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Chapter 696 Its almost over

Chapter 699 It’s almost over

The tragedy that happened in those shelters in the Ganges is destined not to happen again in Vault 97, and all this is just because in this shelter, there are at least two people who are brave enough and have the ability to match their courage.


So four months later, as the last infected person was expelled from the ventilation duct by the guards in the shelter with flames, Wang Zhengdao neatly held the back of the neck with one hand, shook him to the floor, and fell to death.

By then, the entire pollution incident had subsided.

In fact, Wang Zhengdao and Anthony even gave in to each other because of the last infected person, but in the end Anthony took a back seat on the grounds that he was old and might not be accurate.

In the end, Wang Zhengdao became the hero who ended the virus contamination incident in the shelter. This incident will always be remembered by the survivors of Vault 97, because they lost a quarter of their members in these four months.

Although most people died within the first two weeks of the infection outbreak, the thrilling four months were still unforgettable for all shelter residents.

But at the same time, they will never forget Anthony walking alone. Over the years, the residents of the shelter have forgiven Anthony for the mistakes he once made.

Those survivor committees that were formalized during the crisis even hoped that Anthony could continue to perform his duties as a supervisor. After all, to them, a big man like Wang Zhengdao was just a passerby, and everyone knew that he could not stay here forever.

But Antony rejected everyone's proposal, and he also made a very surprising move.

"In the past year, the Valentinos have proven that humans can return to the surface. They have established a not-so-efficient, but least usable, transportation line in Night City." Anthony looked at the shelter residents,

My heart felt calm.

These people once tried to wash him off the desk like a wave, but now they wanted to wash him back again. It was impossible. Anthony felt that he would rather fight against the players than work as a supervisor anymore.

"So, I think it's time. Someone has to stand up and be the first to prove that we can return to the surface, no longer trapped in shelters, no longer trapped underground." Anthony looked at those who lost their lives during the infection.

The parents' children smiled and said: "The children born after the New Hope Era have also begun to grow up. We cannot let them grow up in an environment without the sun."

The residents of the shelter looked at each other, a little at a loss. They didn't know what Anthony was going to do.

"You all know that I used to work for a great team with a great captain. We did many big things. Among those big things, there was such a trivial thing, which brought us a Beamon transport truck.

When Anthony talked about those past events, he felt a sense of ease that they had never seen before: "It's somewhere in the Night City. I'm leaving to find that car and try to drive it."

Leave this city and go see other places."

Anthony's words made everyone subconsciously exclaim, but Otto, the man who had taken the pistol from Anthony, objected: "You will die, Anthony! The storm is not over yet!"

"I am very old, and I will die sooner or later." Anthony shook his head stubbornly: "I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that when you reach my age, you will not have the courage to return to the surface."

"As long as I am still alive, I will write to you. That's it." Anthony waved his hand coolly, revoked all his permissions in Vault 97, turned to Wang Zhengdao and said: "When you leave

, find someone you think is suitable to replace you, I don’t want to worry about it anymore.”

"I wish you a safe journey." Wang Zhengdao did not mean to dissuade Anthony, but he immediately realized that there was something wrong with his blessing and changed his words: "I should wish you a safe journey."

The more people like him, the more they understand Anthony's choice. They have experienced so many things together, witnessed the rise and fall and destruction of entire civilizations, fought against enemies that the world has never imagined, and won victory.

Their past was so glorious, but they were trapped in a small underground shelter for ten years, like rats in a frying pan, troubled by all kinds of things.

Anthony has had enough, simple as that.

But Anthony didn't have to leave now. He joined the road construction team of Shelter 97 and waited for a few months. When the weak wind period of NC-13 came, the extension started by the Valentinos began.

, the increasingly complex traffic lines in Night City.

Then during the few days when the wind was at its lowest, Anthony just disappeared. No one knew where he went. People only saw him untying the safety rope at a certain moment and disappearing into the distance alone.

Wang Zhengdao knew that Anthony would not die like this, because the big storm and Tang Ji were inextricably linked. He believed in Tang Ji as always.

And Tang Ji did not live up to his trust, or Anthony was blessed by Mr. Good Luck. Nine days after Anthony disappeared, a Beamon armored transport truck appeared with a terrifying roar that could overwhelm a big storm.

The entrance to Vault 97.

"I need to replenish some cooling rods, food, and fresh water." The dusty Anthony stood at the entrance of the shelter and yelled at the camera, his voice revealing an energy he had not seen in the past ten years.

"You really did it!" Wang Zhengdao walked out of the shelter, and the two of them hugged each other hard in the big storm.

"I even want to leave with you." Wang Zhengdao looked at the nearly brand-new steel behemoth, but at the same time he also knew that this thing would not last long in a big storm: "But this behemoth of yours needs

It’s not just the things you want.”

Not to mention that it does not have an anti-interference coating sprayed on the surface like its counterparts at the Oak Ridge Shelter. The solid particles in a big storm alone can destroy this behemoth in just a few days.

"How long will it take? I'm in a hurry to find my old friend." Anthony sighed. He had already realized this problem. He drove from Beamon's hiding place to the entrance of the shelter. The power output of this behemoth had been reduced.

3%, and the sensor keeps alarming.

"I don't know. I'm not a mechanic, but it's unlikely that you won't be able to finish the job before you die of old age." Wang Zhengdao patted Anthony on the shoulder and said with a smile, "And isn't the big storm going to be over soon?"


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