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Chapter 644 The Beginning of the Shelter Era

November 20, 2057, today is the acceptance day for most shelters in the Federation.

There are a total of four shelters in Night City that need to be inspected, of which there are two official shelters, one is Vault 97 where Anthony is the supervisor, and the other is No. 97(B) on the other side of the city.

Shelter, there is a secret shelter.

Strictly speaking, Vault 97(B) is Luther's private sanctuary. As the commander of the Federation and an ally of Mikkelsen, he does have some privileges, such as knowing some information about the Apocalypse plan in advance, etc.


In the end, Luther did not choose to go to Phoenix City. This was not because of his noble conduct, but because he knew the existence of the Celestial Being Organization and learned that Phoenix City was currently under the control of the remnants of the Celestial Being Organization.

the choices made.

God knows if Luther would be arrested on the first day he went to Phoenix City and sent to the execution stand for war crimes and crimes against humanity. After all, in the eyes of many people, he and Mikkelsen are the same.


Before the Crystal Palace crashed, Luther actually had a very luxurious penthouse suite on the Crystal Palace. He had to pay tens of millions of federal dollars for that room every year. But for well-known reasons, the Crystal Palace is no longer the world's richest man.

One of the shelter options for people now.

In order to keep his destiny in his own hands, Luther secretly built Vault 97(B). He was originally qualified to live in the Lost Mountain base, but when Luther thought about having to live with Mikol for a long time in the future,

When a person like Sen is in a closed "small space", he feels that he might as well die in the apocalypse.

Generally speaking, the scale of Vault 97(B) is far less than that of Vault 97 supervised by Anthony. It is just more exquisite and luxurious.

First of all, it is certain that Luther is a rich man. During his tenure as the commander-in-chief, he successfully avoided the financial crisis for his industry and made further progress on this basis. It can be said that there is no policy dividend.

, creating policy dividends.

So before everything was irreversible, Luther exchanged all the cash flow he had for the needed supplies.

In terms of scale, Vault 97(B) can only accommodate 2,500 people, but among these 2,500 people, only 250 are actually invited as hosts and guests.

People, everyone else, except for the necessary technical maintenance team of the shelter, are basically all service personnel.

These people signed strict confidentiality agreements and gave up a lot of their so-called equal rights to live here.

Luther even kept a rare plant ecology hall, a deep-sea fish viewing hall, and even an entire floor in Vault 97(B) to simulate pure natural organic pastures as a source of non-staple food.

Correspondingly, a large number of crop seeds before being contaminated by the Gray Field Project are still preserved here, which can be cultivated intensively in three-dimensional farms.

In addition, Luther also got himself a clone production device to mass-produce cheap servants and soldiers.

Mikkelsen sneered at Luther's little plan, but he didn't say anything in the end, because the source of the spread of cloning technology was ultimately himself. Even if Luther didn't do this, there would be others who would.

The desire of the heavenly being organization does not exist independently. It oppresses and enslaves its own kind. This is something engraved in human genes.

God knows how many sets of cloning equipment are being traded on the black market around the world. Many of the clone production lines used to produce soldiers were attacked by players before they could function on the front lines. Were those production line equipment destroyed?

, or it was smuggled away by someone, so there is no way to check it.

It was impossible to investigate even how many player attacks had been deliberately guided by thoughtful people. Mikkelsen was tired of all this, so he almost couldn't wait to fast forward the days to the day of the apocalypse.

As human civilization as a whole, the more desperate it becomes, the more unbearable it becomes for Mikkelsen, but he still has to leave enough testing time and preparation time for the shelter. After all, his purpose is not to destroy mankind.

Anthony saw from the first floor to the last floor, from the energy core to the inventory materials. He even had the patience to stay in the vast material warehouse for three days and inspected almost every type of material reserve.


During this process, a total of nine suppliers responsible for material supply were shot because they more or less violated the contract requirements in terms of quantity and quality of materials.

Barros, the temporary leader of the Brutal Bear Gang, relied on stimulants and antihypertensive drugs for several days. He felt as if his heart stopped beating for a while, and then started to beat faster, as if it was about to pop out of his chest.

When they came down, there were more than 130 people in total, most of whom were contractors and suppliers. Anthony obviously had no intention of giving anyone face. As of today, there are only more than 80 people left in the crowd.


Barros could testify that not all of the fifty or so people who died were shot by Anthony's order. Three of them were frightened to death because they had underlying illnesses. He didn't want to do the fourth one, so he kept taking medicine.

As a native of Night City, Barros knew that 80% of his life would be spent in Vault 97, so he would rather be scolded by the entire Violent Bear Gang than be responsible for completing the work with quality and quantity.


Now it seems that there are many smart people like him, and more than 80 people are still alive. This is definitely a miracle in the history of Night City engineering.

But for Anthony, his mood was not so good. The expected food inventory was 12% short, medicines were 9% short, and some of the degrading enzymes used for material recycling were not stored as required.

, may result in a loss of 15%, but fortunately this part can be cultured again in the following days.

The good news is that there is nothing wrong with the energy core, the spare ignition core is intact, and the coolant is fully stored as required. These people at least know what is important.

Moreover, the missing supplies should be replenished before Christmas.

The dark humor is that the arms stored in the shelter are 25% more than what was agreed in the contract. The reason is that the arms dealer responsible for supply does not want to renew the warehouse.

Anthony didn't know whether he should shoot this supplier, because he did take up valuable storage space in the shelter, but considering that this is the City of Night, people can go without food, but they can't live without guns, so let's just do it.

He sometimes vaguely feels that if the current federation is the most powerful country among mankind, and Night City is the most dynamic city in the federation, then it would be good to have an apocalypse and let human civilization start again.

Compared to what Mikkelsen said about the Christmas apocalypse, the entire world appears to be very peaceful.

Perhaps because Markarian's death was so sudden, the company has not yet found a suitable successor. Player activities in this world have temporarily entered a trough, and the situation around the world has experienced a brief period of peace.

Players did not come to expand their activity areas, and the coalition forces did not launch more large-scale counterattacks after the raid on Markarian. The entire world has not had a nuclear strike for seven consecutive days. This may be the worst in the second half of 2057.

It's been a quiet week, and many people even feel uncomfortable because of it.

Taking advantage of this window period, the few 'lucky ones' who had obtained the tickets took off on the last batch of spaceships bound for Phoenix with Mikkelsen's pass.

Among these people are pseudo-rich people who spent all their money to buy the tickets, speculators who sold their lives for the coalition forces or naturalized people and were rewarded with tickets, and some technicians who inherited Phoenix City, the total number is about 4,500

On the left and right sides, there are eighteen long-distance voyage spaceships.

Mikkelsen mixed sand into it as usual, and these 4,500 people were the final immigrants. He asked the ghost to calculate the maximum population of Phoenix City. If half of the previous immigrants successfully moved into Phoenix City, then these four

Thousands and five hundred people had almost used up the last remaining reserves in Phoenix City.

Because there are supplies and technical personnel in the spacecraft, no matter how uncomfortable it is in Phoenix, they can only bite the bullet and eat this part of the population. Then at least in the next few years, Phoenix will either choose to starve to death.

residents, or choose to let everyone be equal and reduce the quality of life to the level of the Ganges poor.

If those rich people still have the final say in Phoenix City, then there is no need to say anything more. Even if half of the population starves to death, they will not blink an eye. But now the Rothschild family has the final say there, as long as they still have the final say.

Ambition and population are the most valuable resources.

Mikkelsen felt happy when he thought that those people spent so much money and ended up being pariahs in space.

Although the Phoenix City Project itself is also part of his big plan, to be honest, he doesn't care at all if something happens to the earth, whether the people who come back from Phoenix City are nobles who read poetry and books, or they grow up by eating recycled excrement.

Big canner.

In the Ganges River, the great God-King General Zay Wangchuk is also returning to his homeland today. Well, it’s a bit too serious to say that. After all, Zay Wangchuk was essentially sent outside the European Union as an expeditionary force.

It was only a year before and after the mission was carried out. The reason why I was able to rise all the way to the rank of general was mainly because the players fought too hard in asymmetric warfare.

Because of the intelligence of the naturalized people and the almost instinctive war intuition of the players, the players have mastered the command chain model of the human coalition in just a few months. For a long time, the survival of front-line commanders has been

The time was compressed to less than twenty minutes, and the time of the higher-level frontline headquarters was even shorter.

From the beginning of the war, in about twenty minutes, the players almost followed the chain of command and killed all the commanders who could issue combat orders and connect the entire display. A large number of players who mastered the dimensional gate ability seemed to be born with this supernatural version of Frog.

Jump tactics.

Zay Wangchuck was blessed with great fortune, and his personal ability was relatively strong. He could always survive the war. In addition, he dared to think, dare to do, and dared to take the blame. Naturally, he fell into Mikkelsen's eyes and skipped all the way.

Promoted to general.

According to incomplete statistics, General Wangchuck's extermination order caused at least 150 million direct deaths of Ganges people, and the number of refugees affected was several times that number. In comparison, the number of deaths caused by players and the virus itself

There was less killing.

This is also the reason why the Ganges once launched a complaint and demanded the removal of Zay Wangchuck.

However, Zai Wangchuk's toughness gave the Ganges a chance. Under the command of Zai Wangchuk, the Ganges finally stabilized the defense line and bought enough time for the rear to build shelters.


Shelters No. 213 to 225 are all located in the Ganges area. These twelve shelters are the last gift left by Zay Wangchuck to the Ganges people, and they are also the result of his unraveling the knot in his heart.

Twelve standard-format large-scale shelters, plus three underground nuclear bunkers under construction in the name of military fortresses, can accommodate nearly 700,000 Ganges people in total. This was the last thing Zay Wangchuck did before leaving office.

The main thing was to mobilize Alejandro's superhuman team to bloodbath the few remaining Ganges traditional interest groups and the remaining forces of the military government.

This was technically illegal, but at this point, no one cared and Alejandro didn't even bother to report it.

Zay Wangchuk also took the opportunity to directly match the list of shelters with the optimal list provided by Ghost based on a large amount of data, and selected a group of high-quality people from across the Ganges River to be sent to the shelter.

As for whether these people will be dragged out by his successor and replaced by a group of people in the future, Zay Wangchuk can't control it. He will fly back to the European Union and Gaul tonight.

Enter Vault 154 near Marseille.

Thanks to his illustrious military exploits in this war, General Zaywangchuk can now even be ranked among the top five figures in the Gallic military in terms of military rank alone. However, because his roots are in the coalition forces rather than in the Gaul military,

Within the Gallic military, he did not enter the core sanctuary of the Gallic government.

But Zay Wangchuk doesn't care, he doesn't want to be a general anyway

As the founder of the 'League of Gentlemen', John Fleming has been looking for a suitable refuge for himself, his old buddies, and his best employees.

They are essentially a combination of middlemen and mercenaries. They monopolize the high-end mercenary market and are the highest force you can buy with money. They are naturally majestic on weekdays, but when the apocalypse is coming, no one wants to have a group of them.

Uncontrollably violent workers move into their own safe houses.

John Fleming made countless calls, but the answers he received were all negative. His last option was Edward, but to be honest, he actually didn't want to spend the rest of his life under Tang Ji's nose. The pressure was too much.


However, in order to survive, Fleming had to pick up the phone and dial the number of his old friend


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