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Chapter 629: The war situation continues to worsen


A dull roar with a touch of pain came from the thick smoke in the distance, and the plastic bullet cases beside his shaking feet were shaking slightly.

Judging from the mushroom cloud rising from the explosion position, it should be caused by a Level III or above aberration stepping on the only nuclear mine in the L2 area. To be fair, nuclear mines can only deal with such large soft targets.

Not very good.

But there were no more powerful weapons thrown at them. When John Haas set up the nuclear mine, he specifically looked at the date of production. The metal nameplate said 1964, and his grandfather had just built it at that time.


Fortunately, the instruction manual that came with the box is new, and it states that all parts that may have deteriorated have been replaced. However, based on the past performance of the same type of weapon, there is still a 25% chance that it will not be triggered normally. The front line is required

Soldiers should not use it as a winning weapon.

Therefore, if it explodes now and causes damage to a certain target, it is a profit for Johanne Haas.

Johanna Haas is an English veteran. He participated in the Madagascar Raid with the Allied Forces six months ago and received the Memorial Medal. Since then, he has never returned to the UK, not on the northern front line of Gaul.

It's on the southern front in Gaul.

Now, Johannai Haas's circular defense zone in the Ardennes Forest area is responsible for resisting the attack of the animated zombie swarm on the Prussian industrial area.

More than 10,000 human soldiers are scattered in this huge forest area with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. It is already October, the temperature is very low, and there is heavy snow falling outside.

This is caused by the coalition forces using meteorological weapons to artificially cool down in order to limit the biological activity of the activated corpses a few kilometers away. During the day, the temperature is maintained at about minus 25 degrees, and when night falls, the lowest temperature can reach minus 40 degrees.


Of course, the temperature inside the fortress was still very comfortable. There was even sweat on Johannai Haas's forehead. He was deployed at the front of the circular defense belt. He was also the first person in the entire circular defense belt to engage in a firefight with the group of activated zombies.


As a veteran, Johannai Haas has withstood this heavy pressure and used the heavy firepower linked to the fortress area to suppress the sporadic aberration attacks scattered among the groups of activated corpses in the past two weeks.

Because of the long-term low birth rate within the European Union, the Prussian Wehrmacht prefers the model of a single soldier commanding unmanned equipment in series in the development of army equipment. The entire Ardennes Forest ring defense belt is a masterpiece of the Prussians.

Take Johannai Haas as an example. Counting him, there are only four soldiers in the entire fortress area, but they are responsible for a defense line with a total length of more than two kilometers. These four soldiers own twenty medium-sized drones and sixteen

Unmanned combat vehicles, as well as command authority for more than a hundred intelligent weapon stations.

For Johanna Haas, the previous several firefights with the living zombie swarms were more like playing games on the computer screen than war. All he needed to do was to accurately allocate the firepower he had, and more importantly

Most of the work is as an engineer, checking the operation of all equipment every day, replacing fuses, and cleaning heaters, radiators, and sensors.

But the situation has changed a bit since this morning. Five hundred meters to the right of Johanna Haas, Loren O'Connor, who is responsible for processing the heat signal source, did not come over to have breakfast together as usual. He said that he would take advantage of the sunshine.

Zhengnong went to clean the sensor, and then went to the maintenance hole to replace the control assembly of a certain weapon station. It has been two hours now, and there has been no response to his request for dialogue.

The drone has gone to the location of Loren O'Connor's signal twice, but the idiot got into the maintenance hole and the drone can't get in.

Although the other party's vital signs are still normal, but...who can say what kind of accident will happen?

Johanna Haas felt that he should not have allowed him to miss the breakfast meeting in the morning. This damn war was already an unbearable pressure for the top soldiers like them. This damn highly automated circular defense belt made the soldiers

He and the soldiers were separated by hundreds of meters, and the sense of isolation became even stronger. The three meals a day were almost the only opportunities for him to communicate with others. He should check the status of other people more carefully.

"I'm going out to check what's going on with Loren O'Connor. If I don't actively respond to the signal within fifteen minutes, I'll report it as an abnormality." Johanna Haas feels that his service time is the most important.

The leader, who has the most combat experience, must shoulder this responsibility, and explained to the other two companions: "My defense line has been handed over to you, and the authority has been shared. Pay attention to the activities of aberrants above level III."

The two companions sent back the green signal that represented the receipt, and Johanna Haas began to prepare to go out.

Because of the extremely cold weather outside and the possible risk of biological invasion, he must wear his heavy-duty, full-coverage exoskeleton armor. In order to save the energy of the battery pack, a cable is plugged into the back of his left armpit.

, the energy consumption to maintain this heavy exoskeleton armor.

The cable is connected to a charging device that can slide on the track. It can accompany Johannai Haas in most areas of the circular defense zone, and provides a fifteen-meter free movement area, as well as more ammunition to carry.


Although this kind of equipment, nicknamed the "little mule", has provided countless conveniences to Johanna Haas, he still feels like a dog being held in someone's hand...

The heavy door of the fortress opened, and Johanna Haas sighed and walked out of his 'safe house'. It is said that this kind of fortress can protect against the shock wave caused by the explosion of a megaton-yield nuclear bomb within three kilometers, but he did not want to personally


What's more, if those players really want to blow you up with a nuclear bomb, they will throw the nuclear bomb directly behind you. Johanna Haas has seen with his own eyes how those players use dimensional gates to carry out tactical actions.

The trench outside the fortress is more than three meters deep. Johanna Haas, who is equipped with heavy exoskeleton armor, is only two meters tall, so he can only see the trapezoidal left and right sides covered with earthy gray plastic steel with grid-like patterns.

trench wall.

Every fifty meters in the trench, there will be a fifteen-meter-long covered corridor. Each 'corridor' has a passage leading to an underground communication trench, which leads directly to the center of the circular defense zone.

Two small accompanying drones took off from the little mule. One was wired and was responsible for providing Johanna Haas with a close-up view within fifty meters of the vicinity and a third-person shoulder-over-the-shoulder perspective, while the other was wireless.

, directly lifted into the air to a height of one hundred meters to provide a long-range perspective, and can respond to Johanne Haas's instructions to conduct close reconnaissance of specific areas.

"Fuck, these Prussians have made a lot of good things. If there were no players, they would most likely have another Fourth Reich." Johanna Haas cursed and spat, and it ended up spitting directly into his helmet.

on the screen.

A series of traditional English virtue terms sounded in the mouth of Johnny Haas, but he could only open the mask and clean it himself...

Johanna Haas stuck himself on the track on the side of the trench, activated the rapid movement device, and quickly taxied to the maintenance hole where Loren O'Connor lost contact.

Because of the large investment in unmanned defense equipment, there are various cables and sensors everywhere underground here, so they have to do this kind of engineering work every few days, and maintenance holes are where they drill most.

Its narrow space makes it difficult to enter the exoskeleton armor. Every time you enter or exit, you need to be detached from the armor. This kind of work should be done by dedicated battlefield engineers. It is said that the Prussians plan to give these battlefield engineers in the future defense system.

Design a lightweight exoskeleton.

As a result, the Phoenix Project directly hollowed out the entire Prussian engineering academy, leaving only this set of semi-finished products. Their remaining technical staff are all building shelters in the rear, while the front lines can only let the big soldiers go there by themselves.

Problem solved.

Johanna Haas looked up and saw a drone marked as a friendly signal hovering. He said hello to the other party, and then began to take off the exoskeleton armor.

"Cordelia, I'm ready to enter." Johannai Haas said to the owner of the drone: "Keep an eye on your butt for me."

"Fuck you, John, your ass is not up at all." Cordelia, the only female among the four, laughed through the communicator.

Johanna Haas also smiled, and joking with Cordelia was almost the greatest relaxation he had experienced during this period of time. Of course, joking is a joke, and spiritual communication between men and women is a human psychological need.

It belongs to the harmony of yin and yang, but just continue to develop battlefield love...

He is a staunch lover of virtual girlfriends. With a dog-licking goddess who is obedient, has a top-notch body, and has top-notch looks behind him, he only gives and does not ask for anything. Who needs to deal with a real person?

Johanna Haas loaded the submachine gun and walked straight into the maintenance hole.

This is a cable well composed of sections of reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of nearly two meters. Densely packed cables of unknown purposes are laid here. Every time Johanna Haas comes in, he has a fear that he will end up somewhere.

I was electrocuted to death right here.

Most of the time, the maintenance tasks they are responsible for are just to find the corresponding fuse box along the maintenance hole according to the prompts on the eyepiece, and just replace a few fuses. In rare cases, they have to carry heavy module assemblies to the designated location.

Replace the module.

For these top soldiers, this is a difficult technical job, because replacing the assembly requires first disconnecting the power supply in the area, removing a lot of fixing screws, disconnecting dozens or even hundreds of plugs, and then reinstalling the assembly.

Do this all backwards for the new assembly.

If the tactical eyepiece hadn't automatically marked the order of each switch and interface and prompted when reassembly, they probably wouldn't have been able to do such a complicated job, and Loren O'Connor has always been the best at this kind of work among them.


Loren O'Connor is a student at the University of Engineering and has one year left to graduate. As a result, the school has been closed and he was directly drafted into the army and sent to fight in this hellish place.

In Johanna Haas's view, O'Connell should have stayed behind and built the shelter together. After all, anyone could see that it was only a matter of time before a full-scale nuclear war broke out in this world. If he could build one more shelter, it would be a matter of time.

Many more people can survive.

He himself is willing to accept the recruitment of the coalition forces just to find a place in the shelter in the future.

"O'Connor!" Johanna Haas called O'Connor's name as he walked. They got along well with each other. He had given O'Connor several assemblies that he should have replaced himself, and

In exchange, he promised the college student that once the defense line was breached, he would retreat with him.

But now it seems that this promise is no longer needed. He saw blood stains.

It wasn't the kind of blood stains like bruises or scrapes, but a large amount of blood that could kill someone.

"Damn it!" Johanna Haas activated the alarm indicating an enemy attack and contacted the outside world: "I found a lot of blood. I am going to withdraw. You two are ready to fight..."


Suddenly, a violent earthquake caused the lights in the maintenance cave to flash. The ground covered with cables rippled like waves, knocking Johanna Haas over and hitting the ceiling hard before bouncing back.

on the ground.

Just this time, he broke three ribs and one leg...

Johanna Haas was afraid of dying in the maintenance hole. The fear finally defeated the pain and prevented him from fainting on the spot. He took out the therapeutic injection and stabbed himself hard, followed by the cold wind blown in from outside mixed with debris.

It crackled when it hit the tactical eyepiece.

The digital tactical eyepiece was full of garbled characters. Johanna Haas lifted up the tactical eyepiece, grabbed the cable and started crawling towards the road he came from.

"I can't die here!" This was Johanna Haas's only thought at this time. However, when he looked back at the passage behind him, O'Connor's half-remaining body suddenly crawled from a corner not far away.

When he came out, only half of his face was smiling, as if he had become a living corpse.

"Fuck! Fuck!" John Haas and O'Connell staged a unique crawling contest in the pit hole.

O'Connor's advantage is that he is light in weight and strong. He is absolutely ahead of the speed of a college student who has half his body left and has lost a lot of internal organs. But Johanna Haas's advantage is that he is a veteran. Even after what he just experienced,

After all, he didn't drop his gun.

The dense bullets from the submachine gun instantly broke O'Connor's fingers and slowed it down.

Johanna Haas emptied the magazine in the shortest time and then crawled forward without looking back, pulling on the cable. Now he is not afraid of being electrocuted. He is worried that he will be eaten from the feet up by the living zombies behind him, probably until he is eaten.

His vital parts are not dead yet!

In the end, Johnai Haas was superior. The moment before he was caught up, he rolled out of the maintenance hole. He picked up the rifle he had left at the entrance of the hole and opened fire at the indiscriminate fire inside the hole. But before he could

Not far behind, a huge mushroom cloud was rising into the sky in the center of the circular defense zone...

He knew that the loss of the ring defense belt meant that the last industrial cluster in the European Union was finished...

This chapter has been completed!
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