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Chapter 635 Showing Strength

Mikkelsen said he wanted to play in a big place, so of course he had to play in a big place. Markarian can hide, so he scanned all directions to find someone.

After many procedures, Jealousy's brain was taken out by Mikkelsen and used by a superhuman with the ability to resonate. The other person risked being directly controlled by Jealousy's mind and temporarily gained control of Jealousy through resonance.

1 second, Tang Ji opens the dimensional gate.

Mikkelsen led his team to Tokyo through the dimensional gate, and Jealousy's mind control field was deployed on the spot.

In 5 seconds, under the control of the resonaters, tens of millions of people in more than half of Tokyo were covered in an instant.

According to Mikkelsen's request, the resonater did not become jealous and try to completely cover the controlled people with his consciousness and turn them into his own puppets. He just asked the controlled people covered by the mind control force field to answer him.

Have you ever seen Markarian?

In an instant, the bustling streets of Tokyo seemed to have pressed the pause button. All the people connected by the resonance stopped what they were doing and stood there listening to the voice of jealousy.

In 8 seconds, a person who was highly similar to Markarian was transmitted back to the resonator's mind. The person who transmitted the message was a bodyguard of Saburo Arasaka, who he had met a few minutes ago.

At 0 seconds, Mikkelsen snapped his fingers.

A nuclear bomb specially designed for EMP attacks appeared at an altitude of nearly a kilometer through the dimensional gate of the dimensional gate capable user from the European Union. Then the nuclear bomb detonated, and violent electromagnetic interference instantly disrupted all information and communications here.

EMP attacks of this level can disrupt the spatial positioning ability of dimensional gate ability users to a certain extent, but Wang Zhengdao is not one of them. He has even become accustomed to this kind of environment where nuclear bombs wash away the ground.

In 5 seconds, Tangji and Soult were brought into the club where Markarian was by Wang Zhengdao.

The bio-cyborg version of Saburo Arasaka looked at them in astonishment, trembling and unable to speak clearly. This was not because he was frightened, but because the EMP attack interfered with the signal of Saburo Arasaka's memory clone.

He is half out of contact with this prosthetic body.

They're not here to assassinate Markarian, they're here to pronounce death

The next step is the most important step. The resonaters concentrate all the power of jealousy on the area where Markarian is located, and inscribe a rule. Suicide and harm to each other are prohibited here.

This is a direction that Wu Qianying found after in-depth research on the brain of jealousy. This simple mental suggestion even directly affects the body due to the increase in jealousy. Its essence is to infinitely amplify the survival instinct to prevent players who occupy the physical body.

Consciousness escapes from this world by committing suicide.

But after all, Jealousy only has a brain left, and it has not developed its own abilities in this direction during its 'life'. All its progress was artificially catalyzed by Wu Qianying through electric current stimulation.

Therefore, the validity period of this method is very short, so short that it needs to be calculated in seconds.

But Mikkelsen wanted to give all players a little shock of the Seven Deadly Sins before the apocalypse, and Tang Ji very much agreed.

At 0 seconds, Markarian's position was empty.

"There are no other space fluctuations, no dimensional doors are opened, he is nearby!" Wang Zhengdao closed his eyes and felt it slightly. When he said this, Surte had already entered the bullet time state and spread the carpet around the surrounding area.


Markarian's authority was very high, and he could complete the offline process in just a few seconds. In the previous operation to capture Envy, Tang Ji had already suffered a loss.

So this time, from the moment the jealous ability was activated by the resonaters, to them appearing in the club, to Surte starting to look for people, the whole process only took 2 seconds.

The controlled Arasaka bodyguard had just finished saying, I saw you, Markarian, they are already here.

But the Markarians are no longer in the clubhouse now. It can only be said that in terms of caution, Markarian is indeed a commendable opponent.

However, today, taking into account the jealousy in the brain jar, three people from the Seven Deadly Sins have arrived, and they will not leave empty-handed.

This time, Sirte was specially brought here to create a time difference to prevent Markarian from being successfully offline. Last time, Mikkelsen caught Markarian's traces and got his photo.

With this opportunity for a sneak attack.

If Markarian fails this time and changes to a physical body, it will be a matter of luck as to when he can catch his tail again. At least it will be difficult before the apocalypse.

The biggest uncertainty in the Apocalypse Plan comes from Tang Ji’s special power. Will it spread through radiation and kill players around the world, or will it transfer its power through the atmosphere like last time?

Rainfall caused a great flood to wash over the world, and no one knew it.

But no matter what, for someone like Markarian, he has time to avoid risks by going offline.

Killing Markarian can effectively deter successors who arrive later, letting them understand that the threat in this world is not just for ordinary players. If the 'nobles' of the mother world dare to put themselves in danger, they are also capable enough to kill them!

The time left for Surte was only one second, but Surte, who entered the super-time flow at this time, stretched this second to ninety-six seconds.

At this time, he was already in a state of ninety-six times the normal flow of time. Surte was walking in a world frozen like amber, hurriedly looking for traces of Markarian.

He had a photo of Macalian in his hand. Surte had compared almost everyone in the club but could not find the leader of the players. He did not want to disappoint Tangji, but it seemed that he would not be able to complete his mission.

Got it

The somewhat impatient Sirte felt the slow flow of time around him and said to himself: "Faster, faster, I need enough time."

Surte continued to break through his own limits and entered an unprecedented one hundred and fifty times normal time flow. At this time, even when he was walking at this speed of time, he felt an inexplicable resistance.

His subconscious told him that if he continued to move forward, he would encounter great terror, but how could a young and frivolous boy be stopped by this false intuition? Even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead of him, he dared to walk through them!

Two hundred times, two hundred and forty times, two hundred and eighty times. After he entered three hundred times the normal time flow, his vision suddenly turned red, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of Surte's eyes. He was visited by many doctors at the Lost Mountain base.

Soult, who had been educated, immediately realized that this was local blood infiltration caused by the rupture of capillaries in the lens, which was a sign that intracranial pressure increased to a life-threatening level.

Surte wiped away his bloody tears and staggered forward. His search range had expanded beyond the clubhouse. How far could a person without the ability to use space run in just one point and five seconds?

Soult didn't understand, but he would not give up. The education he had received from childhood was that those who give up easily will starve to death.

On the road leading to the north and south outside the clubhouse, Soult chose to go north because it seemed that there were more people in the north.

Soult silently calculated the time he wasted in his mind, as well as the time node Mikkelsen had agreed with him before. Judging from Soult's time flow, he still had one minute and twenty seconds.

One minute and twenty seconds is not a long time nor a short time. If you stare at the second hand of the clock and watch it swing a full eighty times, in the process, you will even feel that you have time to finish recalling it.

The first half of my life.

But if you are walking on your way to work or school, and you are about to be late in eighty seconds, you will feel that the whole world is full of malice, because someone has stolen time from you, as if you blinked, eighty seconds

Only half is left.

This is how Surte feels now. He feels that he has just checked a few people and half the time has passed. Although he knows it is dangerous, Surte still decided that in the last ten seconds, he will break through himself again.

, to buy more time.

However, just when Soult was about to fight for his life, he saw a person, a person who could move!

You know, in the super-time flow at three hundred times the normal time flow rate, the entire world is still for Surte. When a moving thing suddenly appears in this still painting, it is very conspicuous!

Although the opponent's movements were so slow that they seemed almost undetectable, Surte, who was used to static images, still noticed the opponent.

He quickly walked forward and took out the photo to check, and it turned out to be Markarian!

Surte jumped around Markarian and howled with joy a few times, and then noticed that the other person was holding an injection of time-sensitive hormone in his hand. As the time-sensitive hormone slowly entered, Markarian

The speed of action is slowly increasing.

This is why he can disappear in an instant!

For players, especially those who are dying soon, the side effects of time-sensitive hormones are nothing to worry about. Each of them dares to use this dangerous product in large doses.

Markarian was naturally no exception. As the source of all time-sensitive hormones, Surte suddenly felt as if he was offended. He opened Markarian's coat and surprisingly found that the other party's pockets were full of

There are at least twenty doses of time-sensitive hormone injections!

Sirte slapped Markarian's hand away, threw the time-sensitive agent on the ground one by one, and crushed it with his foot. It took Markarian seven or eight seconds to become fluent in Sirte's time.

Only then did Shi make a horrified expression.

Seeing this expression, Soult finally showed a smile. He reached out and grabbed Markarian's collar, and said with a reluctant smile: "I told Tangji that I can catch you!"

But outside of the super time flow, Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao just felt a blur in front of their eyes. Surte had pulled a person and stood there. At this time, Surte's whole body was stained red with blood, and he was grinning with teeth.

All are red.

"I succeeded!" Surt threw Markarian to the ground and fainted.

Wang Zhengdao instantly appeared next to Surte and supported him. He looked at Tang Ji and said, "You are still alive. Leave it to me. You will be responsible for Markarian."

Tang Ji grabbed Markarian's throat with one hand and lifted him in the air. At this time, Markarian was still in a state of super-temporal flow, like a fly whose wings were caught, and his limbs moved at high frequency as if he was trying to break free.

Tang Ji's Clamp.

Realizing that his struggle was futile, Markarian tried to target himself, but

Markarian was in a panic now. Everything happened too fast. When the bodyguard appeared in front of him and said I saw you, he immediately realized that he was in danger.

Thanks to the role of gluttonous cells, Markarian cannot directly kill himself by inserting neurotoxins into his mouth. Facts have proved that any toxin that can instantly kill such a high-level body is not suitable for placement in the mouth.

inside the human body.

So Markarian's insurance was a large-dose neurotoxin injection. All he had to do was insert it and pull the trigger. But the body didn't obey this order. Markarian could clearly feel the resistance transmitted from his body.

It doesn't want to die!

If you don't die, I will die!

But Markarian is an expert in dealing with special problems after all. He was born to deal with such unexpected events. After hesitating for only a few tenths of a second, he did not give up his hope of survival to the senile biochemical creature opposite him.

Instead, the prosthetic man decisively used another drug, the time-sensitive agent, to get out of trouble.

He knew that Wang Zhengdao was very fast and Surte was even faster, so Markarian did not hesitate to give him injections one after another, making himself run faster and faster than hoping that he could hide and find him.

Log off in a quiet place, his authority is very high, it only takes a few seconds

But when misfortune enveloped him, when death came, these few seconds became a luxury. In order to plot against him, Mikkelsen had no idea how much preparation work he had done behind the scenes.

As for Tang Ji, he didn't know how long he waited. He even watched Soult fall down without wasting even a second.

Now that the day of harvest has come, Markarian is in his hand. The spiritual suggestion of jealousy has no effect on Tang Ji. What Markarian doesn't know is that the time of spiritual suggestion is actually over.

A strong suggestion that lasts very briefly.

But it doesn't matter, no one can escape from Tang Ji's hands.

Although Tang Ji was not as fast as Markarian, who had been injected with a large dose of time-sensitive hormone, sometimes, Tang Ji's intuition had transcended the physical body. He stretched out his hand and grasped Markarian's hand, like a fly's wing.

, pulled off one of his arms.

Then with another tug, Markarian turned into a fly without wings, and the fly's jaw was broken by Tang Ji's punch. Although it has been scientifically proven that biting one's tongue to commit suicide is unscientific, you have to take precautions, right?

When Wang Zhengdao appeared with Mikkelsen, the jealous brain jar, and the corpse of the resonance, Markarian had become meat on the eucalyptus board, waiting for his fate with wide eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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