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Chapter 678: Wake up, Tang Ji!

"Do you believe what he said?" Carl Weile felt as if his neck was rusty, and turned his head stiffly to look at Anne.

Anne shook her head stiffly, as if she would make a creaking sound like a puppet in the next second: "I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either, so let's evacuate quickly!" Carl Weile swore. This was the first time in the past fifteen or sixteen years that he had been so panicked.

"But we have to wake him up." Anne's tone was full of guilt, and it was obvious that she didn't quite believe that she could accomplish this.

"Wake him up? Are you crazy? Have you ever seen him smile in the real world?" Carl Weiler tightened his voice, as if he was afraid that God would hear his disrespectful words: "And why did you wake him up! Outside

But it’s a wasteland! Why don’t we just let him live in the dream he created!”

"Have you ever seen a dream on such a large scale and so real before?" Every element of Carlville resisted what Annie said just now. When he thought of waking up an unhappy person, he slipped through his own dream.

Scalp numbness.

Annie shook her head. She had indeed never seen such a dream before, and she was not even sure if it was still a dream.

This is almost a complete night city. When Tangji had a car accident just now, although the camera switched instantly, the patrol dream did not disappear directly, it was frozen there.

It was obvious that just now Tang Ji's subconscious had had enough of being a law enforcer and missed his wife, children, and family life, so his consciousness jumped and he came to this dreamland.

It is estimated that when his interest shifts to other places, the dream here will be frozen and a new script will be continued.

To a certain extent, this has already involved the field of dream building. Although the techniques are rough and the technology is poor, the dream builder himself is so familiar with every plant and tree in this city and makes up for it with details.

Got the skills.

"The real world also needs him!" Anne said something against her will. She was a sentimental person, so she could naturally feel the happiness that was about to overflow from Tang Ji in the dream.

But the real world does need him. Anne emphasized to herself in her heart, if Mikkelsen really completed his evil plan, I'm afraid, the world would not go on according to Tangji's wishes, right?

So, your own life and death are also important, right?

"How about you let me go? Anyway, you have found a place. How about you open the door for someone else?" Carl Weiler bit his nails and looked at the thin door, which kept popping up in his mind.

The door suddenly shattered like an explosion, and then Tang Ji stood at the door and looked at them coldly.

"Do you think anyone can have dreams?" Before Annie could finish her words, there was a sudden knock on the door. The heavy knocking shook the dust near the floor.

"I said something was going to happen! I knew it! I'm going to wake up now! This is the most terrifying nightmare in the world!" Carl Weile closed his eyes and assumed a constipated posture, exerting all his strength, as if

It was like squeezing my eyes out of their sockets, trying to get out.

But the Lord of Happy Dreams is by his side. If the God of this dream world is Tang Ji, then the second in charge must be Anne.

"It's not Tang Ji. He is still playing with his son." Anne calmly glanced at the warm family scene opposite the building, comforted Mr. Good Luck, and then calmly walked forward and asked through the door.

:"who is it!"

"I'm your fucking landlord! Little bitch!" A drunken voice came from outside the door: "Open the door quickly! Give me this month's rent! Otherwise you'd better pray that I am a quick shooter today!"

Annie frowned in confusion. She had indeed just completed the camera switch with Tang Ji and had not had time to create a safe place for herself. However, as the Lord of Happy Dreams, such interactions without her permission should not have happened around her.


Dreams are illusory, but in order to continue the dream, it still requires a certain logic. Only the owner of the dream can ignore all rules and directly know the cause and effect to deal with outsiders like her.

And now, since Tang Ji didn't show up to deal with them in person, and there were no ridiculous plots about aliens descending from the sky, or a rice cooker turning into a nuclear bomb, it was just a landlord who suddenly appeared and threatened her, which proved that it was not Tang Ji's subjective consciousness.

To deal with them.

These are just spontaneous plots that Tang Ji's subconscious doubted and rejected about their existence.

Normally, this kind of subconscious behavior is not very threatening, but anything related to anger is an exception.

For example, in the current situation, before Annie could figure out how to deal with it, the landlord outside the door had already shot the door lock to pieces and broke in directly: "Haha, beauty, you have to pay me more for the door this time."

Lock, my door lock is very expensive!”

"Wait! We have money!" Carl Wile yelled, and then nervously said to the rich landlord: "Put down the gun first, let's talk!"

"Go away, pretty boy, this is none of your business today!" The landlord then noticed that there was a second person in the room. He waved his hand impatiently: "While I'm in a good mood now and don't want to see blood, you'd better leave quickly.

Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk!”

"Okay!" Karl Wile completely ignored Annie's widened eyes and carefully slipped out of the room from the landlord. Then he ran out of the elevator without looking back and frantically pressed the door button.

"Okay, beauty, today is a good day to get pregnant!" The landlord said as he began to take off his pants, but the gun in his hand kept pointing steadily at Annie's face, as if the hand holding the gun didn't belong at all.

Same as him.

Annie rolled her eyes and felt that Tang Ji was definitely seriously ill. Is this the world in his subconscious? A drunken pervert with a gun-holding hand as steady as a ten-year veteran?

Co-authoring, is this considered basic common sense in his subconscious?

Anne certainly has a thousand ways to deal with the landlord in front of her, but using her ability to launch a counterattack may attract Tang Jizhu's conscious attention, or worse, gray-black flames will fall from the sky and directly burn her to ashes.

She has seen how powerful the other party is before

"Put down the gun first, and then I'll play with you for a while." Annie smiled charmingly, but the landlord was unmoved at all and insisted on using force.

"Oh, man." Annie glanced at the direction of the landlord's gun, suddenly raised her leg and kicked the pistol away, and then kicked the vital part with a classic kick in women's self-defense.

The landlord's instinctive reaction was to cover his vitals with both hands, and he arched his body and shrank down. However, Annie's attack was not over yet. The moment the landlord bent over, she used the heel of her palm to hit the landlord accurately from bottom to top.

Facial triangle area.

The landlord's huge body was like a felled tree, slowly falling to one side.

At this time, Mr. Good Luck's elevator door has not completely closed. His good luck ability does not work in dreams, especially in other people's dreams.

Anne looked at the other party with a somewhat mocking look, as if she despised Carl Wile's character, but the next second, the doors of several rooms in the corridor suddenly opened, and seven or eight strong-looking men came out after hearing the sound.

Seeing the landlord lying unconscious on the ground, he burst into laughter.

"I knew that Old Weir was a softie. He didn't know what romance was." A tough man wearing a black tight-fitting vest looked back at the direction of the elevator door, which was completely closed at this time.

And Carl Weiler drew a cross on his chest: "May Tangji bless you."

Years of stable life have greatly changed Carl Weiler's previously suspicious character. He is now an optimist, sees things in a different light, and is no longer afraid of his own abilities.

But even so, when Carl Wile realized that he was no longer favored by the goddess of luck here, he still relaxed from the bottom of his heart. The man who had stayed in the shelter for ten years returned to the bustling Night City again.

He abandoned Ms. Anne without any burden, and walked into the bar across the street in style after leaving the building.

"Boss, a glass of beer and something to eat." Carl Wile looked at the dazzling wine cabinet and said eagerly.

"Pay first, stranger." The boss glanced at Carl Wile's yoga robe and knocked on the table. A man in a leather jacket stood up immediately: "I want to see where you get the money from.

The last customer who planned to have a meal at my place now has his head hanging among the deer heads and bear heads in my private collection."

Carl Wile swallowed in embarrassment. He had indeed forgotten about money. He had no concept of money in his life for quite some time.

"I went to the wrong door." Carl Weiler walked out of the bar backwards. The bar owner's joking eyes kept staring at him, and the big security guard kept staring at him eagerly.

Mr. Good Luck didn't finally breathe a sigh of relief until he exited the store. As a result, he turned around and bumped into a homeless man.

"Hey! Are you blind?" The homeless man held a bloody crowbar in his hand and looked at Carl Weile fiercely. Seeing that the other person didn't speak, he asked even more angrily: "I'm talking to you, are you blind?"


"I, I didn't, I didn't mean it." Carl Wile's voice became softer and quieter, because after the other party came closer, the smell of burning corpses hit his face.

"No? Is that intentional?" The tramp smiled evilly: "Take off your clothes!"

A few minutes later, Mr. Good Luck stood on the side of the street. The homeless man just took away his clothes and didn't do anything more extreme to him, but he felt like he was numb. Tang Ji's Dream World

So fucking scary

Having lost the blessing of luck, Carl Weile felt like the only little white flower in the city, and even the dogs passing by dared to bully him.

But obviously, there are people who are worse off than him.

When the blurry feeling of camera switching appeared in front of Carl Welle again, he and Annie appeared together as outsiders on the streets of the Heywood District of Night City.

"Are you pregnant?" Carl Weiler looked at Annie's big belly in shock. She seemed to be at least six months pregnant.

"I don't want to talk now, shut up." Anne was obviously not in a very beautiful mood. She looked at everything around her with a cold face.

For her, this place is also a nightmare.

First, she was teased by those false characters created by Tang Ji subconsciously, and then she became pregnant. She was the lust among the Seven Deadly Sins!

This is simply like winning over gluttony at the dinner table, slapping the arrogant, robbing the greedy reserve grain, making jealous face sour, and finally telling a joke to make the rage laugh.

"Tangji! You are really good!" Anne subconsciously stroked her belly and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth.

When she scolded Tang Ji, the patrol car in which Tang Ji was riding passed by in front of them. He was driving on patrol, and Edward had now been demoted to the position of street patrolman. Two men were sitting in the same car.

, while pulling the egg, while looking around.

When he saw Annie, Tang Ji deliberately slowed down and looked around her a few times to make sure there were no potential danger factors.

"It is undeniable that if so many accidents hadn't happened, he would indeed be a good law enforcer." Carl Weile looked at the gentle crowd around him and let out a sigh of relief.

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Annie felt as if she had just taken a bite of poop-flavored chocolate, and she was extremely irritable.

"If you think I'm annoying, just let me go now. I don't want to stay anymore." Carl Wile prayed again: "We really don't need to wake him up, now is not the time."

"He has been sleeping for ten years! The whole world is waiting for him! Is he just hiding in his own little world and playing house?" Anne, who was pregnant, became even more grumpy. She warned Carl Wile in a low voice: "

If he doesn't take care of Mikkelsen anymore, that bastard will kill us all! Do you think you can survive in Vault 2 by then? When he advances again, everyone around you will

Become Mikkelsen!”

Hearing Anne's threat, Carl Weile, who was used to living an peaceful life, couldn't help but take a breath. Everyone around him turned into Mikkelsen? That was really scary, even though he had only seen Mikkelsen a few times from a distance.

, but he was very familiar with this name.

As Annie spoke, she picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in the direction of the patrol car. The stone hit the rear window of the patrol car with a bang.

Tang Ji's patrol car stopped almost immediately.

"Is this your new plan?" Karl Wile felt his calf begin to twist, but the next second, a group of gunmen jumped out from a distance from the corner of the street, interrupting their conversation.

Suddenly there was loud gunfire, and the chaotic crowd dispersed Annie and Carl Weile, making it impossible for them to get close to Tangji's patrol car.

"Wake up Tangji! Bastard!"

Why can’t I publish it just now and keep getting system errors? I feel really bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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