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Chapter 653 City Hypothesis

Chapter 656 ‘City’ Hypothesis

Mikkelsen must admit that when he first came into contact with the Death Cult, he did not have any expectations for this organization that sounded abnormal, looked abnormal, and was actually completely abnormal when it came to cooperation.

But it turned out that he was wrong. It may be that he has never died, but always experienced death through the cover of his body. With these resources, believers who joined the Death Worship Cult have considerable enthusiasm for death.

How should I put it? It’s like an old birthday girl who is not short of money chooses his own coffin and burial place. Everything must be to his liking.

The simplest proof is that as of December 22, none of the three Scarlet Disciples had ever opened a card from a Death Cult player. Even though the price of inviting Tang Ji to personally confer death was a hundred times higher, there was no

People have complaints

This group of people were just keeping their heads down and accumulating points, trying to get the best of each other, hoping to win over the first person who hired Tang Ji to attack.

Of course, in addition to providing Mikkelsen with a lot of fun, these people are also the windows through which Mikkelsen takes the opportunity to observe players and the home world.

It can be said that the Apocalypse Plan was finally implemented in advance because of the existence of the Death Worship Cult.

Not only Mikkelsen, but those who are high enough to know about the existence of the Death Cult among the players also have sleepless nights because of the existence of this player organization.

What kind of world could give birth to such a civilization?

Players' immortality is not a gift or a privilege, but a universally given and irrefutable 'gift'. The Supreme Beings have biologically deprived players of their right to die.

It's not that they don't want to die, it's that they can't die and have no way to die, just like Karkarf

Combining the information provided by the players and Karcalf, Mikkelsen has now compiled a piece of information about the mother world.

First of all, the mother world does not refer to a single planet in another world. The specific territory of the mother world where the players are located has not yet been determined. It is not that there is an omission in the information collected by Mikkelsen, but what is currently known

All players have no idea about this.

They only know that they live in a city, and they have no idea whether the city is one city or whether there are many cities with the same structure but distributed in different regions.

Based on the information provided by these players, the Lost Mountain Base made a virtual model by comparing the demonstration city, and put forward a hypothesis. They hypothesized that this city that does not even have a name among the players can refer to the "company"

The naming method is simply called 'city'.

The 'city' itself is very likely to be infinite in space, because it is certain that those supreme beings have mastered space-time technology. If they are willing, they can wirelessly fold a space the size of four football fields to create a mirror image.

way to accommodate an unlimited number of people.

The main basis for this hypothesis is derived from the naming rules of players. Among the Death Cults, there are players named Karkarf and Sigitas Lange who conform to the traditional naming method of mankind. There are also players named through numbers and

Members are named using a combination of letters.

Through questioning, it was found that the environment they lived in was almost the same. What they saw every day was that the walking time required to go from their apartment to the location of the 'company' to perform the descent was roughly the same.

This is also the origin of the space area the size of four football fields in the space folding theory.

After a man named Assett Macpherson proposed the spatial mirror folding theory, he even made a three-dimensional model based on the street scenes described by the players and using the model city as a template.

In the model, there are actually only nine buildings in the entire 'city', which are evenly distributed around the location of the 'company' headquarters. Of course, the 'company' may also contain other special buildings, such as few and ordinary buildings.

The buildings where the three major committees that players deal with are located in the middle of the entire area.

The middle area does not need to be mirrored, but all the surrounding 'residential areas' can be copied and pasted through mirroring and exist in multiple mirror spaces at the same time, thus achieving all the weirdness of the 'city'.

Players in the residential area can freely travel between different mirror spaces, so they will never discover the space problems in the area they are in. When they choose to go to the 'real area' in the central area, the distance is almost the same.

Assett Macpherson also made a more complex demonstration model involving four-dimensional space, but because humans cannot effectively observe four-dimensional space, 80% of its data is only supported by theoretical models, so it does not have a reference


This assumption was a bit too forward, so Mikkelsen temporarily shelved it. He did not reject the assumption, but if this assumption was true, all the plans he had made would be meaningless.

Just like a paramecium cannot intimidate the researcher behind the microscope who has been observing it all its life by swimming fast and baring its claws, humans cannot resist such a civilization.

But currently they also know that some players are quite sure that they live in some kind of huge ring-shaped device in outer space, and when they are very lucky, they can see some kind of star body.

There is also a mess of information about the mother world in the City of Glory, and even Mikkelsen cannot sort out a complete concept of the world from it, because he cannot tell which information is true and which information is false.

There is also their social support system. If the mother world is really as great as they imagine, then raising a race should not be a problem, but currently what they know from players is not the case.

The Supreme Beings were so generous that they gave all players eternal life, but were only willing to provide the lowest quality of life. Most of the information on this aspect was provided by Karkarf.

He said that there is a fee for non-toxic air, but this fee is not currency in the traditional sense, but computing power, which is the only thing that most players can provide that is valuable to the Supreme Beings.

Players will contribute part of their brain computing power to the 'company' or 'committee' in exchange for the most basic material support, such as air, food and water.

It can be seen that the group called players still maintains the intake of energy through eating, but this is not necessary. Karkarf said that you will feel hungry, thirsty, and depressed, but after extreme hunger, you are still alive.

I just keep this feeling of hunger until I eat, and I can't get rid of it.

The same is true for water and air. You can experience the experience of suffocation to death, but you can't really die, it will only increase the torture.

Everything players need has an implicit price, but many players are completely unaware that it is a deal.

Mikkelsen took in a few players in Night City whose brains were completely blank. They didn't even have their own life experiences before entering this world, and their brains were completely blank.

According to the speculations of the Death Worshipers, they may have sold out all the sectors of their brains and been used as tools for who knows how many years. They were not thrown out until the bills were paid off and entered as players.

this world.

They are a blank slate and sooner or later the process will be repeated again.

But in any case, the Death Worship Cult has indeed provided them with a lot of valuable information, such as Christmas Eve activities.

In fact, Mikkelsen has no idea how many players will "voluntarily" participate as a result of this, nor does he know how many player deaths will cause the "company" to seriously consider allowing players to enter if the plan goes as they expected.

this world.

Also, after the apocalypse, each shelter needs to continue self-examination, and the remaining players will be hunted down to complete the decoupling.

Thinking of this, Mikkelsen couldn't help but feel a headache. The word "decoupling" came from the prophet, but the prophet only used this word naturally to describe the state where the two worlds were separated from each other and no longer influenced each other, but did not explain it in detail.

Where does this word come from.

Mikkelsen smiled when he thought of that woman. He has been having more than a dozen avatars around the world, especially within the Ark organization, tracking down the prophet's traces to ensure that she is really dead and not hiding in the dark.

Waiting for a scare.

But unfortunately, until today, all evidence shows that the prophet is really dead

At the same time, in the player's forum in another world, Sigitas Lange was watching Daoud post, introducing how he accidentally discovered a small body warehouse located on the edge of the polar region, and finally proved that this

It may be a body warehouse built by the pioneers before being counterattacked by the indigenous people.

As the first lucky person to discover it, Daoud suddenly owned a total of 300 ownerless bodies.

Of course, all of the above are lies, and the three hundred bodies are nothing, but they did get fifteen bodies from Mikkelsen with seemingly useless abilities as promotional props.

If Sigitas Lange's reputation wasn't so bad, he could have done it himself, but Daoud said at the end of the post that in order to share his luck, he would choose fifteen for free in the form of a lottery.

A lucky person will receive a body as a gift.

Daoud is a very famous assassin, so this post almost immediately caused an uproar in the player forum. As time progressed, the number of players increased sharply, and the death rate continued to increase. The already endangered superhuman body was no longer enough.

Yes, now 90% of players use cheap cloned bodies, and even their appearance can only be randomly selected from several ready-made templates.

But this time, what Daoud sent was a real superhuman body. Even if its abilities were average, the price of this thing was now at a premium.

Daoud kept his promise and sent six bodies out in just two hours. In the process, he began to lead a conversation about the day after tomorrow, and the body warehouse that would be announced on the night of Christmas Eve for the Aboriginal people.

The topic quickly gained popularity, and many players were interested in the body warehouse. Not only that, besides Daoud, there were actually other people who were deliberately promoting the popularity of the Christmas Eve event.

For example, Quan Zhe, an achievement-oriented explorer, whose words are more authoritative to ordinary players, used his own perspective to analyze whether a wave of existing players are powerful enough to fight a decisive battle with world BOSSs such as the Seven Original Sins among the Aboriginals.

Possibility, the final conclusion is - yes, it just requires everyone to work together and bear the cost of killing half of the people.

But just one gluttony has brought so many benefits to the entire player group. Could it be that a mere death of the body would be an obstacle?

Don’t you want to return to the glory of the past, master greed, make it the raw material for the Greed Blood Potion, and free up supernatural abilities?

Most players don't even know that in the early stages of the game, the pioneers will equip each player with a full set of superhuman bodies. This sounds like a fairy tale and is not true at all.

But some pioneers confirmed this in the forum, and they did have this condition before.

The players were excited now, and even shouted slogans of "capture Greedy alive, skin and draw blood, and give me back my abilities"

As a big pioneer, Paulina applied to the planning department and obtained a series of tasks for Christmas Eve activities certified from the system. The task goal was very simple, that is, the Seven Deadly Sins.

At that time, the system will calculate how much 'damage' each player and war group caused to one of the Seven Deadly Sins during the activity on Christmas Eve.

Those who cause direct damage will be counted as points, those who control them will be counted as points, and those who finally make the final decision to kill or capture the Seven Deadly Sins individuals alive will have a huge amount of points to gain.

"It's done, right?" Sigitas Lange looked at the number of posts in the forum that were constantly refreshing, and said to Daoud: "You are considered a shareholder, Daoud, be prepared, we are going to find the employer now

Redeem points.”

Sigitas Lange didn't want to waste a minute. He was so obsessed with death that he could sensitively smell the smell of death in the air of this world. This smell made him not want to wait for a minute.

"Now?" Daoud looked at Sigitas in surprise and explained: "In order to ensure the smooth implementation of our plan, I need to make some arrangements in advance, such as the appropriate location and time."

"I'm afraid I can't meet so many of your conditions. Now, for the sake of your help this time, I can give you an hour." Sigitas Lange stood up and crossed the river without ceremony and said: "One hour.

After that, I will go directly to Night City and wait for death to come, whether it comes or not is up to you."

"You are such a bastard, Sigitas!" Daoud did not get angry. He had to stay calm. Emotional fluctuations were meaningless to the assassination itself.

Sigitas Langer smiled freely and couldn't wait to walk towards the Paladin bartender, whispering a few words to him. Then the two of them turned and walked into the back door. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared. JHSD-114 has Wang Zhengdao's phone number.

, to ensure that when someone collects enough points and wants to die, he can die immediately.


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