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Chapter 650: Hopeless

Sometimes Tang Ji actually wonders, does he really have other human emotions besides anger, or is he just forcing himself to have those similar emotions?

He glanced at the location where Sanada Hiroyuki once stood, but no emotion flashed through his heart.

Strictly speaking, Sanada is actually his friend. Although they were on opposite sides when they first met, they got along relatively well because they both had ways of doing things that were incompatible with their own positions.

As for the relatively harmonious relationship between them later, it was a smart street figure who showed off his street wisdom in front of big shots. Hiroyuki Sanada understood Tang Ji and he knew how to get along with Tang Ji.

It is impossible for a scumbag in the ordinary sense to climb to a high position in an organization like the Tiger Claw Gang.

But no matter what, an 'old friend' died, and he should mourn for him.

Tang Ji lowered his head slightly in the direction where Sanada Hiroyuki disappeared. He was silent for a few seconds as a moment of silence, but what he was more interested in was who would take the initiative to trouble him?

Perhaps due to the arrogance of status and anger, or perhaps due to the influence of the previous generation's anger, Tang Ji has not encountered a target worth paying attention to for a long time... Gluttony has been disintegrated everywhere, and now Gluttony is like a cockroach, as if it has become a

A new species, and jealousy has been put in a jar, Mikkelsen plans to find a suitable opportunity to banish him eternally and maintain this state of immortality.

As for greed, it's not like he hasn't beaten him before. Wolfgang was not as good-behaved at first.

Oh, by the way, there is also Annie. Tang Ji has never beaten Annie, although she is still looking forward to this. In other words, except for laziness, which has been missing, Mikkelsen is the only one left among the Seven Deadly Sins.

I haven't been beaten yet...

Tang Ji's thoughts just drifted away, and then he entered the phase transition state again based on his intuition, avoiding another 'attack'.

But this time he saw it clearly. A man with an unattractive appearance washed past his position at an extremely fast speed. This word can really be used to describe it, washing away.

Surte can also move very fast, but he forms a very close-fitting, time-bubble-like thing around himself that enters the super-time flow, so even if Surte moves at a hundred times the normal speed,

It will not have any impact on the surrounding environment in the ordinary time flow.

He won't destroy the entire city just by running around on the road. Even if he wants to, he must do it by his own hands instead of relying on kinetic energy conversion.

But this assassin can.

He looks like a supersonic train passing through the city, and he seems to be holding a ship-killing knife in his hand?

The opponent was so fast that Tang Ji didn't have time to see clearly, but he was sure that the opponent was indeed holding a cold weapon with an exaggerated size. Tang Ji had only used a similar thing in Paris before, and it was equipped by the European Union for heavy-duty exoskeletons.

Cold weapon.

Tang Ji has seen through the opponent's movement method and roughly figured out the flaws in the opponent's ability. If he does it again, the game will be over...

But after waiting for a long time, the assassin stopped making any movement, leaving only two X-shaped ravines one kilometer long on the ground, as if to remind Tang Ji of his existence.

"It's interesting." After waiting for three minutes, Tang Ji was sure that the assassin had left, and turned around to leave.

Since there was a first time, there would be a second time. He planned to find a secluded place to wait to prevent more large-scale damage.

Although the chances of these refugees surviving the apocalypse are slim, Tanguy doesn't want to be like Mikkelsen, a bastard who treats the world as chess pieces and numbers.

He still has Tang Anran. Even if he abandons everything, Tang Ji cannot tolerate that he is no longer a good father. Even if there is only one in ten thousand chance that Tang Anran can recover, Tang Ji will not give up.

He is a human being, he is a father, and then, he is furious, the seven deadly sins, and the murderer who destroys the world.

"Tang Jun, please wait!" Sanada Hiroyuki's voice came from a speeding off-road vehicle in the distance, making Tang Ji a little stunned.

He had to admit that there were too many surprises for him today. He seemed to have spent a moment of silence for this 'old friend' just now, but now the other person appeared completely in front of him again.

"A little trick from superhumans, the substitute technique." Hiroyuki Sanada ran over panting, rummaged through the ruins twice, and found a puppet with only one-third left inside: "Can resist once

Fatal damage, randomly teleporting the body to a random location within five kilometers. Unfortunately, the superhuman can only use this ability once a year. I spent five shelter tickets in exchange for the other person's first time."

"Are you sure this is your first time?" Tang Ji looked at Hiroyuki Sanada up and down. Even a well-informed person like him had to be surprised by the diversity of super-hot humans.

Maybe in the future there will really be a superhuman who can cure Tang Anran and solve all problems?

"Yes, I am sure that the awakened one is a woman from the Tiger Claw Gang. I am sure this is the first time she has used this ability." Sanada Hiroyuki thought seriously for a while and then said with certainty.


Tang Ji just asked. He was very sure that every target he killed had no chance of turning into a puppet. If a target suddenly disappeared without a body after death, he would definitely notice it.

"Tang Jun, what's going on?" Hiroyuki Sanada, who lost a hole card for no reason, was undoubtedly a little angry, but he couldn't find any room to vent, so he could only ask who his enemy was.

"Another very interesting super human, don't think about it, you are no match." Tang Ji shook his head and turned around to leave.

"Tang Jun! Please help me!" Sanada Hiroyuki no longer cared about his fear of Tang Ji, and stepped forward to grab Tang Ji's wrist: "I know you must still have energy cores in your hands, please see

Between our friendship and the civilians who can live in the shelter, you have pity on me!"

Tang Ji sighed and said to Hiroyuki Sanada: "It's useless, Sanada, the core container you use should not match the military technology. Even if you start to transform it from now on, it will be too late."

"Too late!?" Sanada Hiroyuki was frightened by this word, and he took a step back: "We only need one month to complete the transformation. In fact, we have already started construction, and it only takes twenty-four days! 2

Fourteen days!”

Tang Ji just shook his head. There were not twenty-four days, only seven days.

Hiroyuki Sanada's face was visibly decayed, and even the roots of his hair turned half white in an instant: "You must be kidding, it didn't even last twenty-four days... How could it be so fast! How could it be so fast! There should be more

More time, right?”

Hiroyuki Sanada collapsed. This man who once stood on the same platform as Tang Ji collapsed.

Tang Ji could see that he collapsed not because his refuge was too late to be saved, but because of the news that the Apocalypse was coming soon.

"Tang Jun! People...human beings are not ready yet! Not ready yet!" Hiroyuki Sanada stopped in front of Tang Ji with red eyes, roaring like a lion: "You can't just decide like this, there are still many people

Not ready!"

Tang Ji just looked at him. He was right. There are still many people who are not ready... It is true, but in front of the Apocalypse, there will never be a day when they are ready. Even Noah was in the Apocalypse.

Even though he had built the ark himself and loaded all the elephants into it, he still felt unprepared.

"It's not them who want to destroy the world! It's you!" Hiroyuki Sanada drew out his neon sword and pointed it at Tang Ji's face, questioning: "It's you who want to destroy the world!"

Tang Ji was speechless and just gently pushed the blade away. It had been a long time since he had been pointed at with a knife or a gun.

But Hiroyuki Sanada had already fallen into madness. He slashed Tang Ji's face with a knife. Tang Ji did not hide, nor did he want to hide. He should bear the knife.


The sword broke with the sound, but Tang Ji was unscathed. Hiroyuki Sanada's tiger's mouth was full of blood. He just looked at Tang Ji blankly and asked in a hoarse voice: "What about the other people? Your family and friends,

Will you also face such a tragedy? What kind of hero are you!"

Tang Jiwu said, he is not a saint, he cannot even be considered a good person... No, he may not even be considered a human being now.

"I have never been a hero, I am just an avenger, have you forgotten? Hatred makes people blind and regardless of the consequences." Tang Ji shook his head, and countless pictures went through his heart, some were laughing, some were crying, there were old people, women and children.


He seemed to see the satisfaction and regret in Kacalf's eyes when he calmly went to die, looking up at the sky. The satisfaction was given to the world, but the regret was given to his family.

He seemed to see Angelina frowning at him and shaking her head in disappointment. Every time she disagreed with his choice, she would show this expression. Tang Ji would always realize immediately that he was wrong.

But this time it was different... Tang Ji looked directly into the eyes in his memory, shook his head and said stubbornly: "But you are no longer here, no one can stop me, right?"

Angelina's frown deepened and she shook her head more firmly, but Tang Ji just looked at her with a smile, a smile full of bitterness: "Hate allows me to still see you and feel you...I

This is the only thing left.”

Angelina was still shaking her head, and Tang Ji was still smiling.

In the real world, Tang Ji's eyes were confused for only a moment, and then he looked at Hiroyuki Sanada calmly: "I have never changed."

"Also, Sanada, don't think about the energy core. The location of your shelter is not good, and the shell cannot withstand the first round of impact." Tang Ji finally said to Hiroyuki Sanada: "The person who told you, find someone else.

A refuge.”

Then he left, leaving Hiroyuki Sanada standing motionless, like a clay sculpture.


The Ganges, the Wall of Sighs defense zone.

"K3077 is calling the tower, our aircraft is located southwest of you." A Global King enhanced transport aircraft flew from a distance, and the pilot was contacting the tower: "The altitude is one thousand feet above the ground, please apply for landing."

"Received, K3077, permission to land." The tower responded quickly.

"I heard that half of the Air Force's transport planes are flying south tonight, is there any news?" The pilot who had just completed an Army equipment transport mission wanted to get some inside information from the well-informed tower members.

But he was immediately warned by the monitoring command center: "Don't discuss anything unrelated to the landing procedure. This is the only warning, K3077."

"Okay, okay, I know, it won't be me who will be left here anyway." The pilot sarcastically said with some dissatisfaction, and then completed the landing procedure.

This time he transported a lot of individual weapons and equipment to the front line. It is said that the army has begun to mobilize all active civilians on the front line to go up the wall. God knows how long this disaster will last, and those infected are getting more and more crazy.


When he returned, he pulled two huge containers. He didn't know what was inside. Several heavily armed soldiers stared at them eagerly. It was really uncomfortable.

"The landing has been completed, and the transfer of box No. 1 has begun!" After the landing, a full tactical team received the container, used a pallet truck to transport box No. 1 away, and then another team transferred box No. 2.

Until the two containers disappeared in different directions, the pilot could not see what was inside, but it was certain that this cargo mission was unusual.

However, there are too many strange things happening these days. Now the pilot just wants to know when it will be his turn to transport people and supplies to the south. He vows that as soon as he gets off the plane, no one will let him return to the northern front line.

I heard that construction of the shelter there has already started. All pilots who have seen the nuclear explosion area in Delhi know what it will be like in the end of the world.

"This is the RAPP team. We are heading to the Haierna mountain base. No drone surveillance was found on the way. We are moving forward according to the satellite trajectory avoidance route you provided. We are expected to arrive in six hours." The escort team of container No. 1 reported to their superiors on the way.

, and received a reply quickly.

"Everything is normal. You are still in hiding. Pay attention to rotating the sedative gas in the container through the ventilation holes every two hours... What we want are living infected people. In order to catch these alive, more than two thousand people died on the front line.

, don’t have any accidents.”

"RAPP team received it, all for the Ganges."

"For the Ganges."

"Captain, are the containers really filled with infected people? Where are we going to take them?" A soldier asked with some confusion. He himself escaped from the epidemic area and he knew how many infected people there were.

It's scary, and the coalition forces have made it clear that there is no need to conduct in vivo research on infected people. This virus is based on the mutation of gluttonous cells and cannot be cured.

"Don't ask so many questions, you just need to remember that everything we do is for the Ganges." The captain scolded, and the car suddenly became quiet, but even he himself was doubtful. They really

Do you want to throw these infections to your allies?

This chapter has been completed!
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