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Chapter 1 New Hope Anniversary

The Christmas of 2057 will be unforgettable for all survivors, because they witnessed the destruction of their world and human civilization began a new chapter. They named this year the Year of New Hope (NC-0).

An unprecedented large-scale three-dimensional nuclear explosion brought unprecedented sequelae.

The phased array nuclear explosion device is a complex system that realizes the maximum energy utilization of existing human technology at the atomic level. According to speculation, humans are very likely to have completed a large-scale five-phase bomb explosion.

The shock wave formed by an explosion of this scale surges back and forth in the atmosphere, and even forms a semi-permanent cyclone similar to that on the surface of Jupiter in the Pacific Northwest, which looks like a less scary devil's eye from space.

The eye of this storm, named Furious, stirs up half of the world, allowing hurricanes with Category 20 or above to sweep through the entire temperate zone for 350 days every year.

A storm of this scale cut off almost all means of human communication. Even the hive mind network between Mikkelsen and the clone could only be effective within a very short distance of no more than a hundred meters.

After all... that is the eye of the storm called rage, a storm stained with the flames of hatred that permeates the entire atmosphere.

Therefore, although the Mikkelsons in the lunar base collected enough data, the data could only be left on the moon and could not be transmitted back to the earth.

Communication between shelters can only be transmitted within a small area during the few days between major storms. Of course, this kind of information transfer usually occurs among the 423 official shelters equipped with high-power signal transmitters.


Shelters and shelters can only complete information transmission in an inefficient manner through methods 1~2, 2~3, 3~4. Sometimes, a message needs to wait for a full half a year to get a response.

Compared with information transmission, this kind of communication is more of a psychological comfort, letting the humans in the lonely castle know that they are not the only survivors in the world.

In addition, the explosion caused by the Apocalypse Sun permanently damaged the atmosphere.

Although due to the violent storm, the radiation-filled dust did not form a dark cloud that could envelope the entire world and cause nuclear winter, according to the observation results of the lunar base, the environment on the earth will not be suitable for humans for at least the next ten years.



In 2058, New Hope 1, NC-1, a total of 2568 shelters around the world survived the Apocalypse, and 231 of these 2568 shelters did not survive the year.

of Christmas.

Either their main structure was damaged during the Apocalypse, and there were sealing problems, which caused radiation dust to penetrate, killing the survivors inside quickly or slowly, or they were completely unprepared for long-term shelters, and the reserves were

There was not enough food, water, and air filters, which ultimately led to the tragedy.

Of course, there are also a very small number of shelters that are caused by man-made disasters, uncontrolled superhumans, and human psychosis that may explode for various reasons, eventually causing the entire shelter to become a hell.

On the contrary, players no longer trouble humans. After the Apocalypse, there were only a handful of refuges where players appeared again, but most of them only got a glimpse of them and then hurriedly went offline.

Because of the severing of social relations caused by the Apocalypse Day, Vault 0, which has the strongest scientific research capabilities, did not obtain these data. Wu Qianying can only speculate that the most direct purpose of the Apocalypse Day was achieved, and all the players who logged in that night died on the Apocalypse Day.


The huge number of deaths scares the player group. Even if the Supreme Being does not care, this kind of thing will ferment among the player group, and their player status will soon change from players to guinea pigs.

No one wants to be a guinea pig, so at least for a short period of time, players are no longer a problem for human civilization. Mikkelsen and Tanguy's goals have been achieved.

However, Wu Qianying could see multiple Mikkelsons every day, but Tang Ji disappeared.

What is certain is that Tang Ji directly witnessed and encountered the entire process of the Apocalypse Day. Wu Qianying was not at all surprised by Tang Ji's choice.

Ever since Tang Ji learned about the existence of the Gray Field Project, he insisted on using only the products of the Gray Field Project because he felt that it was his responsibility to degrade human food.

Tang Ji couldn't make the choice that others could only eat garbage that tasted like juewa every day, while he had the choice of delicacies. He was very willing to kill such bastards, such as... Mikkelsen.

So during this year, Wu Qianying decided to punish Mikkelsen instead of Tang Ji. She took Alia with her and cut Mikkelson's exquisite food at different times every day, enjoying it herself or sharing it with others.

Although it is just a harmless joke, it is indeed a necessary means to maintain morale in Vault 0.

No one can endure being in the same room with Mikkelsen for a long time, not even himself. After all, Mikkelsen's essence is arrogance. He has high demands on himself and equally high demands on others.

Mikkelsen's need for control is too strong, and there is an essential gap between him and human individuals. Many researchers in Vault 0 know that Mikkelsen can take anyone's life at any time, as long as he wants to


For superhuman beings like the Seven Deadly Sins, human beings are too fragile. Even Anne, if not controlled, would accidentally kill her bed partner during sex.

And Mikkelsen will never be able to give people the sense of security that Tanguy did. You know that he can kill you with just one breath, but you also know that he would rather hold his breath than do that unless you

Just enough bad deeds to be on his list.

Therefore, as long as Wu Qianying can continue to arrogantly steal Mikkelsen's food, the highly intelligent researchers in Vault 0 will know that humans are still under Tang Ji's protection.

On the other hand, Mikkelsen, even Wu Qianying couldn't tell whether the smile on his face was a prank on his 'old friend', or whether he had hidden murderous intentions. She could only bet her life on Tang Ji.

Wu Qianying firmly believes that Tang Ji will not disappear without any reason. Sooner or later, he will appear in front of the world again. After all... Although players no longer come, it does not mean that they cannot come back, and in the Seven Deadly Sins

The other guys are still there, and he's not the kind of man to leave a mess behind and leave without solving it.

He is not!


On Christmas Day in New Hope 2 (2059), a total of 2203 shelters celebrated this holiday. No matter whether they were poor in supplies or rich, these survivors must celebrate such a holiday since they are still alive.

And this year, as most of the shelters have formed their own new order, the birth control behavior that was originally prohibited has also been relaxed to a certain extent. The first batch of post-apocalyptic newborns arrived in the shelter, with a total of less than

Thirty thousand people.

Accordingly, in order not to increase the burden on the shelter and to maintain order and stability, 22,000 adults either voluntarily or were forced into cryogenic hibernation.

They are either technical, academic, or artistic experts who are considered irreplaceable, or they are criminals who have violated the order of the shelter where they live and whose crimes are not punishable by death.

Another good news during this year is that Wu Qianying successfully advanced to the LV3 stage in Shelter 0, a full three years later than she expected. There was no way, God knows how many accidents she encountered in the past three years.

In addition to continuing to strengthen her strengths, Dr. Wu Qianying gained a brand-new ability at the LV3 stage. When she closes her eyes, she can simulate all the substances she needs in her brain, and perform natural processes based on the knowledge she has mastered.


To put it simply, she no longer needs a physical laboratory, at least until she conducts non-innovative experiments to explore physical boundaries that humans have not yet mastered, she no longer needs a laboratory in the traditional sense.

When Dr. Wu needs to verify something or conduct an experiment, she only needs to close her eyes, and the best laboratory in the world is in her mind.

This greatly improves Dr. Wu's versatility, especially in this shelter with limited research conditions. Even if Vault 0 has the most complete scientific research conditions in the known world, it cannot be the same as Apocalypse.

Compared to the civilized world.

Therefore, four months after being promoted to LV3, Dr. Wu Qianying improved the signal transmitter and restored contact between Base 0 and Amaropati to a limited extent. The two sides were in the process of the moon passing by Shelter 0 every night.

, Stable transmission of data no more than 2Gb.

Having comparative data from extraterrestrial space allows Wu Qianying to study this big storm in more detail, as well as various data about the eye of the raging storm.

But the world still seems far away from returning to normal...


On Christmas Day in NC-8 (2065), thanks to the efforts of Dr. Wu, the new communication link was connected for the first time in each shelter.

But unfortunately, only 1022 signals responded to Vault 0. Even if we exclude those shelters with insufficient technical level, insufficient reserves of supplies, unable to build, or unwilling to build new communication facilities, this number is disappointing enough.


Of the 423 official numbered shelters, seven have lost contact. Due to the threat of the storm, no one knows what happened to those seven shelters.

But the good news is that according to data sent back from the Amaropati base, the wind in the eye of the furious storm is gradually weakening and is expected to disappear in the next five to fifteen years.

The long-lasting storm has almost completely erased all traces of human existence, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the surface environment has changed drastically.

Some people say that the eye of the furious storm can last for so many years because it is releasing the remaining energy of the Apocalypse Day. Others say that there is an apocalypse-level superhuman in the center of the eye of the storm that continues to provide energy, but at least until the dust settles, the people outside

The world is still not suitable for most living things.


In NV-9, Wu Qianying chose to enter a dormant chamber to spend most of her time. Aria took over Dr. Wu Qianying's work and became the smartest woman among all humans who are still awake.

Wu Qianying will only wake up in the week before and after Christmas every year to check Alia's scientific research results, give advice, and wait for news about Tang Ji. In her words: "When I can't see him again, I become

An old woman like a prophet!”

It was also this year that Yin Sen and Miwako's child was born in the shelter of Davis Mengshan Military Base. The boy's name was Constantine Tanin. According to the neon naming method, the last name came first.


Aria, Surte and Vicky occupied precious communication channels and sent their blessings to Yinsen and Miwako.

Anthony wrote an email expressing his joy and regret that to this day he still doesn’t know which shelter Shadow Ender is in.

They also don't know if the last member to join the team, Kreps Cisse, is still alive.

No one mentioned Tang Ji because they all believed that Tang Ji was still alive.

In the same year, Edward was sent to the infirmary for the first time because of a heart disease at Heywood Asylum, where three heart stents were implanted.

The top-level medical team at the shelter stated that if they want to eradicate this potential risk, it is best to replace the prosthetic heart. However, considering the surgical conditions required to replace the evil prosthetic heart, they cannot guarantee a 100% success rate for the operation. In the end, they only

A more conservative surgical approach can be used.

Although Edward was discharged from the hospital in good health, Scimitar unfortunately suffered from cerebral congestion due to the stimulation of this incident. After all, he was several years older than Edward. Unfortunately, he failed to get off the operating table and died of NV-9.

One year.

Because Gusvota, the heir to the Scimitar, was in another Sanctuary of the Valentino Gang on the outskirts of Night City, Haywood Sanctuary eventually selected a new leader from among several Valentino Gang elders.

Shelter overseer.

But no one can be as detached as a gangster like Scimitar. Even Edward must admit that Scimitar is a leader with political wisdom and vision.

The successor made the entire Heywood Shelter into a mess in just three months. It was transforming from a large shelter into a large slum. Machete used his personal charm to force the street fighters who were unwilling to abide by the rules to learn.

What are the rules? Now they are all falling apart.

In August of NC-9, Edward sent a message to Vault 0 through his personal relationship, indicating that the Heywood Vault was in a state of substantial collapse. If it could not be affected, the entire Vault would probably collapse in the next two years.

Dig your own grave within a few months.

Edward did not send such a warning out of personal safety. On the contrary, he was thinking about the people in the entire shelter. Otherwise, when one day he is shot dead by some short-sighted street fighter, I am afraid that the Heywood shelter will be destroyed.

Encountered an unimaginable disaster.

Even if Tang Ji is still missing, he still has enough friends and admirers who will do some irrational things.

No one knows the future, or even what will happen tomorrow, but humans must think about the future...

This chapter has been completed!
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