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Chapter 647 Infiltration

How far are we from the end of the world? This is the question in many people's minds.

People didn't even panic because of this idea. From the time players appeared, to nuclear bombs landing every day, and shelters being built every day, everything seemed to fall into place, and everything seemed irreversible.

Jesse Dennis smuggled into Night City a month ago. He used to live in Pennsylvania and was an ordinary farmer. He owned two farms and raised more than a thousand Andean cattle. In addition to his wife,

He has two lovers, a bunch of children, a happy life, and the disputes in the outside world seem to have nothing to do with him.

Neither players nor superhumans have affected Jesse Dennis's life. His farm is like an outdoor peach orchard. There are only him and his family on the invisible land, and a few people from South America.

Workers are scattered around the manor, operating machines to cultivate the fields.

He was one of the first farmers to start growing gray field products and made a lot of money from it, but when he discovered that the price of this stuff began to plummet, it was too late, and a large number of mature crops were rotting.

No buyer was found in the field.

And those workers soon couldn't stand eating only those expensive health foods for three meals a day, and ran away with their portable equipment within two weeks. When Jesse Dennis found out, it was a week later.


His bankruptcy and collapse were as sudden as the end of the world. By the time he reacted, his wife and children had died in the Crystal Palace accident. He sold almost everything he could sell before sending them up.

Jesse Dennis himself also has a ticket to the Crystal Palace. He just wants to stay and finish handling his real estate before setting off. However, the land price keeps changing day by day, and no one cares about the good and high-quality farms...

He delayed for a while, and in the end he was the only one left in the world.

The only thing that kept Jesse Dennis alive was that one of his lovers was pregnant with his child. Before everything was irreversible, Jesse Dennis spent money to buy her a shelter in Vault 97 in Night City.


He didn't know how he got here. He was in a haze along the way, as if he was in a nightmare from which he couldn't wake up.

It wasn't until he couldn't find his lover's name in the shelter list that Jesse Dennis suddenly woke up from the nightmare. He knew his woman. She was the most timid and could not possibly sell her own shelter tickets.

Something could only have happened... someone took her ticket.

Jesse Dennis just hoped that the stupid woman was still alive. He gave her a ticket to the shelter. It was a hard-to-get ticket that did not require freezing and was for single-room living. He had already given her the most difficult ticket.

That part is done, the woman only needs to find a corner to stay quietly, wait for the shelter to be completed, quietly walk to the door, show her ticket to others, and then she can start a new life...

What's so difficult about this? Who can tell him where she is stuck?

Jesse Dennis was drunk and hanging out with the refugees from outside the city. He had no money now. When he was in despair, someone enthusiastically took everything he had on him. Jesse was very grateful that they didn't kill him.

After all, the death of a person is hardly news these days.

There are corpses everywhere near the temporary shack where he lives now. The law enforcers are too lazy to collect the corpses now. When Jesse first came here, he could see the law enforcers twice a day on average. Now, he can't see them even once every two days.

The law enforcer.

The street gangs that used to be responsible for public security in the neighborhood are now busy doing their own thing. Anyone with connections is looking for connections to enter the shelter.

Jesse Dennis finally found a middleman nicknamed Captain to help inquire about the stupid woman, but when the other party heard that he planned to pay with real estate mortgage, he turned around and left.

Anyway, in the end, Jesse Dennis discounted the price of his farm worth nearly 100 million to 1 million as the commission for this commission, and he also paid the full price up front. He probably said that the place was spacious and sparsely populated, and it was easy to move around.

There wasn't anyone in sight, so maybe no nuclear bomb would hit there, so the other party was tempted.

The people from Night City worked quickly. With the photo and name of that stupid woman, the captain found her in two days. She now lives in an apartment and is living a pretty good life. That entire building

The building is all hers now...

Jesse Dennis now understands that that idiot probably sold his ticket to the shelter...

He spent another three days observing that stupid woman in the dark, and was shocked to find that her figure was still hot and she didn't look like she was six months pregnant at all.

That night, Jesse Dennis bought a pistol from the black market, followed a tenant into the building, and entered the woman's room. Things were just as he expected. This stupid woman thought the end of the world was just a joke, and she sold it.

She bought her own refuge ticket, then aborted her child and planned to start a new life.

The only interesting thing here is that some players told her that the end of the world would not happen and that humankind's plan would not succeed...

Jesse Dennis looked up and down at his lover. Yes, her mind was indeed empty, as if she had never developed since graduating from junior high school, but she did have a cute sweet girl face and a great figure.

Almost as soon as she left him, she found another partner, and the partner was also a player!

Jesse Dennis, who originally planned to clean up his family, suddenly felt that he still had a chance to turn around. Now that this woman has found a player boyfriend, she is worth more than before...

"You are really good at using your specialties. Now tell me, when will your boyfriend come to see you next time?" Jesse Dennis looked at the other party with a doe-like look in his eyes and asked nervously: "

What are their plans?"

"He said that they have obtained the tickets and are waiting to enter the shelter. Once the shelter opens, they will go in and have a party!" The woman trembled and told all she knew: "They also said that the shelters are all over.

, humans will not dare to destroy the world!”

"Very good, what I like most about you is that you are obedient, docile, and don't know how to refuse." Jesse Dennis raised his pistol and motioned for the other party to stand up: "Why don't you go to the ECS Bureau with me now and explain what you just said?

Say it again?"

"They will kill me!" The woman cried so hard that she looked at Jesse Dennis pleadingly, hoping that he would leave now: "I thought you were dead...I am pregnant alone, here.

There is no way to survive..."

"Shut up!" Jesse Dennis hit the opponent's forehead with the butt of his gun, and blood flowed out instantly: "I don't want to talk about this now, but if you dare to mention it again, I will beat you to death."

The woman cried even harder and stumbled forward, full of fear of the man behind her. She had never seen him like this before.

But just when the two of them were about to walk out of the building, they encountered several men who were dressed like normal people. However, Jesse Dennis instantly felt the body of the woman in his arms stiffen...!

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Jesse Dennis raised his pistol almost instantly and fired continuously at the opponent.

The first player looked at the blood splattered on his chest with some shock, as if he was surprised that he was the character who was attacked?

In the blink of an eye, the second player turned into an orc with a height of more than two meters and a lion's head and rushed towards Jesse Dennis.

Jesse pushed the woman in his arms towards her without any hesitation, buying himself even a second. In this sinful land of the Federation, being a qualified farmer is not an easy job.

He had his own story before...

The woman was torn in half without any suspense, and she never uttered a last word until her death.

On the contrary, it was Jesse Dennis. He actually managed to blend into the crowd, bully the player's inability to remember faces, turned around and balled up his coat and pistol, lowered his head and walked directly along the chaotic scene caused by the appearance of the orcs.

Sneaked away.

But he didn't go to the ECS Bureau to report the player's conspiracy. Jesse was originally worried about everything. He was just afraid that the stupid woman would be cheated of the ticket and die outside with her own blood.

Now that Jesse Dennis knows everything, he wants to see how those players fought with the federal army and how the world was destroyed...

However, there are always so many jokes in this world. Jesse Dennis's farm was not sold for nothing. The middleman sent him another message on December 15th. The stupid woman did not abort the child.

The child was taken out and placed in an artificial uterine cavity, and the artificial uterine cavity had been sent to the freezer of Vault 97 using the tickets in advance.

Therefore, Jesse Dennis still showed up at the door of the ECS Bureau. Unfortunately, before he arrived, the department had been paralyzed.

Most of the people in the ECS Bureau are well-informed. They either got the tickets early and are waiting to enter the shelter, or they just leave and find a place to take refuge. Most of them think that the Apocalypse will happen within the next three months.


Through the captain, Jesse Dennis exchanged another of his farms for a ticket to a shelter in Night City, but unfortunately it was not for Vault 97.

After all, that place is an official refuge. A ticket often carries seventy or eighty lives. As the gangs in Night City begin to gradually shrink their sphere of influence, new gangs with refugees as the main body are taking over the night city.

The city's bottom market.

It’s just that compared to the old gangs, these new forces have neither money nor influence, and most of them even use cold weapons in exchanges of fire, because the arms supermarket has long bought out the goods, and several large military industrial groups have recently produced production lines.

They are all busy supplying the military and have no time to consolidate the civilian market.

On the black market, Jianlibao's cheap force series weapons that were once unused are now sold for tens of thousands of federal dollars each. Bullets are even more expensive, so people are willing to take risks with knives and daggers.

Jesse Dennis couldn't even find an official agency to pass on the information he knew. His ticket was a ticket for the Valentino Gang's shelter in the Haywood District, before the Valentino Gang completed the internal manpower stationing.

, and other people who have obtained tickets cannot enter.

In name, the Valentino Gang has a total of 300,000 members. Even if you don’t count those in name, the core members are more than 40,000. However, these people also have families. The Valentino Gang has two members.

This shelter can accommodate nearly 60,000 people, and some people can be sent to official shelters to fill up the quota, but it is impossible to accommodate everyone.

Machete is currently directing manpower, truck after truck to transport people to the outskirts of the city. Jesse Dennis's two farms were all sold to the Valentino gang. The construction machinery that previously built the shelter will be

They were all transported there and simple underground fortifications were built.

The seller didn't even change Jesse Dennis's story, and just changed hands for more than 20 shelter tickets.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jesse Dennis now. He is listening to the official news on the radio at this time. The major media are still insisting on broadcasting the program, but the familiar hosts and media people are no longer there.

For example, the host Stan, who is familiar to everyone in Night City, has now lived in Vault 97. The shelter will need his gag-style broadcasts more in the days to come.

Jesse Dennis did not give up. He kept trying to communicate with the officials of Vault 97 to explain what he had discovered, but he soon realized that it was no longer useful.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon on the 16th, a player attack occurred inside Vault 97, resulting in more than 300 deaths and 200 injuries.

That is to say, these shelters have been in a state of electromagnetic interference since they were opened, and the players' dimensional gates cannot be effectively located, otherwise it is estimated that a nuclear bomb will directly implode.

On the morning of the 17th, Jesse Dennis finally received a text message reminding him that he could enter the shelter for identity verification. The attack in Vault 97 caused all shelters to begin the second round of identity verification.

Jesse Dennis hoped that one day he would be able to see the less than a month old child born from the artificial womb, so he packed up his only belongings and prepared to go to the shelter for refuge.

But the chaos on the street was far beyond his imagination. Those who did not have tickets angrily launched riots in the streets, trying to kill all ticket holders. Half of the city was affected. This was the most primitive anger, anger for survival.

, even Tang Ji was affected by this emotion to a certain extent.

Jesse Dennis spent a lot of effort to finally get close to the gate of the shelter in Heywood District, but how to pass through the nearly 100 meters of open space without being torn apart was a big problem.


Apart from him, there were obviously other people who were troubled by this. Jesse looked at the men in front of him who were plotting to find an opportunity to enter the shelter, and found that one of them was the same group of players he had met in the apartment before.

one of!

This chapter has been completed!
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