the world flocked to the Ganges region, and the system interface even recommended new players who came to this world for the first time to come to the Ganges region and complete their novice tasks there.

That's right, novice missions, as players gradually gain a foothold in this world, the system has opened up more functions.

Newbie tasks are related tasks that are spontaneously generated by the system based on the physical condition of each new player, the situation in the area where they arrive, and the analysis of local aboriginal information.

Each new player's novice mission is a unique origin mission. They can get a lot of benefits in this series of missions and better integrate into the world.

Of course, all new players have the right to jump out of the mission at any time, join the battle group as a fool, grab a pistol and rush to the front line, where they will either die under the Wall of Sighs or in a remote corner.

Markarian has been busy continuing to increase the number of players. As of today, an average of nearly 800 players come to the world every day.

Thanks to the company's publicity and the spread of gossip, the world where Tang Ji lives combines mystery, danger and other factors, which greatly stimulates the players' empty and numb hearts. They flock to the place and queue up to wait for the arrival.

this world.

Although there are rumors on the black market that Tangji can actually kill players and pose a threat to them, this news seems to have made players more interested in this world.

The news about Tang Ji spread among the players. Almost every new player will inquire about the news about Tang Ji after completing the initial guidance. Some of these people are arrogant and think that they are the one who can conquer the evil dragon.

Some of the warriors were cautious. Before they could determine whether the rumors were true or false, they made up their minds to avoid Tang Ji.

But no matter what, Tang Ji's existence is like throwing a pike into a group of sardines. Those dawdling players are all excited because of his existence, and everyone seems to have returned to the day when they first came.

, full of interest and excitement.

Mikkelsen saw all this and showed all the direct reactions of the players to Tang Ji.

Fury was obviously very angry, and suddenly appeared near a new player arrival point in the afternoon, causing the death of at least twenty-five players. The others either took the opportunity to be forced offline, or had good enough mental quality to log off voluntarily.


Tang Ji's sudden attack did not cause any panic, but instead aroused excitement among the players. As countless players enthusiastically discussed Tang Ji's power on the forum, the next day after the attack, the number of newly arrived players exceeded four for the first time.


This chapter has been completed!
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