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Chapter 3 Traces of Tang Ji

Time sensitivity, as the first human supernatural disease, has not received the attention it should have due to the Apocalypse. People only know that patients with time sensitivity are trapped in a low-speed time stream, and they occasionally have extremely rare and short-lived sudden returns.

into the normal time flow, but will soon be pulled back into the low-speed time flow.

This flash-like recovery sometimes only lasts for a few seconds, and sometimes lasts for several hours, even making people think that the patient has returned to normal.

"Tony, you..." Saint stepped forward and held Tony's hand, looking at the other person's thin face, he hesitated to speak.

Because Surte's ability is to form a time force field on the surface of the body, patients with time sensitivity do not have to worry about starving to death even though they are in a low-speed time flow. In the eyes of normal people, their metabolism is also extremely slow.

proceed at a speed.

Before the Apocalypse, Dr. Wu Qianying and Dr. Sean Westan had been studying the mystery of time, trying to find a way to control the flow of time, so that humans could get rid of the dormant warehouse and spend their time in the empty shelter in a safer way.

It's a pity that they didn't get more results in the end. The advent of the Apocalypse stopped all these promising experiments.

Tony smiled bitterly. For him, suffering from time sensitivity only happened in a moment. One second he was still loving his wife, and the next second he was abandoned by time.

Everything around him seemed to have been pressed on an accelerator button. Human beings suddenly appeared and disappeared like flashes. He saw crops in the farmland breaking out of the ground like CG special effects, growing vigorously, bearing fruits, and then suddenly disappearing, over and over again.

Although the Saints have not communicated with Tony for almost four years, for Tony, he can only enter the low-speed time flow for a few weeks.

He did not feel how lonely this process was, because there were several other patients in the low-speed time stream. Although they were in low-speed time streams with different flow rates, they could at least barely communicate with each other.

"Eat first!" The saint couldn't help but take away the plate you gave him and filled him with a pile of food: "You have to eat quickly, otherwise..."

"I should be safe for the time being, Saint, find someone to help me notify my wife." Tony said with a smile: "I seemed to have seen the head before, he suddenly appeared, then glanced at me, and kicked me back to normal time


"Head!?" As Tang Ji's number one fan, Saint's voice changed, and his excited hands deformed the metal table: "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure, but when he kicked me, there were gray-black flames surrounding me. It must be him." Tony said with some emotion: "It can only be him, otherwise who else would go out of his way to save me?"

And me?"

"It's not just you, Tony, we are also normal." As several time-sensitive patients appeared in the cafeteria, the entire shelter was filled with joy.

The time-sensitive patients and their families cried with joy, and the other prosthetic soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief. They were all worried that they would become the kind of walking zombies in the future.

In the conference room in the central area of ​​the shelter, members of Tangji's team were meeting to exchange information about Tangji.

"Are you sure Tang Ji did this?" Miwako asked carefully. She came from the True Spy Project and is considered to be the most intelligent person in this group of people. She is trying to analyze all the clues in this matter.

"I didn't see the person clearly, but who else could use that kind of flame and have this kind of ability except the head?" Tony said: "I mean, the time-sensitive element was spread from Surte.

It’s a kind of man-made supernatural ability, right? The flame of hatred in the head can just negate all supernatural abilities..."

Miwako frowned, unconsciously teasing the little dragon on her arm, and then asked: "Then should we talk to Dr. Wu about this?"

"Of course I have to tell her!" Martin's deep voice seemed to resonate with the surrounding metal when he spoke, causing the entire floor to tremble slightly.

"But telling her means that Mikkelsen also knows about it. It's been NC-8 years now, and we haven't seen any traces of players for several years. What's Mikkelsen's current position with his enemies?" Miwako's question,

The conference room fell into silence.

"Maybe, I mean maybe, it's not just me who has recovered from time sensitivity, and it's not just this shelter." Tony suddenly said: "If it is the head, he will probably rescue everyone, right?"


"Captain Hodel Marcos, 39 years old, nicknamed Can Opener, once served in the Delta Blue Team under Military Technology. He joined the prosthetic soldier project in early 2057. Do you remember him?" Sean Wei, wearing a white coat,

Dr. Stein shook the can opener's aperture with a light stick to make sure the aperture was scaling normally.

"Yes..." the can opener replied weakly: "I am...32 years old this year, not thirty-nine."

The can opener is connected to a large number of vital sign detectors and life support systems. He is the first patient with documented time sensitivity, providing the entire team with countless precious information, but his symptoms

It is also the most serious.

The can opener will enter a deeper low-speed time stream every few months, which makes it difficult for him to obtain food normally. Before the Apocalypse, it took him a long time to complete the entire process from picking up food to putting it into his mouth.

It will take two to three weeks to complete.

The users of these time-sensitive substances are not as comfortable in applying their abilities as Surte. They can expand the scope of the time flow force field at will and let the food enter the low-speed time flow simultaneously. Therefore, it is difficult for the can opener to complete the eating process.

Food spoils before you swallow it, but fortunately there are still many foods in this world that can be stored for a long time...

"Tell me how you escaped from the low-speed time stream." A woman's voice came from the microphone.

"I don't know, it felt like someone pushed me, and when I reacted, I was already here." Can Opener's language ability is recovering rapidly. In his time stream, he is no longer alone.

For three months, although I was in a state of semi-starvation, I finally didn't starve to death.

"Did you hear any sounds? For example, voices or other sounds?" The woman's voice was a little urgent, as if she was expecting a certain answer.

But the can opener heard nothing. He could only shake his head. He indeed heard nothing.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, Captain Hodel Marcos. I hope you recover soon. The world still needs you." Wu Qianying was offline with some regrets. Even she could not always occupy the precious communication window. Currently, all

Communication signals must first be transmitted to the Tranquility Sea transfer station on the moon, and then wait for the appropriate window period to be transferred to the communication target.

Wu Qianying was urgently awakened by Aria. She gave Aria clear instructions that she must be awakened if she encounters any news about Tang Ji.

Judging from the current situation, all 175 time-sensitive patients around the world have been brought back to the normal time flow, and 17 of them said that they felt or saw a 'person'

Helped them and sent them back to the normal time flow.

Nine of these seventeen people reported that they clearly saw a layer of gray-black flames appearing around them.

And this gray-black flame is Tang Ji's most iconic ability, the Flame of Hatred.

Where Tang Ji has gone, or whether he is still alive, is what Wu Qianying and even the entire coalition want to know most. Mikkelsen wants to know, Anne wants to know, and even Wolfgang wants to know.

Of course, these three Seven Deadly Sins each have their own purposes and plans in this matter, and Wu Qianying does not want to know more about them.

Based on the current situation on the surface, humans will have no hope of returning to the surface until at least NC-16. Before then, there will be no substantial contact between the refuges, and they can only live their lives behind closed doors.


Before the Apocalypse, their plan to connect various shelters through Wang Zhengdao and the few esper who had mastered the dimensional gate ability by chance failed because of the ubiquitous flame of hatred in the atmosphere.


The traces Tang Ji left in this world are too strong. All space-based superhumans have become blind and deaf. They are unable to penetrate Tang Ji's interference, accurately locate targets, and no one knows the consequences of risky use of abilities.

This did lead to some tragedies. A few months later, at the end of NC-8, a distress signal was sent out from Shelter 176. It was a large shelter with a capacity of 20,000 people and was fully stocked with various supplies.

, survived the most dangerous period of the Apocalypse Day.

However, now, there is a problem with the energy core of Vault 176. The reactor is constantly consuming coolant, and the core temperature exceeds the expected limit by 6%. After inspection by engineers, it is determined that there is a problem with a certain limit sensor and needs to be replaced.

Unfortunately, the builder of Vault 176, who is now the Vault Supervisor, secretly made a fortune in the purchase... That money is still sitting in his account, although the bank and

The old financial order is dead, but the money does still exist, it's just become worthless.

The supervisor of Vault 176 did not think this was a big problem at the time. When he supervised the construction of the entire shelter, he strictly controlled every process to ensure the quality of the shelter.

Only at the end of the day, he made a small embezzlement and wanted to spend a lot of money with his family before entering the shelter. However, before he could spend the money, the Apocalypse was launched, and everyone was rushed to the shelter.

Recruited into a shelter.

In the end, when it was confirmed that the problem was with these sensors, leading to the inevitable end of the shelter, the supervisor committed suicide with a revolver in his office.

No one knows what he was thinking at the last moment of his life. He just left very neatly without leaving even a last word to his family.

Although Vault 0 is aware of the entire incident, many experts are constantly trying to find new solutions and alternatives. Unfortunately, none of these solutions can be immediately satisfied by Vault 176.

The closest shelter to Vault 176 is the Oak Ridge Shelter, and the straight-line distance between the two sides is only 175 kilometers.

Before the Apocalypse, it was the largest energy research laboratory in the Federation. It was equipped with a standard second-generation reactor and had sufficient accessories that could be loaned to Vault 176. However, these 175 kilometers have become a natural chasm.


A brave eight-man team, composed of four soldiers, two technicians, and two experienced drivers, drove a Beamon heavy transport vehicle equipped with an EMP protection system from the Oak Ridge Shelter, trying to launch

Rescue mission.

This is the first recorded mission of the Sanctuary to send personnel back to the surface after the Apocalypse.

Although the area where Oak Ridge Laboratory and Shelter 176 is located is in the weak wind season at this time, the wind speed on the surface still exceeds level 18, and the wind also contains various highly lethal metal and other man-made debris.

The eight brave men finally embarked on this one-way journey after making all preparations. Even if they managed to reach Vault 176 by luck, they would not risk returning.

"This is Beamon, we are ready to set off." The driver Silvera responded to the signal from the command center and sent out the message that everything is ready.

"I wish you a safe journey and God is with you," the liaison officer from the command center said, and then opened the door to the shelter.

The door of the Oak Ridge Shelter is round and gear-shaped. When it is pushed out of the matching gear groove by the hydraulic mechanism, it slowly rolls to the right. The strong wind with a terrifying whistling sound immediately blows into the entire transition cabin.

The degrees returned by the sensor indicate that the radiation value here exceeds the standard, which is about 135 times the normal value.

At this time, the communication between the command center and the Beamon transport vehicle had begun to be interfered with. Silvera gave herself a shot of anti-radiation, made sure that her protective suit was in normal condition, and stretched out her arms towards the other members behind her.

He took out his thumb, started the beast, and slowly drove out of the shelter along the predetermined lane.

After driving through a tunnel less than two hundred meters long, he finally saw the surface environment in the future of Apocalypse. The fine sand in the sky was constantly rubbing against the surface of the Behemoth transport vehicle in the terrifying hurricane. The friction was so violent,

So much so that the whole car was filled with sparks.

"Attention, 8% of the radiation protection layer on the surface of the car body is damaged." Beamon's vehicle condition detection system immediately reported the report, making people in the car look at each other. Three seconds later, the number increased to 11%.

Silvera did not hesitate, stepped on the accelerator and backed the car into the tunnel, and then reported to the command center that this was an impossible task...

The rescue mission was canceled just like that, and everyone felt very heavy. If you include the people in the dormant cabin, Vault 176 has a total population of 40,000, which is almost four thousandths of the total human population.

But at this time, Wang Zhengdao, who was also paying attention to the whole matter, suddenly felt that a relatively clear 'passage' appeared in the originally chaotic interference, allowing him to locate Shelter No. 176!

"Did you do this?" Wang Zhengdao asked to himself, while using his own authority to apply for permission to talk to Shelter 176.

This chapter has been completed!
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